Angwin House

Angwin House (map)


Federation / Federation Gable Domestic Carpenter

Angwin House is located at 3 (previously was 15) Glyde Street and is a single-storey cottage constructed in timber framing and clad in rusticated and feather-edged weatherboards. It has a hipped and gabled, corrugated-iron roof. It is a fine expression of the Federation Bungalow style. The front elevation is symmetrically planned with a central front door and side and hopper lights flanked by bay windows. 


This house was the home of William Charles Angwin (8 May 1863 – 9 June 1944) and his family from 1909 until 1936. See an article about him under Notable People.

William Angwin was born in Cornwall, England, and worked as a carpenter and builder before moving to Australia with his wife Sarah Ann Sumpton, (first to Victoria in 1886 and then to Western Australia in 1892). He first worked as a carpenter for Sandover & Co. He had two sons and two daughters. Angwin was a founding member of the East Fremantle Municipal Council on which he served as a counselor for 30 years and Mayor from 1902 until 1904. He was also a member of the Western Australian Legislative Assembly for the Labor Party from 1904 until 1927, representing the seats of East Fremantle and North-East Fremantle.

1919 The many friends of Private P. J. Keane, of the 28th Battalion, will be pleased to hear that he returned after three years' active service, on the s.s. City of Exeter, on Saturday, 16th August. He looks none the worse for his experiences, and was accorded an enthusiastic welcome by his relatives and friends at his aunt's residence, 15 Glyde-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1921 The Silent Election. Saturday's Appeal To The People. William C. Angwin unopposed as the ALP candidate for North-East Fremantle for the 1921 WA elections. (reference)

Angwin was Deputy Premier of Western Australia from 1924 until 1927, and Agent-General for Western Australia in London from 1927 until 1933.

1921 North-East Fremantle. C. Angwin, 15 Glyde-street East Fremantle (A.L.P.), unopposed. (reference)

Mary Jane Sumpton, mother-in-law of Willliam C. Angwin died at 15 Glyde Street on April 21, 1927.

1927 The funeral of the late Mrs. Mary Jane Sumpton, an octogenarian, relict of the late Jacob Sumpton, and a respected resident of East Fremantle for the last 34 years, was largely attended. The flag at the Fremantle Town Hall was flown at half-mast during the day. Mrs. Sumpton was born at Whitehaven, England, and was a daughter of the late Captain James Young of Whitehaven. The funeral cortege moved from the residence of the Hon. W. C. Angwin (Agent-General for Western Australia), 15 Glyde-street, East Fremantle, and proceeded to the local cemetery. (reference)

1930 Funeral. The Late Mrs. Sarah Thomas. The funeral of the late Mrs. Sarah Thomas, relief of the late Mr. George Thomas, took place, on Tuesday after noon, February 19. The cortege left her late residence, 15 Glyde- street, East Fremantle, and proceeded to the Methodist portion of the Fremantle cemetery. Deceased leaves one son and six daughters. The pall-bearers were: Messrs. William Adams. A. G. Peggott, A. Marr, M. Pearce, G. Press and C. Pearce. The chief mourners were: Mr. Harry Thomas (son), Mary (Mrs. Bennett). Susan (Mrs. Barker), Ethel (Mrs. Pearce), Gladys (Mrs. Reynold's) and Miss Elizabeth Thomas (daughters). (reference)

1931 Birth on September 24, at St. Helen's Hospital, Moss-street, East Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. Justus Angwin, of 15 Glyde-street, East Fremantle—a son (William Charles). Both well. (reference)

1944 Angwin died on 9 June in East Fremantle, and was buried in the Methodist section of Fremantle Cemetery. A street near the East Fremantle council chambers is named after him.

1953 Ross Capes of 3 Glyde Street, East Fremantle, wins £20, a camera and an air trip over Perth (reference)

Property Sold. May 2001 for $400 000, January 1996 for $198 000, 2016 3 Glyde Street, East Fremantle; beautifully restored and renovated, sold for $940 000. (reference)


1909 - 1911: Angwin, William C., M.L.A.

1912 - 1927: Angwin, William C., J.P. M.L.A.

1928: Angwin, William C., J.P.

1929 - 1932: Thomas, Mrs. Lizzie

1933 - 1936: Angwin, W. C.

1936 - 1949: Capes, William J.

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Courtesy of the Town of East Fremantle Heritage Trail, Artist: Miles Noel

“A Federation Bungalow style built by Mr William Angwin JP MLA in 1909, a beautifully symmetrical home featuring a full width bullnosed verandah.”


4 Glyde Street

4 Glayde Street (map)


Federation / Post WWII Adapt. / Bungalow

No. 4 (previously was no. 16) Glyde street is a single storey house constructed in limestone and rendered brick with a hipped corrugated iron roof. It is an example of a Federation period house. It has been adapted in the immediate Post- World War II period and further adapted in the early twenty-first century. The front elevation is symmetrically planned with a central door flanked by picture and side hung sash windows. The facade features a full width concrete roofed verandah supported by paired steel posts over a concrete floor. The verandah is set over a high rusticated stone foundation wall that incorporates a single garage. A long flight of steps with steel balustrades and handrails spans from the garden level to the verandah. 


1916 Killed In Action. Tribute inserted in the Western Mail for the death in action of Private H. W. (Henry) Jenkin; killed around 3 September 1916 on the Western Front. Inserted by Bertha Owens, daughter of  George Owens, 16 Glyde Street, East Fremantle, on 27 October 1916. This suggests a friendship between Henry Jenkin and Bertha Owens. It seems that Private Henry Jenkin lived at 10th Street Maylands where his mother lived. (reference)

1919 Death of George Owens, aged 66, on June 9, at his residence, 16 Glyde-street, East Fremantle, after a long illness. Husband of Mary Owens and father of Bertha, Clare, Mrs. J. M. Rees (East Fremantle), and Mrs. W. S. Buntine (Chili, South America), and Kekey Owens (Sydney). (reference)

1924 Death of Doris Rose, aged 14 months, infant daughter of J. and E. Hammersley and sister of Violet and Nell, on August 25th, at 16 Glyde-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1925 Marriage of William Henry (Hillberg) eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. (Oscar) Hillberg, 16 Glyde Street, East Fremantle, to Claribel Marion (Every) second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Every, 62 Stirling Street, Fremantle. (reference)

1927 Death of Robert Herbert Roy Townsend, husband of Dora Lucy Townsend, (nee Hillberg), of 16 Glyde-street, East Fremantle; aged 31, March 16, at Fremantle Hospital. (reference)

1936 Death notice for William John Collins, aged 57, on February 5, at Woorolloo Sanatorium. Husband of Ellen Mary Collins, of 16 Glyde-street, East Fremantle, Father of Tom, Myrtle, Jack, Dorothy, Bert and Gladys (deceased); father-in-law of Mick and Bob, and grandfather of Pat; aged 57. (reference)

1936 The Members of the Fremantle Lumpers Union are  informed of the death of one of their members ‘late Comrade’, Mr. William John Collins, of 16 Glyde-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1946 Death notice for William Charles Ellis of 4 Glyde Street, East Fremantle, Husband of Ada and father of Bill. (reference)


1909 - 1919: Owens, George

1920: Owens, Mrs Mary

1921: McGowan, Mrs Hazel

1922 - 1923: Matthews, Thomas

1924: King, Walter

1925 - 1934: Hillberg, Oscar

1934 - 1935: O'Sullivan, Edward

1935 - 1940: Bryan, Len G.

