Cnr Riverside Rd & Pier St

Cnr Riverside & Pier St (map)


Cnr Riverside Rd & Pier St East Fremantle


Lot 6152 and Res. 28163 Riverside Rd commencing on n/east cnr of intersection with Pier St and extending north to include western edge of lots Pt. 23, Pt 24 and 5297


3 Windsor Road

3 Windsor Road (map)


Federation, Bungalow w Georgian Influences

No 3 Windsor Road is a single storey house constructed in limestone, brick and rendered brick with a hipped corrugated iron roof. It is a fine expression of the Federation Bungalow style. It is symmetrically composed with a full width hipped roof verandah. The verandah is supported on timber posts with valance boards. A vertical timber balustrade spans between the posts. A broad set of stairs lead down to the garden from the verandah. There is a central door and hopper light flanked by sidelights and lead light casement windows. The roofscape features rendered chimneys. The place sits on limestone foundations.


1932 There was a large attendance at the Fremantle Oval on Thursday night on the occasion of a farewell social to Inspector Teahan, who reached the retiring age (after 39 years in the Force) and relinquished his position in charge of the police of the Fremantle District… The Mayor (Mr. F. W. Gibson) said that he was glad of the opportunity of speaking to the toast because Fremantle, for its size, was freer from crime than any port in the Empire. "You, Mr. Teahan, have earned the esteem of the citizens in those parts where you have had charge, and you have earned the respect of those under your command, and no man can leave a job with those attributes without knowing that he has done his duty…” (reference)

1935 Long Service for State. Late Inspector Teahan. Mr. John Patrick Teahan, who died yesterday at St. John of God Hospital, Subiaco, rendered conspicuous service to the State over a long period. Born 68 years ago, he entered the police force of this State in 1893. ...In July, 1927, he was appointed inspector in charge of the Fremantle district, and served in that capacity until his retirement in August 1932. (reference)

1935 The funeral of Mr. J. P. Teahan, formerly Inspector of Police, took place at Karrakatta today. There was a representative attendance that indicated the high esteem in which he had been held by the community. Aged 68, Mr. Teahan died on Sunday at St. John of God Hospital, Subiaco, after only a short illness. He is survived by the widow and one daughter, Catherine. (reference)

1937 Crash Ends Chase. A few minutes after 9.30 o'clock on Monday night members of the police wireless patrol, which was in charge of Detective-Sergeant McLernon, received a wireless message that a motor car belonging to Walter Barnett Robinson, of Windsor-road, East Fremantle, had been stolen from outside the main entrance to Scotch College, Swanbourne... (reference)

1939 Spearwood Fatality. ...Walter B. Robinson, of Windsor-road, East Fremantle, who was driving a car which reached the scene immediately after the accident, was recalled.  He said that he had a good view of the road. He saw no other car than Smith's and Mews's… (reference)

1945 Death on May 18, suddenly, at his residence 3 Windsor-road, East Fremantle, Colonel Walter Barnett Robinson, DCM. ED. Commander of the VDC, beloved husband of Dot, devoted father of Reg and Lynn and father-in-law of Olwyn: aged 52 years. (reference)

1945 V.D.C. Commander. Colonel Robinson Dies. Long Career of Service. Col W. B. Robinson, DCM, ED, Commander of the VDC in Western Australia, died suddenly at his home in Windsor-road, East Fremantle, yesterday evening at the age of 52 years. (reference)


1920 - 1924: Turner, George S. O.

1925 - 1927: Haberley, Frederick William

1928 - 1932: Teahan, Jon  (Inspector Police)

1933 - 1945: Robinson, Walter Barnett

1946 - 1949: Robinson, Mrs. Doris M.


8 Windsor Road

8 Windsor Road (map)


Federation, Federation Bungalow w, Regency Influences

No 8 Windsor Road is a single storey house constructed in limestone and brick with an ‘M’ format corrugated iron roof. It is a fine expression of the Federation Bungalow style. It is asymmetrically composed with a thrust gable bay and a part width return hip roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on timber posts with post brackets. The verandah terminates at thrust bays on both sides of the house. The front gable bay features a bay window with brick arched heads to its openings. There is a central door and hopper light flanked by double hung sash windows. The roofscape features a render capped chimney. 


Research on the history of this property is currently under way by the Museum of Perth in partnership with the Town of East Fremantle. If you have any stories or information about this property, please contribute it in the comments below.


As per Fremantle Post Directory there are no residents for this Address.


9 Pier Street

9 Pier Street (map)


Inter-War Bungalow Austerity Porch House w California Bungalow Influences


1924 "Uglieland." Last night the Railway and Tramways Boys' Band played a number of selections at the "Uglieland" carnival. which was thronged with people up to a late hour. The final division of the second round of the tug-of-war resulted in Elder, Smith and Co.'s team winning, over that of the hotel employees. Tonight the first heat of the semi-finals will be pulled, when the Tramways No.1 team will contest against the drivers. The pull is timed to start at 9 o'clock. To-morrow night Metters's team., will meet that of Elder. Smith and Co. The national dancing contest was last night drawn to a close, the Irish jig being danced in all three divisions. The winners were: First, Dolly Hassett, Doreen Welsman; and Dagmar Groves; (reference)

1930  The Caledonians held : their fortnightly members' night on Wednesday last, when the opportunity was taken to present the cups won for national dancing at the recent May Day spoils. Miss Dagmar Groves was presented With the Trades Hall cup, as winner of the West Province championship over 12, and Miss Lorna Jenkins with the Doig and Horn cup, being the champion under 12. Miss Thelma Kerr was presented with a gold medal for first in open, sheantrubais and a silver medal for second in the Caledonian Fling. The Chief (Mr Doig), made the presentations and complimented the winners on their performances. The exhibition of Highland dancing by Misses Groves and Kerr and also the singing of Mrs Simpson was much appreciated by the large audience. The next social will be held on Wednesday, June 11, when the proceeds will be given to a Scottish family in distress. (reference)

1938 Marriage on March 14, at Perth, William Baird to Blanche Edith Watson, widow of the late Herbert Charles Watson, of Perth, W.A. (reference)

