1 Clayton Street

1 Clayton Street (map)


Federation Bungalow

No. 1 Clayton Street ‘'Como’ is a single-storey house constructed in tuck-pointed brick and rendered brick with a gabled, corrugated-iron roof. It is a fine expression of the Federation Bungalow style. It is symmetrically composed with a central gabled bay and a full-width, return, bull-nosed roof verandah. The verandah is supported on timber posts with a decorative frieze. The gable features a central entry door. Masonry steps lead from the verandah to the street. There are render string courses and the roofscape features render capped chimneys.


1920 Marriage on October 9, at Scots Church, Fremantle, James Archibald, youngest son of Mr. and the late Mrs. A. C. Heron, of Forestonia, to Hilda Lavinia, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Petterson, of Como, Clayton-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1938 Hero Celebrates Golden Wedding. Braved Raging Sea To Save 90 People Mr. Peterson, 80-year-old veteran shipwright, of Fremantle, was on September 13, 1887, the central figure in one of the pluckiest rescues in the history of the State. That was a year before his marriage 50 years ago at the age of 29. He rescued more than 90 people—the passengers and crew of the s.s. Perth, which was wrecked on Point Cloates reef. …Tonight the anniversary will be celebrated with a wedding breakfast at the residence of Mrs. Ethel Cowan, Irwin-street, East Fremantle—the couple's eldest daughter. The celebration has been arranged by Mr. and Mrs. Peterson's two sons and three daughters. (reference)(see Notable people)

1939 Birth on June 6, at St. John of God Hospital, Subiaco, to Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Petterson, of 1 Clayton-street, East Fremantle—a son (stillborn). No visitors for five days. (reference)

1943 Death on June 12, at his residence, 1 Clayton-street, East Fremantle, Charles August Petterson, dearly beloved father of Alf, father-In-law of Ella, and darling grandfather of Julie. R.I.P. (reference)

1944 Funeral. The friends of the late Mrs. Mary Jane Petterson of Como, 1 Clayton Street, East Fremantle, widow of the late Charles August Petterson are respectfully informed that her remains will be interred in the Congregational portion of the Fremantle Cemetery. (reference)


1919 - 1943: Petterson, Capt. Charles A. (Como)

1944: Petterson, Mrs Mary J.

1946 - 1949: Pettersen, Alfred G.


2 Clayton Street

2 Clayton Street (map)


Inter-War California Bungalow

No. 2 Clayton Street is a single-storey house constructed in brick and rendered brick with a gabled, tiled roof. It is a fine expression of the Inter-War California Bungalow style. It is asymmetrically composed with a thrust gable bay and a hip-roofed porch. The porch is supported on battered piers with a rendered balustrade spanning between them. The porch roof extends over the gable bay. The half-timbered, gabled bay features a set of small-paned casement lights. There is a central door flanked by sidelights and casement windows. The lower walls are face brick and the upper walls are rendered. The roofscape features a rendered chimney.


1931 By Air to Church. Service at Rottnest. The Rev. J. W. Clift, chaplain to the Mission to Seamen, will conduct the celebration of Holy Communion at the Hostel, Rottnest, at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning. The reverend gentleman will fly to Rottnest, leaving Maylands at 5 a.m., and, to permit of his engagement to take the 11 o'clock service at St. John's, Fremantle, will return by air after the communion service. (reference)

Read more about the amazing Reverend John William Clift under Notable People.

1942 Engagement. Gwendoline Janet, eldest daughter of Mrs. Una and the late Richard Arthur, of 2 Clayton-street, East Fremantle, and Hubert Allan, only son of Mrs. and the late W. A. Murphy, of 50 Preston Point-road, East Fremantle. (reference)

1944 Funeral. The Friends of the late Mrs. Una Elsie Arthur, of 2 Clayton Street, East Fremantle, widow of the late Richard Henry Arthur, are respectfully informed that a Methodist service will be held in the Crematorium Chapel, Karrakatta… (reference)

1944 Death on September 26, Una Elsie Arthur, of 2 Clayton street, East Fremantle, dearly loved mother and mother-in-law of Frank (P.O.W., Malaya) and Nell, fond Gran of Faye and Reg. At rest. (reference)

