15 Oakover Street

15 Oakover Street (map)


Inter-War Bungalow Porch House w Federation Influences

No 15 Oakover Street is a single storey house constructed in brick and rendered brick house with a hipped and gable corrugated iron roof. It is a fine expression of the Inter-War Bungalow style. It is asymmetrically composed with a thrust gable bay and a part width skillion roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on timber posts with brackets set over piers. The half-timbered gable bay features casement windows and a sunhood. There is a central door and hopper light flanked by sidelights and a set of double hung sash windows. The roofscape features a brick chimney.


See the family history of the Cartwright and Bynon family that lived in this house from 1925 until 2002 under ‘May’ Johns in the Notable and Notorious section of this website.


1925 - 1939: Cartwright, James S.

1940 - 1941: Simm, William L.

1942 - 1949: Cartwright, James

1977- 2002: William Bynon family

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15 Preston Point Road

15 Preston Point Road (map)


Late Victorian / Federation / Bungalow w Gothic Influences

No. 15 (previously was no. 33) Preston Point road Road is a single storey house constructed in limestone and brick with a hipped and gable corrugated iron roof. It is a simple expression of the Federation Bungalow style. There has been a large two story extension built to the rear of the residence. The place lost some of its detail and has since been restored to its current condition. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a thrust gable bay and a part width verandah. The verandah is supported on timber posts with a decorative frieze. A vertical timber balustrade spans between the posts. The gable bay features a double hung sash window flanked by sidelights. A set of stairs lead down to the garden from the verandah. The walls are limestone with brick details and quoins. There is a central door and hopper light. The place is largely obscured by dense plantings.


1927 A Famous Sweet.—Take as many freestone peaches as there are guests to be served. Dip them in boiling water until the skins slip off easily; then poach or simmer them gently in sugar syrup, flavored with vanilla. Be very sure that the syrup does not actually boil. When the peaches are tender, but still unbroken, remove them from the fire, and let them cool in the syrup. Only a few minutes are necessary to cook them, if the peaches are as ripe as they should be. Serve every peach on a mound of vanilla ice cream, placed in a compost or on a glass dish, and mash the whole with a puree of fresh raspberries made by straining through a fine sieve some very ripe fruit; add to the juice equal quantity of fine confectioner's sugar. Keep in the refrigerator until needed.—Mrs. R. Simpson, 33 Preston Point-road, East Fremantle. (reference

1927 Casserole of Rabbit.—Take one rabbit, one small onion, bunch of herbs or less, half pint stock or water, one small stick of celery, half tablespoonful flour, one teaspoonful salt, pepper, dripping, two slices of bacon. Wash dry and joint rabbit, dip in seasoned peel and very thinly sliced onion, heat dripping in frying pan, brown rabbit, sprigs of parsley, bay leaf, and celery. Cut into one inch lengths, add stock or water, cover with lid. Cook in oven ½  to two hours; frying may be omitted if liked, and other vegetables substituted for celery. Steak and chops are delicious cooked in this way.—Mrs. R Simpson, 33 Preston Point-road, East Fremantle. (reference

1936 Houses, etc., To Let. East Fremantle: 4-room House, handy tram, all cons, furnished or unfurnished, cheap rental approved tenant. Not yet vacant. Apply 33 Preston Point-rd. (reference

1944 General. Found, Wallet, Hufflines, USN. Call 33 Preston Point-rd., East Fremantle, after 5. (reference

1946 For Sale. Launch, 17ft., carvel built, teak hull, 6-8 h.p., 4 cycle Allsa Craig Marine engine, complete with anchor, rope, pump. Any trial. Apply E. Nelson, 33 Preston Point-rd., East Fremantle. (reference)


1918 - 1927: Simpson, Robert G.

1928 - 1937: Hughes, William

1937 - 1941: Potts, Eric A.

1941 - 1947: Nelson, Edward

1949: Dunning, Alix


15 Philip Street

15 Phillip Street (map)


Mid 20th Century Early Modern Bungalow w Art-Moderne Influences


Research on the history of this property is currently under way by the Museum of Perth in partnership with the Town of East Fremantle. If you have any stories or information about this property, please contribute in the comments below.


