44 Windsor Road

44 Windsor Road (map)


Late federation / Interwar / Bungalow w Federation Influences

No 44 Windsor Road is a single storey house constructed in limestone and painted brick with a hipped and gable corrugated iron roof. It is a fine expression of the Federation Bungalow style. It is asymmetrically composed with a full width, return hip roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on timber posts with post brackets. A central gable extends above the verandah. The entry door is located under the return verandah and addresses the street. The door has a hopper light and is flanked by sidelights and casement windows. The roofscape features masonry chimneys. Walls are random course limestone with painted brick quoins.


AIF 1916, Joseph Thomas Hitchcock (Regimental number 986) Occupation; Farm hand, Windsor Road, East Fremantle, Western Australia. Age at embarkation 24. Next of kin Frederick Hitchcock NAA Record AIF Record

1930 Notice to Citizens and Parents of Children Attending Richmond School, East Fremantle. It has frequently come to my knowledge that parents have requested their children to purchase their School Books and Requisites, .etc., from me, and they have been purchased elsewhere. Will parents kindly look inside book covers for my trade stamp. I have been repeatedly asked if my husband is in Government employment and do I receive the old age pension. Unfortunately, neither is true. I am not eligible for pension and I have only resided in the State 17 years, and at present I have no other means of living, and have an almost blind husband to support. A. Hills, Windsor-road, East Fremantle. (reference)

1938 To Seek Cure In East. A 65-year-old blind Fremantle man this week will make a dramatic last pilgrimage in search of sight. A Melbourne surgeon will attempt to restore to him the sight which was lost six years ago. ...With his white stick tapping out the path in front of him, 65-year-old Howard Hope Hills is a familiar figure in Fremantle, and many have given him a helping hand in crossing the streets… His case was described as hopeless But hope was one thing Hills refuses to give up. (reference)

1938 Blind Howard Hills Will Never See. Blind, 65-year-old Howard Hills will return to his East Fremantle home without his sight. A Melbourne specialist has confirmed the opinion of Perth oculists that he is incurable. Mr. Hills made the trip to Melbourne to consult the specialist, was farewelled by his wife at Fremantle wharf with the cry, “Come back with sight.”... (reference)

1938 Blind, He Wants To Help Others. Every Christmas since he has been blind it has been the custom of 65-year-old blind Fremantle man Howard Hills to make carnival hats for sick children, orphans and inmates of other institutions. This year, however, a trip to Melbourne, undertaken in an unsuccessful quest to restore his sight, has depleted his resources, and he is unable to afford the crepe paper for the colored hats. Mr. Hills would appreciate donations of crepe paper… “This work helps me to forget my affliction, and although I have never seen the hats I have been told they are well made and gladden the hearts of the children,” Mr. Hills said. (reference)

1939 Many people will remember the courageous fight for sight made by Mr. Howard Hills, of East Fremantle. "The Sunday Times" told the full story of how a trip to Melbourne was arranged for the blind man some time ago, and how a Melbourne specialist gave him a negative verdict. Mr. Hills has not overcome the bitter disappointment of that verdict. But that has not caused him to abandon a charitable work he commenced last year. Despite his physical handicap, Mr. Hills last year made as many as 7000 paper carnival caps for outback children and inmates of various institutions. This year he wants to make 10,000 caps. (reference)

1941 Blind But Helps. Although aged 68 and blind Howard Hills, of Fremantle, each year makes paper hats for the orphans. This year he sent in 250 caps, which will be forwarded to some of the unlucky ones who depend on charity. (reference)

1950 Death On October 1 at her residence, 44 Windsor-road, East Fremantle, Anna Maria Hills, dearly beloved wife of Howard (Harry) Hills; aged 87 years. (reference)


1920 - 1931: Hills, Howard H. (store)

1940 - 1950: Hills, Howard H. (grocer) Anna Maria Hills