1940 -1941: Ellis, William C.

1941 - 1946: Leeth, William

1947: Ellis, Mrs W.

1949: Strachan, William

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6A and 6B Glyde Street

6A Glayde Street (map)


Late Victorian / Early Federation / Terraces w Simple Regency Influences 

No. 6 (previously was no. 18) Glyde street is a pair of two storey town houses constructed in limestone and rendered brick with a low pitched metal deck skillion roof. It is a fine example of a pair of Federation period houses. The front elevation is symmetrically planned with a two storey full width bullnose roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on timber posts with post brackets. The ground floor level verandah has a concrete and tiled floor while the upper level has a timber floor. The upper floor has a simple timber balustrade. The front doors have hopper lights and are located adjacent to the party wall. The doors are flanked by double hung sash windows. The windows and doors have decorative rendered architraves. A parapet rises above the verandah roofline.


AIF 1914, Enlistment papers for Arthur Brier Sweeny. Grocer’s assistant, single and aged 18. His father was Samuel Sweeny of 18 Glyde Street… NAA Record AIF Record

1918 Death of William Hart’s wife, Sarah Jane Hart (47) August 26, 1918, at 18 Glyde street, East Fremantle. Daughters—Mabel, Jessie, and Gwendoline Hart. (reference)

1920 Photo Gladys Olsen, later to be resident at 18 Glyde Street is pictured as the second maid of honour at a wedding at St Patrick’s Church Fremantle on July 28th 1920. Gladys is seated on the far right in the photograph. She would, in 1928, become the mother of ‘Baby Howie’ seen Notable People. Her mother was Nora Olsen. (reference)

1930 Death on August 15, at the Fremantle Hospital, Nora Catherine Olsen, widow of the late Albert Olsen, of 58 (sic) Glyde-street, East Fremantle, and loving mother of Gladys (Mrs. G. Howie), Dorothy (Mrs. W. Wells), and Albert, Arnold, Harold and Laurence Olsen; aged 59 years. (reference)

1939 Engagement of Ida Grace, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Kjellgren, of 6 Glyde-street, East Fremantle, to Walter, only son of Mrs. A. Wormley and the late Mr. W. S. Bloy, of Grimsby. Lincs., England. (reference)

1946 Engagement of Ida Grace Kjellgren of 6 Glyde Street, East Fremantle, to Ernest Albert. younger son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Martin of Spearwood. (reference)

1949 Birth of a son, Len,  August 22, at K.E.M.H., to Eileen and Jim Guppy, of 6 Glyde-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1949 Tenders invited for the purchase of 2, 4 and 6 Glyde-street, East Fremantle: pair of stone 2-storey houses. (reference)


1910 - 1911: Gallop, Henry E.

1912: Hodgson, Arnold A.

1913 - 1916: Sweeney, Samuel

1917 - 1920: Hart, William

1921: Matthews, Thomas

1922 - 1924: Hillberg, Oscar

1925 - 1926: Connolly, Mrs Thersa

1927: Beattie, William F.

1928 - 1929: Olsen, Mrs Nora

1930 - 1932: Beattie, William F.

1933 - 1935: Moseley, James

1935 - 1937: McKenna, Stan F.

1937 - 1945: Kjellgren, Ernst F.

1946: Kjellgren, Charles H.

1947: McKenzie, Mrs

1949: Guppy, James A.

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Former Methodist Church

Former Methodist Church (map)


The Former Methodist Church is located at 8 (previously was 20/22) Glyde Street and is constructed of Rottnest limestone with brick quoins, tuckpointed brickwork, with Romanesque arches and original lead lights. The building has decorative pilasters with domed finials to the front gable, and a steeply pitched corrugated iron roof.and brick with a gabled steeply pitched corrugated iron roof. It is a fine example of a Federation Romanesque style church. Much of the original church fabric both exterior and interior remains, including Karri floor boards and Oregon panelled ceilings. The front elevation is symmetrically planned with a full width hipped roof arcade supported on stout masonry piers over a masonry balustrade.


1908 A largely attended meeting of the officers of the North-East Fremantle circuit was held at the Glyde-street church on Wednesday week. The Rev. Stanley Jarvis occupied the chair. The new minister (Rev. S. Jarvis) was cordially welcomed by the stewards. The policy for the year was outlined by the minister who said that it embraced three aspects, viz, (1) spiritual, (2) social and educational, (3) financial.

The motto should be "Trust in the Lord and do good" The church needed a strong aggressive policy that it might become a living force in the community. Briefly summarised it meant the establishing of the prayer societies; resuscitation of C.E. societies and re-organisation of others; establishment of fellowship classes; systematic pastoral visitation; and quarterly re-union of members. The social and educational aspect dealt with—recreation for the young people physical and mental culture clubs; social league; ladies' guilds and sewing societies.

The financial aspect dealt with the effort to make the income meet the expenditure; the income to be augmented by the re-establishment of the envelope system and quarterly subscriptions. The policy was adopted, its vigor and comprehensiveness meeting with warm approval. The minister was asked to carry on after church lantern services which he had so successfully established on the Goldfields and at Midland Junction. It was agreed to secure a manse at East Fremantle, the various trust committees concurring previously to the charge and guaranteeing the cost. The meeting closed at 11 p.m. with the benediction. (reference)

1914 The quarterly meeting of the North-East Fremantle Methodist Circuit was held at the Glyde-street Methodist Church on Tuesday. The Rev. R. Hocking presided, and representatives were present from each of the churches in the circuit. It was reported that 120 accredited and 53 junior members were on the membership roll, being a slight increase for the quarter. The balance sheet was presented by the circuit stewards, and showed the income to have been £72 17s. 10d. and the expenditure £67 5s. 7d.

