43 Oakover Street

43 Oakover Street (map)


Inter-War Bungalow w Federation Influences

No 43A Oakover Street is a single storey house constructed in painted brick with a hipped and gable corrugated iron roof. It is asymmetrically composed with a thrust gable bay and a part width return hip roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on timber posts and terminates at the gable bay. The north section of the return verandah has been enclosed. The half-timbered gable bay features a window under a tiled awning. There is a central door and hopper light flanked by sidelights and windows. The original windows have been replaced. The roofscape features a rendered chimney. 
The place retains its form and most of its details. The original tiled roof has been replaced with corrugated iron sheeting.


1949 Immediate Vacant Possession, attractive East Fremantle Home, comprising 2 bedrooms, sleepout, lounge room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, washhouse, workshop, rooms 14 x 14. tastefully carpeted...for further particulars. 43 Oakover-st., East Fremantle. (reference)


1926 - 1949: Cameron, William


43 Moss Street

43 Moss Street (map)


Federation Bungalow with Arts & Crafts Influences

No 43 Moss Street is a single-storey house constructed in rendered brick house with a hipped and gable corrugated iron roof. It is a fine expression of the Federation Bungalow style. It is asymmetrically composed with a thrust gable bay and a full-width bull-nosed roofed verandah. The verandah extends over the gable bay and is supported on turned timber posts with post brackets. A central gabled over the verandah marks the entry. The half-timbered gable bay is set over a bay window. The bay window features a pair of double hung sash windows. There is a central door flanked by sidelights and a pair of double hung sash windows.


1880 Shipping Report. Fremantle. Arrivals, Aug 16 ROB ROY, s.s., England, from Albany. Passengers: Capt. Rickers, Mr. Rickers... (reference)

1932 Footballers Injured. Frank Thorson, of Moss-street, East Fremantle, and William Gibbons, of King William-street, Fremantle, received facial lacerations while playing in a junior football match at Fremantle Park on Saturday afternoon. They were taken by the St. John ambulance to the Fremantle Hospital, where their injuries were treated. (reference)

1938 Death on April 24, at his late residence, 43 Moss-street, East Fremantle, Thore Thorson, late of Geraldton, dearly loved uncle of Daisy (Mrs. W. Tickle, Rottnest) and Lulla (Mrs. R. Smith, Victoria Park); aged 85 years. Ever remembered. (reference)

1946 Smoking On Wharf. For having contravened a Harbour Trust regulation by smoking in H Shed, Victoria Quay, on November 21 William Richard Titley, of Harley-street, Perth, and Frank Edinger, of Moss-street, East Fremantle, were each fined £1 with 3/ costs. Harbour Trust Detective G. Mann prosecuted. (reference)


1915 - 1928: Rickers, Captain Alf

1930 - 1932: Sholl, Arthur G.

1933 - 1936: Thorson, Frank

1936 - 1938: Thorson, Thore

1938 - 1942: Thorson, Frank

1942 - 1949: Edinger, Frank


43 Sewell Street

43 Sewell Street (map)


Late Federation, Gable Domestic Carpenter

No. 43 (previously was no. 103) Sewell street is a single story cottage constructed in timber framing and weatherboard cladding with a gabled corrugated iron roof. It is a simple expression of the Federation Bungalow style with later modifications. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with an offset entry door and hopper light flanked by sidelights and double hung sash windows. The facade features a full width bullnosed roofed verandah supported on timber posts. The verandah and entry door are replacements.


1904 The funeral of the late Mr. Clarence Hicks took place at East Fremantle Cemetery on Wednesday. There was a large and representative gathering at the graveside, including Crs. Mills and Craig, Messrs. T. B. Barratt (town engineer). L. Demel (Consul for the Netherlands), O. L. Haines (president of the W.A. Institute of Accountants and Auditors), G. A. Grant (secretary Commercial Travellers' Association), C. F. Mouritzen, M. J. Murphy… (reference)

1944 17 POW Letters Unclaimed Seventeen prisoner-of-war letters written from Japanese occupied territory are awaiting claimants at the G.P.O. Postal authorities have made futile efforts to locate the addressees. Anybody knowing the present address of any of the following is asked to communicate with the superintendent, Mail Branch, G.P.O., Perth: …Mrs. H. Murphy, 43 Sewell Street, East Fremantle… (reference

1951 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wych of 22 Ainslie road, North Fremantle, wish to announce the engagement of their third eldest daughter, June Amy, to Patrick, youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. M.J. Murphy, of 43 Sewell-street, East Fremantle. (reference


1911 - 1947: Murphy, Michael J.

1949: Murphy, Miss. Anna


43 May Street

43 May Street (map)


Late Federation, Domestic Carpenter Villa with Queen Anne Influences

No 43 May Street is a single-storey house constructed in timber framing and weatherboard cladding with a hipped and gabled iron roof. It is a fine expression of the Federation Bungalow style. The roof form of the hipped section has been modified in the 21st Century. The place is asymmetrically planned with a thrust gable bay and part-width broken back roof verandah. The verandah is supported on timber posts. The thrust gable bay features a triple casement window shaded by a sunhood.