1950 Taxi Hit. When a taxi owned and driven by Francis Ward, of 2 Clayton-st., E. Fremantle, was struck by a tram at the corner of Market and High-sts., Fremantle, yesterday morning the rear right mud-guard of the car was torn off. (reference)

1951 Sail, mast, boom, gaff plus rigging. suitable 12-14 ft. dinghy. Bargain £15. Ward, 2 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1951 Death on Dec. 17, Reay Elaine Forrest, dearly beloved sister of Gwen (Mrs. Murphy, 26 Preston Point-road, East Fremantle), Lola (Mrs. D. S. Campbell, 5 Florence-street Cottesloe), Ethel (Mrs. F. Ward, 2 Clayton-street. East Fremantle). Too dearly loved to be forgotten. (reference)


1933 - 1935: Clift, Rev. J. W.

1935 - 1936: Morrow, Franc R.

1936 - 1938: Gamble, Charles M.

1938 - 1944: Arthur, Mrs W. E.

1946: Campbell, Mrs Lola E.

1947 - 1949: Ward, Francis

1950-1971 Christine Wilson


3 Clayton Street

3 Clayton Street (map)


Inter-War Bungalow

No. 3 Clayton Street is a single-storey house constructed in brick and rendered brick with a hipped and gabled, corrugated-iron roof. It is a fine expression of the Inter-War Bungalow style. It is asymmetrically composed with thrust gable bay and a part-width, return, hip-roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on short timber posts set on battered masonry piers. A vertical timber balustrade spans between the piers. The gable bay features a set of casement lights under a sunhood. The upper section of the gable bay is rendered and the lower section is face brick. There is a central door and hopper-light, flanked by sidelights and sets of small-pane casement windows. The roofscape features a rendered chimney.


1935 Capable Girl (20), all duties, sleep out, start today. 3 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1936 Capable Girl, immediately, all duties, sleep out, after nine. 3 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1941 Engagement. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Beavis, of Bridge town, have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their eldest daughter, Dorothy, to Milton (R.A.A.F., Pearce), only son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Bamman, 3 Clayton-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1949 Black and tan Airedale Pup, East Ftle. Finder return 3 Clayton-st., East Ftle. (reference)

1949 Modern dining-room Suite, practically new. Apply 3 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1954 Lost, Friday night, wallet con. money in Albany, possibly Spencer-st. Finder please contact 3 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. Reward. (reference)

1954 Engagement. Mr. and Mrs. J. McCarthy, of 122 Samson-street, Beaconsfield, have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their eldest daughter, Patricia, to Robert, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Malacari, of 3 Clayton-street, East Fremantle (reference)


1929 - 1947: Bamman, Ernest P.

1949: Walker, Eric R.

1954: Malacari, J.


4 Clayton Street

4 Clayton Street (map)


Inter-War Mediterranean

No 4 Clayton Street is a single storey house is constructed in brick and rendered brick with a hipped tiled roof. It is a fine expression of the Inter-War Mediterranean style. It is asymmetrically composed with a thrust bay and a curved flat roofed front porch. The porch is supported on Tuscan columns. The gable bay features a set of casement and fixed light windows under a sunhood. There is a central door flanked by a set of casement and fixed light windows. The walls are rendered with brick string courses. The roofscape features a rendered chimney.


1940 Birth on October 12, at Woodside Hospital, East Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. George Forbes, of Clayton street, East Fremantle—the gift of a son (Clement Joseph). Premature. Both well No visitors till October 21. (reference)

1947 Wanted, House or Flat, East Fremantle or Fremantle, excellent references. Apply 4 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1948 Lost, Trots, Saturday, black Pencil gold tipped. Please return 4 Clayton-st., East Fremantle, reward. (reference)

1948 Lucky Escape on Quay. When a winch slipped into neutral as it was lifting a cargo tray containing five cases of beer and a quantity of fruit and vegetables—a total weight of about 12 cwt.—alongside Victoria Quay yesterday. The tray fell about 6ft. and hit Leslie Tuxford (34), truck driver, of Clayton-street, East Fremantle, a glancing blow on the head. Without losing consciousness, he was taken to the Fremantle Hospital in a St. John ambulance and after treatment of head injuries was allowed to go home. Only a few seconds before he was hit he had moved from the direct path of the tray's fall. (reference)