The Sunday School visitor, Mr. Bennett, reported satisfactorily on the work of the Sunday Schools, making special mention of the Kindergartens at North Fremantle and Glyde-street. Each of the Junior Christian Endeavour Societies were reported as in a flourishing condition, but superintendents complainer of a lack of workers. The local secretary for Home Missions reported that the allocation would be more than met.

1914 It was agreed that the resolution as submitted to Synod in regard to the consolidation of Methodism in the Fremantle area should be forwarded to the Conference. Approval was given for the purchase of land at Palmyra, and arrangements made for an effort during the ensuing quarter for the extinction of the long-standing circuit debt. (reference)

1934 Methodist Church: Annual synod of the Perth district of the Methodist Church sanctions the selling of the Glyde Street Church in East Fremantle and the proceeds be used for the construction of another church. This move was supported owing to ‘the drift of population outward from the city of  Fremantle’ because the Glyde Street church had ‘ceased to fulfil the functions it had previously served’. (reference)

1946 Methodist Church Purchased By Girl Guides Association: Announcement that the Glyde Street Methodist Church in East Fremantle has been purchased by the Girl Guides Association. The building was now to be used a social centre for guides and scouts. (reference)

1986 Photo: Guide Hall: Still a Guides Hall in 1986. Probably became a residence in April 1998, when it was purchased for $240 000, by 2005 it was sold for $850 000. (reference)


1909: Methodist Church

1910 - 1911: Methodist Church (Rev. C. H. Hammer)

1912 - 1914: Methodist Church (Rev. Ray Hocking)

1915: Methodist Church (Rev. Frederick S. Finch)

1916 - 1949: Methodist Church

Glyde 8.jpg
Courtesy of the Town of East Fremantle Heritage Trail, Artist: Miles Noel“Constructed using Rottnest limestone, boasting Romanesque arches. Much of the exterior & interior remains, including Karri floorboards.”

Courtesy of the Town of East Fremantle Heritage Trail, Artist: Miles Noel

“Constructed using Rottnest limestone, boasting Romanesque arches. Much of the exterior & interior remains, including Karri floorboards.”


9 Glyde Street

9 Glyde Street (map)


Federation Bungalow

No. 9 (previously was no. 21) Glyde street is a single storey house constructed of limestone and brick with a hipped corrugated iron roof. It was adapted in the immediate Post-World War II period but has since been restored to reflect the Federation Bungalow style. The front elevation is symmetrically planned with a central door flanked by windows. The facade features a full width bullnosed roofed verandah supported by timber posts on a concrete floor.


Boat builder Alfred (Alf) Tilley, his wife, three sons and three daughters lived in this house. Born in Hobart in 1869 Tilley did his apprenticeship with his father who was a senior partner of Tilley and Williams. Tilley went to Melbourne at 20 where he married Susan, and 20 years later came to Western Australia, in 1895. In 1911 he established the firm of A. E. Tilley and Co (steamer and launches ) and started a boat service in the harbor and for up-river trade. His boat building business and boat shed operated for more than 30 years. One of the more famous boats built by him was the Mayans. Tilley died aged 65 years in 1993.

Genealogy of Alfred Ernest Tilley Snr

1897 Death of Gladys Tilley, infant daughter of Alfred and Susan Tilley, aged 11 months. The Tilleys were living in Cantonment Road, Fremantle, at the time. (reference)

1903 Alfred Tilly was already hiring out boats and launches on the Swan River. These were based at the East Fremantle Bridge and the Claremont Jetty. (reference)

1930 ‘Dodge’ vehicle registered to AE Tilley of 21 Glyde Street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1931 Alfred’s car collided with a tram in Adelaide Street. (reference

1934 Notice for Alfred E. Tilley’s funeral, after his death on 3 Feb. (reference)

1934 Full report on Alfred’s funeral, including a full list of the mourners. (reference)

1935 Engagement of Frederick Tilley (youngest son of Alfred and Susan Tilley) to Lorna Romney (reference)

1937 Report on the funeral of Violet Miller, daughter of Alfred and Susan Tilley, who appears to have lived next door to her widowed mother (at 23 Glyde Street) Interestingly enough, Violet’s husband is not among the mourners. Violet’s children were also excluded from Susan Tilley’s last will, written in 1944 (see 1949 court case over her wills below) (reference)

1942 A. E. Tilley charged with assaulting his wife and with obscene language. This seems to be the son of Alfred and Susan Tilley. His age matches. (reference)

1942 Alfred Ernest Tilley warned to stay away from his wife and child by a magistrate. (reference)

1943 Alfred Tilley convicted of stealing his wife’s handbag. (reference)

1947 Death notice of Susan Jane Tilley of 9 Glyde Street. (reference)

1949 Sons challenge the will of Mrs. Susan J Tilley. She had made three wills in the previous ten years (since the death of Alfred) The last will (signed in 1944) left everything to her two surviving daughters Lily French and Isabel Banks and nothing to the sons. Not surprisingly, the sons challenged this on the grounds that their mother was of unsound mind when making the will, and claim that it  was obtained by ‘undue influence.’’ (reference)

1949 The Judge rules in favour of the daughters in the will dispute. He rules that the will made in 1944 was in fact valid. Interestingly, Alfred Tilley junior withdrew as a defendant on the morning of the hearing commencement and gave evidence that the final 1944 will was valid. The defendants (sons) were ordered to pay their own costs and the plaintiffs’ (daughters’) costs could be paid out of the deceased estate. (reference

1950 Alfred Ernest Tilley of Glyde Street convicted of keeping a horse too close to a dwelling, and for keeping feed which was not stored in a rat-proof container. He was also fined for keeping an unregistered dog. (reference


1910 - 1932: Tilley, Alfred E.

1933 - 1949: Tilley, Mrs S. J.

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10 Glyde Street

10 Glayde Street (map)


Late Victorian / Early Federation / Georgian Domestic Carpenter

No. 10 (previously was no. 24) Glyde street is a single storey cottage constructed in timber framing and feather edged weatherboards with a hipped corrugated iron roof. It is a good expression of the Federation Bungalow style. The front elevation is symmetrically planned with a central door flanked by single pane double hung sash windows. The facade features a full width skillion roofed verandah supported on stop chamfered timber posts over a timber floor. There is a simple timber and wire balustrade between the posts. An open tread stair spans between the verandah and an elevated garden. A masonry stair spans from the base of the timber stair to the lot boundary.


