1922 An Inexpensive Brawn

2nd Prize winner in the 20 Aug 1922 Sunday Times (reference)


  • ½ cow heel

  • Around ¾ lb (340 g) cooked cold meat

  • 1 teaspoon salt

  • 1 saltspoonful white pepper

  • ½ saltspoonful cayenne pepper

  • 1 hard boiled egg and parsley (optional)


  1. Take half a cow heel and gently simmer for several hours, not boil

  2. When very tender, remove bones and cut up in small pieces

  3. Add cooked cold meat cut up in small pieces. salt and pepper then gently simmer again for about an hour.

  4. Turn into a mould or dish ready for the next day.

  5. To make extra nice, when turned out, cut egg into thin slices and lay around the mould then pour in the hot brawn and lightly press down meat so that the meat is under liquid

  6. Arrange parsley around the dish when turned out

Submitted by V. Pope, Osborne-road, East Fremantle