38 Hubble Street

38 Hubble Street (map)


Inter War

Simple Porch House w Queen Anne / Austerity Influences

No 38 (previously known as No 70) Hubble Street is a single story cottage constructed in rendered masonry with a hipped tiled roof. The place is an example of a Federation Bungalow adapted in the Post-World War II period. It is asymmetrically planned with a thrust bay and part width skillion roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on timber posts. The entrance has been relocated to the side of the thrust bay. The thrust bay features a sliding window. Almost all openings have been re-worked to include casement and picture windows.


1917 Death of Arthur Victor Humphries, dearly beloved husband of May Humphries, and father of Victor and William, and step-father of Charles, Reginald, and Irene, of 70 Hubble-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1919 Influenza. There was a substantial rise in the number of new cases of influenza reported to the health authorities yesterday, the total being 17, compared with 11 on the  previous day. The deaths, on the other hand, fell from eight to three. Eliza M. Humphrys, of 70 Hubble-street, East Fremantle, died at the Alma-road hospital, while a lady resident of Mt. Lawley, and John Woodthorpe, of 403 Oxford-street Leederville, died at the Perth Public Hospital. Of the new cases 17 came from various parts of the municipality of Perth, six from Fremantle, and one each from Maylands, Midland Junction, Subiaco and Osborne Park. (reference)

1933 Funeral. The friends of the late Mr. James Williams, of 70 Hubble street East Fremantle, are respectfully informed that his remains will be privately interred in the Church of England portion of the Fremantle Cemetery. (reference)

1933 Vehicle registration. 30,464: Miss Mamie Williams, 70 Hubble-street, East Fremantle, Ford. W.A.G. 270: P.W. Dept., Hydraulic Engineer, Ford wagon. (reference)

1937 Vehicle Transfer. 4979: Miss M. E. Williams, 70 Hubble-street, East Fremantle, Austin. (reference)

1939 Funeral. The Friends of the late Mrs. Ada Elizabeth Williams, of 70 Hubble street. East Fremantle and widow of the late James John Williams are respectfully informed that her remains will be interred in the Church of England portion of the Fremantle Cemetery. (reference)

1942 Death on July 19 at Fremantle, Isabella Mills, dearly beloved wife of Joseph Stephenson Mills, of 38 Hubble-street, East Fremantle, and loving mother of Paul, William, Charles, Mavis and Nancy Johnson: aged 51 years. (reference)


1908 - 1911: Bourke, James W.

1912 - 1914: Thomas, Robert W.

1915: Eassie, Reginald J.

1917 - 1920: Humphries, Mrs. May

1921 - 1928: Williams, James

1929 - 1940: Williams, Mrs Elizabeth

1940 - 1942: Hansen, Oliver

1942 - 1945: Mills, Mrs. Isabella

1946 - 1947: Bill, Henry V.

1949: Bill, Mrs. Mavis J.

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38 Glyde Street

38 Glyde Street (map)


Victorian / Simple Georgian

No. 38 (previously was no. 62) Glyde street is a single storey residence constructed of rendered masonry with a corrugated iron roof. It is a good example of a Federation Bungalow style house. The front elevation is symmetrically planned with a central door flanked by windows. The façade features a full width skillion roofed verandah supported on masonry piers.


1900 Removal Of Sanitary Pans. A complaint having been made regarding the system of removing the sanitary pans from houses at Fremantle, a representative of this journal day waited on Mr. Laudehr, of Messrs. Laudehr and Gillispie, the Municipal sanitary contractors, with reference to the matter. Mr. Laudehr said that an assertion that it was the custom of the nightmen when emptying the pans to shift them from house to house, was altogether untrue. The pan was always returned to the same outhouse from which it was taken, and every receptacle was sprinkled with lime after being emptied. Mr. Laudehr added that he favoured the adoption of the Healed double-pan system, whereby each pan was regularly disinfected and tarred, but the local hoard of health looked upon it as being too expensive. (reference)

1927 Fremantle. Health Prosecutions. Following on a visit to State schools by a nurse from the Medical Department, William Dennis, James Angove, William Collins and Harry Laudehr were proceeded against on charges of having failed to keep their children's heads free from vermin. A fee of £2 was imposed in each. (reference)

1941 War Savings Groups. The Fremantle A.L.P. District Council has set up a special committee comprising Messrs. W. Wauhop, F. Mann, H. Laudehr, Wood and Mesdames Alcorn and Oliver to co-ordinate and encourage the sale of War Savings Certificates in this district, and the committee has lost no time in getting to work. A circular letter has been despatched to each affiliated organisation by the committee… (reference)

1941 Death of Mary Ann Hurley, dearly beloved mother or Denis and Winifred Hurley, 38 Glyde Street, East Fremantle. (reference)


1909 - 1910: Wood, Henry H., carrier

1911: Ebbs, William

1912: Ryle, John H.

1913: Ackley, Benjamin

1914 - 1915: Smith, William W.

1916 - 1918: Perry, Robert R.

1919: Perry, Herbert

1922: Crocker, William C.

1923: Forsyth, Isaac George

1924 - 1932: Forssyth, Robert George

1933 - 1937: Laudehr, Henry R.

1937 - 1945: Hurley, Denis G.

1946 - 1949: Simpson, Ernst

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38 Staton Road

38 Staton Road (map)


Inter-War Bungalow w Federation Influences

No 38 Staton Street is a single storey house constructed in limestone, brick and rendered brick with a hipped tiled roof. It is a fine expression of the Inter-War Bungalow style with Federation Filigree influences. The place sits on a corner lot that addresses both Staton Road and Alcester Street. It is asymmetrically composed with a full width return skillion roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on timber posts. There is a decorative valance and a vertical timber balustrade between the posts. The house is elevated and on a sloping site. There is a long curved set of steps leading from the verandah to the garden. The verandah terminates at a thrust bay on the south side of the house. The entrance door is located on the south elevation under the return verandah. The front elevation features a set of casement windows and a hopper light and a roundel window. The lower walls are brick and upper walls rendered. The place sits on limestone foundations. 


