39 Duke Street

39 Duke Street (map)


Late Victorian / Simple Domestic Carpenter

No. 39 (previously was no. 101) Duke Street is a single-storey cottage of timber framing and fibrous cement cladding with a hipped decramastic roof. Later additions are evident to the rear. It is a simple expression of the Federation Bungalow style with later modifications. The front verandah has been enclosed.

The place is consistent with the pattern of development in Plympton and plays an important role in the pattern of development of a working class suburb.


1909 Blacksmith’s, Shoeing and Jobbing, doing a snug trade, for Sale or to Let. Apply J. Devine, Duke-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1921 Death on January 3, at the Fremantle Hospital, James, dearly-beloved husband of Ellen Devine, of 101 Duke-street, East Fremantle; aged 65 years. (reference)

1921 The Friends of the late Mr. James Devine, blacksmith, of East Fremantle, are respectfully invited to follow his remains to the place of interment, the Roman Catholic Cemetery, Fremantle. (reference)

1928 Divorce Court. Desertion was proved against Marjorie Sophia Jane Kelleher by Thomas Florance Kelleher who was granted a dissolution of his marriage. The parties were married in 1919. Disputes, arose over respondent's liking for dances, at which she made herself conspicuous. Respondent injured her foot and came to Perth for a holiday and subsequently refused to go back to petitioner. (reference)

1932 New member, Childrens club: Selma Clapton, 101 Duke-street, East Fremantle. (reference)  

1938 Car registration. No. 38521: F. E. Wright, 101 Duke-street, East Fremantle, Chevrolet Tourer. (reference)

1942 Public Notice. On and after this date, I will Not be responsible for any Debts contracted by my wife, Mrs Dorothea C. Wright. (Signed) F. E. Wright, 39 Duke-st, East Fremantle. June 8, 1942. (reference)

1947 “Razor Chase” An “Untruth”. She said I had chased her with a razor, but that was hard to understand. In fact, Francis Edwin W(r)ight told Mr. Justice Wolff in the Divorce Court, there was “no truth whatsoever” in the allegation his wife Dorothea Campbell Wright made in the Lower Court on May 22, 1942, when she got an order against him for separation and maintenance, on the ground of cruelty. “But there'd been constant domestic trouble” Wright said. “I couldn't reason with her at any time. It went on day after day.” As he had not lived with his wife for 5 years, he applied for a divorce and got it. (reference)


1911 - 1920: Devine, James

1921 - 1926: Devine, Mrs Ellen

1927: Webb, William A.; Wilkins, John

1928 - 1929: Cole, Donald

1930 - 1932: Johnston, John A.

1933 - 1934: Robson, Mrs Isobel

1934 - 1947: Wright, Francis Edwin.

1949: Kelleher, Thomas

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