1949 Two-Up Game Raided. Binoculars Used By Constables. How two plainclothes constables watched a game of two-up from a distance with a pair of binoculars before making a raid was revealed in evidence before Mr. R. P. Rodriguez, Special Magistrate, in the Fremantle Police Court yesterday when 13 men were convicted of having played an unlawful game in bush land off the Naval Base-road, Robb's Jetty. ...fines of £1 each with 4/ costs… Leslie Doran Tuxford, of Clayton-street, East Fremantle. (reference)


1942 - 1947: Forbes, Geo

1949: Tuxford, Leslie D.


7 Clayton Street

7 Clayton Street (map)


Inter-War Porch

No 7 Clayton Street is a single storey house constructed in timber framing and weatherboard cladding with a hipped and gable decramastic tiled roof. It is an expression of the Inter-War Porch style. It is asymmetrically composed with a thrust gable bay and a gabled roofed porch. The porch features a louvred vent and is supported on paired timber posts. A balustrade spans between the posts. The porch roof extends over the gable bay. The gable bay features a set of casement windows. There is a central door flanked by sets of casement windows. The roofscape features brick chimneys.


1947 Kitchenette, ream enamel, condition new. 7 Clayton-st., East Fremantle.(reference)

1947 For Sale, 1939 Royal Enfield, good condition throughout, heavy machine, £75. Apply Saturday, 7 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1948 Marriage on December 1, at St. John's Church, Fremantle, Hilda Lazenby, of South Bank, Yorkshire, England, to Charles Styles, of Chiltern, Victoria. Present address, 7 Clayton-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1948 Lottery Reporter. One Off £3000. When a Daily News reporter, sent to interview today's lottery winner, checked the winning ticket, he found that he himself was one off the £3000. Two lumpers, Charles Styles (49), of Clayton-st., East Fremantle, and James Stewart (about 55), of McKimmie-st., Palmyra, shared first prize. Their ticket was No. 35325. The reporter B. W. Lee, of High-st., Fremantle, will get £15 as a near miss prize. In the three years he had been taking tickets, he had never won a prize, Mr. Lee said. (reference)

1949 Blue Lino., 7½yds., nearly new, £3/10/; 5yds. 27in. carpet, with brass ends, condition good, £2/10/. Apply 7 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1954 Lost, Tuesday, fawn kelpie puppy from 7 Clayton-st., E. Fremantle. Please return. (reference)

1954 Speeding: For, having exceeded the speed limit...Robert C. Styles, of Clayton-street. East Fremantle...fined £3. (reference)


1939 - 1949: Styles, Charles.


9 Clayton Street

9 Clayton Street (map)


Inter-War Porch

No 9 Clayton Street is a single storey house constructed in timber framing and weatherboard cladding with a hipped decramastic tiled roof. It is an expression of the Inter-War Porch style. It is symmetrically composed with a central hip roofed porch. The porch is supported on paired timber posts. A balustrade spans between the posts. The porch roof extends over the adjacent casement windows. There is a central door under the porch. 


In September 1883 Stephen Henry Parker and James Morrison of Perth commenced subdivision of 65 acres of land to the north of Canning Road. The subdivision occurred at Swan Locations 63, 176, 219 and the south western portion of Swan Location 306. The subdivision included Preston Point Road, Alcester Gardens, Wolsely Gardens, Victoria Road, Alexandra Road, Parry Avenue, and Salvado Avenue.
The Richmond Precinct was owned by Walter Easton and was named after the town of Richmond where Easton lived in England. In 1901 Easton’s sons subdivided Windsor Estate. New streets to the subdivision of the Windsor Estate were named after various members of the Easton family; Walter, Gill, Stratford and Morgan (later Osborne Road).
Initially lot sizes were generous but sold at a slow rate. The initial development of the Richmond Precinct occurred at Canning Highway and Preston Point Road. Substantial residences were developed on these streets giving precedence to the future development of Richmond. The distinct architecture of Canning Highway and Preston Point Road distinguish Richmond from the surrounding area.
By 1913 there were approximately 40 residences in the area between Preston Point Road and Alexandra Road. Osborne Road, Windsor Road and Gill Street had several buildings apiece by 1913. By 1931 approximately half the lots were developed. In 1921 Richmond Primary School was developed between Windsor and Osborne Road and several Inter-War residences were developed in the immediate area. In the 1930s the Workers’ Homes’ Board developed a number of weatherboard, asbestos, brick and tiled residences. Inter-War style front porches were preferred over Federation style full width verandahs.
Redevelopments have occurred throughout the Richmond Precinct. Large lot sizes have allowed Richmond to be subject to the redevelopment of group and multiple housing. However, significant clusters of heritage dwellings remain throughout.