1914 Douglas Emery enlisted with the 11th Battalion A.I.F and participated in the landing at Gallipoli. (reference)

1922 The marriage of Miss Peggy Reeves youngest daughter of Mrs. and the late Mr. W. Reeves, 20 John-street, Fremantle, to Mr. Douglas Emery, M.M.. third son of Mr. and Mrs.Emery, of East Fremantle, was solemnised by the Rev. R. Hanlin, at Scots Church. Fremantle, recently. (reference)

1923 Dissolution of Partnership. The partnership of Douglas James Emery and Dennis Joseph Emery under the firm of “Emery Brothers” butchers in East Fremantle has been dissolved as of February 26. (reference)

1937 Hit by a Motor Van. Charles Alma Wallis was conveyed by St. John ambulance to Fremantle Hospital on May 21, where his name was placed on the danger list. He was walking along the road near the corner of Hammad and Carrington streets, Palmyra, when he was hit by the motor van which was driven by Douglas Emery, of Staton-road, East Fremantle. Unfortunately Wallis died three days later. (reference)

1937 No Evidence of Carelessness. On June 10, Douglas James Emery was cleared of any wrongdoing in the crash that took Charles Alma Wallis’s life. The matter was thoroughly investigated and witnesses questioned. (reference)

1937 Unregistered Dogs. On July 14, Douglas James Emery and Harold Edward O’Byrne were each cautioned and ordered to pay a fine of  £1 7s 9d in the Fremantle Police Court for having kept an unregistered dog. (reference)

1940 Death on January 30, Douglas James Emery, devoted husband of Margaret Emery of 38 Staton road, East Fremantle, aged 43. (reference)


1927 - 1949: Emery, Douglas


38 Dalgety Street

38 Dalgety Street (map)


Inter-War / Diagonal Plan Bungalow

No 38 Dalgety Street is a single storey house constructed in tuck pointed brick and rendered brick with a hipped and gable tiled roof. It is a fine expression of the Federation Bungalow. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a thrust gable bay and a part width return hip roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on timber posts with post brackets. A vertical timber balustrade runs between the posts. The verandah terminates at a thrust bay on both ends. The half-timbered gable bays feature sets of three casement windows and sunhood.


John Hart (1887 - 1961) operated a mechanics and garage at 91 Canning Highway East Fremantle from 1926- 1960s. He married Minetta Ermyntrude Acton/Smith in 1927.

1931 Funeral. The Friends of the late Mrs. Florence Smith, relict of the late Arthur Henry Smith, and loving mother of Louisa (Mrs. W. Reid) and Minnetta (Mrs. J. Hart), are respectfully notified that her remains will be interred in the Church of England portion of the Fremantle Cemetery. The Funeral is appointed to leave the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. J. Hart, 38 Dalgety-street, East Fremantle... (reference)

1943 The engagement is announced between Nancy, only daughter of Mrs. John Hart, 38 Dalgety-street, East Fremantle, and the late Mr. John Acton, to Walter, youngest son of Mr. and the late Mrs. Membery, of Patumahoe, New Zealand. (reference)


1931 - 1960s: Hart, John

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38 Moss Street

38 Moss Street (map)


Federation / Rustic Arts & Crafts Villa w Gothic Influences

No 38 Moss Street (was no 12 pre 1949) is a single storey house constructed in limestone and brick with a hipped and gable corrugated iron roof. It is a fine expression of the Federation Bungalow style with later overlays. It is asymmetrically composed with a thrust gable bay and a part width flat roofed verandah. The verandah is a replacement. It is supported on masonry piers and it terminates at the gabled bay. The gable bay features a set of multi pane double hung sash windows in an arched opening. There is a central door flanked by a pair of squat proportioned multi pane double hung sash windows. There are brick quoins to the openings. The roofscape features a pair of tall brick chimneys.


1932 The funeral of Mr. Archibald William Bradfield Bell, of 166 Sewell-street, East Fremantle, took place in the Church of England portion of the Fremantle Cemetery on Tuesday morning...The deceased was born in London, and had lived in Fremantle for the last 37 years. He was an accountant by profession, and was for many years with Messrs. Mills and Ware, Ltd.—from the inception of the business. Mr. Bell was exceptionally fond of music, and was a foundation member of the Fremantle Quartette Party. He was also one of the oldest members of the Commercial Travellers' Association, having joined in 1901, and was No. 7 on the roll. He was of a jovial personality and very popular. The chief mourners were: Mrs. Bell, widow: Mrs. W. A. Holt, daughter… (reference)

1941 Shipping Clerk Dies. Mr. Kenneth Whaite McKenzie, who was well known in shipping circles at Fremantle, died at his home in East Fremantle today after four months' illness. Born in Adelaide in 1873, Mr. McKenzie joined the Adelaide Steamship Co. Ltd. after leaving school and was transferred to Western Australia about 30 years ago. He served with the Australian Field Ambulance during the last war and for devotion to duty was awarded the French and Belgian Croix de Guerre. (reference) When he died he lived at 42 Bedford St.

1948 The Sons And Daughters Of Mr. and Mrs. Goodall, of 38 Moss-street, East Fremantle, have much pleasure in announcing the 50th Anniversary of their parents' Wedding, which took place at North Berwick, Scotland, October 22, 1898. (reference)

1949 Death on July 16, suddenly, at Fremantle, Thomas Goodall, dearly beloved husband of Annie Goodall, of 38 Moss-street, East Fremantle, loving father of Peter, Annie, Isobel, Robert, Alice, Jean, Ted, May and the late John and Violet, and loved Pop of 24 grand-children and three great-grand-children; aged 73 years. (reference)

1950 Mr. and Mrs. D. Fullerton, of 38 Moss-street, East Fremantle, have much pleasure in announcing the engagement of their eldest daughter Norma Joy, to Gilbert Robert Smith, second youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Smith, of 7 Cleopatra-street, Palmyra. (reference)

1953 “In Moss street there was a small mid & general Hospital at the intersection of Fletcher and Moss Street named St Helens with a vacant block on the east side which had a Jersey Cow grazing there, to provide fresh milk to the staff and patient’s, this was still active when Margaret was working there as a “Tray” girl in 1953.” Correspondence from John & Margaret Gorham 2023.