1939 Marriage of George W. Wenham to Dagmar R. Groves, at Fremantle, on October 21. (reference)

1939 Funeral Notice. The Friends of the late William Baird, retired Mine Manager, formerly Mayor of Norseman, dearly beloved husband of Blanche Edith Baird, fond stepfather of Leverne, Roma and Colin... (reference)

1939 Mrs. George Wenham (formerly Miss Dagmar Groves, of East Fremantle), whose marriage was celebrated on October 21 at the Wesley Church, Fremantle. The Rev. W. F. Freeman conducted the ceremony.Dagmar Rasmussen Groves (1914-1988) see article in Notable People Dagmar and George the family lived at 9 Pier St, East Fremantle from 1949-1954. After George, died in June 1954, Dagmar returned to work in 1956 as nurse-in-charge at Claremont Asylum. (reference)

1941 Birth on July 12, at Woodside Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. George Wenham, of 18 East street, East Fremantle.—a daughter (Laureen Ethel). Both well. No visitors for six days. (reference)

1941 Fremantle Prosecutions. William John Downie (39), hairdresser, George William Wenham (28), clerk, and Robert Roberts (60),clerk, were each fined £5 in the Fremantle Police Court yesterday for having used premises at Mandurah road, South Fremantle, Market street, Fremantle, and High-street, Fremantle, respectively, as common betting houses. Messrs. H. J. Craig, S.M., and A. E. Pady and J. M. Farrell, J's.P. were on the Bench. Costs were £1/1, £/1/0/6 and £1/0/6. Respectively. (reference)

1947 Dagmar Rasmussen Wenham (1914-1988) see article in Notable People.

1949 In Memoriam Wenham. C.: In loving memory of our dear mother and Nanna. Passed away November 13, 1848. Peacefully sleeping. Inserted by George, Dagmar and Hilda. (reference)

1950 Lumper Fined. When a Customs officer saw a watch bought into a Jeweler's shop in Fremantle on February 20, he questioned the owner as to its purchase. The owner, George William Wenham, waterside worker, of Pier-street, East Fremantle, said that be had bought the watch from a Chinese on the wharf for £5. Mr. P. Connaughton who prosecuted for the Customs Department, said that the watch was similar to many others which had been the subject of recent prosecutions and which appeared to have been smuggled into the country from Singapore. The accused was fined £20 and ordered to pay £2/6/ costs. (reference)

1954 “Waterside Workers' Federation of Australia, Fremantle Branch: Members are invited to attend the funeral of their late Comrade, Mr. George William Wenham, of 9 Pier-street, East Fremantle which will take place in the Methodist Cemetery, Fremantle. (reference)

After George, died in June 1954, Dagmar returned to work in 1956 as nurse-in-charge at Claremont Asylum.


Title Deed owners for 9 Pier St, East Fremantle:

23rd November “year unknown” Bought by Isadore Samuel Emanuel.

15th March 1918 transferred to Christina Angwin.

21st November 1923 transferred to William Baird.

22nd August 1940 transferred to Blanche Edith Baird.

25th November 1941 transferred to Lillian Ethel Strahan.

14th January 1947 transferred to Dagmar Wenham.

1949: Wenham, George W

1949 - 1954: Dagmar and Wenham, George

9 p.jpg


9 Windsor Road

9 Windsor Road (map)


Inter-War Porch House Bungalow w California Bungalow Influences

No 9 Windsor Road is a single storey house constructed in limestone, brick and rendered brick house with a hipped tiled roof. It is an expression of the Inter-War Porch style. It is asymmetrically composed with a hipped roof porch supported on square piers. The porch beam has a shallow arch. A masonry balustrade spans between the piers. The porch roof extends south to act as a sunhood. There is a central door flanked by sets of casement lead light windows. The place sits on limestone foundations. The walls are rendered with face brick detailing below sills and above the limestone foundations.


1937 An attempt was also made to break into another residence in Petra-street, occupied by Mr. Arthur Marcus Cook, who reported that about 2 a.m. today he disturbed a man in the act of forcing the back door of his premises. The intruder made a successful get away. (reference)

1949 Double Smash, Driver Chased. Sedan was stolen from outside the Windsor Hotel, Mends-set., South Perth, at about 8 o'clock.  Later the car was seen speeding erratically down Labouchere-rd., South Perth. It crashed headlong into the front of an oncoming car driven by Arthur Marcus Cook, of Windsor-rd., East Fremantle. (reference)

1950 Ten Drivers Fined For Speeding. Ten charges of speeding were among 45 cases dealt with in the Perth Traffic Court yesterday by Mr. A. G. Smith, S.M. ...fined for speeding… Arthur Marcus Cook, of Windsor-street, East Fremantle, £1/10/... (reference)


1941 - 1950: Cook, Arthur M.


11 Pier Street

11 Pier Street (map)


Inter-War Decorated Porch House w Spanish Mission Influences

No 11 Pier Street is a single storey house constructed in rendered brick with a hipped and gable tiled roof. It is an expression of the Inter-War Porch style. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a thrust gable bay and a gable roofed porch. The porch is supported on piers that corbel out to support the gable. The porch sits proud of the gable bay that employs the same corbelled motif. The gable bay features a set of casement and fixed light windows with a flat concrete sunhood over it. Behind the gable bay sits the main part of the house under a hipped roof. To the west is a corner suite of with casement windows. The roofscape features a rendered chimney.


1944 Birth on August 19, at KEMH, to Mr. and Mrs. A. P. McQuade, 11 Pier-street, East Fremantle.—a daughter (Judith Ellen). (reference)


1940 - 1949: McQuade, Alan P.

Pier 11.jpg


19 Pier Street

19 Pier Street (map)


Late Inter / Post War Bungalow w Federation Influences

No 19 Pier Street is a single storey house constructed in limestone and brick with a hipped corrugate iron roof. It is a fine expression of the Federation Bungalow style. The place is asymmetrically planned with surrounding hip roofed verandahs. Sections of the verandah have been enclosed with light framed walls and cladding. The verandah is supported on steel posts with post brackets. A vertical balustrade spans between the posts. A central set of steps leads down to the garden from the verandah. There is a central front door and hopper light flanked by sidelights and French double hung sash windows. The place sits on limestone walls on unconsolidated sand over the Bassendean Sand Formation. The walls are limestone with brick quoins. The roofscape features a replacement stout concrete capped chimney. 