1944 Large Celluloid Doll, good condition, Write White, 9 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. (reference)


1933 - 1949: White, Aubrey.


11 Clayton Street

11 Clayton Street (map)


Inter-War Porch

No 11 Clayton Street is a single storey house constructed in brick and rendered brick with a hipped tiled roof. It is a fine expression of the Inter-War Porch style. It is asymmetrically composed with a thrust bay and a hip roofed porch. The porch is supported on masonry columns. A masonry balustrade spans between the piers. The thrust bay features a set of casement windows under a sunhood. There is a central door flanked by sets of casement windows. The roofscape features finials.


1935 Vehicle Registration. 14,735: A. Rossell, 11 Clayton-street, East Fremantle, Ford. (reference)

1946 Death on October 31, at his residence, 50 Phlllp-road, Claremont, William Clarke Brown, respected brother in-law of Shella and Mick Jeffery, devoted uncle of Ronnie, 11 Clayton-street. East Fremantle. (reference)

1949 A wedding of interest to both Yarloop and Harvey people was solemnized at St. John's Church, Fremantle, by Canon Collide on Saturday, September 24, between Irene, the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Malland, of Yarloop, and George, the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Jones of Ninth Street, Harvey. ...After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of Mrs. Jeffrey of Clayton Street, East Fremantle, who is the bride's aunt. (reference)

1951 Six ft. clinker Dinghy, good order, cheap. 11 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. (reference)


1933 - 1939: Rossell, Arthur

1939 - 1944: Whellock, R. W. & Jeffrey, A. E.

1945 - 1949: Jeffery, A. E.


12 Clayton Street

12 Clayton Street (map)


Inter-War California Bungalow

No 12 Clayton Street is a single storey house constructed in brick and rendered brick with a hipped and gable corrugated iron roof. It is a fine expression of the Inter-War California Bungalow style. It is asymmetrically composed with a thrust gable bay and a gable roofed porch. The porch is supported on masonry piers. A masonry balustrade spans between the piers. The thrust bay features a window under a sunhood. There is a central door flanked by a window. Windows are double hung sashes flanked by sidelights. Lower walls are brick and upper walls are rendered. The roofscape features a rendered chimney.


1939 General News. When she slipped and fell at her home at 12 Clayton-street, East Fremantle, yesterday Mrs. H. Forbes (about 55) sustained a fracture of the left arm. A doctor was summoned and at 10 a.m. she was taken by a St. John ambulance to the Fremantle Hospital. (reference)

1943 Birth on October 2, Woodside Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. R. G. McCaw, of East Fremantle—a daughter (lived 8 hours). Mother well. No visitors. (reference)

1943 Wanted urgently, House, East Fremantle or Bicton, up to $1000 cash. 12 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1943 A House urgently, East Fremantle, Bicton, Mosman, weatherboard, brick, cash. 12 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1944 Building Block, suitable asbestos house, East Fremantle, Melville. R. McCaw, 12 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1953 Furn. house for 3 mths., b. and t., all cons., £7 p.w. Apply 12 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. (reference)


1941 - 1944: Forbes, James

1945 - 1946: McCaw, Ronald G.

1947: Forbes, Arthur

1949: Pearce, Mrs.