See the story of some of the Craggs family under the notable and Notorious page- Miss Amy Craggs

1924 Two old Fremantle families were united in holy matrimony at St. John's, Fremantle, at 7 o'clock last Saturday evening when Frederick William, the second son of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. N. Craggs, of May-street, East Fremantle, was married to Ellen Elizabeth, only daughter of Mrs. E. Spiers, of Beaconsfield… (reference)

1929 On Tuesday the Fremantle Harbor Trust staff held its second annual picnic at Rockingham. Leaving Victoria Quay by the tender Ivanhoe at 9.15 a.m., the party reached Rockingham about 11 o'clock. Shortly after arrival lunch was pataken of at Hotel Rockingham. During the afternoon a tennis tournament and sports programme was carried out… Following are the results of the sports and tennis... Junior office championship, F. Craggs  (reference)

1930 Late last night Frederick Craggs (18), of Holland-street, East Fremantle, while riding a  motorcycle, came into collision with another motorcycle and received head Injuries. He was admitted to Fremantle Hospital in a critical condition. There was no change In his condition today. His name is also on the danger list. (reference)

1934 Evidence relating to the accident was given by Frederick William Craggs, tram motorman. He said that after his tram car had been brought to a stop at the North Fremantle tram terminus in Victoria-avenue, and the overhead pole had been placed on the electric line in readiness for the return journey from Fremantle, he walked six or seven paces from the tramcar in the direction of Perth. He was watching, by looking at the windows, the working of an adjacent flourmill when he felt a vehicle rush past him. He turned and saw a motor car rebounding from the tramcar, which it had struck head-on. (reference)

1937 Pedestrian Injured. Shortly after 9 o'clock last night Martin Flannagan (30), of 34 Samson-street, Fremantle, was admitted to the Fremantle Hospital, suffering from head injuries. He was driven to the hospital by Frederick Craggs, of 43 May-street, East Fremantle, who reported to the Fremantle police that Flannagan stepped backward from the footpath in front of his car on the Canning-road, East Fremantle. (reference)

1938 In honour of Miss Ellen Spiers, of Beaconsfield, whose marriage will take place next Saturday, her bridesmaid, Miss Olive Craggs, gave a "surprise" kitchen tea at her home in May-street, East Fremantle, on Thursday night. About 30 guests were received by the hostess who wore a frock of gold satin with gold floral tunic, and the guest of honour chose a sheer frock of multi-floral edged with kiltings of red. (reference)

1946 Lady’s Black Coat, lost Sunday, Fishermen's Paradise, also Gloves. Reward. 43 May-st., East Fremantle.(reference)

1946 Brick or J.W.B. Home to £1000, with or without tenancy, Claremont. Subiaco preferred. Reply 43 May-st., East Fremantle.(reference)

1947 Lost, Pram Wheel, Parlour Car, between traffic bridge and Colin-st., Saturday. Finder please return 43 May-st., East Fremantle (reference)


1933 - 1949: Craggs, Frederick William Jnr and Isabel

1949- 1972 Isabel Craggs

owned by Frederick William Craggs Jnr and wife Ellen?

In 1976 - 1987 Angela and David Craggs were living at 43 May St, East Fremantle.


44 May Street

44 May Street (map)


Inter-War Bungalow Porch House with Queen Anne / Arts & Crafts Influences

No 44 May Street is a single-storey house constructed in limestone, brick and rendered brick with a hipped and gable tiled roof. It is a good expression of the Inter-War California Bungalow. It is asymmetrically composed with a thrust gable bay and a part-width hip roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on battered piers. A masonry balustrade spans between the piers. The half-timbered, gable bay features a set of casement windows under a tiled awning. There is a central door flanked by sidelights and a set of casement windows.


1954 Death on June 22, Emily Elizabeth Gibson, loved mother of Bill and Phyllis, of 44 May-street, East Fremantle. (reference)


1936 - 1949: William Gibson


44 King Street

44 King Street (map)


Late Victorian / Early Federation / Villa w Georgian Influences

No. 44 (previously known as No. 88) King Street is a single storey cottage constructed in ashlar limestone and rendered quoins with a hipped corrugated iron roof. It is a simple expression of the Federation Bungalow style with later modifications. The front elevation is symmetrically planned with a central door and hopper light flanked by double hung sash windows. The facade features a full width skillion roofed verandah supported on timber posts. All openings have rendered quoins.


1912 Birth of a Brown (nee Peterson), at "Hackford," 88 King-street, East Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar W. Brown—a daughter. Both well. (reference)

AIF 1914, Cecil Ivan Jarvis(Regimental number 447) Occupation labourer, 44 King Street, East Fremantle, Age at embarkation 20. Next of kin Mrs A. Anderson.
NAA Record  AIF Record 

1945 The Friends of the late Mrs Katherine Elizabeth Rogers of 44 King Street, East Fremantle, widow of the late Robert Alexander Rogers, formerly of Victoria, are respectfully informed that her remains will be interred in the Methodist portion of the Karrakatta Cemetery.The Funeral will leave the residence of her son-in-law, Mr H. P. (Barney) Brown, 44 King Street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1948 Death of Fred (Scotty) Brown, passed away, suddenly, at Seacliff, South Australia, loved brother of Barney, 44 King-street, East Fremantle. (reference)


1912: Hendy, William

1913 - 1915: Anderson, Mrs. A.

