1928 Jellied Chicken

Honorable mention in the 25 Nov 1928 Sunday Times (reference)


  • 1 chicken

  • 1 slice of ham

  • 1 sprig of parsley, thyme and sage

  • ½ bay leaf

  • 2 tablespoons boiled green peas

  • 1 hard boiled egg

  • salt and pepper

  • 1 oz (30g) isinglass


  1. Cut the chicken into neat joints and put them in a double saucepan over boiling water

  2. Add the herbs, a sprinkling of salt and pepper and a teacupful of water

  3. Let the water below boil until the chicken is so tender it will easily come from the bone

  4. Cool, then remove all meat from the bones and cut into neat pieces

  5. Place chicken meat, diced ham, peas and egg in mould

  6. 6 ) Warm chicken jelly and if insufficiently firm to set in mould, stir in isinglass until dissolved

  7. Pour gently into the mould and place on ice until set.

  8. Turn out carefully and garnish with a small salad

Prize awarded to Mrs. N. Irving, 169 Duke-street, East Fremantle