13 Clayton Street

13 Clayton Street (map)


Gable Porch House w Arts & Crafts Influences

No 13 Clayton Street is a single storey house constructed in brick and rendered brick with a hipped and gable tiled roof. It is a fine expression of the Inter-War Porch style with elements in the Arts and Craft style. It is asymmetrically composed with a thrust gable bay and a gable roofed porch. The porch is supported on fluted columns set on piers. A masonry balustrade spans between the posts. The half-timbered gable bay is the dominant feature of the house. The gable bay features a set of casement windows under a sunhood and a corner suite. The door is located under the porch in an arched entryway. Lower walls are brick and the upper walls are rendered. The roofscape features rendered chimneys and finials. 


1935 Birth on May 16, at St. Helen's Hospital, East Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Naylor, of Clayton-street, East Fremantle—a son. Both well. No visitors for seven days. (reference)

1937 Wanted reliable Girl, mind child; two after-noons week. Apply 13 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1937 Drop-Back Pushcart, in excellent condition. Apply 13 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1938 Birth on May 19, at St. Helen's East Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Naylor, Clayton-street, East Fremantle—a daughter. Both well. No visitors for five days. (reference)

1943 Bassinet, Cream, as new, cheap. Wanted 50yds Wire Netting. Apply 13 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1943 Suits, one navy, one grey, also Sport Coat, all size 4 and SH. 13 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1944 Wanted urgently, good Cane Pram, price and particulars to 13 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1944 Will Person finding my Suitcase, lost between Geraldton and Fremantle, recently, please return for reward. Moore, 13 Clayton-st., Fremantle. (reference)

1944 Smart Fur Coat, SW, also lady's leather coat, SSW; both s/h, in splendid order; must sell. 13 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1945 Fine Linen Indian Hand-worked Bed-spread. Cabinet English Cutlery. Pair DB Cream Blankets and Pink Java Quilt; SH; new condition. 13 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1945 Ice Chest, cream and green, domestic size, £2. Apply 13 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1946 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moore (nee Peg Foster) have pleasure in announcing their 9th Wedding Anniversary, solemnised in Fremantle, August 3, 1937, Present address, 13 Clayton-street, East Fremantle. (reference)


1935 - 1939: Naylor, William

1939 - 1943: Norris, Charles

1944: Moore, E. A. & Norris Charles

1945 - 1949: Moore, E. A.


16 Clayton Street

16 Clayton Street (map)


Inter-War Timber Bungalow w Arts & Crafts Influences

No 16 Clayton Street is a single storey house constructed in timber framing and weatherboard cladding with a gable corrugated iron roof. It is an expression of the Inter-War Porch style. It is asymmetrically composed with a thrust gable bay and a gable roofed porch. The porch is supported on paired timber posts. A timber balustrade spans between the posts. The porch roof extends over the gable bay. The gable bay features a set of double hung sash windows. There is a central door flanked by a pair of double hung sash windows. 


1938 Vehicle Registration. 6480: A. E. Jarvis, 16 Clayton-street, Palmyra, Standard sedan. (reference)

1939 Vehicle Registration. 40609: A. Jarvis, 16 Clayton-st., East Fremantle, Hudson sedan. (reference)

1946 Engagement. Mr and Mrs. A. Jarvis, 16 Clayton-street, East Fremantle, take pleasure in announcing the engagement of their only daughter Jessie, to William, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Ricketts, 106 Holland-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1948 City Auction Mart, cor. Murray and Queen st., Tuesday, May 4, at 11 o'clock at the City Auction Mart, under Warrant of Execution in the Local Court of Western Australia held in Perth between Skipper Bailey Motor Company limited, Plaintiff, and Aubrey Edgar Lyle Jarvis, of 16 Clayton-st., East Fremantle, Defendant. Unless the above warrant be previously satisfied W. H. Walmsley, Bailiff, Local Court, Fremantle, will cause to be sold by public auction at City Auction Mart… (reference)