1916 - 1918: Searey, Walter H.

1919 - 1920: Harris, Albert R.

1921: Gould, John W.

1922: Vacant

1923 - 1925: Harris, Albert R.

1927: Sorrell, Jonathon L.

1928 - 1940: Harris, Joseph E.

1941 - 1944: Brown, Harry P.

King 44.jpg


44 Oakover Street

44 Oakover Street (map)


Interwar Bungalow w Federation & Queen Anne Influences


1926 Birth on April 11 at Grosvenor Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. R. Semple, Oakover-street, East Fremantle—a daughter (Gloria Gwendoline). Both well. (reference)

1949 Child’s red knitted Cardigan, Wednesday, Canning-highway, East Fremantle, between Moss, Anthony sts. Chandler, 44 Oakover-st., Reward. (reference)

1950 Silver Wedding. Norman and Rita have pleasure in announcing the 25th Anniversary of their Wedding, which was solemnised at Glyde-street Methodist Church, East Fremantle, on April 11, 1925, the late Rev. H. Pearson officiating. Present address, 44 Oakover-street, East Fremantle. (reference)


1926 - 1927: Semple, Robert

1928 - 1949: Chandler, Norman


44 Sewell Street

44 Sewell Street (map)


Federation Simple / Domestic Carpenter Gable

No. 44 (previously was no. 100)


AIF 1915, James C Burns (Regimental number 1085 / 3592A) Occupation Miner, 44 Sewell Street, Single, Age at embarkation 26. Next of kin Mrs C Witheridge

1917 Mrs. W. H. Witheridge, of 100 Sewell-street, East Fremantle, received word on Friday that her brother, Sapper James Burns, now nine months in the trenches, has been awarded the Military Medal for bravery in action on the battlefield in France. (reference)

1938 Second Heat of the Australian Natives Association (A.N.A). Sailing Club's Dance Competition. Tonight. Competitors:Miss J. Kivers. Mr. R. Taylor; Miss J. Wadell. Mr. N. Aldous; Miss J. Browne. Mr. T. Frazer, Miss D. Ivey., Mr. D. Wear. Come along and give your vote to your favourite couple. Admission, 1/6. Dainty supper. Good music.(reference)

1942 Missing Man. Arthur J. Halfpenny (74), of Queen Victoria-street, Fremantle, has been missing since last Friday. He was last seen at about 3 pm when he left home with a £5 note in his possession, on his way to a Fremantle draper to get a house blind. The missing man was 5 feet 8 Inches in height, of medium build, walks with a stoop and when last seen was wearing a grey suit, grey felt hat and tan shoes. (reference)


1913: Brogmus, Ernest A.

1914: Gregg, Alfred J.

1915 - 1920: Witheridge, William H.

1921 - 1922: Halfpenny, Arthur James

1923: Rennard, Arthur

1924 - 1925: Ryan, Thomas

1926 - 1932: Blackman, L. B.

1933: Pomeroy, Henry W. & Smith, Mrs. Sarah E.

1934 - 1935: Vacant

1935 - 1937: Frazer, Mrs. Nellie

1937 - 1939: Frazer, Thomas

1939 - 1945: Waters, W. A.

1946 - 1949: Forsyth, Joseph


44 Osborne Road

44 Osborne Road (map)


Inter-War Bungalow with Federation / Arts & Crafts Influences

No 44 Osborne Road is a single-storey house constructed in brick and rendered brick with a hipped and gable tiled roof. It is a fine expression of the Federation Bungalow style. The original house comprises of only three rooms. Two of these rooms have had their ceilings replaced. The front elevation is symmetrically planned with a full-width return hip roofed verandah. The verandah returns on both sides of the house and terminates at thrust bays. The verandah is supported on timber posts with post brackets. A St Andrew’s cross balustrade spans between the posts. Works to the verandah and balustrade were carried out in the 1908s. The entry door is located on the south elevation under the return verandah. The door has a hopper light and flanked by sidelights and a roundel window. The roofscape features tall render capped chimneys and finials.


1943 Rooms and Flats. Wanted, Small SC Flat or Double Room, furnished, unfurnished; use kitchen: East Ftle. Day, 44 Osborne-rd. East Fremantle. (reference)

1943 For Sale. Premier Vacuum Cleaner, few kitchen Bentwood Chairs. 44 Osborne-rd, East Fremantle. (reference)

1945 Wanted to Rent. Air Force officer, wife, require Unfurn Flat, House, any suburb, urgent. Day 44 Osborne-rd, East Fremantle. (reference)

1946 Houses and Land Wanted. House, up to £1500, or good building block. Day, 44 Osborne-rd., East Fremantle. (reference)

1950 For Sale. Two Upright Counter Showcases, small ice chest, single oak w'robe, dressing table, 44 Osborne-rd., E. Fremantle. (reference)


1921: Vacant

1922 - 1924: Frey, Alfred

1925 - 1926: Threlfall, Frank

1927 - 1930: Parsons, Walter C.

1931 - 1932: Vacant

1933 - 1934: Calder, John L.

1934 - 1938: Gordon, T. R.

1938 - 1949: Parsons, W. C.