No Residents as per Fremantle Post Directory

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15 Stratford Street

15 Stratford Street (map)


Inter-War / Post War Bungalow Porch House

No 15 Stratford Street is a single storey house constructed in brick and rendered brick with a hipped and gabled tiled roof. It is a fine expression of the Inter-War Mediterranean style. It is symmetrically composed with a full width flat roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on slim Tuscan columns. There is a central entry door flanked by a pair of gable bays. The gable bays feature vents and sets of casement and fixed light windows. The roofscape features a rendered chimney. The lower walls are face brick and the upper walls are rendered.


1924 Football. North-East Fremantle Club. Last Saturday we met defeated the Harrison Club, on the East Fremantle Polo Ground, final scores, 3.6 to 2.1, showing us winners by 11 points. Our goal kickers were Sidebottom, W. Larson and Pearse, and best players Neil Larson, Sidebottom, and Mofflin. (reference)

1932 South Fremantle Football. Other outstanding players for South were C. Andrews, J. Pengel, N.Larson and W. Larson (reference)

1935 The engagement is announced of Edna only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Stock, of South Fremantle, to Neil, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Larson, of North Fremantle. (reference)

1940 Marriage of Neil D Larson and Edna Stock


1940 - 1949: Larson, Neil D.


15 Dalgety Street

15 Dalgety Street (map)


Federation / Inter-War Federation Bungalow

No 15 Dalgety Street is a single storey house constructed in rendered brick with a hipped and gambrel tiled roof. It is a fine expression of the Federation Bungalow style. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a full width return hip roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on timber posts with a valance board between the posts. The front facade features two sets of French doors flanked by casement lights. The entrance is on the south elevation under the return verandah. The roofscape features brick chimneys and finials.


1926 Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Higham have sold their East Fremantle home, and are spending the summer months at Cottesloe. (reference)

1927 Birth on October 25, at their residence, 16 Dalgety-street, East Fremantle, to Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Cook—a daughter (Margot Jean). Both well. (reference)

1933 Everyone seems to have the cruising kink just now. When the Orama left Fremantle on Tuesday with dozens of interesting passengers for the Eastern States, it also took a very fair sprinkling of cruising Western Australians. Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Cook, of East Fremantle, were among them... (reference)

1936 Master William Cook. The six-year-old son of Dr. and Mrs. Cook, of Dalgety-street, East Fremantle, who was successful in winning the medal for the Initial Grade in the recent Trinity College examination, obtaining 94 marks. This clever young student is a pupil of Miss Reta Thornton, of East Fremantle. (reference)

1938 Doctor’s Bag Stolen. Theft of a bag containing surgical instruments valued at £38 was reported to the Fremantle Police today by Dr. W. Stanley Cook, of Dalgety street, East Fremantle. The doctor said that the bag was apparently taken out of his car, which was parked outside his surgery in Queen-street, Fremantle, between 7 and 8 p.m. yesterday. The initials W.S.C. were engraved on the outside of the bag. (reference)

1942 A tactical exercise conducted by the battalion recently was attended by the corps commander (Brigadier General A. J. Bessell-Browne), who expressed satisfaction at the keenness and enthusiasm displayed by all ranks. The medical arrangements for this exercise were in the hands of the battalion medical officer, Dr. W. S. Cook, who was assisted by the medical section and the Armadale Women's Emergency Corps. The senior medical officer of the battalion (Major-General G. W. Barber) who set and supervised the arrangements for treating casualties, expressed satisfaction with the methods used in handling the cases. (reference)

1942 Woman wanted for washing, 15 Dalgety-street, East Fremantle. LI220. (reference)

1942 Gardener wanted. 15 Dalgety-street, East Fremantle. Tel L1220. (reference)

1949 Miss Margot Cook, who has just completed her science course at the Melbourne University, arrived by train on Thursday to to spend Christmas with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Cook, of East Fremantle. (reference)

1954 Death on June 19, at Subiaco, Stan Cook, dearly loved husband of Muriel Cook, of 15 Dalgety-street, East Fremantle, and loved father of Margot and Bill. (reference)


1916 - 1926: Higham, Frank G.