AIF 1915, Arthur Horace Gibson (Dr) (Regimental number Lt Colonel) Occupation Doctor, 19 Pier Street, East Fremantle, Western Australia, Married, Age at embarkation 34. Next of kin Mrs E C E Gibson

1921 Marriage on September 27th, at St. Peter's Church, Brunswick Junction, by the Rev. Arnold Freyer, Dr. A. H. Gibson, of Fremantle, to Harriet Mary, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Hutchinson,of Burekup. (reference)

1927 For Private Sale. Dr. A. H. Gibson's Residence. Pier St, East Fremantle. This Attractive Property consists of a well built Brick and Stone House, containing five fine large rooms, maid's room, kitchen,bathroom, fitted with a bath heater, pantry, cellar, etc. Wide verandah's, practically surround the house, and portion of the verandah space has been fitted up for sleeping out. The outbuildings include a wash-house, with copper and troughs; a double motor garage, shade house, etc. The land, which has a frontage of 132ft. to Pier-st., and contains nearly half an acre, is tastefully laid out with hedges, lawns, and flower beds, and the footpaths are laid down. This house is in most perfect order and a special feature is the beautiful internal decoration. Dr. Gibson having purchased Kensington, Canning-rd, from the Trustees of the Estate of the late J. H. Gracie, has no further use for this property and consequently is offering it at an absurdly low- price to facilitate its sale. Price £1,250. Terms: £250 Cash, 'balance by Annual £65, plus interest 7 per. cent; per. annum. Orders to inspect from Learmonth. Duffy and Co., 35 Henry-street, Fremantle. Sole Selling Agents. (reference)

1930 Dr. A. H. Gibson, Mesdames M. A. Waddell and A. G. Kirby, have been appointed members of the Fremantle Hospital Board for the year ending on August 1, 1931. (reference)

1934 Dr. A. H. Gibson, of Fremantle, who will leave today by the ss Aachen for Europe, was farewelled at a gathering representative of the medical and dental professions and the board of the Fremantle Hospital and councillors and prominent citizens in the Mayor's parlour of the Fremantle Town Hall yesterday afternoon. Dr. Gibson will study radiology at Cambridge University and on the Continent, and will return to Fremantle in about a year's time. Speakers praised Dr. Gibson’s work for the sick poor and for the Fremantle Hospital, with which he has been associated for 28 years. On behalf of the hospital board, Mr. P. G. McMahon, the chairman, presented Dr. Gibson with a case of pipes. The gathering drank the health of Dr. W. Muir, of Esperance, who will carry on Dr. Gibson's practice in his absence. (reference)

1944 Dr. A. H. Gibson, radiologist of St George's-terrace, Perth, died at his home at East Fremantle last night. He graduated at the Melbourne University in 1908. After devoting three years to the study of tropical diseases in the Pacific he came to Fremantle in 1911 and was for two years the chief resident medical officer at the Fremantle Hospital. He then commenced private practice in Fremantle. Ever since that time he has been an honorary doctor at the Fremantle Hospital except for five years served in the last war, during which he was twice mentioned in dispatches and gained the rank of lieutenant-colonel. After the war he took the degree of FRCS at Edinburgh and then returned to Fremantle. Nine years ago he went to England and Europe for 15 months and took the degree of DMRE, after which he returned to this State and commenced practice as a radiologist, giving honorary services at the Perth and Fremantle Hospitals. He is survived by his widow, one daughter and two sons, one of whom is taking a medical course at the Melbourne University. (reference)

1944 A tribute to the memory of a dear Friend, Dr. A. H. Gibson, who passed away November 8. Ever remembered by J. Gerovich and family. In memory of a perfect gentleman. Inserted by Harry and Eileen Gill. He who has served his neighbour well, has served God. (reference)

1945 The Marriage took place on Monday, October 22, at Christ Church, Claremont, between Mary, daughter of the late Dr. A. H. Gibson and Mrs Gibson, of East Fremantle, and Lieutenant John Maurice (R.N.VR.), H.M.S. Maidstone, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Price, of Wrexham, North Wales. (reference)

1948 Permits To Build. 210 Issued Last Month. Two hundred and ten permits to build houses were approved last month by the State Housing Commission. Metropolitan (106)…D.E. Franklin, 19 Pier street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1949 Boy Cyclist Killed. Collision With Bus At Fremantle. Phillip Warridda Nevill (7), of Pier-street, East Fremantle, was killed when run over by a Fremantle Municipal Tramways bus at 4.50 p.m. yesterday at the intersection of Easton-street and View-terrace, Fremantle. The boy was riding his bicycle down a hill in Easton-street and swung to the left into View-terrace just as a bus that was being driven in View terrace by Ernest Frank Wilcox, of Central-avenue, Beaconsfield, arrived at the intersection. Although the bus was swerved violently to miss the cyclist, a collision occurred and the boy was thrown under the rear wheels of the bus. The bus ran on, jumped the opposite kerb and plunged into a steeply sloping sandy allotment. It remained there at a dangerous cant until towed out. (reference)

1949 Death on March 23, suddenly, at East Fremantle, as the result of an accident, Phillip, dearly beloved eldest son of Philip James and Peachey Nevill, of 19 Pier-street, East Fremantle, and loved brother of John, Andrea end Mark; aged seven years. (reference)

1949 Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Nevill and Family, of 19 Pier-street, East Fremantle, wish to express their heartfelt Thanks to all relatives, neighbours and dear friends for their help beautiful floral tributes, letters, telegrams, cards and personal expressions of sympathy received in the sudden and very sad loss of their dearly loved son and brother. Will all please accept this as a personal expression of sincere gratitude. (reference)


1909 - 1915: Arblaster, Albert E.

1916: Gibson, A. H. (Medical Practitioner)

1917 - 1919: Montomery, William

1920: Burford, Captn. O. (NCO)

1921 - 1927: Gibson, A. H. (medical practitioner)

1928 - 1932: Cook

1933 - 1934: Cook, Mrs. Spencer

1935 - 1938: Cooke, Mrs. Violet

1938 - 1939: Woolley, Mrs. Irma

1939 - 1942: Casserly, Park

1942 - 1947: Franklin, Don E.