44 Clayton Street

44 Clayton Street (map)


Interwar / Porch House Bungalow

No 44 Clayton Street is a single storey house constructed in rendered brick with a hipped and gable corrugated iron roof. There is a second storey addition to the rear in a similar style. It is an expression of the Inter-War Porch style with extensive modifications. It is asymmetrically composed with a thrust gable bay and a hip roofed porch. The porch is supported on stout square piers. The half-timbered gable bay features a set of double hung sashes and fixed light windows under a sunhood. There is a central door flanked by a set of double hung sashes and fixed light windows. The roofscape features a tall rendered chimney. There is an integral garage to the north.


1948 High Handed Action By Ftle. Tram Board. Docks, Rivers and Harbors Union is incensed at the highhanded attitude of the Fremantle Tramways and Electric Lighting Board in refusing to receive a deputation from that Union and from the Fremantle Branch of the Carpenters' Union to protest against the tram fares rise. The Board secretary had informed him that they would only see the deputation from the ALP Council, Docks secretary P. L. Troy told the Star. ...The Fremantle Prices Protest Committee has collected over 1,500 signatures on their protest petition. Their request to the Board to receive a deputation from the Committee has been refused. The ALP Council's deputation included delegates from the Lumpers' Union. Two of the members of the delegation are also members of the East Fremantle Municipal Council, Messrs N. McKenzie (Lumpers' Union secretary) and Mr. W. Glasson. (reference)

1949 Not "Black": The secretary of the Fremantle Lumpers' Union (Mr. N. McKenzie) said yesterday that as a result of an assurance that all cargo to be loaded into the Dutch steamer Maetsuycker (due at Fremantle next week) was destined for Malaya, there would be no move by his organisation to prevent normal loading of the ship. The question had arisen because of the ban by the Waterside Workers' Federation on Dutch ships with cargo for Indonesia. (reference)


1941 - 1949: McKenzie, Norm.


Limestone Wall

Limestone Wall (map)


Aesthetic, Historical & Rarity


Research on the history of this property is currently under way by the Museum of Perth in partnership with the Town of East Fremantle. If you have any stories or information about this property, please contribute it in the comments below.


44 Bedford Street

44 Bedford Street (map)


(No information available)


1944 Children’s Encyclopedia, Arthur Mee late model, in case; pay good price good article. Mrs. Brown, 44 Bedford-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1946 Bone Conduction. Valve Aid (Sonotone), excellent condition; owing to husband's death no further use. Apply 44 Bedford-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1953 Arnott and Son Auctioneers will sell on the premises 44 Bedford-st., East Fremantle. On Wednesday, Aug. 12. at 2 p.m. Household Furniture and Effects, all in excellent cond. Household fridge, as new. wireless, electrolux cleaner, carpets, wardrobe, bedroom furniture, linen press, chest of drawers. Kitchenette and chairs tables, pedestal and ornaments. hall stand, lounge suite, brass firescreen, dress suit, glassware and crockery, new gent's bike, host of every day sundries, etc. (reference)

1953 Furnished or unfurnished. Fremantle, two bedrooms, kitchen, 3 adults. Apply Mrs. Campbell, 44 Bedford-st.East Fremantle. (reference)

1967 In the Supreme Court of Western Australia. No 32 of 1967—Re Bernal Edmond Schleicher, van driver, of 44 Bedford Street, East Fremantle, lately residing at Forrest Street, Beverly, and lately carrying on business at Vincent Street, Beverley in partnership with another as 'Beverley Tea Rooms' Petition—3rd March, 1967 Sequestration order—7th March, 1967. (reference)


1926 - 1932: Major Francis, W.

1933 - 1934: Ellwood, Edward & Major Francis, W.

1935 - 1938: Ellwood, Edmond T.

1939 - 1940: Robins, William G.

1941: Kennerley, Thomas

1942 - 1949: Brown, George F.


44 Windsor Road

44 Windsor Road (map)


Late federation / Interwar / Bungalow w Federation Influences

No 44 Windsor Road is a single storey house constructed in limestone and painted brick with a hipped and gable corrugated iron roof. It is a fine expression of the Federation Bungalow style. It is asymmetrically composed with a full width, return hip roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on timber posts with post brackets. A central gable extends above the verandah. The entry door is located under the return verandah and addresses the street. The door has a hopper light and is flanked by sidelights and casement windows. The roofscape features masonry chimneys. Walls are random course limestone with painted brick quoins.