1927 - 1954: Cook, W. Stanley (medical practitioner)

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15 Petra Street

15 Petra Street (map)


Post War / Early Modern Bungalow Porch House

No 15 Petra Street is a single storey house constructed in brick with a hipped and gable tiled roof. It is an expression of the Post-World War II Bungalow style. It is asymmetrically composed with a thrust bay and a curved flat roofed verandah. The verandah terminates at the thrust bay and is supported on steel poles. The verandah is a replacement. There is a central door flanked by casement windows. The roofscape features a brick chimney


1952 Portable Remington Type-writer, good. £30. 15 Petra-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1967 March 15: Muir, Ellen May, also known as James, Ellen and Mottram, Ellen May; formerly of 14 Canny Road, Bentley, but late of 15 Petra Street, East Fremantle; married woman. (reference)


1949: Hall, William.

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15 Windsor Road

15 Windsor Road (map)


Inter-War Bungalow w Arts & Crafts Influences

No 15 Windsor Road is a single storey house constructed in brick and rendered brick with a hipped and gable tiled roof. It is a fine expression of the Inter-War Bungalow style. It is asymmetrically composed with a full width return hip roofed verandah. The verandah terminates at a gable bay on the south elevation. It is supported on timber posts with post brackets. The entry is located on the south elevation under the return verandah. The front elevation features pairs of multi pane double hung sash windows. The roof has a shallow pitch and features a sweeping gable, a rendered chimney and finials. The gable features a louvred vent. The walls are face brick to sill height and rendered above.


1926 Furnish With Comfort. At W. O. Danielson's. Mr. W. O. Danielson, Leake-street, Fremantle, announces that it is his aim to assist the householder to furnish with comfort, at a moderate cost. He will make to submitted designs, guaranteeing low prices and best workmanship. Customers up to date have been so pleased that with increased business, he has been forced into enlarging this premises. Ice-chests are a necessity for the summer, and these are a special line. A visit of inspection to his works, at the. rear of the Princess Theatre, will be of interest to intending house furnishers. (reference)

1929 W. O. Danielson (‘Scotty') is Growing with the Times. Five years ago Mr. W. O. ("Scotty") Danielson decided that working for an employer was not the way in which satisfactory progress could be made, and so he "made up his mind to get out of the ruck and commence business as a cabinet maker, French polisher and furniture manufacturer... (reference)

1936 Assault in Hotel. Fine Imposed. An argument in a hotel had a sequel in the Fremantle Police Court on Monday, When William Oliver Danielson was charged with having, in the National Hotel on April 8th, used abusive and insulting words to Jack Lewis, and Jack Lewis was charged with having unlawfully assaulted William Oliver Danielson. (reference)

1940 Death on April 4, suddenly, at East Fremantle, Abel Dickins, late of Pithara, husband of the late Sarah Dickins and beloved father of Archie, Bernard and Leslie, of Pithara, and Ciss (Mrs. W. O. Danielson), of 15 Windsor-road, East Fremantle; aged 66 years. (reference)

1940 Marriage on August 10, at St. Alban's Church, Highgate Hill, by Rev. C. W. Ker, Keith Lewis Airey, third son of Captain and Mrs. J. J. Airey, of Windsor-road, East Fremantle, to Phyllis Neville, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Stone, of Dumbleyung. (reference)

1944 Death on September 19, suddenly, at his residence, 6 Tuckfield-street, Fremantle, Edward George Lewis, dearly beloved father of George and Lucia of 15 Windsor-road, East Fremantle; aged 62 years. (reference)


1927 - 1941: Danielson, William Oliver

1941 - 1942: Airey, Keith L.

1942 - 1945: Lewis, Mrs. R.

1946: Lewis, Edwin G.

1947 - 1949: Brown, W. L.