1905 Funeral of William Murray, father of William E. Murray. The latter was the resident/owner of 24 Glyde Street in 1921. Joseph McCreery became owner in 1922.  It appears that the Murrays and McCreerys were closely related. Two daughters of William Murray were married to two McCreerys. (reference)

1911 Announcement for the funeral of Mary Ellen Counsel, wife of Walter Counsel, of 24 Glyde Street, East Fremantle (reference). Report on Mary Counsel’s funeral—gives list of mourners. (reference)  Auction. Sale of household furniture 24 Glyde Street, East Fremantle. This seems to be Mary Counsel’s household goods, sold after her death. (reference)  

1920 Birth to Mr. and Mrs. William Elder Murray, a daughter Dorothy Edith, at 24 Glyde Street, East Fremantle. (reference)  

1935 - 1937 Lumper Joseph Humphrey Pengel (1904-1975) married Alice May Rowe in Perth in 1924. They had a son Joseph Keith (1924-1985)  and a daughter Merle. They later moved to 50 Duke Street, East Fremantle from 1937- 1949. See the article about Alice May Pengel in Notable People.

1942 Death of Roelf Marais(Dutch), devoted husband of Elsie Marais of 10 Glyde-street East Fremantle; aged 43 Years. Inserted by his sorrowing wife and step-sons and brother-in-law, C. Buck. Claremont. Died suddenly at the Fremantle Foundry aged 43. (reference)

1944 Death of Ernest Stanley Melville Mitchell, brother of Loris Mitchell. (reference)

1949 Mr. F. P. Spencer and the late Mrs. R. E. Spencer of 9 Clyde street, East Fremantle, take great pleasure in announcing the engagement of their youngest daughter Gwendoline Margaret, to Henry Walter (Harry) youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Mitchell of 10 Glyde-street, East Fremantle. (reference)


1909 - 1911: Counsel, Walter

1912 - 1920: Harris, Oliver H.

1921: Murray, William E.

1922 - 1932: McCreery, Joseph

1933 - 1935: Graney, J.W.

1935 - 1937: Pengel, Joseph H.

1937 - 1943: Marais, Ralph

1944 - 1945: Honey, Mrs Olga M.

1946 - 1949: Mitchell, Loris A.

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16 Glyde Street

16 Glyde Street (map)


Federation / Federation Arts & Crafts w Queen Anne Influences

No. 16 (previously was no. 30) Glyde street is a single storey house constructed in brick and limestone with a hipped corrugated iron roof. It is a very good expression of the Federation Arts and Crafts style. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a full width skillion roofed verandah wrapping around a prominent bay window. The verandah is supported on stop chamfered timber posts. The bay window features single pane double hung sash windows. The front door is offset from the bay window and features hopper and sidelights. The facade is layered with a gabled bay over the bay window with a pressed metal infill. A tall brick gable sits to the rear.


1903 Birth December 11, at "Clifton," Glyde street, East Fremantle, the wife of Claude R. Spurr of a daughter. (reference)

1912 The Spurrs moved to 38 King St, East Fremantle. The two brothers C. R. Spurr and F. W. Spurr attended the funeral in 1912 of the wife of the Mayor, J. F. Allen. (reference)

1912 A New Link of East Fremantle. My Dear Aunt Mary,—I am nine years of age, and go to Princess May school I am in the upper second standard, I want to join the Silver Chain. Please tell me what I must do. I have two brothers, who are also going to join. We are all sending a last line about the turtle. I hope one of us will win. We have 30 pigeons, and I think we will have sixty by Christmas. We have all got our own vegetable gardens, and sell the vegetables to mother. -Your loving niece, Mary Howard, 30 Glyde-Street, East Fremantle… My Dear Mary, I was so glad to get a letter from you and hear that the Silver Chain is growing in East Fremantle. The missing line competition has created much interest. It is lovely that you are a Link, and that your brothers are going to join too. We are so glad to have you. What a fine number of pigeons you have. And it must be most exciting to sell your vegetables to mother -Your loving Aunt Mary, (reference)

1912 A New Nephew. Dear Aunt Mary,  My sister has written to you about joining the Silver Chain. My brother and I will join also when we know what we have to do. I am ten years old. I go to the Fremantle Boys' School), and am in the fourth standard. I play soccer with the school team. We had to play off in then final for the Armstrong cup. We lost, but we are going to get a medal each. I am glad cricket is coming in, because I like it better than football. What a lot of nieces and nephews you must have. Can I be a nephew, too? Your loving nephew, L. Jack Howard, 30 Glyde-street, East Fremantle...My Dear Jack, Many thanks for your letter. I shall be so glad if you and your brother join the Silver Chain. You have to send an annual subscription of one shilling a year, and then try to help the work as much as you can by getting other Links to join… Your loving Aunt Mary. (reference)

1913 The Ladies Section Recipe Contest. Honorable Mention. Liver and Bacon Flavoring. When cooking liver and bacon get a Sour apple, slice it very finely and add to gravy. This will impart a delicious flavor, which is a great improvement. Miss Mary Howard, 30 Glyde-street, East Fremantle. (reference).

1915 Fremantle Word Building Competition. The judge who had charge of the word building competitions held in connection with the Silver Chain fete has completed his difficult task, and has announced his awards as follows; third, L. Jack Howard. 30 Glyde-street, East Fremantle, 6,082 words. (reference)

1916 Death in sad but loving memory of Jane Spurr, beloved wife of Cornelius, and dearly loved mother of Claude Spurr, who departed this life January 29, 1915, at King street. In loving memory of our dear mother—Inserted by her loving son, Fred and daughter-in-law, Maggie, and granddaughter, Rita Spurr. (reference)

1920 Birth on July 4, at Nurse O’Grady’s, Queen Victoria street, Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. J. P. MacKenzie, of 30 Glyde-street, East Fremantle—a daughter. Both well. (reference)

1924 Mr. J. F. MacKenzie, of 30 Glyde Street, East Fremantle, appeals to the public for donations on behalf of the 'Widow and' children of the late G B. Crichton. of Group 37, Peel Estate, who was accidentally killed on January 29. The case is a deserving one, as Mrs. Crichton is left with four children, one of whom was born, on the day her husband was killed. The following amounts have been received by the 'West Australian' office... Total £230. (reference)

1928 Death on April 23, at 30 Glyde-street, East Fremantle, Mary Mae MacKenzie, dearly beloved elder daughter of James Paterson and Elsie MacKenzie, and loving sister of Heather; aged 7 years. (reference)

1930 Birth on June 4, at their residence, 30 Glyde-street, East Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. J. P. MacKenzie—a son. Both well. (reference)


1909 - 1911: Spurr, F. W., contractor

1912: Hammond, Charles

1913 - 1918: Howard, Lionel H.

1919: Witte, William C.

1920 - 1949: MacKenzie, James P.

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22 Glyde Street

22 Glyde Street (map)


Late Victorian / Early Federation / Gable Domestic Carpenter Cottage

No. 22 (previously was no. 46) Glyde street is a single storey cottage constructed in timber framing and feather edged weatherboards with a gabled corrugated iron roof. It is a very simple expression of the Federation Bungalow style. The front elevation is symmetrically planned with a central door flanked by double hung sash windows. The façade features a full width skillion roofed verandah supported on timber posts. 