AIF 1916, Joseph Thomas Hitchcock (Regimental number 986) Occupation; Farm hand, Windsor Road, East Fremantle, Western Australia. Age at embarkation 24. Next of kin Frederick Hitchcock NAA Record AIF Record

1930 Notice to Citizens and Parents of Children Attending Richmond School, East Fremantle. It has frequently come to my knowledge that parents have requested their children to purchase their School Books and Requisites, .etc., from me, and they have been purchased elsewhere. Will parents kindly look inside book covers for my trade stamp. I have been repeatedly asked if my husband is in Government employment and do I receive the old age pension. Unfortunately, neither is true. I am not eligible for pension and I have only resided in the State 17 years, and at present I have no other means of living, and have an almost blind husband to support. A. Hills, Windsor-road, East Fremantle. (reference)

1938 To Seek Cure In East. A 65-year-old blind Fremantle man this week will make a dramatic last pilgrimage in search of sight. A Melbourne surgeon will attempt to restore to him the sight which was lost six years ago. ...With his white stick tapping out the path in front of him, 65-year-old Howard Hope Hills is a familiar figure in Fremantle, and many have given him a helping hand in crossing the streets… His case was described as hopeless But hope was one thing Hills refuses to give up. (reference)

1938 Blind Howard Hills Will Never See. Blind, 65-year-old Howard Hills will return to his East Fremantle home without his sight. A Melbourne specialist has confirmed the opinion of Perth oculists that he is incurable. Mr. Hills made the trip to Melbourne to consult the specialist, was farewelled by his wife at Fremantle wharf with the cry, “Come back with sight.”... (reference)

1938 Blind, He Wants To Help Others. Every Christmas since he has been blind it has been the custom of 65-year-old blind Fremantle man Howard Hills to make carnival hats for sick children, orphans and inmates of other institutions. This year, however, a trip to Melbourne, undertaken in an unsuccessful quest to restore his sight, has depleted his resources, and he is unable to afford the crepe paper for the colored hats. Mr. Hills would appreciate donations of crepe paper… “This work helps me to forget my affliction, and although I have never seen the hats I have been told they are well made and gladden the hearts of the children,” Mr. Hills said. (reference)

1939 Many people will remember the courageous fight for sight made by Mr. Howard Hills, of East Fremantle. "The Sunday Times" told the full story of how a trip to Melbourne was arranged for the blind man some time ago, and how a Melbourne specialist gave him a negative verdict. Mr. Hills has not overcome the bitter disappointment of that verdict. But that has not caused him to abandon a charitable work he commenced last year. Despite his physical handicap, Mr. Hills last year made as many as 7000 paper carnival caps for outback children and inmates of various institutions. This year he wants to make 10,000 caps. (reference)

1941 Blind But Helps. Although aged 68 and blind Howard Hills, of Fremantle, each year makes paper hats for the orphans. This year he sent in 250 caps, which will be forwarded to some of the unlucky ones who depend on charity. (reference)

1950 Death On October 1 at her residence, 44 Windsor-road, East Fremantle, Anna Maria Hills, dearly beloved wife of Howard (Harry) Hills; aged 87 years. (reference)


1920 - 1931: Hills, Howard H. (store)

1940 - 1950: Hills, Howard H. (grocer) Anna Maria Hills


44 Hubble Street

44 Hubble Street (map)


Federation Gable Domestic Carpenter with Gothic Influences


1898 Matilda Drummond was a resourceful and enterprising woman. She started her own store at 44 Hubble St. in 1898, took on a partner George Lacey in 1901, and then, after his death in 1909, moved to this corner store at 48 George Street (diagonally across the road) before retiring in 1919, handing on the business to her nephew Alfred James Marie. You can read more of her story on the website fremantlestuff.info (reference)

1909 The funeral of the late Mr. George Lacey, grocer, of Hubble-street. East Fremantle took place on Friday afternoon last in the Presbyterian portion of the Fremantle Cemetery, and was largely attended. The chief mourners were Mr. James Stevens, Mr. Fred. C. Hawkins, and Mr. E. L. Marie. The pall-bearers were Messrs. F. Eardley, M. Brown. J. D. McLean, H. H. Wood, M. C. Bradbury, and Mr. Henning. Among those present were members of the Free Gardeners' Friendly Society. The Rev. Robt. Hanlin officiated at the grave, and the funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr. Donald J. Chipper. (reference)

1930 The corner of Hubble and George streets. East Fremantle, was the scene of an accident last Wednesday, when a motor cycle ridden by David Carlyle (19), of 35 Malcolm street, East Fremantle, and carrying John Duffield (17) of Sewell-street, East Fremantle on the pillion came Into collision with a motor car. Both cyclists were thrown to the ground. Duffield receiving internal injuries and Carlyle lacerations to the scalp and a fractured collarbone. The motor car was driven by Henry William Denford, of 772 Beaufort-street. (reference)

Julie Patterson: ‘‘My Nanna and Pop, Ernie & Thelma Smith used to live and run the butcher shop here when I was a child. I don't know the actual years. I was born in 1961 so I'd say they were there during 50's, 60's and early 70's. Maybe earlier. There was a stable out the back as well. Great memories of visiting as a child.”


1898- 1900: Miss Matilda Drummond Store keeper

1901- Mrs. Matilda Lacey

1902- 1912: Mr. George and Mrs. M. Lacey

1913: Ernest A. Brogmus

1914: Alfred J. Gregg

1915 - 1920: William H. Witheridge

1921 - 1922: Arthur James Halfpenny

1923: Arthur Rennard

1924 - 1925: Thomas Ryan

1926 - 1932: L. B. Blackman

1933 - 1934: Henry W. Pomeroy; Mrs. Sarah E. Smith

1934 - 1935: Vacant

1935 - 1937: Mrs. Nellie Frazer

1937 - 1939: Thomas Fraser

1939 - 1945: W. A. Waters

1946 - 1949: Joseph Forsyth

1950s, 60s and 70s -Thelma and Ernie Smith

Courtesy of the Town of East Fremantle Heritage Trail, Artist: Miles Noel“A Federation style, with Gothic influences.”