1949: Franklin, Don E. & Neville, Phillip J.


Pier 19.jpg

12 Windsor Road

12 Windsor Road (map)


Inter-War Old English Vernacular

No 12 Windsor Road is a two storey house constructed in limestone, painted brick and rendered brick with a hipped tiled roof. It is a very fine expression of the Inter-War Old English style. It is asymmetrically composed with an offset hip roofed porch. The porch is supported on rendered columns set on limestone piers. To its immediate north there is a two storey tower. There is a set of casement lights at ground floor level and an arched head window with label moulds at first floor level. The entry door is located on the south elevation under the porch. The remaining windows are casement lights in sets of three and four. The roofscape features finials.


1936 Auction. ...Learmonth, Duffy and Co.: Piano, wireless, motor car, furniture, on premises, 12 Windsor Road, East Fremantle... (reference)

1937 A petition signed by nine-residents of West Murray asked for repairs to that section of road running from Windsor Road to the river. Messrs. Butcher and Kirkham moved that an inspection be made and work carried out; carried (reference)

1939 Vehicle Registration: 38734, J. Dunphy, 12 Windsor-road, East Fremantle, Chevrolet sedan. (reference)

1947 Lost. In Fremantle, Tuesday afternoon, green floral frock with rust trimmings. Finder please ring L2367 or write 12 Windsor-road, East Fremantle. (reference)


1936 - 1942: Dunphey, John

1942 - 1946: Byrnes, Mrs. Lillian & Rogers, Mrs. Florence

1947 - 1949: Hardie, J. E.


14 Windsor Road

14 Windsor Road (map)


Inter-War Bungalow Porch House

No 14 Windsor Road ‘Knockdrin” is a single storey house constructed in limestone, brick and rendered brick with a hipped and gabled tiled roof. It is a fine expression of the Inter-War Bungalow style. A couple of extensions have been completed since 1986. It is asymmetrically composed with a full width hip roofed verandah. The verandah follows the plan of the building and is supported on Tuscan columns set over piers. A brick balustrade spans between the piers. The verandah has a gable located over the entry which reflects California Bungalow style. The facade features casement windows. The roofscape features finials. The place sits on limestone foundations. The walls are face brick with rendered features.


1925 The Friends of the late Mrs. Mary Ritchie, of Fremantle, and loving mother of Mrs. Sarah Pringle, and Mr. Christopher Fahey, are respectfully invited to follow her remains to the place of interment... (reference)

1936 Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Ward, of Windsor-road, East Fremantle, left by the Kangaroo on Thursday for a trip to Java and the Malay States. (reference)

1941 Death on August 26, at his residence, Knockdrin, 14 Windsor-road, East Fremantle, Vernon Waters Ward, dearly beloved husband of Ethel May Ward and loving father of Olive (Mrs. Colin Secombe); aged 53 years… The Friends of the late Mr. Vernon Waters Ward, Manager of the Harbour and Light Department. Fremantle, respectfully informed that his remains will be privately interred in the Baptist portion of the Fremantle Cemetery (reference)

1952 Two of the guests at the annual dinner last night of the Soroptimist Club of Perth were Mrs. Dudley Baker and Mrs. Vernon Ward (see photo reference).

1963 What Makes Rex Tick? Rex Parnell one of the most successful Insurance men in Western Australia—in 1963 Rex and his father, Rex Parnell, senior, still hold the W.A. record of being the only father and son team to each sell £1 million of life insurance... Rex Parnell receives a certificate of membership of the A.M.P. Society's "Million Club" from the Hon. Leslie Craig, who retired from chairmanship of the Society in November. (reference)


1925 - 1928: Pringle, Mrs. Sarah

1929 - 1941: Vernon Ward

1942 - 1944: Davies, Mrs. G.

1945 - 1946: Collier, Mrs.

1947 - 1949: Parnell, Rex


15 Windsor Road

15 Windsor Road (map)


Inter-War Bungalow w Arts & Crafts Influences

No 15 Windsor Road is a single storey house constructed in brick and rendered brick with a hipped and gable tiled roof. It is a fine expression of the Inter-War Bungalow style. It is asymmetrically composed with a full width return hip roofed verandah. The verandah terminates at a gable bay on the south elevation. It is supported on timber posts with post brackets. The entry is located on the south elevation under the return verandah. The front elevation features pairs of multi pane double hung sash windows. The roof has a shallow pitch and features a sweeping gable, a rendered chimney and finials. The gable features a louvred vent. The walls are face brick to sill height and rendered above.


1926 Furnish With Comfort. At W. O. Danielson's. Mr. W. O. Danielson, Leake-street, Fremantle, announces that it is his aim to assist the householder to furnish with comfort, at a moderate cost. He will make to submitted designs, guaranteeing low prices and best workmanship. Customers up to date have been so pleased that with increased business, he has been forced into enlarging this premises. Ice-chests are a necessity for the summer, and these are a special line. A visit of inspection to his works, at the. rear of the Princess Theatre, will be of interest to intending house furnishers. (reference)

1929 W. O. Danielson (‘Scotty') is Growing with the Times. Five years ago Mr. W. O. ("Scotty") Danielson decided that working for an employer was not the way in which satisfactory progress could be made, and so he "made up his mind to get out of the ruck and commence business as a cabinet maker, French polisher and furniture manufacturer... (reference)

1936 Assault in Hotel. Fine Imposed. An argument in a hotel had a sequel in the Fremantle Police Court on Monday, When William Oliver Danielson was charged with having, in the National Hotel on April 8th, used abusive and insulting words to Jack Lewis, and Jack Lewis was charged with having unlawfully assaulted William Oliver Danielson. (reference)

1940 Death on April 4, suddenly, at East Fremantle, Abel Dickins, late of Pithara, husband of the late Sarah Dickins and beloved father of Archie, Bernard and Leslie, of Pithara, and Ciss (Mrs. W. O. Danielson), of 15 Windsor-road, East Fremantle; aged 66 years. (reference)

1940 Marriage on August 10, at St. Alban's Church, Highgate Hill, by Rev. C. W. Ker, Keith Lewis Airey, third son of Captain and Mrs. J. J. Airey, of Windsor-road, East Fremantle, to Phyllis Neville, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Stone, of Dumbleyung. (reference)

1944 Death on September 19, suddenly, at his residence, 6 Tuckfield-street, Fremantle, Edward George Lewis, dearly beloved father of George and Lucia of 15 Windsor-road, East Fremantle; aged 62 years. (reference)


1927 - 1941: Danielson, William Oliver

1941 - 1942: Airey, Keith L.