1912 Death on December 17, at No. 46 Glyde-street, East Fremantle, Frederick John, dearly beloved and only son of Richmond Valentine and Julia Theresa Dunkinson, aged 16 months... (reference)

1916 Bereavement Notice. Mr. John Brown and Family, of 46 Glyde-street, East Fremantle, desire to tender their heartfelt thanks to all kind friends for their sympathy shown in their recent sad bereavement… (reference).

1916 Funeral. The Friends of Mr. John Olaf Brown, of Messrs. McIlwraith, McEacharn Pty., Ltd., launch Kalama, are respectfully invited to follow the remains of his late beloved wife, Maude, to the place of interment, the Presbyterian portion, of the Fremantle Cemetery. The Funeral is appointed to leave her late residence, No. 46 Glyde-street, East Fremantle... (reference).

1920 Obituary. Mr. John Arbuckle, late of the Western Ice Co. Fremantle, and of 46 Glyde-street, East Fremantle passed away on October 6 in his 55th year. The deceased was born in Victoria, but had resided for the last 24 years in this State where he made many friends on account of his kindly disposition. About 25 years ago Mr. Arbuckle was a member of the famous Lord Nelson Band, which won the championship of Australasia at the Ballarat competition for some years in succession...He was a foundation member of the old East Fremantle Band, which in time took various names but is now the Fremantle Town Band. The long funeral cortege, headed by the Fremantle Town Band under the baton of Secretary L. C. MacKenzie moved from the residence on Friday afternoon, 8th inst., and proceeded to the Fremantle Cemetery...The chief mourners were Mrs. J. Arbuckle (widow), Mr. William Anderson (son), Mrs. W. A. Ellis and Mrs. F. Smedley (daughters)...The pall-bearers were workmates from the Western Fresh Food and Ice Co., viz., Messrs. L. Pearce, J. Griffiths, H. Newman, R. A. McCaw, A. Rennie and S. P. Clark. (reference)

1928 Death of  Mr. John Fredrick Oborne who for 12 years had been connected with the Wyndham Meat Works, Wyndham, and of 46 Glyde-street, East Fremantle, died on July 5 at St. John of God Hospital at the age of 43 years. Born at Dorset, England, he had resided in this State for the past 18 years. Besides Wyndham, Mr. Oborne was well known at Wooroloo and the south-west districts. He possessed a quiet disposition, and was well liked. A widow and a family of three sons and one daughter survive him. (reference)

1943 Death on February 8, at Thornbury, Melbourne, Mary Ann Canning, dearly beloved mother of Mrs. Ellwood(22 Glyde street, East Fremantle), and fond grandma of Ted (Sydney) and Olive; aged 85 years. (reference)


1909 - 1917: Brown, John O.

1918 - 1920: Arbuckle, John

1921: Cuckson, Norman F.

1922 - 1923: Vacant

1924: Knight, Mrs. Edith May

1925 - 1931: Arbuckle, Mrs. Margaret Ann

1932: Vacant

1933 - 1934: McInnis, J.

1934 - 1935: Herbert, W.

1935 - 1939: Love, Fred T.

1939 - 1943: Ellwood, Mrs. M. A.

1944: Ellwood, Mrs. M. A. & Ellwood, Miss Olive, music teacher

1945 - 1949: Ellwood, Miss Olive,music teacher

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23 Glyde Street

23 Glyde Street (map)

No. 23 (previously was no. 45 pre 1939) Glyde street.


1908 Our Children’s Page. Next Wednesdays concert at East Fremantle Town hall, from 45 Glyde-street, East Fremantle. Dear Uncle Tom, I am very sorry for not letting you know that I received the tickets from your niece, Vera Cornish, quite safe, and was very pleased with them, but you did not send me the account. I should like you to print me 300 programmes, if possible, but if you have not any time 100 will be sufficient. I think we are progressing, and that our concert will be a successful one. I am enclosing a ticket, and we will all be pleased to see you down to take the chair for the evening.—I am, your loving niece, Susie Corti. (reference)

1908 From 45 Glyde-street, East Fremantle. Dear Uncle Tom, I am writing these few lines to tell you all about our Item for the grand combined concert at Fremantle Town-hall on September 23. It is a fairy scene, called the 'Fairies' Frolic,' and it will be very pretty indeed 'if carried out well... (reference)

1930 Accident Volunteer Cadet Shot. Rifle shooting practice at the Swanbourne Rifle Range had a dramatic sequel at Fremantle yesterday afternoon, when a member of the cadet volunteer forces, Thomas Robinson (16), of Glyde-street, East Fremantle. was accidentally shot in the side by a companion. The victim was hurriedly removed to the Fremantle Hospital by the St. John ambulance. It was found that the bullet had passed through his body. It was reported to the Fremantle police that Robinson was returning home from Swanbourne in company with Leonard James Nicholl (16), of, Hubble-street, East Fremantle, and Gordon McAlphine (17), of Wood-street, East Fremantle. The boys were carrying .303 military rifles, which they had used during the day at the range. While walking along Point street, Robinson found a £1 note, and as he picked it up, Nicholl took his gun from his shoulder and playfully pointed it at Robinson, demanding that he give him the money. The gun then exploded, and Robinson dropped to the ground, the bullet having entered his right side... (reference)


1909 - 1912: Corti, William

1913 - 1914: Robinson, Alfred

1915 - 1949: Robinson, William A.

1980’s Helen Davis, Tos Mahoney

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24 Glyde Street

24 Glyde Street (map)


Late Victorian / Early Federation, Gable Domestic Carpenter


1926 Funeral Notice. The Friends of the late Mr. Alexander Benjamin Stewart, dearly beloved husband of Isabel Bertha, and loving father of Neil and Malcolm, are respectfully invited to follow his remains to the place of interment, the Fremantle Cemetery. The Funeral is appointed to leave his late residence, 48 Glyde-street, East Fremantle... (reference)

1940 The engagement is announced of Mildred, youngest daughter of Mrs. L. M. and the late A. B. Hunt of 9 Trafford Street, Beaconsfield, to Leslie Roy second son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Henderson, of 24 Glyde street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1945 Death on September 9, at Fremantle, Annie Maria Sharp, of 24 Glyde-street, East Fremantle, dearly beloved wife of the late Thomas Henry beloved mother of Ivy Alice (Mrs. Henderson, deceased) and Henry Dobson Sharp (16th Batt, 1st AIF, and WA Echelon and Records), loved grandmother of Sydney Leslie and George Henderson; aged 77. (reference) (reference)


1909 - 1926: Stewart, Alexander

1927 - 1932: Sharp, George

1933 - 1935: Cook, E. D.

