Federation Gable Domestic Carpenter with Gothic Influences
1898 Matilda Drummond was a resourceful and enterprising woman. She started her own store at 44 Hubble St. in 1898, took on a partner George Lacey in 1901, and then, after his death in 1909, moved to this corner store at 48 George Street (diagonally across the road) before retiring in 1919, handing on the business to her nephew Alfred James Marie. You can read more of her story on the website (reference)
1909 The funeral of the late Mr. George Lacey, grocer, of Hubble-street. East Fremantle took place on Friday afternoon last in the Presbyterian portion of the Fremantle Cemetery, and was largely attended. The chief mourners were Mr. James Stevens, Mr. Fred. C. Hawkins, and Mr. E. L. Marie. The pall-bearers were Messrs. F. Eardley, M. Brown. J. D. McLean, H. H. Wood, M. C. Bradbury, and Mr. Henning. Among those present were members of the Free Gardeners' Friendly Society. The Rev. Robt. Hanlin officiated at the grave, and the funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr. Donald J. Chipper. (reference)
1930 The corner of Hubble and George streets. East Fremantle, was the scene of an accident last Wednesday, when a motor cycle ridden by David Carlyle (19), of 35 Malcolm street, East Fremantle, and carrying John Duffield (17) of Sewell-street, East Fremantle on the pillion came Into collision with a motor car. Both cyclists were thrown to the ground. Duffield receiving internal injuries and Carlyle lacerations to the scalp and a fractured collarbone. The motor car was driven by Henry William Denford, of 772 Beaufort-street. (reference)
Julie Patterson: ‘‘My Nanna and Pop, Ernie & Thelma Smith used to live and run the butcher shop here when I was a child. I don't know the actual years. I was born in 1961 so I'd say they were there during 50's, 60's and early 70's. Maybe earlier. There was a stable out the back as well. Great memories of visiting as a child.”
1898- 1900: Miss Matilda Drummond Store keeper
1901- Mrs. Matilda Lacey
1902- 1912: Mr. George and Mrs. M. Lacey
1913: Ernest A. Brogmus
1914: Alfred J. Gregg
1915 - 1920: William H. Witheridge
1921 - 1922: Arthur James Halfpenny
1923: Arthur Rennard
1924 - 1925: Thomas Ryan
1926 - 1932: L. B. Blackman
1933 - 1934: Henry W. Pomeroy; Mrs. Sarah E. Smith
1934 - 1935: Vacant
1935 - 1937: Mrs. Nellie Frazer
1937 - 1939: Thomas Fraser
1939 - 1945: W. A. Waters
1946 - 1949: Joseph Forsyth
1950s, 60s and 70s -Thelma and Ernie Smith
Courtesy of the Town of East Fremantle Heritage Trail, Artist: Miles Noel
“A Federation style, with Gothic influences.”