1942 - 1945: Lewis, Mrs. R.

1946: Lewis, Edwin G.

1947 - 1949: Brown, W. L.


16 Windsor Road

16 Windsor Road (map)


Inter-War, California Bungalow w Art-Deco Influences

No 16 Windsor Road is a single storey house constructed in brick and rendered brick with a hipped and gable tiled roof. It is asymmetrically composed with an offset flat roof porch. The porch is supported on circular columns. The front facade features sets of casement and fixed light windows under flat roofed sunhoods. The lower walls are face brick and the upper walls are rendered. The original decorative brick patterns employed in the gable have been rendered.


Research on the history of this property is currently under way by the Museum of Perth in partnership with the Town of East Fremantle. If you have any stories or information about this property, please contribute it in the comments below.


1941 - 1949: Parson, Almond T.


17 Windsor Road

17 Windsor Road (map)


Inter-War, Bungalow w Federation Influences

No 17 Windsor Road is a single storey house constructed in brick and rendered brick with a hipped tiled roof. It is a fine expression of the Inter-War Bungalow style. It is asymmetrically composed with a full width return hip roof verandah. The verandah is supported on short timber posts set over masonry piers. The front elevation features a set of casement windows and a corner suite. The entry is located on the south elevation under the return verandah. The roofscape features a rendered chimney.


1938 State Shipping Service. After 25 years in the State Shipping Service, Mr. S. S. Glyde, who has been manager since it was made a separate department in 1919, will today commence long service leave before retiring in January next. He will be succeeded by Mr. K. W. Ward, accountant and assistant manager of the service, who will be acting-manager until Mr. Glyde's official retirement. (reference)

1939 Shipping Man’s Death. After an illness of several weeks, Mr. K. W. Ward, acting-manager of the State Shipping Service, died suddenly at his home in Windsor-road, East Fremantle, yesterday morning.The late Mr. Ward was born in Alberton, South Australia, in 1890, and came to this State In 1902, later joining the staff of the Adelaide Steamship Co. Ltd. He remained with this company until 1916, when he became associated with the Fremantle Harbour Trust and State shipping Service, which were then combined. In 1920 he was appointed accountant of the State Shipping Service and in 1928 also became assistant manager. When Mr. S. S. Glyde retired from the position of manager last June, Mr. Ward was appointed acting-manager, and was to have assumed the managership towards the end of this month. Mr.Ward had been closely associated with the East Fremantle Baptist Church almost from its formation, and was secretary for more than 12 years. He was a member of the Baptist Union council and several committees connected with it, and also belonged to the Fremantle Rotary Club. The late Mr. Ward leaves a widow. His brother is Mr. Vernon Ward, manager of the Harbour and Lights Department at Fremantle. (reference)

1947 Death on January 6, at St. John of God Hospital, Subiaco, Elsie May Ward, of Westmeath, Windsor-road, East Fremantle, widow of the late Kenneth Waters Ward, beloved sister of Annie, Gertrude (Mrs. G. Siggins), Jane, Emily, Gordon (deceased). (reference)


1926 - 1939: Ward, Ken W.

1939 - 1946: Ward, Mrs. Elsie L.

1947 - 1949: Jeffs, Eric


18 Windsor Road

18 Windsor Road (map)


Inter-War Domestic Carpenter w Federation Influence

No 18 Windsor Road is a single storey house constructed in timber framing and weatherboard cladding with a ‘M’ format and gabled corrugated iron roof. It is asymmetrically composed with a thrust gable bay and a full width return bull-nosed roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on timber posts with brackets. The gable bay features a set of double hung sash windows. There is a central door and hopper light flanked by sidelights and sets of double hung sash windows. The barges are profiled in the style of cottage ornée decorative fretwork. The roofscape features a pair of rendered chimneys.


1909 Birth On December 24, at Windsor-road, East Fremantle, the wife of W. F. Taylor, of a son. (reference)

1922 Application Licenses. To the Resident Magistrate of the Magisterial District of Fremantle. I, David Gordon Taylor, now residing at Windsor-road, East Fremantle, do hereby apply for a general license under the Auctioneers Act, 1921… (reference)

1935 Death on May 30, at her residence, 18 Windsor-road, East Fremantle, Katie, dearly beloved wife of D. G. Taylor, and devoted mother of Gordon and Isla Taylor; aged 67 years. (reference)

1936 Collapsed on Golf Links. Mr. David Gordon Taylor, a member of the Royal Fremantle Golf Club, collapsed on the club's course yesterday afternoon. Medical aid was on hand, but an examination showed that life was extinct. (reference) The Friends of the late Mr. David Gordon Taylor, Land and Estate Agent, of Messrs. Learmonth, Duffy and Company, Fremantle, and of 18 Windsor-road, East Fremantle… (reference)

1936 Auction of David Gordon Taylor’s well-known ‘Jarrah’ Residence, No 18 Windsor road, East Fremantle, comprising lovely lounge, large dining-room, four bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, pantry, garage, detached laundry and workshop. Nice lawns and gardens... (reference)

1948 State Housing Commission granted HC Webster a permit to build a brick house in the Metropolitan area… (reference)

1949 Wanted to rent, a flat or half a house with all conveniences by High School teacher and wife. Reply Webster, 18 Windsor-road, East Fremantle. (reference)

1949 The engagement is announced between Patricia Mary, younger daughter of Mrs. I. Box and the late Mr. R. Box, of 25 Allen street, East Fremantle, and Lance Vincent Webster, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Webster, 18 Windsor-road, East Fremantle, formerly of Sahibganj, Bihar, India. (reference)


1909 - 1911: Taylor, Wilfred F.

1912 - 1936: Taylor, David G.

1936 - 1946: Saunders, Horace

1947: Badman

1949: Webster, Henry C.