15 Allen Street

15 Allen Street (Map)


1931 Death on October 13, at Wooroloo Sanatorium, John MacDonald, of 34 Barnett-street, Fremantle, husband of the late Margaret MacDonald, of Callanish, Scotland, and loving father of Catherine (Mrs. W. Green), Agnes (Mrs. W. Townsend), Dolina (Mrs. M. Green), Angus, Duncan, Malcolm, and John MacDonald, and fond grandfather of Len, June, Jack, Margaret, Keith and Joan. Aged 68 years. (reference)

1941 Death on January 21, at Fremantle, Colin, dearly beloved younger son of Martin and Dolina Green, of 15 Allen-street, East Fremantle, and loved brother of Len, June and Pat; aged 5½ months...fond nephew of Kitty and William Green, East Fremantle, and Duncan and Malcolm McDonald, East Fremantle...(reference)

1946 Child Hurt. Struck Side of Motor Cycle. Running into the roadway in Queen Victoria street, Fremantle, yesterday, Maxine Joyce Baird (3), of Quarry street, Fremantle, was struck by the side of a motorcycle, ridden by Leonard Martin Green, of Allen-street, East Fremantle, and sustained a fracture of the skull. A police report of the accident stated that about 5.15 p.m. Maxine Baird, following a companion, run out from in front of a parked motor car. The motor cyclist said he swerved to miss the first child, and the second one ran into the side of his vehicle. The accident occurred near the intersection of James-street. The injured child was taken in a private car to the Fremantle Hospital where her name was placed on the danger list. (reference)


1941 - 1946: Green, Martin

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16 Bedford Street

16 Bedford Street (map)

No 16 Bedford Street is a single storey house constructed in brick and rendered brick with a hipped and gable tiled roof. It is fine expression of the Inter-War Bungalow style. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a thrust gable bay and part width, return hip roofed verandah. The verandah is set on concrete Doric columns set over a rendered brick balustrade. There is a central door and hopper light flanked by sidelights. A concrete stair spans from the verandah to the garden.


1937 Pram for sale, same as new. Ring L2627 or call 16 Bedford-st., East Fremantle (reference)

1938 Sale of Ford V8 1935 Tourer. £150. 16 Bedford East Fremantle. (reference)

1952 Good Accommodation available for board, soft washing, available 2 men, 16 Bedford-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

Harry Alfred Wardle, born in Fremantle, died at age 62.

1963 Commonwealth of Australia. The Bankruptcy Act 1924-1960—Part XI. (No. 56/62/XI. of W.A) Notice Of Intention To Declare A Second And Final Dividend. In the matter of George Rouphael, master painter, of 16 Bedford street, East Fremantle, in the State of Western Australia. Notice is hereby given that it is intended to declare a second and final dividend in this matter. Creditors must prove their debt by the 30th November, 1963. Dated at Perth this fourteenth day of November, 1963. FINN M. MELSOM, Trustee. Melsom, Wilson & Smith, Chartered Accountants, 104 St. George's-terrace, Perth, Western Australia. 5975. (reference)


1935 - 1939: Wardle, Harry

1939 - 1949: Scorer, Eric W.

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16 Gill Street

16 Gill Street (map)


Inter / Post War
Early Modern Porch House Bungalow

No 16 Gill Street is a single storey house constructed in rendered brick with a hipped corrugated iron roof. It is an expression of the Inter-War Porch style. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with an offset hip roofed porch. The porch is supported on rendered piers. A rendered balustrade spans between the piers. The porch is set proud of the house. There is a central door flanked by casement and fixed light windows. The roofscape features a rendered chimney.


Research on the history of this property is currently under way by the Museum of Perth in partnership with the Town of East Fremantle. If you have any stories or information about this property, please contribute it in the comments below.


1946 - 1947: Regan, W.

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16 Windsor Road

16 Windsor Road (map)


Inter-War, California Bungalow w Art-Deco Influences

No 16 Windsor Road is a single storey house constructed in brick and rendered brick with a hipped and gable tiled roof. It is asymmetrically composed with an offset flat roof porch. The porch is supported on circular columns. The front facade features sets of casement and fixed light windows under flat roofed sunhoods. The lower walls are face brick and the upper walls are rendered. The original decorative brick patterns employed in the gable have been rendered.


