38 Glyde Street

38 Glyde Street (map)


Victorian / Simple Georgian

No. 38 (previously was no. 62) Glyde street is a single storey residence constructed of rendered masonry with a corrugated iron roof. It is a good example of a Federation Bungalow style house. The front elevation is symmetrically planned with a central door flanked by windows. The façade features a full width skillion roofed verandah supported on masonry piers.


1900 Removal Of Sanitary Pans. A complaint having been made regarding the system of removing the sanitary pans from houses at Fremantle, a representative of this journal day waited on Mr. Laudehr, of Messrs. Laudehr and Gillispie, the Municipal sanitary contractors, with reference to the matter. Mr. Laudehr said that an assertion that it was the custom of the nightmen when emptying the pans to shift them from house to house, was altogether untrue. The pan was always returned to the same outhouse from which it was taken, and every receptacle was sprinkled with lime after being emptied. Mr. Laudehr added that he favoured the adoption of the Healed double-pan system, whereby each pan was regularly disinfected and tarred, but the local hoard of health looked upon it as being too expensive. (reference)

1927 Fremantle. Health Prosecutions. Following on a visit to State schools by a nurse from the Medical Department, William Dennis, James Angove, William Collins and Harry Laudehr were proceeded against on charges of having failed to keep their children's heads free from vermin. A fee of £2 was imposed in each. (reference)

1941 War Savings Groups. The Fremantle A.L.P. District Council has set up a special committee comprising Messrs. W. Wauhop, F. Mann, H. Laudehr, Wood and Mesdames Alcorn and Oliver to co-ordinate and encourage the sale of War Savings Certificates in this district, and the committee has lost no time in getting to work. A circular letter has been despatched to each affiliated organisation by the committee… (reference)

1941 Death of Mary Ann Hurley, dearly beloved mother or Denis and Winifred Hurley, 38 Glyde Street, East Fremantle. (reference)


1909 - 1910: Wood, Henry H., carrier

1911: Ebbs, William

1912: Ryle, John H.

1913: Ackley, Benjamin

1914 - 1915: Smith, William W.

1916 - 1918: Perry, Robert R.

1919: Perry, Herbert

1922: Crocker, William C.

1923: Forsyth, Isaac George

1924 - 1932: Forssyth, Robert George

1933 - 1937: Laudehr, Henry R.

1937 - 1945: Hurley, Denis G.

1946 - 1949: Simpson, Ernst

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