19 Staton Road

19 Staton Road (map)


Federation Rustic Queen Anne Villa w Gothic Influences

No 19 Staton Street is a single storey house constructed in limestone, brick and rendered masonry with a hipped and gable corrugated iron roof. It is a fine expression of the Federation Bungalow style. The front elevation is asymmetrically composed with a thrust gable bay and a part width bull-nosed roofed verandah. The verandah terminated at the gable bay is supported on timber posts. There is a central door and hopper light flanked by sidelights and a pair of double hung sash windows. The lower walls are rendered and the upper walls are limestone with brick quoins. The roofscape features a pair of tall render capped chimneys.


1907 Bankrupt. Harry Reed, fruiterer, at Boulder and Kalgoorlie, said that he owed £315 10s., and that his assets consisted of book debts (£13) and freehold property (valued at £12). He started business about February of last year, with about £1000. (reference)

1917 Wounded on October 30, it was reported that, among others, Lionel Lawrence Cruickshank was wounded in action while on service with the A.I.F. (reference)

1927 Birth on June 11, at their residence, 19 Staton-road, East Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. N. Stuart—a daughter (stillborn). No visitors until 16th. (reference)

1929 Vehicle Registration. 19854: From General Motors Ltd, to George N. Stuart, 19 Staton-road, East Fremantle, Chevrolet. (reference)

1930 Birth on April 17, at St. Helen's Private Hospital, Moss-street, East Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Stuart, 19 Staton-road, East Fremantle—a daughter (Audrey Claire). Both well. (reference)

1945 Death on October 17, Adrian Henry, beloved elder son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. W. Jones, of 19 Staton-road, East Fremantle. R.I.P. (reference)

1947 Advertisement. Wanted. Woman to clean one day weekly. 2/6 hour and fares. After 9.30 a.m., Jones, 19 Staton-road, East Fremantle. (reference)


1909 - 1911: Reed, Harry

1912: Knox, William

1913: Cruickshank, Lionel L.

1914: McKechnie, Mrs. I.

1915 - 1919: Simpson, Robert G.

1920 - 1922: Fraser, David L.

1923: Bale, Frederick William

1924 - 1937: Stuart, George N.

1937 - 1939: Ryan, John

1939 - 1949: Jones, Henry A.


19 Windsor Road

19 Windsor Road (map)


Inter-War Californian Bungalow w Arts & Crafts Influences

No 19 Windsor Road is a single storey house constructed in brick and rendered brick with a hipped and gable tiled roof. It is a fine expression of the Inter-War Bungalow style. It is asymmetrically composed with a part width return gable and skillion roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on rendered masonry piers. A masonry balustrade spans between the piers. The entry is located on the south elevation under the return verandah. The front elevation features a set of casement windows and a corner suite. A central gable dominates the roof form. The gable features timber detailing and vents. The roofscape features a brick chimney and finials. 


1928 The tedium of the Federal Arbitration Court was relieved yesterday for a few moments when Captain W. A. Smith, of the Fremantle Stevedoring Co. told the court of a professional incident. ‘‘On one occasion,' he said, 'I asked a man to act as assistant-foreman. He replied, I must ask Cooky (Mr. 0. Cook, the Union's vigilance officer) about it first.'‘‘ (reference)

1934 Dance at East Fremantle. The "Sixty Club" held its inaugural dance at the Masonic Hall, East Fremantle, on Friday night and the function proved a great success. Among those present were: Captain and Mrs. Warren Smith (reference)

1935 Modern Tiled Roof Brick Residence, 19 Windsor-Road, East Fremantle. Learmonth, Duffy and Co. have received instructions from Captain Warren Smith to offer for sale by public auction as above: His very neat and attractive modern home containing entrance hall 10 x 6, lounge 17 x 12, bedrooms 14 x 12 and 12 x 10, dining-room 11 x 10, breakfast room 17 x 12, kitchen 11 x 7½, bathroom with gas heater and laundry, all under the one roof. There is a very fine motor garage with concrete floor and bench, and there is a rainwater tank. The land, approximately 70 x 130 feet, is laid out in lawns and flower beds, with concrete paths throughout. This is a very comfortable and complete home in an excellent position and the owner is selling simply because he requires more accommodation for his family. (reference)

1935 Young Girl, assist housework. Apply 19 Windsor-road, East Fremantle. After 10. (reference)

1938 Did He Fall on Duty? On November 27 last James Lindsay, a casual lumper, fell down the hold of the s.s. Lowana at Victoria Quay and sustained severe injuries, which incapacitated him indefinitely. Whether the accident occurred when he was carrying out his duties, is a subject of a compensation claim…Today Captain Warren Smith, superintendent stevedore of the Fremantle Stevedoring Company, the respondent in the case, gave evidence that he was supervising loading operations on the Lowana… (reference)

1945 Birth on August 31, at St John of God Hospital, Subiaco, to Mary and George Jeffs, of 19 Windsor-road, East Fremantle—a son. (reference)

1949 Birth on June 28, at St. John of God Hospital, Subiaco, to Mary and George Jeffs, of 19 Windsor-road, East Fremantle—a daughter. (reference)


1934- Sea Captain Austin Warren Smith

1942 - 1949: Jeffs, George


19 Hamilton Street

19 Hamilton Street (map)


Federation, Queen Anne Bungalow w Arts & Crafts Influences

No 19 Hamilton Street - ‘Alloway’, is a single storey house constructed in brick, limestone and rendered brick with a hipped and gable tiled roof. It is a fine expression of the Federation Bungalow style with Arts and Crafts decorative motifs. The place has been simplified with later alterations. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a gabled thrust bay and a full width return hip roofed verandah. The verandah extends across the gable bay and is supported on Tuscan columns. A wrought steel balustrade spans between the columns. The half-timbered gable bay features a pair of double hung sash windows. There is a central door and hopper light flanked by double hung sash windows. The southern part of the return verandah has been enclosed with glazed louvres. The roofscape features render capped chimneys. The original detail has to some extent been lost by rendering.


This is the home of the Owen family from 1926- 1950 and you can read the story of John Owen, pioneering Oncologist and his two DR brothers in the Notable People section.