1909 - 1911: Wilson, Murray

1912: Hunter, John K.

1913: Dunkerton, John W.

1914: Bell, Archibald W.

1915: Evans, Mrs. J. H.

1916 - 1917: Miller, Marks

1918 - 1921: Carrington, Thomas H.

1922 - 1925: Chambers, George William

1926 - 1932: Mckenzie, Kenneth Whaite

1933 - 1934: McKenzie, Frederick J.

1934 - 1949: Goodall, Thomas                     

1950: Fullerton, D.

1950s John and Margaret Gorham and 5 children ( from Essex UK)

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38 Alexandra Road

38 Alexandra Road (Map)


Aesthetic & Representative

The house is constructed in the Federation style from local limestone and brick in 1905 for a daughter of John Bateman, an early colonist, postmaster and investor in the Fremantle Whaling Company. It has been fully and sympathetically renovated over the years and extended by the previous owners. Many period features remain including high ceilings with elaborate cornices, jarrah boards, sash windows, large paneled doors, 5 original fireplaces, wide verandas etc.


1934 Death on June 21, at her residence, Naumai, 38 Alexandra road, East Fremantle, Sarah Edwards, daughter of the late William and Jane Edwards, of Heartleap, York, and loving sister of Rachael, Louisa (Mrs. Durlacher), Annie (Mrs. Reid), Deborah (Mrs. Andrews, Melbourne, Victoria) and Kenneth Edwards; aged 86 years. (reference)

1936 The Friends of the late Miss Dorothy Mona Owen, of Naumai, 38 Alexandra-road, East Fremantle, beloved second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Owen, of 37 Holland-street, Fremantle East, are respectfully informed that her remains will be interred in the Church of England portion of the Fremantle Cemetery. (reference)

1936 Death on August 24, at East Fremantle, Rachel Edwards, of Naumai, 38 Alexandra road, East Fremantle, daughter of the late William and Jane Edwards, of Heartleap, York; aged 84 years. (reference)

1943 Lost, between Palace Hotel and Plaza Arcade, Diamente Royal Navy Crown Brooch, keepsake; great sentimental value. Reward. Apply 38 Alexandra-rd., East Fremantle… (reference)


1926 - 1932: Edwards, Miss Sarah

1933 - 1937: Edwards, Miss Rachel

1937 - 1938: Thompson, Frederick J.

1938 - 1939: Bode, Victor L.

1940-1963: Eric John Barron

2018- Gilbert P

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39 Moss Street

39 Moss Street (map)


Federation with Queens Anne Influences

No 39 Moss Street is a single-storey house constructed in tuck-pointed brick and rendered brick with a hipped and gable corrugated iron roof. It is a fine expression of the Federation Bungalow style. It is asymmetrically composed with a gable thrust bay and a part-width return skillion roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on turned timber posts with post brackets. It terminates at the gable thrust bay. The north section of the verandah has been enclosed. The half-timbered gable bay jetties over a bay window. There is a central located front door flanked by sidelights and a set of casement windows. The roofscape features rendered chimneys. There are string courses to the facade.


1915 Lost, young white Tom Cat, blue eyes, vicinity Moss-st. Reward on returning to Mrs. Roy, Villa Role, Moss-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1923 Witness in court case. Donald Fletcher Carbarns, produce merchant at Fremantle, said he had a conversation with Miss Fletcher, the previous witness, and in consequence he took delivery of a small truck of wheat containing 87 bags of wheat from Nangeenan about December 11 last. He produced a copy of a credit note which had been handed to Miss Fletcher... (reference)

1938 Car and garage belonging to racehorse owner D. F. Carbarns were destroyed by fire this afternoon in Canning-road, East Fremantle. Mr. Carbarns, who owns Tetrury and other well-known gallopers, is to leave in the Ceramic tomorrow night for a world tour. (reference)

1934 The funeral of the late Mr. Leonard Arthur Norris, of 39 Moss-street, East Fremantle… Mr. Norris was born at McKay, Queensland, and when his education was completed joined the staff of Burns, Philp and Co., Ltd., at Normanton, Queensland. He was transferred to Fremantle 30 years ago and after three years service went to the Geraldton branch, where he stayed for 20 years. Subsequently he became accountant at the Fremantle office and he retained that position until his retirement owing to ill-health about three years ago, having been in the service of the company for 37 years. Mr. Norris was a member of the East Fremantle, Bowling Club… (reference)

1937 He’s Brought The Ring. Elva, elder daughter of Mrs. C. Norris, and the late Mr. L. A. Norris, of 39 Moss-street, East Fremantle, to Wallace Keith, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W Stuart, of East Fremantle. (reference)


1915- 1918 Roy, Ted M. 

1919 Evans, Charles 

1920- 1923 Carbarns, Donald F., "Villa Role" 

1924-1925 Hockley, Harold Fredk

1926: George S. Kelly

1927: Malcolm Buchan

1928 - 1936: Leonard Arthur Norris

1936 - 1944: Mrs. Constance M. Norris

1945 - 1949: Edward Taylor


Boat Shed

Marine Education Boatshed (map)


Inter / Post-War Simple Carpenter Industrial


Marine Education Boatshed

Training centre: Riverside Rd & Pier St, East Fremantle 

From June 2014 Deploy Subsea provided diving personnel during the decommissioning and rebuilding of the Marine Education Jetty.

Works involved underwater survey, removal of existing jetty superstructure, underwater cutting of timber piles and underwater mapping to ensure the new piles were driven in the correct location over the original piles. Rebuilding phase: welding of cross beams, laying of new decking. River bed leased by Swan River Trust.


39 Duke Street

39 Duke Street (map)


Late Victorian / Simple Domestic Carpenter

No. 39 (previously was no. 101) Duke Street is a single-storey cottage of timber framing and fibrous cement cladding with a hipped decramastic roof. Later additions are evident to the rear. It is a simple expression of the Federation Bungalow style with later modifications. The front verandah has been enclosed.

The place is consistent with the pattern of development in Plympton and plays an important role in the pattern of development of a working class suburb.