Research on the history of this property is currently under way by the Museum of Perth in partnership with the Town of East Fremantle. If you have any stories or information about this property, please contribute it in the comments below.


1941 - 1949: Parson, Almond T.


16 Stratford Street

16 Stratford Street (map)


Inter-War Bungalow w Federation Influences

No 16 Stratford Street is a single storey house constructed in limestone, rendered brick and weatherboard cladding with a hipped and gable corrugated iron roof. It is a simple expression of the Inter-War Bungalow style with later modifications. It is symmetrically composed with a full width return hip roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on timber posts with post brackets. The north section of the return verandah has been enclosed. A St Andrew's Cross balustrade spans between the posts. There is a central door and hopper lights flanked by sidelights and sets of casement windows. The place sits on limestone foundations.


1936 Birth on May 14, at St. Helen's Hospital, East Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Todd, of 16 Stratford-street, East Fremantle—a daughter (Brenda Diane). Both well. (reference)

1943 Funeral Notice. The Friends of the late Mr Christian K. Schipp of 16 Stratford street. East Fremantle, are respectfully informed that his remains will be interred In the Church of England portion of the Karrakatta Cemetery… (reference)

1944 Threats and Fines. Charges of having used threatening words to bus driver Arthur Graham Todd and having been disorderly were admitted by 24-year-old waterside worker John Joseph Stephen in Fremantle Police Court today. (reference)  

1953 Wanted. D. Todd (16 Stratford-street, East Fremantle) would like pen pals, aged about 12 years, interested in cycling and comics, and living in the country. (reference)


1936 - 1949: Todd, Arthur G.


16 East Street

16 East Street (map)


Late Victorian / Early Federation / Georgian Domestic Carpenter

No 16 East Street (was no 28) is a single storey house constructed in timber framing and weatherboard cladding with a hipped and gabled corrugated iron roof. It is a simple expression of the Federation Bungalow style. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a gabled bay to the south and a part width skillion roofed verandah to the north.


1908 Advertising Hooded Sulky for Sale, with lamps; also Set of Harness. £17. 28 East street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1910 Death. The Friends of the late Mr. John George Wrightson, of Fremantle Harbour Trust, are respectfully invited to follow his remains to the place of interment, the Church of England portion of the Fremantle Cemetery. The Funeral is appointed to leave his late residence, No. 28 East-street, East Fremantle… (reference)

1910 A Widow’s Claim. The Death Of A Breadwinner. A Fremantle Railway Fatality. Yesterday afternoon, at Fremantle, sitting as a Court of Compensation under the Workers' Compensation Act... in which the Fremantle Harbour Trust. Commissioners were cited as defendants. During April last an employee of the Harbour Trust named John' George Wrightson while, according to the evidence for the plaintiffs, in the execution of his duties was run down and killed by a passenger train on the North Fremantle railway river bridge. The plaintiffs to the suit yesterday were Bridget Wrightson, Mervyn Wrightson (12), Leslie Wrightson (5), and Doris Wrightson (3), wife and children respectively of the deceased, and they sought compensation under the provisions of the Act… (reference)

1954 Transfer Of Land Act. Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the direction of the Commissioner of Titles in this behalf. It is intended on the 10th August next to issue in the name of Bridget Wrightson of 16 East-street, East Fremantle, Widow, a new Certificate of Title to the land described below, the duplicate Certificate of Title having, as is alleged, been lost or destroyed. (reference)


1899 - 1910: McKeown, James

1911 - 1942: Wrightson, Mrs Bridget

1942 - 1944: Westergaard, Reginald E.

1945 - 1954: Wrightson, Mrs Bridget

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16 Glyde Street

16 Glyde Street (map)


Federation / Federation Arts & Crafts w Queen Anne Influences

No. 16 (previously was no. 30) Glyde street is a single storey house constructed in brick and limestone with a hipped corrugated iron roof. It is a very good expression of the Federation Arts and Crafts style. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a full width skillion roofed verandah wrapping around a prominent bay window. The verandah is supported on stop chamfered timber posts. The bay window features single pane double hung sash windows. The front door is offset from the bay window and features hopper and sidelights. The facade is layered with a gabled bay over the bay window with a pressed metal infill. A tall brick gable sits to the rear.