1926 Registration. 11334: E. A. M. Owen, 19 Hamilton-street. East Fremantle, Chevrolet. (reference)

1930 Dr. J. Lewis Owen, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Owen, of 19 Hamilton-street, East Fremantle, is returning from Edinburgh with his wife and family by the Esperance Bay, due at Fremantle on Thursday next. (reference)

1931 Death on January 31, at his late residence, ‘Alloway’, 19 Hamilton-street, East Fremantle, John Owen, dearly beloved husband of Margaret Owen, and loving father of Margaret (Mrs. H. T. Richards, Koolanooka), John (Edinburgh) and Ivor, Ellis, Vaughan, Lloyd, Bronwen and David Owen (East Fremantle); aged 77 years. (reference)

1934 Engagement. The engagement is announced between Bronwen, younger daughter of Mrs. J. Owen, 19 Hamilton-street, East Fremantle, and Adrian, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jones, York-road, Greenmount. (reference)

1950 Pen Friends. Patricia Owen (19 Hamilton-street, East Fremantle). Welcome to our Junior Club, dear. Your name has been entered in the Birthday Book, unfortunately too late to be acknowledged in this year's Pages, but definitely it will appear next March. Do let us hear from you again. (reference)


1926 - 1931: Owen, John

1932 - 1947: Owen, Mrs. Margeret

1950: Owen, David (medical practitioner)

Hamilton 19.jpg


21 Staton Road

21 Staton Road (map)


Federation Federation Bungalow w Regency Influences

No 21 Staton Street is a single storey house constructed in brick and rendered brick house with a hipped and gable corrugated iron roof. It is a fine expression of the Federation Bungalow style. It is asymmetrically composed with a full width return bull-nosed roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on turned timber posts. The verandah terminates on a gabled roof bay on the south elevation. There is a vertical timber balustrade and decorative frieze between the posts. The return verandah has been enclosed. There is a central door and hopper light flanked by sidelights and pairs of double hung sashes. The walls are tuck-pointed brick with rendered string courses, sill and dressings.


1931 Accident. Cyclist Badly Hurt. Collision with Truck. About 11.30 this morning a bicycle ridden by Wallace Stewart (19), of 21 Staton-road. East Fremantle, collided with a motor truck in Canning-road, between the traffic bridge and the Richmond Hotel. Stewart was conveyed to the Fremantle Hospital, where his name was placed on the danger list. He has a probable fracture of the skull. Lionel Gillett, of 335 Hensman-road, Subiaco, the driver of the truck, informed the police that the injured man was troubled by a bag of tools he was carrying, and in an apparent endeavor to shift them swerved and collided with the truck, which was travelling in the opposite direction. (reference)

1938 On Thursday conference will sit in the morning and in the afternoon there will be a river trip to Fremantle and afternoon tea will be provided by the Fremantle Rotary Club, the guests being welcomed by the president of that club (Mr. Norman G. Tyler) (reference)

1940 Death on August 22, at East Fremantle, Margaret, dearly beloved wife of George Walter Stuart, of 21 Staton-road, East Fremantle; loved mother of Walter (deceased), Clarence (East Fremantle), George (Nedlands), Harold (deceased) and Wallace (Bicton); loved sister of Mrs. W. J. Sasso (East Fremantle), Percy Crellin (Fremantle) and Mrs. E. Hedger (Melbourne), and fond sister-in-law of Charles Stuart (Mordialloc, Victoria) and W. J. Sasso, East Fremantle. Aged 75 years. At Rest. (reference)

1942 Death on September 3, at East Fremantle, Rosalie Prances, dearly beloved wife of Clarence Gordon Stuart, of 21 Staton-road, East Fremantle, loved mother of Ray (RAAF, abroad), Douglas (RAAF), Shirley and Betty; fond daughter-in-law of George Walter Stuart, loved sister of Gladys (Mrs. W. Chambers), Lillian (Mrs. G. F. Cook) Ernie. Walter and Horace Newson: aged 50 years. At rest. (reference)

1942 Funeral Notice. The Friends of Mr. Clarence Gordon Stuart, of 21 Staton-road, East Fremantle, are respectfully informed that the remains of his late dearly beloved wife, Rosalie Frances, will be interred in the Presbyterian portion of the FREMANTLE Cemetery. (reference)

1947 Death on February 11, Clarence Gordon Stuart, of the Fremantle Harbour Trust, and of 21 Staton-road, East Fremantle, dearly beloved husband of the late Rosalie Frances Stuart, loved father of Ray (R.A.A.F., deceased), Douglas, Shirley and Betty; aged 55 years. (reference)

1949 Death on December 3, George Walter, of 21 Staton-road, East Fremantle, dearly beloved husband of the late Margaret Stuart, loved father of George, Wallace and the late Walter and Clarence, loved brother of Edward (East Fremantle) and Charlie (Mordialloc, Victoria); aged 86 years. (reference)

1950 Advertisement. Public Auction. At 3 p.m. on Friday, March 10. On the premises No. 21 Staton Road, East Fremantle. A solid Brick Home with Furniture and in excellent condition Verandahs, hall, 2 bedrooms, lounge, dining room, vestibule, kitchen, bathroom and box room, also laundry, workshop and garage and usual conveniences. (reference)


1909: McInherny, Martin J.

1916: Weir, Archibald

1918 - 1920: Tyler, Norman G.

1921 - 1941: Stuart, George W.

1941 - 1947: Stuart, George W. & Stuart, Clar G.

1949: Stuart, George W. & Ridgway, Alan


21 Alexandra Road

21 Alexandra Road (Map)


No 21 Alexandra Road is a single storey house constructed in rendered brick with a hipped corrugated iron roof. It is a fine expression of the Federation Bungalow style. It is asymmetrically composed with a thrust bay and a part width return hip roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on turned timber posts with post brackets and a decorative frieze. The verandah has been extended south to act as a carport. The thrust bay features a polygonal bay with double hung sash windows. There is a central door and hopper light flanked by side lights and a pair of double hung sash windows. The roofscape features a pair of rendered chimneys.