1948 For sale S.T.C. mantel model dual-wave set, perfect condition. 16 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1948 Engagement. Maurine, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Craig, of 26 Albert-street, North Perth, to Lyle, only son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jarvis, of 16 Clayton-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1949 Divorces Granted. The following decrees nisi were granted by Chief Justice Sir John Dwyer today, the petitioners being named first in each instance. James Edward Clarence Durnin, of Clayton-st., East Fremantle. v. Dulcie Durnin and Aubrey Edgar Jarvis, both of Quairading. Ground: Adultery. (reference)

1949 Divorces Granted. The following divorces were granted today by Mr. Justice Wolff—...Lilian Jessie Jarvis, of East Fremantle, and Aubrey Edgar Lyle Jarvis of Quairading. Ground: Adultery with Dulcie Le Feaver Durnin, of Quairading. (reference)

1950 Autocycle, 1949, new condition, Malvern Star. 16 Clayton-st., East Fremantle, Sunday morning. (reference)


1928 - 1946: Jarvis, Aubrey E. L.

1947 - 1949: Jarvis, Mrs Lillian.


21 Clayton Street

21 Clayton Street (map)


Gable Porch House w Arts & Crafts Influences

No 21 Clayton Street is a single storey house constructed in rendered brick with a hipped and gable tiled roof. It is an expression of the Inter-War Porch style. It is asymmetrically composed with an offset gable roofed porch. The half-timbered porch is supported on timber posts set on piers. A rendered balustrade spans between the piers. There is a central door flanked by sets of small pane casement windows. The roofscape features a rendered chimney and finials.


1939 Wanted to buy Child's Motor Car, must be good condition. State Price. 21 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1943 Gent’s Wardrobe, good wood. 21 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1948 Matchless 1936 500c.c. o.h.v., excellent condition and appearance, m.p. £80 wanted. Apply 21 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1953 Lost lady's Wristlet Watch. Perth-Fremantle. Reward. 21 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. (reference)


1931 - 1949: Baker, Leslie.


25 Clayton Street

25 Clayton Street (map)


Federation Domestic Carpenter

No 25 Clayton Street is a single storey house constructed in timber framing weatherboard and fibrous cement cladding with a hipped corrugated iron roof. It is an expression of the Inter-War Bungalow style. It is asymmetrically composed with a full width return skillion roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on timber posts. Part of the verandah has been enclosed for additional accommodation. The enclosed section features aluminium-sliding windows. There is a central door flanked by double hung sash windows. The roofscape features a brick chimney.


1944 Wardrobe, Toledo Scales, weigh 10lb, 2 Blocks Land, shop to let. 25 Clayton-st., E. Fremantle. (reference)

1952 Death on Oct. 20, suddenly, at Fremantle, Ernest Henry Cole, dearly beloved husband of Lillian May Cole, of 25 Clayton-street, East Fremantle, loved father of Reginald, Maurice, Edith (Mrs. S. Cameron), Kathleen, Fred and Les, father-in-law of Molly, Syd and Mavis and fond grandfather of five grandchildren; aged 83 years. (reference)

1953 Death on Aug. 12, at Fremantle, Lillie May Cole, of 25 Clayton-street. East Fremantle, widow of the late Ernest Henry Cole, loved mother of Reginald, Maurice, Edith (Mrs. S. Cameron), Kathleen, Fred and Leslie, mother-in-law of Mollie, Syd, and Mavis and fond grandmother of six grandchildren; aged 74 years. (reference)

1953 The Funeral of the late Mrs. Lillie May Cole, of 25 Clayton-street, East Fremantle, will take place in the Church of England Cemetery, Fremantle. (reference)


1952: Cole, Ernest Henry

1953: Cole, Lillie May


26 Clayton Street

26 Clayton Street (map)


Late Federation / Early Inter-War 
Bungalow w Federation Influences

No 26 Clayton Street is a single storey house constructed in timber framing and weatherboard cladding with a hipped and gabled corrugated iron roof. It is a representative expression of the Inter-War Bungalow style. It is asymmetrically composed with a thrust gable bay and a part width skillion roofed verandah. The verandah terminates at the gabled bay and is supported in timber posts. A vertical timber balustrade spans between the posts. The gable bay features a set of windows under a sunhood. There is a central door flanked by a set of windows. The roofscape features a masonry chimney.