1909 Blacksmith’s, Shoeing and Jobbing, doing a snug trade, for Sale or to Let. Apply J. Devine, Duke-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1921 Death on January 3, at the Fremantle Hospital, James, dearly-beloved husband of Ellen Devine, of 101 Duke-street, East Fremantle; aged 65 years. (reference)

1921 The Friends of the late Mr. James Devine, blacksmith, of East Fremantle, are respectfully invited to follow his remains to the place of interment, the Roman Catholic Cemetery, Fremantle. (reference)

1928 Divorce Court. Desertion was proved against Marjorie Sophia Jane Kelleher by Thomas Florance Kelleher who was granted a dissolution of his marriage. The parties were married in 1919. Disputes, arose over respondent's liking for dances, at which she made herself conspicuous. Respondent injured her foot and came to Perth for a holiday and subsequently refused to go back to petitioner. (reference)

1932 New member, Childrens club: Selma Clapton, 101 Duke-street, East Fremantle. (reference)  

1938 Car registration. No. 38521: F. E. Wright, 101 Duke-street, East Fremantle, Chevrolet Tourer. (reference)

1942 Public Notice. On and after this date, I will Not be responsible for any Debts contracted by my wife, Mrs Dorothea C. Wright. (Signed) F. E. Wright, 39 Duke-st, East Fremantle. June 8, 1942. (reference)

1947 “Razor Chase” An “Untruth”. She said I had chased her with a razor, but that was hard to understand. In fact, Francis Edwin W(r)ight told Mr. Justice Wolff in the Divorce Court, there was “no truth whatsoever” in the allegation his wife Dorothea Campbell Wright made in the Lower Court on May 22, 1942, when she got an order against him for separation and maintenance, on the ground of cruelty. “But there'd been constant domestic trouble” Wright said. “I couldn't reason with her at any time. It went on day after day.” As he had not lived with his wife for 5 years, he applied for a divorce and got it. (reference)


1911 - 1920: Devine, James

1921 - 1926: Devine, Mrs Ellen

1927: Webb, William A.; Wilkins, John

1928 - 1929: Cole, Donald

1930 - 1932: Johnston, John A.

1933 - 1934: Robson, Mrs Isobel

1934 - 1947: Wright, Francis Edwin.

1949: Kelleher, Thomas

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39 Oakover Street

39 Oakover Street (map)


Inter-War Californian Bungalow

No 39 Oakover Street is a single storey house constructed in rendered brick with a hipped and gable tiled roof. It is a fine expression of the Inter-War California Bungalow style. It is asymmetrically composed with an offset gable roofed porch. The porch is supported on square columns set on piers. A rendered balustrade spans between the piers. The porch roof extends over the adjacent windows to act as a sunhood. There is a central door flanked by casement windows.


1935 Tenders invited. Brick residence, Oakover-street, East Fremantle, for Mr. W. A. Walker. (reference)

1936 Lotteries Commission Win. The principal prize winners were: First prize, £3,000, Wotan, No. 58616, "Re-united," C/o Mrs. A. W. Walker, Oakover-street, East Fremantle. (reference

1937 Motor Vehicle Stolen. Albert Walker's Chevrolet sedan was stolen from 38 Oakover-street, East Perth, between 9 p.m. on Thursday and 2 a.m. on Friday. It is maroon colored and its registration number is 13.648. (reference)

1939 Vehicle Registration. 24215, Albert W. Walker, 39 Oakover-street, East Fremantle. Chevrolet sedan. (reference)

1952 Engagement. Mr. and Mrs. J. Delvin, of 16 Elizabeth street, North Perth, have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their only daughter, Norma, to John, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Walker, of 39 Oakover-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1954 Funeral. A Church of England Service for the late Mr. Albert Wyndham (Bert) Walker..Managing Director of Fremantle Providoring Co. Pty. Ltd. and Walker and Holmes Pty. Ltd..Fremantle, will be held in the Crematorium Chapel, Karrakatta... (reference)

1954 Business Man Left Estate Of £111,239 Estate valued for probate at £.111,239/17/7 was left by Albert Wyndham Walker, company director, of Oakover street, East Fremantle, who died on March 17 at the age of 79. (reference)


1936 - 1949: Walker, Albert W.


39 Bedford Street

39 Bedford Street(map)


No 39 Bedford Street is a single storey house constructed in tuck-pointed brick and rendered brick with a hipped and gable corrugated iron roof. It is a fine expression of the Federation Bungalow style. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a thrust gable bay and a full width, return bull nosed roofed verandah. The verandah is set on timber posts. There is a central door and hopper light flanked by side lights and double hung sash windows. The roofscape features a render capped chimney. Render bands run across the front facade.


1930 Notice to Contractors. Tenders for the Erection of Garage and Service Station will be received up to Noon on January 22. Plans and specifications may be inspected at 39 Bedford-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1932 Birth on October 1, at Sanhedren, Sister Bathgate's Private Hospital, Staton-road, East Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. Williams, of 39 Bedford-street, East Fremantle—a son. (reference)

1938 Lost on Monday, between Mosman Bay and Fremantle Traffic Bridge. Ladys Brown Handbag containing money, spectacles, key of house; reward on returning to 39 Bedford-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1938 Birth on April 7, at St. Helen's Private Hospital, East Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Howell, of 39 Bedford-street, East Fremantle a daughter (Dorothy). No visitors until April 12. (reference)

1943 Kodak F4.5 620.Duo two filters, auxiliary lens, developing tank, as new, Howell, 39 Bedford-st. East Fremantle. (reference)

1945 Boy’s Bicycle, English make, s/h.tyres and tubes fair condition, £4/10. 39 Bedford-st., East Fremantle after 3 pm. (reference)

1947 All Set For Schoolboy Football's Big Moments. East Fremantle. No. 5 Howell, Alan, 39 Bedford-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1949 Death on July 25, suddenly, at Fremantle, Arthur Gilbert Howell, dearly beloved husband of Alice Howell, of 39 Bedford-street, East Fremantle, loving father of Raymond, Alan, Laurence and Dorothy; aged 55 years. (reference)

