29 Canning Highway

29 Canning Hwy (map)


1921 Lost, on Friday night, July 1, between Fremantle Wharf and Glyde st., Lady's Handbag, containing child’s gold bangle, lady's bangle, and ruby ring, also money. £1 reward on returning to Mrs. Houson, c.o. Mrs. C. J. Mickle, Newsagent, East Fremantle. (reference)

1921 I Withdraw the Sale of my Business from all agents. C. J. Mickle, 29 Canning-rd., East Fremantle. (reference)

1922 Miss Dorothy Mickle. A.L.C.M., eldest daughter of Mrs. C. J. Mickle, of Canning-road, East Fremantle, has gained her degree L.L.C.M. (reference)

1925 Marriage on Wednesday evening, March 4, at St. Peters' Church, East Fremantle, by the Rev. G. R. Holland, a pretty wedding was solemnised when Olive M., second daughter of Mrs. C. J. Mickle, of East Fremantle, and the late David Mickle, was married to Mr. L. G. Payne, of ''Wanaka," Canning-road, East Fremantle, only son of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Payne… (reference)

1926 Registration: 11529, D. W. Hevron, 29 Canning-road, East Fremantle, Morris Cowley. (reference)

1930 We Withdraw Sale of our business at 29 Canning-rd., East Fremantle, from all agents. Brown and Jenkin. (reference)

1931 I Hereby Withdraw my Business from Sale, cor. Glyde-st., and Canning-rd., from all agents. Mrs. S. Shirley, Canning-rd., East Fremantle. (reference)

1931 Accidents. Car and Motor Cycle Collide. Driven by Mr. R. Abrahams, of Rupert street, Subiaco, a motor cycle and a car driven by Mrs. Sade Shirley, of Canning-road, East Fremantle, collided at the corner of King and George-streets, East Fremantle, early yesterday afternoon, with the result that the man was taken to the Fremantle Hospital in the St. John ambulance, suffering from injuries to his head, arms and feet. Mr. Abrahams was travelling in a southerly direction in King-street, and Mrs. Shirley was driving eastward along George-street, when the accident occured. (reference)



1909 - 1916: Wallis, George J. (House & est agent)

1917 - 1925: Mickie, Mrs. C. J. (newsagent)

1926 - 1929: Hevron, Mrs. Agnes (store & newsagent)

1930: Browne And Jenkins (newsagent)

1931 - 1932: Shirley, Mrs. Sade B. (newsagent)

1933 - 1946: Newman, Miss. Ethel (newsagent)

1947 - 1949: Robinson, Mrs. S. B. (newsagent)