1929 Engagement. Lorna Nellie, only daughter of Mrs. and the late Mr. F. Culley, of Stoke street, Beaconsfield, to Horrie, second eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lewis, of 21 Alexandra-road East, Fremantle. (reference)

1930 Indian Scout, 1927 model, perfect order. Well shod, nearly new, £23. Cash. 21 Alexandra-rd., East Fremantle. (reference)

1932 Mrs. C. H. Pinniger, of East Fremantle, left on Monday to spend a holiday at Quarram. She was accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. G. Pearse, and small grandson. (reference)

1932 Lost, Kangaroo Dog, white and tan, answers to Prince. Reward. 21 Alexandra-rd., East Fremantle. (reference)

1932 Marriage of Miss Mollie Pinniger, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Pinniger, of Alexandra-road, East Fremantle, to Mr. John Lee, of High street, Fremantle… (reference) See photo

1933 Learmonth Duffy and Co. have received instructions from Mrs. C. H. Pinniger to sell by public auction as above: Splendid Beale Piano. Lovely Fawn Axminster Carpet...Valuable Three-Piece Suite...Superior Chesterfield Lounge...Massive Oak Sideboard, Large Oak Extension Table...Suite of 6 Oak-Framed Chairs...D.S. Sideboard and Linen Press. Handsome Oak Bedroom Suite...Oak D. Bedstead, Duchesse Chest. Congoleum Square. Bath Heater. W.E. Bedroom Suite, 3 pieces. Kauri Bedroom Suite, 3 pieces. Overmantle. 8-Day Clock. Linoleums, Oak Ice Chest. 6 A.B. Chairs. Kitchen Table. Green’s Lawn Mower, etc., etc. (reference)

1935 Marriage of William, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Pinniger, of East Fremantle and Irwin Inlet, to Ninian (Heather), only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Ve'all, of Denmark. (reference)

1942 Death on June 30, at his residence, 21 Alexandra-road, East Fremantle, Alfred Cope, dearly beloved husband of Elizabeth Cope and loving father of Phyllis, Frank (Sergeant RAE) and Ron (RAN); aged 54 years. (reference)

“We (my wife Katina and myself) lived at 21 Alexandra Road from 2007 until Jan this year. Over that time our son Jamie and daughter Arabella were born and raised there and it was an enormously happy place!” James Bowie, Bowie Beef 2022


1926: Jenkins, John

1927 - 1930: Lewis, William Harry

1931 - 1932: Pinniger, Charles H.

1934 - 1937: Smirk, R. C.

1937 - 1943: Cope, Alfred

1944 - 1949: Cope, Mrs Elizabeth

2007- 2022 James and Katina Bowie, children Jamie and Arabella both born and raised there


22 Hamilton Street

22 Hamilton Street (map)


Federation, Federation Bungalow w Queen Anne / Arts & Crafts Influences

No 22 Hamilton Street is a single storey house constructed in limestone and rendered brick with a hipped and gable corrugated iron roof. It is a fine expression of the Federation Bungalow style with Arts and Crafts decorative motifs. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a gabled thrust bay and a full width return hip roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on Tuscan columns set over rendered piers. A masonry balustrade runs between the columns. The half-timbered, gable bay features a bay window. A double hung sash window flanked by sidelights sits in the bay window. There is a central door and hopper light flanked by sidelights and a pair of double hung sash windows. The original detail has to some extent been lost by rendering. The roofscape features rendered chimneys


Captain Charles Severin Coalstad’s family came from Bunbury and lived in this house from 1918. It was said of Captain Colstead that "No finer sailorman ever used the port of Fremantle." (reference) (see Notable people)

His daughter Nora Coalstad, became a distinguished pianist who was well known in the classical music scene around Australia in the late 1920s through to the 1960s. See Notable People for more information.

1928 The Prize Winners: …in our No. 20 Crossword Puzzle competition are as follows: Third Prize, 5s. Miss. E. Smith, 22 Hamilton-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1934 Death of Captain Charles Severin, beloved husband of Mary, 22 Hamilton-street, East Fremantle, and father of Nora, Stanton and Heather. Died suddenly at Onslow, November 12. (reference)

1935 Forthcoming Sales. Furniture and effects, on premises, 22 Hamilton-st., East Fremantle; 2 p.m. (reference)


1918 - 1937: Coalstad, Capt. Charles

1937 - 1949: Ranen, Guiseppe

Hamilton 22.jpg


22 Alexandra Road

22 Alexandra Road (Map)


No 22 Alexandra Road is a single-storey house constructed in limestone and rendered brick with a hipped and gable tiled roof. It is an expression of the Federation Bungalow style. It is asymmetrically composed with a thrust gable bay and a part-width return skillion roofed verandah. The verandah terminates at the gable bay and is supported on Tuscan columns set over piers. A vertical timber balustrade spans between the piers. The gable bay features a pair of double hung sash windows under a tiled awning. The entry door is on the south elevation under the return verandah. It is unlikely that the place was rendered in the first instance. The roofscape features rendered chimneys.


1920 Death on September 22, at Williamstown, Victoria, Frank Curtis, dearly loved brother of Mrs. H. J. Bishop, Alexandra-road, East Fremantle. Deeply regretted. (reference)

1923 I hereby Withdraw the Sale of my property Alexandra-rd., East Fremantle, from all agents H. J. Bishop. (reference)

1926 Sister Lilian Ashton, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ashton, Avonvale, Alexandra-road, East Fremantle, and Sister Luttrell, left Fremantle by the s.s. Zealandia on Saturday, to take up duties in the Royal Paddington Hospital, Sydney. (reference)

1927 East Fremantle, one minute tram, Superior House, five rooms, large vestibule, bathroom, pantry, linen press, scullery, washhouse, c. and t's, front and side verandahs, cement paths, lawns front and back, motor shed, all beautifully finished inside and outside, all conveniences. Apply 22 Alexandra -rd., East Fremantle. (reference)

1931 East Fremantle, Duke-st.(Marmion end), 4 roomed Brick and Stone House, all conveniences, 22/6. W. Burns, 22 Alexandra-rd., East Fremantle. (reference)


1926 - 1927: Ashton, Arthur Andrew

1928 - 1929: Burns

1930 - 1934: Burns, William P.

1934 - 1938: Jackson, Mrs Charlotte M.

1938 - 1949: Cook, John A.