1949 Public Notices. Notice Creditors and Claimants Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims or demands against the estates of the under mentioned deceased persons Arthur Gilbert Howell formerly a member (No. W31614) of the Australian Military Force but late of 39 Bedford-street East Fremantle Accountant and Assistant Town Clerk (last date for claims 5th December 1949). (reference)

1949 Diamond Ring, 3 stone lost between Bedford-st., East Fremantle and Richmond Theatre, Reward returning to 39 Bedford-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1950 The engagement Is announced of Roma Joyce, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Reed, of 84 Hubble-street, East Fremantle, to Raymond Birch, eldest son of Mrs. A. M. and the late Mr. A. G. Howell, of 39 Bedford street, East Fremantle (reference)

1952 B.S.A. 1938, 500C.C., Gold Star. o.h.v., good cond., new tyres, bat., reas. Price. 39 Bedford-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1953 Fremantle. Ex-Scholars Football Club: Applications for the Position of coach for the above club are called for, closing with the sec, 39 Bedford-street, East Fremantle on 23rd March. (reference)

1954 Morris 8 1948 Tourer. £385. r. 39 Bedford-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1954 Lost sheep. Return Howell. 39 Bedford-st., East Fremantle. Reward (reference)


1917 - 1919: Williams, Harold

1920 - 1928: Williams, Vernet George

1929 - 1938: Williams, Harold T.

1938 - 1949: Howells, Arthur G.

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39 Irwin Street

39 Irwin Street (map)


Late federation / Interwar / Bungalow w Federation Influences

No 39 Irwin Street is a single storey house constructed in rendered brick with a hipped corrugated iron roof. It is a fair expression of the Inter-War Bungalow style. The front elevation is symmetrically planned with a full width return hip roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on timber posts. There is a central door flanked by double hung sash windows. The roofscape features a pair of rendered chimneys.


1932 In Memoriam. Jarvis. In loving memory of our dear wife and mother, who died on May 11, 1928... Inserted by her loving husband, daughters and son-in-law, Olga and Robert Cave, and Vera Nicholson. (reference)

1932 Deliveries of Austin Sevens and tens during the week ended on Thursday last were to Mr. J. E. Lister, 39 Irwin-street, East Fremantle... (reference)

1934 Engagement of Grace, of 40 Tamar-street, Palmyra, youngest daughter of the late Aylmer Bindley (R.G.A., England), to Cedric R. Haigh-Howden, elder son of Mrs. O. P. Cave, 39 Irwin-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1934 Fremantle R.S.L. Advocate. O. P. Cave, Irwin St., East Fremantle... (reference)

1941 Birth on May 16, at Sister-Bathgate's Private Hospital, Staton-road, East Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. Lionel (Chum) Reeves 39 Irwin-street, East Fremantle—a son. Both well. No visitors for seven days. (reference)

1942 Funeral. The Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Maurice Reeves, of 39 Irwin Street, East Fremantle, are respectfully informed that the remains of their late dearly beloved only child (Lionel Fred) will be interred in the Church of England portion of the Fremantle Cemetery… (reference)

1944 Birth on February 2, at Sister Bathgate's Staton road, East Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. Lionel M. Reeves (Chum)—a son (Peter John). Both well. (reference)

1948 Engagement. Hilary Claire, only daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. R. Harris, of East Fremantle, to Cyril Norman, only son of Mr. and Mrs. N. Jones, 39 Irwin-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1951 Engagement. The engagement is announced of Mavis Myrtle, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Jones, of 39 Irwin-street, East Fremantle, to Harold Webster, only son of Mrs. and the late Mr. R. Farmer, of 20 Barnett-street, Fremantle. (reference)

1951 Silver Weddings. The Son and Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jones, of 39 Irwin street, East Fremantle, have pleasure in announcing the 25th Anniversary of their parents' Wedding, which took place at the South Fremantle Methodist Church on January 9, 1926... (reference)

1952 Engaged. The engagement is announced of Mavis Myrtle, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Jones, of 39 Irwin street, East Fremantle. To Harry Lewis, youngest son of Mr. W. J. Cooper and the late Mrs. Cooper of 15 Holland street, Fremantle. (reference)


1926 - 1928: Jones, Norman

1929 - 1930: Vacant

1931 - 1932: Nicholson, Mrs V. & Lister, James E. & Cave, Robert C.

1933 - 1938: Jarvis, Henry J. & Lister, James E. & Turner, William & Cave, Robert C.

1938 - 1940: Jarvis, Henry J. & Haigh-Howden, Cedric & Turner, William & Cave, Robert C.

1940 - 1946: Reeves, Lionel

1947 - 1949: Jones, Norm

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39 Dalgety Street

39 Dalgety Street (map)


Inter-War / Bungalow w Federation Influences

No 39 Dalgety Street is a single storey house constructed in rendered brick with a hipped and gable tiled roof. The building was originally an expression of the Art Deco style. It has since been modified with Federation Bungalow style influences. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a thrust bay and a part width return hip roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on timber posts with post brackets. The verandah extends over the thrust bay to act as a sun hood. It has also been extended to the south to form a carport. The original verandah on the north side of the house has been removed. The thrust bay features a set of casement windows. There is a central door flanked by a set of casement windows. Original windows have been replaced with casement and fixed lights. Walls were rendered at a later date. The roofscape features rendered chimneys and finials. 


1921 A New Silver Link. Milgun Station, via Peak Hill. Dear Aunt Mary, Mother thinks it would be nice for me to be a member of the Silver Chain, so I am writing to ask you if you would have me as a link. I enclose ls in stamps for my subscription. I am eight year old, but I have not been to school yet, mother teaches me at home. I have three sisters, my eldest sister is away at school, she is 10 years old and in the third standard. I have four pet lambs, and a pet goat. The goat pulls a cart so I take my two little sisters for a ride sometimes. No more news this time, with love to all the little sick children and nurses. I remain your, loving little nephew, Geoffrey Skeahan. (reference)

1939 Miss Marjory Fletcher, of South Fremantle, whose engagement to Mr. Geoffrey Skeahan, of East Fremantle, was announced during the week. (reference)

1941 Lacquered Taffeta. Beautiful frocking was a feature of the wedding at St. John's Church, Fremantle, yesterday, of Marjory, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Fletcher, of Douro road, South Fremantle, and John Geoffrey Skeahan only son of Mrs. T. P. McSherry of Dalgety-street, East Fremantle, and the late Mr. J. J. Skeahan, of Milgul Station, Meekatharra. (reference)

Geoffry’s parents live at 56 Dalgety St. 1933 - 1946.