Courtesy of the Town of East Fremantle Heritage Trail, Artist: Miles Noel

“A Federation style, with Gothic influences.”


44 Fortescue Street

44 Fortescue Street (map)


Late Interwar, Bungalow Porch House

No 44 Fortescue Street is a single storey house constructed in limestone brick and rendered brick with a hipped and gable tiled roof. It is an expression of the InterWar Bungalow style. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a thrust gable bay and a part width skillion roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on tapered masonry columns. A rendered masonry balustrade spans between the columns. There is a central door flanked by a set of casement windows. The half- timbered gable bay features a set of casement windows under a tiled awning. Brick work goes from the ground to window head height with rendered brick above. The roofscape features a rendered chimney.


1931 Lucky Winners In Crossword Puzzle Competition. Mrs. G. T. Collins, 44 Fortescue-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1944 Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Rule, of 22 Solomon-street, Palmyra, have much pleasure in announcing the engagement of their eldest daughter, Dorothy May, to Ronald Kingsley Stuart (AIF) only son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Stuart, of 44 Fortescue street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1950 Two Customs Search Officers, Henry Harrington, 54, of Palmyra, and John Arthur Stuart, 53, of East Fremantle, appeared in Fremantle Police Court on separate charges of unlawful possession yesterday.  Goods found in their possession included paint brushes, brandy, whisky, gin, tobacco and cigarettes, butter, pickles and tinned foods. Lawyer W. E. Slattery pleaded guilty on behalf of both. Harrington said the goods had been given to him by officers and crews of the ships. The goods had accumulated over a number of years. Harrington and Stuart were each fined £10 and ordered to forfeit the goods. (reference)


1930 - 1934: Collins, George T.

1934 - 1935: Collins, George T. & Stewart, L.

1935 - 1936: Constaintine, Charles E.

1937 - 1950: Stuart, John A.

Fortescue 44.jpg


Rotunda & Locke Park

Rotunda & Locke Park (map)


Locke Park is located at 44 Moss Street on the corner of Fletcher and Moss Street. The park is laid out geometrically with a central timber gazebo, four Washingtonia Palms, and a number of mature Peppermint trees. A hedge replaces the original Victorian Ti Tree hedge (see article below).


Locke Park is named after Herbert John Locke (1864-1944) was Mayor of East Fremantle 1924-31, 1934-44.

1947 Memorial Garden: A distinctive design marks the memorial garden now being formed at Locke Park on the East Fremantle recreation ground. To be dedicated to citizens who died on war service, the garden takes the design of a map of Australia. It is outlined in Victorian ti-tree, which is to be kept trimmed to a height of two feet, and the "States" are marked by paths constructed of small concrete blocks. Rose-bushes,for which the beds are now being prepared, will be planted during the winter. At the foot of the main design a bed of trimmed rosemary forms the device: "Lest We Forget." Measuring about 20 yards each way, the garden is set amid couch grass lawns. An elevated view can be gained from a rotunda situated directly beneath the design. On a ti-tree hedge in the background the figure of a kangaroo appears. The project was put into execution by the East Fremantle Municipal Council a fortnight ago following representations to local authorities from the National Rose Society urging the formation of rose gardens. The design adopted was conceived by the council's head gardener (Mr. J. G. Brown), who is supervising the work. (reference)

1949 Ornamental Tree: Mr. J. G. Brown, head gardener for the East Fremantle Municipal Council trims a ti-tree into the shape of a kangaroo In Locke Park. He has also grown several other shrubs with the appearance of swans. (reference) See image.

Courtesy of the Town of East Fremantle Heritage Trail, Artist: Miles Noel“4 Washington Palms stand sentry around the Federation Rotunda, within the geometrically laid out Locke Park.”

Courtesy of the Town of East Fremantle Heritage Trail, Artist: Miles Noel

“4 Washington Palms stand sentry around the Federation Rotunda, within the geometrically laid out Locke Park.”


44 Preston Point Road

44 Preston Point Road (map)


Federation / Bungalow Farmhouse w Georgian Influences

No. 44 (previously was no. 64) Preston Point road is a single storey house constructed in limestone and brick house with an ‘M’ format corrugated iron roof. It has additions to the rear. It is a very fine expression of the Federation Bungalow style. The front facade is symmetrically planned with a full width return bull-nosed roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on timber posts with post brackets. A vertical timber balustrade spans between the posts. There is a central door and hopper light flanked by sidelights and double hung sash windows. A set of steps leads down to the front garden from the verandah. Walls are limestone with brick quoins. The roofscape features stout rendered chimneys.


