1922 An Inexpensive Brawn

½ cow heel

Around ¾ lb (340 g) cooked cold meat

1 teaspoon salt

1 saltspoonful white pepper

½ saltspoonful cayenne pepper

1 hard boiled egg and parsley (optional)

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1903 Mulligatawny Soup

1 Rabbit of 1 lb (480g) beef or mutton

2 onions

3 pints (1.7 l) cold water

2 tablespoons of curry powder

½ lemon

1 teaspoon of good sauce (e.g. soy)

1 teaspoon browning (or oxo cube)

Enough boiled rice for each serving

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1909 Potato Soup

2 lbs (1 kg) potatoes

2 lbs (1 kg) onions

2 teaspoons of white dripping

1 pint (600 ml) milk

2 teaspoons of sago

2 quarts (2 litres) water

1 pinch of salt

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1910 Ham Omelette

3 eggs

½ teaspoon salt

¼ teaspoon pepper

2 tablespoonfuls of lean cooked ham chopped very finely

1 oz (30g) butter

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1911 Timbale of Rice

1 teacup of rice

1 lb (450g) cooked meat

2 tablespoons of breadcrumbs

½ small onion

¼ pint (125 ml) stock

salt and pepper

1 teaspoon chopped parsley

1 oz (30g) butter

1 egg

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1913 Salt Fish Curry

1 lb (450 g) cooked salt fish

2 hard boiled eggs (sliced)

2 oz (60 g) flour

2 oz (60 g) butter

1 dessert spoon of curry powder

1 dessertspoon of chutney

2 oz (60 g) boiled rice

1 pint (600 ml) milk



toasted snippets

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1914 Fish and Oyster Pie

Leftover cold boiled fish

2 dozen oysters and liquid

½ teaspoon nutmeg

1 teaspoon finely chopped parsley

salt and pepper to taste



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1924 Indian Chutney

2 lb (1.8 kg) green apples

½ lb (450 g)plum jam

¼ lb (225g) brown sugar

¼ lb (225g) raisins

1 oz (28g) ground ginger

1 oz (28g) garlic

1 ½ pints (700ml) vinegar

cayenne pepper

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1927 Crayfish Cutlets

1 crayfish

1 oz (30 g) butter

1 oz (30 g) flour

1 teaspoon lemon juice

Cayenne pepper and salt

½ pint (300 ml) milk

salt pepper and cayenne

2 eggs


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1928 Jellied Chicken

1 chicken

1 slice of ham

1 sprig of parsley, thyme and sage

½ bay leaf

2 tablespoons boiled green peas

1 hard boiled egg

salt and pepper

1 oz (30g) isinglass

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1929 Beef Fillets a la Francais

1 ½ lb (680 g) thick steak

1 egg


2 oz (60 g) hot fat

½ lb (225 g) mushrooms

1 oz (30 g) margarine

1 tablespoon grated horseradish

2 tablespoons red currant jelly

1 oz (30 g) cooked ham

½ pint (300 ml) brown sauce

pinch of sweet herbs

1 dozen peppercorns

2 lbs (900 g) mashed potatoes

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1937 Tomato Nests

7 large tomatoes

2 oz (60 g) finely chopped ham

1 tablespoon browned breadcrumbs

small onion (if desired)

1 tablespoon gravy

1 oz (30 g) butter

1 teaspoon cheese

2 oz (60 g) cooked macaroni

1 tablespoon white breadcrumbs

pepper and salt (to taste)

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1938 Eggs in Cocottes

2 diced rashers of bacon

2 sliced sheep’s kidneys

1 spoonful of cooking sherry

A little cream

3 - 4 eggs

1 tablespoon of each of tomato sauce, chutney and stock

nut of butter

Grated Cheese

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