1943 Funeral. The Friends of the late Mr. Edmund Fletcher, of 39 Dalgety Street, East Fremantle, formerly horse owner and trainer, are respectfully informed that his remains will be interred in the Anglican portion of the Fremantle Cemetery. The Funeral is appointed to leave his late residence, 39 Dalgety Street, East Fremantle… (reference)

1943 Death on November 29, at Fremantle, Edmund (Ted) Fletcher, dearly beloved husband of Florence Edith Fletcher, of 39 Dalgety-street, East Fremantle; loved father of Edna (Mrs F. Hart), Marjory (Mrs G. Skeahan), Dorothy (Mrs L. Le Llevre). Edmund (RAN). Edie and Betty… (reference)

1943 The Late E. Fletcher. The death occurred yesterday of Edmund Fletcher, who had been actively associated with the turf in this State over a great number of years. Hailing originally from Victoria, where he had a good deal of success as a trainer, he raced many horses on Perth courses prior to going to the goldfields a little over 25 years ago. Returning to Fremantle with a smart sprinter named Green Baron, he won several races with that gelding. Later he raced Brownface and Flaming Star. With Brownface he won the Goldfields Newmarket in 1927 and with Flaming Star he won the Hannans Handicap in 1932. The last horse to carry his colours was Gunga Das, who in addition to winning races on the flat was also a successful hurdler. Of a quiet, unassuming nature, he had a wide circle of friends who will regret his passing. (reference)

1948 Inquest Debate On Death Drug Control. The question of whether the supply of sedative and hypnotic drugs of the barbiturate group should be controlled was keenly debated by a number of doctors and chemists at an inquest in Perth Courthouse this week… Chemist John Geoffrey Skeahan and dispenser John Gunning considered that prescriptions should be marked with the number of times they were to be repeated and the number of times they had been repeated. (reference)


1942 - 1949: Skeahan, Geoffrey

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39 Fraser Street

39 Fraser Street (map)


Late Victorian / Early Federation, Georgian / Gothic Influences

No 39 Fraser Street is a single storey house constructed in limestone and brick with a ‘M’ format corrugated iron roof. It is a fine expression of the Federation Bungalow style. It is symmetrically composed with a full width bullnose roof verandah. The verandah is supported on steel posts and the remains of a frieze. There is a central door and hopper light flanked by sidelights and pairs of double hung sash windows. The walls are random course limestone with brick quoins. The roofscape features a pair of render capped chimneys.


1915 Y.M.C.A. After the annual examination of the Australasian Corporation of Public Accountants on Friday, the Y.M.C.A. students gathered at the association rooms for a luncheon in honour of the head tutor of the Y.M.C.A .Accountancy school, Mr. C. A. Hendry, A.I.A.,W.A. Dr. Macaulay, who presided, referred to the many changes and developments of the Y.M.C.A. during the past decade or two. The spiritual side of man's nature had always received attention. As the association progressed the mental and physical features were made prominent. The education development had been great, and this particular part of the Perth association's propaganda had been very successful. With regard to the head tutor, the students had all one story to tell: one of complete satisfaction. He then, on behalf of the students presented Mr. Hendry with a pair of handsome hairbrushes and a fountain pen. Mr. E. A.Black (Under Treasurer), supervisor of the school, said it was gratifying to know that the students recognised the fine abilities of Mr. Hendry. In him were combined an unassuming manner and a thorough knowledge of accounts which gave him special effectiveness as a tutor. The accountancy school was considered one of the best advertisements the association could have... They were happy in having amongst their staff one who had so quickly made his mark on the educational community as a first-rate accountancy tutor. He was proud to be associated in work for the men of this country with accountancy tutors like Messrs. C. A. Hendry, J. V. Pascoe, and Harold Colvin, the latter of whom had joined the colours. He looked forward in the coming years to the hearty co-operation of the brainy men of the classes in the association's work for God and man in Western Australia. Mr. Hendry expressed his deep gratitude for the tokens of esteem. His deep desire haul been not only for the success of the association, but to gain the friendship of every one of the fine body of men in the class of the Y.M.C.A.Educational Department. In conclusion, he expressed the pleasure that he had experienced in working under the Y.M.C.A. (reference)

1932 Wedding. St. John's Church, Fremantle, was the scene of a pretty wedding on October 8, when Thelma Evelyn, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Harvey of Albany, was joined in the bonds of matrimony to Mr. Jack Ingram Hendry, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hendry of East Fremantle. In the absence of her father the bride entered the Church to the strains of "The Voice that Breathed O'er Eden," on the arm of her uncle, Mr. A. J. Wright, of Northam. (reference)

1952 Death on Feb 26, Arthur Churchward Hendry, the dearly loved husband of Tillie Hendry, fond lather of Lewis and Jack; aged 82 years... (reference)


1913: Downes, Henry

1914: Abbott, David

1915 - 1927: Hendry, Alfred

1928: Hendry, Arthur C.

1929 - 1932: Hendry, Arthur G.

1933 - 1949: Hendry, Arthur C.


39 May Street

39 May Street (map)


Federation Bungalow with Filigree Influences

No 39 May Street is a single-storey house constructed in rendered brick with a hipped tiled roof. It is a good expression of the Federation Filigree Style Bungalow. The place is symmetrically planned with a central door and hopper light flanked by sidelights and sets of three casements windows. The facade features a full-width skillion roof verandah supported on turned timber posts. A filigree frieze and vertical timber balustrade spans between the posts.