1952 Death on March 15, at her late residence, 26 Douro road, South Fremantle, Mercy Lloyd, loved mother of Ruby and George Edmunds, of 26 Clayton street, East Fremantle. Peace, perfect peace. (reference)


1932 - 1949: Edmunds, George W.


40 Clayton Street

40 Clayton Street (map)


Late Federation / Inter-War , Domestic Carpenter Bungalow

No 40 Clayton Street is a single storey house constructed in timber framing and weatherboard cladding with a hipped corrugated iron roof. It is asymmetrically composed with a full width return bull-nose roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on timber posts. A St Andrew’s cross balustrade spans between the posts. The return verandah features some timber lattice screens. There is a central door and hopper light flanked by pairs of double hung sash windows. The roofscape features a tall brick chimney.
The place retains its form and most of its details. There are additions to the rear and a garage to the south. The lot has been subdivided and a residence built to the rear.


1934 Dance at East Fremantle. The "Sixty Club" held its inaugural dance at the Masonic Hall, East Fremantle, on Friday night and the function proved a great success. ...Amongst those present were...L Porter... (reference)

1947 The marriage of Patricia, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Y. Porter, 40 Clayton-street, East Fremantle to Leonard, only son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hand, 15 Turner-street, Cowandilla. South Australia will take place at the East Fremantle Baptist Church at 5p.m., April 5, 1947. (reference)

1950 The Export Sheep Skin Classers Association of W.A. Object or purpose of the Institution: To raise funds by entrance fees, contributions, fines and levies for the following purposes: To raise the standard of efficiency in keeping with the trade; to secure by amicable means uniform rates of pay for Sheep Skin Classers throughout the State of Western Australia in the employ of the export trade; to advise, as far as possible, the members of the Association the directions in which the interests of both the Association and its members lie, and promote the most effective methods of Sheep Skin Classing and Store Organisation; to provide assurance to the Sheep Skin Buyers Association of a continuity of efficient Sheep Skin Classers to the trade. Where situated or established: 52 Mandurah-road, South Fremantle. The names of the Trustees: Lambert Yells Porter, of 40 Clayton-street, East Fremantle, and Norman Cameron McInnes, of 34 Jumbill-street, Mosman Park. (reference)


1927 - 1928: Porter, Lambert Yells

1929 - 1930: Wright, Mrs. Eliza.

1931 - 1950: Porter, Lambert Yells

2016- Carolyn and David Barham


42 Clayton Street

42 Clayton Street (map)


Porch House w Californian Bungalow Influences

No 42 Clayton Street is a single storey house constructed in rendered brick with a hipped and gable corrugated iron roof. It is an expression of the Inter-War Porch style. It is asymmetrically composed with a thrust bay and a gable roofed porch. The porch features timber detailing, an arched lintel and square pier supports. A rendered balustrade with a crenulated decorative top spans between the piers. The thrust bay features a set of casement and fixed like windows under a flat roofed sunhood. There is a central door flanked by casement and fixed light windows. The roofscape features a rendered chimney.


1941 Lost, in Clayton-st., Monday morning, Lady's Gold Wristlet Watch, Inscribed, sentimental value. Finder Please return to 42 Clayton-st. ...Reward. (reference)

1942 Lost city, Thursday, Navy Kid Gauntlet Glove. Please communicate Anderson 42 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. Reward. (reference)

1946 Lost, Spectacles, in black case. Please return 42 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. Reward. (reference)

1950 Reward for information of black and white Collie dog strayed from 42 Clayton-st., East Fremantle, Sunday, answers to Sailor. (reference)


1941 - 1949: Anderson, Clement.


44 Clayton Street

44 Clayton Street (map)


Interwar / Porch House Bungalow

No 44 Clayton Street is a single storey house constructed in rendered brick with a hipped and gable corrugated iron roof. There is a second storey addition to the rear in a similar style. It is an expression of the Inter-War Porch style with extensive modifications. It is asymmetrically composed with a thrust gable bay and a hip roofed porch. The porch is supported on stout square piers. The half-timbered gable bay features a set of double hung sashes and fixed light windows under a sunhood. There is a central door flanked by a set of double hung sashes and fixed light windows. The roofscape features a tall rendered chimney. There is an integral garage to the north.