1930 Funeral. The funeral of the late Mrs. Esther Green, wife of Mr. John Green, of Braeside, 64 Preston Point-road, East Fremantle, took place at the Fremantle Cemetery yesterday in the Church of England portion, the Rev. F. T. Bowen officiating at the graveside. The deceased was born at Pinjarra and lived in Western Australia all her life. She was for very many years a resident of Fremantle. While not taking an active part in social matters she was one who was well-known for her acts of kindness, and for her charming disposition was esteemed and loved by a wide circle of friends. The late Mrs. Green was particularly devoted to her home and family. Her only son, John paid the supreme sacrifice during the Great War. (reference)

1932 Funeral. The funeral of the late Mr. John Green, of Braeside, 64 Preston-Point-road, East Fremantle, took place in the Church of England portion of the Fremantle Cemetery yesterday afternoon. The Rev. E. M. Collick officiated at the graveside, in the presence of many relatives and friends. Mr. Green, who was born at Ballintra Co. Donegal, Ireland, came to Western Australia 57 years ago on the trooper sailing ship Naval Brigade, on her last trip to Australia. He was the only son of the late Mr. Edward Green who emigrated some years previously. His father was a Crimean veteran of the 28th Foot, and Green's Valley at Beaconsfield was named after him. The late Mr. J. Green, after completing his education, joined Messrs. J. and W. Bateraan as a tea apprentice and remained with them for 23 years, after which he wag for a few years engaged on the construction of the telegraph line from Roebourne to Gcraldton. He was employed for varying periods with the Fremantle Harbour Works, the Swan River Shipping Company and the State Shipping Service. Lodge matters occupied his keen attention. He was a member of the Richmond Lodge No. 32 W.A.C. and a life memher of Court Robin Hood No. 7990 A.O.F. His only son served with the 16th Battalion at the Great War and paid the supreme sacrifice. The late Mr. Green was of quiet and charitable disposition, always anxious to do what he could fur others, and won the esteem of a wide circle of friends. (reference)

1935 Funeral. The Late Mrs. A. B. Rann. The late Mrs. Annie Beagles Rann, of 64 Preston Point-road, East Fremantle, widow of the late Mr. William Charles Rann, of Walthamstow, London, England, died in her 90th year on Wednesday morning last. The funeral took place in the Church of England portion of the Fremantle Cemetery yesterday afternoon. The rector of St. Peter's Church, East Fremantle, the Rev. T. Secombe, officiated at the graveside. Mrs. Rann was born in 1846 at Tynemouth, Northumberland, England, but spent the major portion of her life at Gravesend, Kent. She came to Western Australia four years ago and since then had resided with her son, Mr. Charles Edward Rann, of Preston Point-road, East Fremantle. Mr. Secombe, in the course of an address at the graveside, referred to the good life which the deceased had led. She had retained full possession of her faculties and health, despite her advanced years, until her last illness, which overtook her only 7 weeks ago. In addition to her son in East Fremantle, Mrs. Kami leaves two daughters in England and a son in the Eastern States to mourn their loss. (reference)


1933 - 1936: Rann Mrs. Eva

1946 - 1949: Rugerra, Frances


45 Glyde Street

45 Glyde Street (map)


Federation, Gothic Influences

No. 45 (previously was no. 87) Glyde street is one of a pair of residences constructed in limestone and brick with a hipped corrugated iron roof. It is a good example of a Federation Bungalow style duplex half house. The original front elevation is obscured by a brick verandah infill. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a door flanked by small pane windows. The facade features a full-width bullnosed roof verandah supported between flanking parapet walls.


1907 Lost, Gold Bar Brooch, half-moon, set sun, moon, star, Tuesday, between McDonald tram or Glyde-st., keepsake; handsome reward by returning Mrs. Bass, 87 Glyde-st., Plympton. (reference)

1909 To Sell. Ducks. 7 Indian Runners, laying, 7s. pair. Apply 87 Glyde-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1910 Lost, between Burt-street and GIyde street, East Fremantle, Gold Opal Brooch (keepsake), reward. Return to 87 Glyde-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1913 Augustus Royal Mckenzie Devenish (1887-1961) was the brother of Barrington Onslow Horace Devenish, who in 1908 caused a sensation when he tried to prostitute his wife to his landlord in lieu of rent… (reference)

1913 For sale. Three h.p. Motorcycle, Magneto, lamp, horn, tools, spares, splendid climber, go anywhere. £25, or exchange land. McKenzie, 87 Glyde-st., E. Fremantle. (reference)

1914 Motors, Three H.P. Cycle, Bosch magneto, B. and B. handle-bar control, good tyres, easy starting, £17 10s. cash. McKenzie, 87 Glyde-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1914 Motors, Allday’s 3 h.p. Bosch Magneto, B. and B., nearest offer, £15, or exchange Rowboat motor. 87 Glyde-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1915 Motors, Exchange. Free-engine Motor Cycle, condition and appearance new. What have you? A.X.D., 87 Glyde-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1915 Public Notices. A Wonderful Discovery, How to Grow Seedless Watermelons, Squashes, Marrows, Cucumbers. All kinds of Pumpkins, Melons, etc., grow twice the size, and of a much better flavor for the sap and pulp, that goes to make seed and pulp, will add to the growth and flavor. Full printed instructions sent post free for 5s., postal note or cash. Hurry up, now is the season, a sure Winner. Mr. A. Devenish, Sole Agent, 87 Glyde-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1915 Free engine Motor Cycle, perfect order, very economical, absolute bargain. Devenish, 87 Glyde-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1915 Exchange.—I have free-engine Motor Cycle, what have you? Take land Palmyra, sell cheap A.X.D., 87 Glyde-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1916 Wanted, Motor Cycle Lamp, Horn, for typewriter or lathe, by appointment. McKenzie, 87 Glyde-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1916. Light-Weight Free Engine, perfect, go anywhere, nearest offer, £21. Call Sunday, 87 Glyde-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1917 Musical Instruments. New Tenor Trombone, Class A, silver, Boosey, £10 10s., or exchange good Cornet. 87 Glyde-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1917 Houses And Land. Wanted to Buy, House 3-4 rooms, East Fremantle. Full particulars McKenzie, 87 Glyde-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1920 Lost, Zoo, Tuesday, 9th, Pearl Blister Leaf, set in gold, safety chain. Keepsake from dead brother at the front. Good reward returning 87 Glyde-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1946 When his mother Mary Anne Hurley died in 1941—Denis Hurley lived at her house at 38 Glyde St. until 1945. He then moved to this address. (reference)