1935 Death on May 31, after a short illness, at his residence, 39 May-street, East Fremantle, William Philip John, beloved husband of Ellen Bertha John, and loving father of Philip, William and George; aged 58 years.(reference

1935 Auction. At 39 May-street, East Fremantle. Valuable household furniture and effects. Learmonth, Duffy and Co. have received instructions from Mrs. W. P. John to sell by public auction as above:— Splendid upright grand Wilmer piano, upholstered chesterfield suite of 3 pieces, dining room suite, 6 pieces. Modern oak sideboard, African tom tom drum... (reference)

1939 For sale. Double-fronted Brick House, six rooms, in good condition. Sewered. Apply 39 May-st., East Fremantle. Finance arranged. (reference)

1942 Engagement. Muriel, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Vine, of Henrietta-street, York, to Douglas, RAAF, second son of Mr. Albert and the late Mrs. Johnson, of Leonora. (reference)


1918: Edwards, Charles

1920 - 1926: Burch, James Harry

1927 - 1936: William, P. John

1936 - 1938: Paddon, Leslie T.

1938 - 1944: Vine, Percy F.

1945 - 1949: F. Playcanica


39 Gill Street

39 Gill Street (map)


Inter-War Bungalow Porch House w Arts and Crafts Influences

No 39 Gill Street is a single storey house constructed in limestone, timber framing, weatherboard and fibrous cement cladding with a hipped and gable corrugated iron roof. It is a fine expression of the Inter-War Porch style. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a thrust gable bay and a hip roofed porch. The porch is supported on timber posts. A framed and panelled balustrade span between the posts. The porch roof extends over the gable bay. The half-timbered gable bay features a set of double hung sash windows. There is a central door flanked by sets of double hung sash windows. The lower walls are clad with weatherboards and the upper walls are clad with fibro cement. The place sits on limestone foundations. The roofscape features a rendered chimney.


1923 Mrs. W. E. Murray submits recipe of Walnut Dainties to The Mirror and wins first prize. (reference)

1950 Wanted to Buy. Bedford Utility. 1938 model, good order, £285. Apply any evening, 39 Gill-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1950 Inspect During Weekend. 39 Gill-St., East Fremantle. Charming dressed Jarrah and Asbestos House on massive stone foundations. 4 lovely rooms, 1.1. doors, ornamental ceilings. Tilex bathroom, built in bath, basin, heater. Wood and gas stoves. Built in cupboards. Verandahs. W.H. and E.C. (sewered) under main roof. Pine garage, asphalt drive. Grounds highly improved. Let to excellent tenant at 35/ weekly. Secure now at low price for future occupation. (reference)

1950 Austin A40. English body, only done 3,600 miles, best offer over £700. 39 Gill-st., East Fremantle. (reference)


1922: Christensen, Mrs. Grace

1923 - 1925: Murray, William

1926 - 1937: Vacant

1938 - 1941: Preston, Robert

1942 - 1945: Alrey, Mrs. R. L.

1946: Alrey, Keith L.

1947 - 1949: Bennett, Stan B.

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39 Canning Highway

39 Canning Highway (map)


No 39 Canning Highway is a single storey house constructed in limestone and rendered masonry with a hipped corrugated iron roof. It is a simple expression of the Federation Bungalow style. The front elevation is symmetrically planned with three openings. There is a central door flanked by replacement French doors. The facade features a full width bull-nosed roofed verandah on timber posts with a concrete floor. Steps lead down to the garden. The roofscape features two brick chimneys. The place has been modified, but retains its basic form. The lot has been subdivided and a residence constructed to the rear.


1914 Death On May 10, at his late residence, No 39 Canning-road, East Fremantle, Joseph Garbutt, of the Traffic Department, W.A. Government Railways, beloved husband of Nurse Garbutt, aged 57 years. (reference)

1915 Death On September 8, heart failure, Florence Matilda, beloved wife of Roger McKinnon, daughter of Mary and the late Joseph Garbutt, of ‘Hinton’, 39 Canning road, East Fremantle, and sister of Mrs. W. Stammers (Bullfinch) and Netta Garbutt, aged 25 years. (reference)

1928 Memorial: In loving memory of our dear husband and grandfather, Harry Bovell, who departed this life on October 5, 1908. (reference)

1934 Death On November 1, suddenly, at her residence, 39 Canning-road, East Fremantle, Mary Garbutt, widow of the late Joseph Garbutt, loving mother of Elizabeth (Mrs. W. J.Stammers, East Fremantle), Marie (Mrs. H. Abbott, Sydney, N.S.W.), Sydney (Auckland, N.Z.), and the late Florence (Mrs. R. McKinnon); and grandmother of Gwen McKinnon, Rita, Jack, Ella and Ken Stammers and Betty Abbott; aged 69 years. (reference)

1940 Birth On December 13, at Bundi-Kudja Hospital, Beaconsfield, to Mr. and Mrs. Sid Thomas, of Canning-road, East Fremantle - daughter (Beverley Janice). Both well. (reference)


1911: Bovell, Mrs. Hannah

1912: Baker, James

1913 - 1914: Garbutt, Joseph

1915 - 1935: Garbutt, Mrs. Mary

1936 - 1939: Daly, James P.

1940 - 1941: Thomas, Sydney

1942 - 1944: Bland, C. A.

1945 - 1946: Brennan, Mrs. Loris

1947 1949: Daly, James P.

39 Canning Highway


39 King Street

39 King Street (map)


Federation / Domestic Carpenter

No. 39 (previously known as no. 85) King Street is a single storey cottage constructed in timber framing and weatherboard cladding with a gabled corrugated iron roof. It is a simple expression of the Federation Bungalow style with later additions. The front elevation is symmetrically planned with a central door flanked by double hung sash windows. The facade features a full width bullnosed verandah supported on turned timber posts.