1948 High Handed Action By Ftle. Tram Board. Docks, Rivers and Harbors Union is incensed at the highhanded attitude of the Fremantle Tramways and Electric Lighting Board in refusing to receive a deputation from that Union and from the Fremantle Branch of the Carpenters' Union to protest against the tram fares rise. The Board secretary had informed him that they would only see the deputation from the ALP Council, Docks secretary P. L. Troy told the Star. ...The Fremantle Prices Protest Committee has collected over 1,500 signatures on their protest petition. Their request to the Board to receive a deputation from the Committee has been refused. The ALP Council's deputation included delegates from the Lumpers' Union. Two of the members of the delegation are also members of the East Fremantle Municipal Council, Messrs N. McKenzie (Lumpers' Union secretary) and Mr. W. Glasson. (reference)

1949 Not "Black": The secretary of the Fremantle Lumpers' Union (Mr. N. McKenzie) said yesterday that as a result of an assurance that all cargo to be loaded into the Dutch steamer Maetsuycker (due at Fremantle next week) was destined for Malaya, there would be no move by his organisation to prevent normal loading of the ship. The question had arisen because of the ban by the Waterside Workers' Federation on Dutch ships with cargo for Indonesia. (reference)


1941 - 1949: McKenzie, Norm.


47 Clayton Street

47 Clayton Street (map)


Porch House Bungalow W/
California Bungalow Influences

No 47 Clayton Street is a single storey house constructed in limestone brick and rendered brick with a hipped and gable corrugated iron roof. It is an expression of the Inter-War Porch style. The place sits on a corner lot and addresses both Clayton Street and Pier Street. It is asymmetrically composed with a thrust gable bay and a hip roofed porch. The porch is supported on Tuscan columns set on rendered piers. A rendered balustrade spans between the piers. The half- timbered gable bay features a set of casement windows. There is a central door flanked by a set of casement windows. The place sits on limestone foundations. Lower walls are face brick and the upper walls are rendered.


1940 Birth on October 12, at Woodside Hospital, East Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. George Forbes, of 47 Clayton-street, East Fremantle—the gift of a son (Clement Joseph). Both well. No visitors till October 21. (reference)

1941 Birth on October 8, at St. Helen's Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Bishop, of East Fremantle—a daughter (Janice Grace). Both Well. (reference)

1942 Donnybrook: For sale, W.B. House and about 1½ acres, with a few fruit trees, property situated cor. Thompson-st and Cora-St. Price £300. Apply 47 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1944 Harley-Davidson and Sidecar, 6/7, good running order, needs few minor adjustments, new tyres, £32/10/. 47 Clayton-St., East Fremantle. (reference)

1945 For Sale, Goulding Sidecar, excellent condition. Apply 47 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1945 Birth at Woodside, East Fremantle, to Grace and Glen (S.W.P.) and 47 Clayton-street, East Fremantle—a daughter (Noelle Lewin). Both well. (reference)

1946 Harley Davidon wanted, solo 7/9 or 10/12. in any condition, must be 1933 or later model. Apply Bishop, 47 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1950 Grazing Paddocks for trotting horses to let, metro. area. Bishop, 47 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1954 Trotting harness, hopples, boots, bloomers, rugs, gear, for sale. 47 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1954 Rocking Horse, beautiful Job, £12/10/; 2 scooters and trikes. 47 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. (reference)


1935 - 1942: Dimmick, Norm.

1942 - 1949: Bishop, Glen.


66 Clayton Street

66 Clayton Street (map)


Post-World War II Contemporary

No 66 Clayton Street is a single storey house constructed in rendered brick with a hipped tiled roof. It is an expression of the Post-World War II Contemporary style. It is asymmetrically composed with a thrust bay and a hip roofed porch. The porch is supported on Tuscan columns. The thrust bay features a set of casement windows under an awning. There is a central door flanked by casement and fixed light windows. The roofscape features a rendered chimney.


1952 Mayflower for sale or exchange utility. 66 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. (reference)


As per Fremantle P.O.Directory there are no residents for this address between 1909-1949.