1903 Birth December 11, at "Clifton," Glyde street, East Fremantle, the wife of Claude R. Spurr of a daughter. (reference)

1912 The Spurrs moved to 38 King St, East Fremantle. The two brothers C. R. Spurr and F. W. Spurr attended the funeral in 1912 of the wife of the Mayor, J. F. Allen. (reference)

1912 A New Link of East Fremantle. My Dear Aunt Mary,—I am nine years of age, and go to Princess May school I am in the upper second standard, I want to join the Silver Chain. Please tell me what I must do. I have two brothers, who are also going to join. We are all sending a last line about the turtle. I hope one of us will win. We have 30 pigeons, and I think we will have sixty by Christmas. We have all got our own vegetable gardens, and sell the vegetables to mother. -Your loving niece, Mary Howard, 30 Glyde-Street, East Fremantle… My Dear Mary, I was so glad to get a letter from you and hear that the Silver Chain is growing in East Fremantle. The missing line competition has created much interest. It is lovely that you are a Link, and that your brothers are going to join too. We are so glad to have you. What a fine number of pigeons you have. And it must be most exciting to sell your vegetables to mother -Your loving Aunt Mary, (reference)

1912 A New Nephew. Dear Aunt Mary,  My sister has written to you about joining the Silver Chain. My brother and I will join also when we know what we have to do. I am ten years old. I go to the Fremantle Boys' School), and am in the fourth standard. I play soccer with the school team. We had to play off in then final for the Armstrong cup. We lost, but we are going to get a medal each. I am glad cricket is coming in, because I like it better than football. What a lot of nieces and nephews you must have. Can I be a nephew, too? Your loving nephew, L. Jack Howard, 30 Glyde-street, East Fremantle...My Dear Jack, Many thanks for your letter. I shall be so glad if you and your brother join the Silver Chain. You have to send an annual subscription of one shilling a year, and then try to help the work as much as you can by getting other Links to join… Your loving Aunt Mary. (reference)

1913 The Ladies Section Recipe Contest. Honorable Mention. Liver and Bacon Flavoring. When cooking liver and bacon get a Sour apple, slice it very finely and add to gravy. This will impart a delicious flavor, which is a great improvement. Miss Mary Howard, 30 Glyde-street, East Fremantle. (reference).

1915 Fremantle Word Building Competition. The judge who had charge of the word building competitions held in connection with the Silver Chain fete has completed his difficult task, and has announced his awards as follows; third, L. Jack Howard. 30 Glyde-street, East Fremantle, 6,082 words. (reference)

1916 Death in sad but loving memory of Jane Spurr, beloved wife of Cornelius, and dearly loved mother of Claude Spurr, who departed this life January 29, 1915, at King street. In loving memory of our dear mother—Inserted by her loving son, Fred and daughter-in-law, Maggie, and granddaughter, Rita Spurr. (reference)

1920 Birth on July 4, at Nurse O’Grady’s, Queen Victoria street, Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. J. P. MacKenzie, of 30 Glyde-street, East Fremantle—a daughter. Both well. (reference)

1924 Mr. J. F. MacKenzie, of 30 Glyde Street, East Fremantle, appeals to the public for donations on behalf of the 'Widow and' children of the late G B. Crichton. of Group 37, Peel Estate, who was accidentally killed on January 29. The case is a deserving one, as Mrs. Crichton is left with four children, one of whom was born, on the day her husband was killed. The following amounts have been received by the 'West Australian' office... Total £230. (reference)

1928 Death on April 23, at 30 Glyde-street, East Fremantle, Mary Mae MacKenzie, dearly beloved elder daughter of James Paterson and Elsie MacKenzie, and loving sister of Heather; aged 7 years. (reference)

1930 Birth on June 4, at their residence, 30 Glyde-street, East Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. J. P. MacKenzie—a son. Both well. (reference)


1909 - 1911: Spurr, F. W., contractor

1912: Hammond, Charles

1913 - 1918: Howard, Lionel H.