1915 Birth at 85 King-street, East Fremantle, the wife of C. J. Abercrombie—gave birth to a son. Both well. (reference)

1925 Electoral Roll: William Glasson, tailor,  Frances Mary Glasson,

1930 William Glasson, secretary of the Dock, River, and Harbor Workers' Union, 85 King-street, East Fremantle:

“Hundreds of men on harbor reconstruction and waterfront employment generally are out of work, and their position is becoming desperate; the demand for curtailment of expenditure at the top is, therefore, amply justified. If a rigid inquiry were conducted by persons not in any way connected with the Public Service, there is no doubt that a number of economies could be effected, and many basic wage workers could be profitably employed on works that would be of benefit to the State. (reference)

1934 The Candidates for Election: For east Fremantle Council elections Central Ward: Alfred, John George Abercrombie, of Bedford-street. East Fremantle, traveller; William Glasson, of King street, East Fremantle, secretary. (reference)

1935 Death at the residence of her son, William Glasson, 86 King-street, East Fremantle, Annie, widow of the late Cornelius Glasson, and beloved mother of Minnie (Mrs. H. T. Jones, Maylands), William (East Fremantle), Alice (Mt. Lawley; and Lucy (Mrs. J. Purser, Mt. Lawley); in her 81st year. (reference)

1936 A ‘Worker’ representative asked Bill GIasson, secretary of the Dock, River and Harbor Works Union, the reason for the faith that is in him and why that the return of the Labor Government is essential to the protection of the workers' interests. (reference)

1941 Mr. Glasson, in securing re-election polled 195 votes as against his opponents (Messrs. P. Troy and C. Rushton) 43 and 19. (reference)

1943 Death notice. Julia Annie Stephens, of 39 King-street, East Fremantle, widow of the late Edward Stephens. (reference)

1947 Mr. Glasson will retire from the secretaryship of the Coastal, Dock, Rivers and Harbour Workers' Union, a position he has held for the last 22 years. (reference)


1912: Ernest, J.

1913 - 1915: Abercrombie, Mrs E. J.

1916: Blakeley, John

1917 - 1942: Glasson, William

1942 - 1944: Stephens, Mrs. M.

1945: Stephens, Edward

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40 Dalgety Street

40 Dalgety Street (map)


Inter-War / Californian Bungalow w Arts & Crafts Influences

No 40 Dalgety Street is a single storey house constructed in brick and rendered brick with a hipped and gable tiled roof. It is a fine expression of the Inter-War California Bungalow style. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a gable thrust bay and a part width gable verandah. The verandah features a broad arch carried on battered piers. There is a central front door flanked by casement windows. The thrust bay features casement windows under a sunhood. Face brickwork is to sill height and the upper walls are rendered. A checkerboard band runs at wall plate height. To the north there is an integral garage with a curved parapet.


1939 Birth on January 15, at the Woodside Hospital, East Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Clack, of 40 Dalgety-street, East Fremantle—a son. Both well. (reference)

1942  Marriage on September 26, at St. Mark's Church, Palmyra by the Rev Quirk, Lillian Osternes to Peder Olsen. (reference)

1946 I, Peder Inginius Olsen, of Williams-rd. Armadale in the State of Western Australia, Dairy Farmer of Norwegian nationality, born at Trom Norway and resident five years in Australia now residing at Williams-rd. Armadale intend to apply for Naturalisation under the Nationality Act… (reference)

1947 Fremantle District Council...Mr. E. Holmes was nominated for the Fremantle Hospital Board. (reference)

1952 Death on July 24, suddenly at Fremantle, Lillian Sophia Olsen, dearly loved wife of Peder Olsen, of 40 Dalgety-street, East Fremantle...A tribute inserted by committee and members, Navy Club, Fremantle. (reference)


1937 - 1938: Vacant

1938 - 1942: Clack, George R.

1942 - 1949: Holmes, E.

1952 Olsen, L

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40 Fraser Street

40 Fraser Street (map)


Interwar, Domestic Carpenter Gable Bungalow

No 40 Fraser Street is a single storey house constructed in timber framing, weatherboard and fibrous cement cladding with a gable corrugated iron roof. It is a simple expression of the Inter-War Bungalow style. The place is located on a corner lot and addresses both Fraser Street and Osborne Road. It is symmetrically composed with a full width hip roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on timber posts with post brackets. There is a central front door and hopper light flanked by single pane casement windows and fixed lights. The roofscape features a brick chimney.


1934 Birth on March 5, at her sister's residence, 40 Fraser-street, East Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Robinson, of Boulder and Salmon Gums—a son (Kendall George). (reference)

1935 North Fremantle Collision. A utility truck driven by Ronald Edwards, of 88 Archdeacon-street, Nedlands, which was travelling north over the North Fremantle traffic bridge, collided near the Swan-street intersection with a large truck driven by Magnus Ashby, of Johnston-street, Cottesloe, and then with a lorry and trailer driven by Robert James Maxwell, of 40 Fraser-street, East Fremantle. No one was injured… (reference)

1939 Savage Dog. A little dog, said to be a fox terrier, cost his owner, Thomas William Howard, of Osborne-road, East Fremantle, £6/13/ in the Fremantle Police Court today. Howard did not appear in Court to contest proceedings by Robert James Maxwell, of Fraser-street, East Fremantle, who said that the dog had attacked him on the evening of July 15 and torn his trousers. The Magistrate: Why didn't you kick him? Maxwell: I didn't have time. Two days before this incident, Maxwell added, the dog rushed at him savagely and he told Howard that he intended to make a complaint to the police. Howard did not show any concern. "Howard was very foolish to ignore the warning," Mr. Craig, S.M., commented in imposing a fine of £2 with £2/15/6 costs and £1/17/6 damages. (reference)

1950 Truck driver John Frederick Sanderson, of Torrens-ave, Cottesloe, who was involved in a fatal accident on the Fremantle traffic bridge on May 4, was charged in Fremantle Traffic Court today with negligent driving. Truck driver Robert James Maxwell, of Fraser-st., East Fremantle, said that he saw a semi-trailer driven by Sanderson turn to go over the bridge. At the same time he saw a motorcycle which was travelling at a considerable speed crash head on into the truck. Counsel D. F. Walsh said that there was no evidence to show that Sanderson had been negligent — the Magistrate agreed and dismissed the charge... (reference)

1950 Four persons who drove their vehicles over a railway crossing when an approaching train was within a quarter of a mile were charged before Mr. W. J. Wallwork, S.M., in the Perth Police Court on Wednesday. They were: Robert James Maxwell, of Fraser-street, East Fremantle... (reference)


1917: Stem Dirk

1931 - 1949: Maxwell, Robert