1952 Auction. East Fremantle. 45/47 Glyde-Street, No. 47 Vacant. Will be Sold By Auction in our rooms on Thursday, 25th September, at 3 p.m. Excellent position, high, handy to bus and shops... (reference)

1953 To Let. Full board for 2 new Australians, 45 Glyde-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1954 To Let. Furn. Rooms, 2 gents, close Kwinana bus, 45 Glyde-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1954 Wanted. Bus. couple req. furn. Accom. or flat, Fremantle area, G.P., 45 Glyde-st., East Fremantle. (reference)


1911 - 1912: Benjamin Bovell

1913 - 1918: Aug R. Devenish

1919: Vacant

1920 - 1924: Thomas Edgley

1925 - 1934: Harold O’Byrne

1934 - 1936: Vacant

1936 - 1938: Keith Reynolds

1938 - 1940: W. J. Morgan

1940 - 1942: John T. Doggett

1942 - 1944: Vacant

1945: Simpson

1946 - 1949: Denis G. Hurley


45 Fortescue Street

45 Fortescue Street (map)


Late Interwar, Bungalow Porch House

No 45 Fortescue Street is a single storey house constructed in brick with a tiled roof. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with an offset hipped roofed porch. The entry door sits under the porch and is flanked by sets of casement windows.


1922 Wedding-Bells. A very pretty wedding was celebrated at St. John's Church, Fremantle, on Saturday last, July 1, the contracting parties being Miss May Reynolds, fifth daughter of Stephen and the late Mrs. Reynolds, of York, and Mr. Jack O'Byrne, of North Fremantle. (reference)

1947 Mrs. Jack O'Byrne of East Fremantle accompanied by her daughter (Mrs. Vic. French) are holidaying in York. (reference)


1949: O’Bryne, John W.

Fortescue 45.jpg


45 Fraser Street

45 Fraser Street (map)


Inter-War, Gable Porch House Bungalow

No 45 Fraser Street is a single storey house constructed in timber framing and weatherboard cladding with a hipped corrugated iron roof. It is a fine expression of the Federation Bungalow style. The place is located on a corner lot that addresses Fraser Street and Easton Street. It is asymmetrically composed with a full width return hipped roof verandah. The verandah is supported on timber posts with post brackets. A vertical timber balustrade spans between the posts. A set of masonry steps lead down from the verandah to the garden. There is a central door and hopper light flanked by sidelights and single pane double hung sash windows. 


1911 Person seen taking Lamp from bicycle outside Strand Cafe, 6.30 p.m. Monday, return and save further trouble. C E. Lundgren., Fraser-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1915 Death on January 10, at his late residence, Fraser-street, Richmond, East Fremantle, after a long and painful illness, August Lundgren beloved husband of Maria and father of Charles J., James R., Oscar R., August A. and Cornelia I. Lundgren, aged 51 years. R.I.P (reference)

1915 Will. August Lundgren, late of East Fremantle, engine-driver, to Charles Ernest Lundgren and James Robert Lundgren—£359. (reference)

1917 Lost. Christmas morning, gold two bar Brooch, rubies and diamond. Reward- Mrs. Lundgren, Fraser-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1917 Gunner Jas. R. Lundgren, brother of Mr. C. E. Lundgren, of the Railway Department, North Fremantle, left recently for Melbourne, to complete his training for active service abroad. His younger brother, Oscar, has been attached to B. Company, 51st Battalion, since its formation, and is still in the trenches. This is the second son of Mrs. Lundgren, of Fraser-street, Richmond, East Fremantle, serving with the colors. (reference)

1922 Wedding. Connie, only daughter of the late Mr. A. Lundgren, and Mrs Lundgren, Fraser-street, East Fremantle, to Melville, fourth son of the late F. A. Renner, and Mrs, Bonner, 119 Ocean-road, Cottesloe Beach. (reference)


1911 - 1923: Lundgren, Charles

1924: Renner, Ernst M.

1925 - 1926: Lundgren, Oscar

1927 - 1930: Cowie, Walter E.

1931 - 1932: Swanson, Mrs.

1933 - 1934: Bergland, C. Oscar

1934 - 1936: Bennett, J. A.

1936 - 1941: Ernshaw, Frederick W.

1941 - 1947: Dougal, George

1949: Lundgren, Alec