1935 - 1937: Sharpe, George

1937 - 1945: Sharpe, Mrs. Annie

1946 - 1949: Sharpe, Henry

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26 Glyde Street

26 Glyde Street (map)


Federation / Queen Anne Influences

No. 26 (previously was no. 50) Glyde street is a single story residence constructed in limestone and rendered brick with a hipped and gabled corrugated iron roof. It is a fine example of a Federation Bungalow style house. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a thrust gable bay and part width bullnosed roof verandah. The verandah is supported on turned timber posts. The thrust bay under the gabled roof features a set of three casement windows with a bullnosed sun hood over them. The openings have surrounds and have thrust corners and rendered quoins. The front door is set back in the verandah with a hopper and a sidelight. The door is flanked by casement windows. 


1920 Death on January 5, at 29 Price-street, Fremantle, Margaret, dearly beloved wife of Robert and mother of William D., Henry B., George and Andrew H. Knox, Mrs. J. Jenkins, and Ada, Jean and Annie Knox; aged 63 years. (reference)

1931 In The Culinary Corner. Apricot Recipes.—Apricot  Eggs...Neapolitan Blanc Mange…Apricot Jelly,...Apricots Candied…Mrs. S. Thompson, 50 Glyde-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1935 Death on September 6, Stephen, beloved husband of Helena Bailey, of 26 Glyde street, East Fremantle, loved father of Hazel (Mrs. R. Thomson), May (Mrs. E. Forkin), Ada (Mrs. S. (J. Caddy), father-in-law of Roy, Ted and Dick, grandfather of Lauraine Merle, Audrey and Richard, aged 79 years. (reference)

1940 Death on February 17, at the residence of his son, Stanley Thompson, 26 Glyde-street, East Fremantle, John Henderson, the loved husband of Emily Thompson, aged 75 years. (reference)


1909: Orr, Robert

1910: Cumming, James H.

1911: Lennen, Patrick

1912: Franklin, Frank

1913 - 1925: Knox, Andrew H.

1926 - 1949: Thompson, Stanley Irwin

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27 Glyde Street

27 Glyde Street (map)


Federation / Georgian Influences

No. 27 (previously was no. 51) Glyde street is a single story residence constructed in limestone and brick and with a hipped decramastic tiled roof. It is a good example of a Federation Bungalow style house albeit the verandah has been poorly replaced. The front elevation is symmetrically planned with a central door flanked by double hung sash windows. The facade features a full width hipped roof verandah supported on timber posts and painted brick piers. A painted brick balustrade spans the facade. The openings are surrounded with brick quoins. 


1908 My Letter Bag. New Nieces And Nephews; Robinson (sic) Hollands, 12 years, 51 Glyde-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

Robena Felix Hollands was born In Fremantle in 1896. She had brothers- George born in 1891, Henry born 1900 and Charles born 1902; sisters- Amelia born 1886, and Emma born 1905.

1908 Prize Letter. (The Prize is a “Book for Girl”) Dear Uncle Tom, You would not believe what a pleasure it gives me to correspond... I have taken part in several concerts (of which accounts were sent to you) for the Sunshine League I attend school regularly, and I am in the fifth standard. A great number of your nieces and nephews attend the same school. My birthday is on January 30, and I will be 12 years old. Your niece Susie has asked me to be a guard of honor niece at the Perth concert, and I must say I will do all I possibly can to help you and your nieces and nephews, and also those poor dear little children who can not help themselves. I think now I will conclude, with love and wishes. From your  ever-loving would-be niece Robina Hollands, aged 12, 51 Glyde street, East Fremantle. (reference)

AIF 1915: Henry Harold Nelson (Regimental number 1766) Occupation Labourer, 27 Glyde Street, East Fremantle, Single, Age at embarkation 23. Next of kin-friend- Miss Rubina Hollands. NAA Record AIF Record

1916 Killed in action in France on August 6, Harold, the dearly beloved and eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, of 41 Glyde-street, East Fremantle. A true and brave soldier at last. Inserted by Mr. and Mrs Hollands and family, 51 Glyde-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1919 Robina Hollands married Henry H. Nelson in Fremantle.

1925 The funeral of the late Mrs. Emma Margaret Bassett, wife of Mr. Stephen Bassett of Roebourne, took place on Wednesday afternoon, the 6th instant, and was attended by many friends. The deceased, who was born at East Fremantle 19 years ago, was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hollands, of Davis-Road, Claremont. The funeral cortege moved from the residence of her brother, Mr. G. Hollands, 51 Glyde street, East Fremantle, and proceeded to the local cemetery, where the remains were interred in the Roman Catholic portion. The chief mourners were Mr. and Mrs. J. Hollands (parents), Mrs. McDermott, Mrs. Riley and Mrs. Peterson (sisters), Messrs. George and Harry Hollands (brothers)... (reference)


1909 - 1919: Holland, John

1920 - 1925: Holland, George J.

1926: Thomas, Sydney Joseph William

1927 - 1932: Williams, Thomas

1933 - 1936: Williams, Mrs Elizabeth & Henderson, Mrs. M. L.

1936 - 1944: Williams, Thomas

1945 - 1949: Pellegrini, Mrs. L. W.

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28 Glyde Street

28 Glyde Street (map)


Federation / Federation Domestic Carpenter 

No. 28 (previously was no. 52) Glyde street is a single storey cottage constructed in timber framing and feather edged weatherboards with a hipped and gabled corrugated iron roof. It is a very simple expression of the Federation Bungalow style. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a prominent gable and a full width and return skillion roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on timber posts. There is a central pair of casement windows under the gable and the front door is set deep in the plan. The front door is flanked by a casement window.


AIF 1915, Frederick William Brewer (Regimental number 2189//*2550) Occupation Labourer, 28 Glyde Street, East Fremantle, Western Australia, Single, Age at embarkation 20. Next of kin Mother, Mrs Charlotte Florence Brewer

AIF 1916 Walter Henry Crellin (Regimental number 5702) Occupation Labourer, 28 Glyde Street, East Fremantle, Married, Age at embarkation 26. Next of kin Mrs Jean Isabel Crellin. NAA Record AIF Record

1917 War Casualties Mrs. W. H. Crellin, of 51 Glyde-street, East Fremantle has been notified that her husband, Private Walter H. Crellin, was killed in action on April 11.(reference)

1926 Killed In Action. In fond and loving memory of my darling son, Private Frederick William Brewer, 16th Battalion, A.I.F., killed in action at Mouquet Farm, France, on August 30, 1916; who served at Gallipoli; aged 21 years. Fondly remembered. Inserted by his loving mother, 52 Glyde street, East Fremantle… In loving memory of my dear brother, Private Frederick William, 16th Battalion, A.I.F.-Inserted by his loving sister Jessie, and brother-in-law, Fred McGorrery. (reference)

1942 Death on November 15, at Fremantle, Charlotte Florence Brewer, of 28 Glyde street, East Fremantle, widow of the late William John Brewer, and loving grandmother of Frederick, Jessie, Edna, John and Leslie; aged 76 years. (reference)


1912: Hall, Harry

1913: Patton, Amos

1914: Sorrell, John L.

1915 - 1916: Crellin, Walter H.

1917 - 1918: Watson, Thomas

1919: Vacant

1920: Crellin, Mrs. Jean

1921 - 1922: Caple, William Thomas Ed

1923 - 1943: Brewer, Mrs. C. F.

1944 - 1945: Vacant

1946 - 1949: Nolan, John F.

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29 Glyde Street

29 Glyde Street (map)


Late Victorian (Rear Portion) / Georgian Influences

The rear section of No 29 Glyde Street is a residence constructed of limestone and rendered brick with a hipped corrugated iron roof. 
There is a brick and iron addition to the front of the house. 


Research on the history of this property is currently under way by the Museum of Perth in partnership with the Town of East Fremantle.


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36 Glyde Street

36 Glyde Street (map)


Late Victorian / Early Federation / Georgian / Simple Regency Influences

No. 36 (previously was no. 60) Glyde street is a single story residence constructed in limestone and brick with an ‘M’ format corrugated iron roof. It is a good example of a Federation Bungalow style house. The front elevation is symmetrically planned with a central door and hopper light flanked by double hung sash windows. The facade features a full width bullnosed roof verandah between flanking parapet walls. The verandah is supported on timber posts. The openings are surrounded with brick quoins. 


1915 Advertising. Ladies. Dr. McGill's "Orange Blossom" is a home remedy. Every lady can cure herself. Month's treatment, 10s. 6d. Removes all female ailments. Write, enclosing Id. stamp, for free book. Dr. McGill's Remedies, 60 Glyde-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1915 Writing to his mother (Mrs. W. C. Barrett, of East Fremantle) James Barrett, of the 10th Light Horse, gives an insight into the business of camp life… “We all live in dugouts when not in the trenches, and when not fighting are always busy building roads, trenches, and other warlike necessaries. Across the valley road we had to build barricades (as protection against snipers, who were very bad at first), and I was camped behind one of these for some days. It was here that I had my closest call. The big guns had been busy all day, and one had been lobbing a 9 in. shell about 3ft. long near our bivouac, but it only accounted for a few men…” (reference)

1923 Silver Wedding Anniversary. A most enjoyable time was spent in the Rechabite Hall, Fremantle, on the 16th ult., the occasion being the silver wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Barrett, of 60 Glyde-street, East Fremantle. The bride and bridegroom of 25 years ago have resided in East Fremantle for the past 23 years, during which time they have made many friends. They were the recipients of many beautiful presents, also letters and telegrams of good wishes and congratulations of the happy event. (reference

WC Barrett and family moved to 183 Canning Highway where they lived continuously until at least 1949.

1933 Promoted. Sgt. P. Lean, who is acting as prosecuting sergeant at Fremantle, has been notified of his promotion from second-class to first-class sergeant. Sgt. Lean, who joined the force in 1896, has spent a quarter of a century on the Goldfields. He came to the Port from the South-West four years ago. Sgt. Lean is a brother to the late Inspector M. Lean, who died four years ago. (reference)

1935 Birth on February 8, at Sister Kidston-Hunter's Maternity Hospital, Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. R. Corkhill, 60 Glyde street, East Fremantle—a daughter (Lynette). Both well. (reference)

1949 The marriage of Joan Ellen, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Smith, of 80 Adrian-street, Palmyra, to Alfred John, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Martin, of 36 Glyde-street, East Fremantle, will take place at Our Lady of Fatima Church, Foss street, Palmyra...  (reference)

1949 Death on November 28, John Henry Martin, dearly beloved father of Alf and Mary Martin, of 36 Glyde-street, East Fremantle, and fond grandfather of Alf, Ken, Albert, Roma, Gloria, Beryl and Joan... (reference

1949 Mr. and Mrs. A. Martin, of 36 Glyde-street, East Fremantle, have much pleasure in announcing the engagement of their elder daughter, Roma, to Kenneth, only son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hodgson, Collinsvale, Tasmania. (reference)


1909 - 1911: Barrett, William J.

1912 - 1928: Barrett, William C.

1929: Vacant

1930 - 1932: Barrett, William C.

1933 - 1934: Lean,- Sgt (Pol)

1934 - 1935: Corkhill, R.

1935 - 1937: James, Edward W.

1937 - 1941: Sloan, Mrs. Mary

1941 - 1943: Sloan, Mrs. Mary & Johnson, Mrs Isabella

1944 - 1945: Sloan, Mrs. Mary & Sloan, Mrs Isabel & Martin, Alfred

1946 - 1949: Sloan, Mrs. Isabel & Martin, Alfred

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38 Glyde Street

38 Glyde Street (map)


Victorian / Simple Georgian

No. 38 (previously was no. 62) Glyde street is a single storey residence constructed of rendered masonry with a corrugated iron roof. It is a good example of a Federation Bungalow style house. The front elevation is symmetrically planned with a central door flanked by windows. The façade features a full width skillion roofed verandah supported on masonry piers.


1900 Removal Of Sanitary Pans. A complaint having been made regarding the system of removing the sanitary pans from houses at Fremantle, a representative of this journal day waited on Mr. Laudehr, of Messrs. Laudehr and Gillispie, the Municipal sanitary contractors, with reference to the matter. Mr. Laudehr said that an assertion that it was the custom of the nightmen when emptying the pans to shift them from house to house, was altogether untrue. The pan was always returned to the same outhouse from which it was taken, and every receptacle was sprinkled with lime after being emptied. Mr. Laudehr added that he favoured the adoption of the Healed double-pan system, whereby each pan was regularly disinfected and tarred, but the local hoard of health looked upon it as being too expensive. (reference)

1927 Fremantle. Health Prosecutions. Following on a visit to State schools by a nurse from the Medical Department, William Dennis, James Angove, William Collins and Harry Laudehr were proceeded against on charges of having failed to keep their children's heads free from vermin. A fee of £2 was imposed in each. (reference)

1941 War Savings Groups. The Fremantle A.L.P. District Council has set up a special committee comprising Messrs. W. Wauhop, F. Mann, H. Laudehr, Wood and Mesdames Alcorn and Oliver to co-ordinate and encourage the sale of War Savings Certificates in this district, and the committee has lost no time in getting to work. A circular letter has been despatched to each affiliated organisation by the committee… (reference)

1941 Death of Mary Ann Hurley, dearly beloved mother or Denis and Winifred Hurley, 38 Glyde Street, East Fremantle. (reference)


1909 - 1910: Wood, Henry H., carrier

1911: Ebbs, William

1912: Ryle, John H.

1913: Ackley, Benjamin

1914 - 1915: Smith, William W.

1916 - 1918: Perry, Robert R.

1919: Perry, Herbert

1922: Crocker, William C.

1923: Forsyth, Isaac George

1924 - 1932: Forssyth, Robert George

1933 - 1937: Laudehr, Henry R.

1937 - 1945: Hurley, Denis G.

1946 - 1949: Simpson, Ernst

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47 Glyde Street

47 Glyde Street (map)


Federation / Gothic Influences

No. 47 (previously was no. 89) Glyde street is one of a pair of residences constructed in limestone and brick with a hipped corrugated iron roof. It is a good example of a Federation Bungalow style duplex half house. Unlike its neighbour at No 45 Glyde Street there is no infill to the verandah. The original front door and hopper light and flanking window have been retained. The facade features a full width bullnose roofed verandah supported between flanking parapet walls. 


1946 Morris Cowley Utility, 1927, Price £70. Keegan, 47 Glyde-st., Fremantle. (reference)

1946 Chevrolet Truck Ton, 1927 model, fixed price £75, selling £70. T. Keegan, 47 Glyde-st., Fremantle. (reference)

1949 Bicycle, gent's, reconditioned, good tyres and tubes, £9 or best offer. 47 Glyde-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1950 For sale gent's bike, 28in., good order; boy's 26in. bike, needs repairs, best offer. 47 Glyde-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1952 Real Estate. East Fremantle 45-47 Glyde St., No. 47 Vacant. A pair of S. D. stone and brick houses each with front vers., hall, 3 good rooms, bathroom, laundry, sewered. High position, handy to bus, school and shops. Only £1,000. Will consider offers. see J. J. & F. G. Higham (1932) Estate Agents, 49 High-street, Fremantle. L2422. (reference)

1953 For Sale. Gent’s near new O'coat, o.s., bargain. £6. 47 Glyde-st., East Ftle. (reference)


1940 - 1942: Waters, Joseph

1942 - 1944: Vacant

1945 - 1953: Keegan, Thomas

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48 Glyde Street

48 Glyde Street (map)


Federation / Federation Georgian Influences

No. 48 (previously was no. 90) Glyde street is a single story residence constructed in limestone and brick with a hipped ‘M’ format corrugated iron roof. It is a fine example of a Federation Bungalow style house. The front elevation is symmetrically planned with a central door flanked by double hung sash windows. The facade features a full width bullnose roofed verandah supported on timber posts. The openings are surrounded with brick quoins. 


1904 Fremantle Tramways And Electric Lighting. Election Of The Board. Another page in the history of the Fremantle Municipal Tramway and Electric Lighting Scheme will he recorded today, when the first Board of Management is elected by the ratepayers. It is provided in the Fremantle Tramways and Electric Lighting Act that the Board shall consist of five members, the Mayor for the time being of Fremantle being a member ex officio, while the four other members are to be elected by the rate payers, who, for the purposes of the election, have been divided into two sections-property owners and occupiers. Keen interest has been manifested in the present election, and most of the candidates for office on the Board have conducted vigorous campaigns. The Political Labour Party have entered into the contest, and they are running candidates for each of the seats. There is no lack of aspirants for the four vacancies, there being no less than seventeen candidates nominated: Occupiers' Seat... Walter Francis Wood, East Fremantle.

1928-1932 Alfred Henry Chate (1902-1979) married Hilda Grace Hewitt in Fremantle on 31 Dec 1927 and the couple lived at 90, now 48, Glyde Street, East Fremantle. They had two children, Allan and Lillian Grace. (see photo)

1931 Birth on June 26, at Hillcrest, to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. White, 90 Glyde-street, East Fremantle (late Northam and Midland Junction)—a son (premature), (Keith Alfred William). (reference)

1954 The engagement is announced of Jean Doris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kynaston of East Fremantle, to Ivor Richard, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Chapple, South Fremantle. (reference)


1909 - 1910: McKenzie, John A.

1912: Wood, Walter F.

1913: Wood, Mrs. M. J. & Wood, Miss E., milliner

1914 - 1916: Hunter, John

1918: Fooks, William S.

1919: Hadcroft, Baxter

1920 - 1923: McCaw, Robert A.

1924 - 1927: Cowie, James A.

1928 - 1932: Chate, Alfred H.

1933 - 1937: White, Mrs. E.

1937 - 1949: Kynaston, Charles

2002- 2021 Stephen Hille and Catherine Keogh

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50 Glyde Street

50 Glyde Street (map)


Federation / Georgian Domestic Carpenter

No. 50 (previously was no. 94) Glyde street is a single storey cottage constructed in timber framing, feather edged weatherboards and fibrous cement cladding. The place has a hipped decramasitc tiled roof. It is a simple expression of the Federation Bungalow style with later modifications. The front elevation is symmetrically planned with a central door and hopper light flanked by sidelights and double hung sash windows. The facade features a replacement verandah. The verandah is a full width hip roofed verandah and is supported on masonry piers. 


AIF 1916 Walter John Brown (Regimental number 15147) Occupation Labourer, 50 Glyde Street, East Fremantle, Single, Age at embarkation 22. Next of kin W. Brown. NAA Record  AIF Record 

1921 The Funeral of the late Mr. William Ebbs, dearly beloved husband of Mary Ann, and loving father of Thomas, Joseph, Charlotte, Priscilla, Lizzie, Susan, Clara, and William, are respectfully invited to follow his remains to the place of interment, the Church of England Cemetery, Fremantle. The Funeral is appointed to leave the residence of his son, Mr. Thomas Ebbs, Preston Point-road, Bicton... (reference)

1937 Death on July 26, at her residence, 94 Glyde-street, East Fremantle, Marion McLaughlin Ashwood, loved sister of Sarah (Co. Derry, Ireland) and the late Casie (Mrs. Withers, Bunbury); aged 83. Years. RIP. (reference)


1910: Dymock, George

1911 - 1912: Mitchell, Ernst

1913 - 1916: Ebbs, Thomas

1917 - 1919: Smedley, Frederick

1920: Armstrong, Arthur

1921 - 1938: Ashwood, Mrs Marion

1939 - 1943: Donnes, Edward

1944 - 1949: Heale, Arthur

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