1919: Witte, William C.

1920 - 1949: MacKenzie, James P.

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16 Marmion Street

16 Marmion Street (map)


Federation / Mannerist Influences

No 16 Marmion Street is one of a pair of single storey rendered masonry houses in the Federation Free Classical style. The place has a hipped corrugated iron roof behind a rendered parapet wall. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with an offset door flanked by a partly enclosed verandah. The facade features a full width bullnosed verandah supported on a Tuscan column and masonry columns. The verandah has been partly enclosed with timber lattice work. The facade is dominated by a classically derived pediment supported on rendered pilasters. 


1909 Wanted To Sell. Yacht, new, 16ft., centreboard and gear complete, going farming, sell cheap. 16 Marmion-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1912 Lost And Found. Left, on seat, 9.10 train into Fremantle, Green Leather Handbag containing bank book and valuables, reward. H. Hitchrock. 16 Marmion-st., Fremantle. (reference)

1915 Auction. January 13.—Harry Wilson and Co.—Furniture, at 16 Marmion-st., East Fremantle; 2 p.m. (reference)

1933 “Newswords Winners” List of Prizes. ...Eileen Hunt, 16 Marmion-st., East Fremantle… (reference)

1938 Notice Of Sale. Teresa Hunt, of 16 Marmion Street, East Fremantle, married woman, as registered proprietor and owner. (reference)


1910 - 1911: McKenzie, Lionel

1912: Raymond, Mrs I.

1913 - 1914: Binns, Harry L.

1915: Cooper, John S.

1916 - 1917: Ryan, Mrs Ann

1918 - 1932: Head, Amos

1933 - 1935: Moll, -

1935 - 1936: Ray, Sydney G.

1936 - 1939: Jones, Lewis C.

1939 - 1941: Parry, George

1941 - 1943: Pitt, Mrs V.

1944 - 1949: Wych, Frank

16 Clayton Street

16 Clayton Street (map)


Inter-War Timber Bungalow w Arts & Crafts Influences

No 16 Clayton Street is a single storey house constructed in timber framing and weatherboard cladding with a gable corrugated iron roof. It is an expression of the Inter-War Porch style. It is asymmetrically composed with a thrust gable bay and a gable roofed porch. The porch is supported on paired timber posts. A timber balustrade spans between the posts. The porch roof extends over the gable bay. The gable bay features a set of double hung sash windows. There is a central door flanked by a pair of double hung sash windows. 


1938 Vehicle Registration. 6480: A. E. Jarvis, 16 Clayton-street, Palmyra, Standard sedan. (reference)

1939 Vehicle Registration. 40609: A. Jarvis, 16 Clayton-st., East Fremantle, Hudson sedan. (reference)

1946 Engagement. Mr and Mrs. A. Jarvis, 16 Clayton-street, East Fremantle, take pleasure in announcing the engagement of their only daughter Jessie, to William, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Ricketts, 106 Holland-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1948 City Auction Mart, cor. Murray and Queen st., Tuesday, May 4, at 11 o'clock at the City Auction Mart, under Warrant of Execution in the Local Court of Western Australia held in Perth between Skipper Bailey Motor Company limited, Plaintiff, and Aubrey Edgar Lyle Jarvis, of 16 Clayton-st., East Fremantle, Defendant. Unless the above warrant be previously satisfied W. H. Walmsley, Bailiff, Local Court, Fremantle, will cause to be sold by public auction at City Auction Mart… (reference)

1948 For sale S.T.C. mantel model dual-wave set, perfect condition. 16 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1948 Engagement. Maurine, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Craig, of 26 Albert-street, North Perth, to Lyle, only son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jarvis, of 16 Clayton-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1949 Divorces Granted. The following decrees nisi were granted by Chief Justice Sir John Dwyer today, the petitioners being named first in each instance. James Edward Clarence Durnin, of Clayton-st., East Fremantle. v. Dulcie Durnin and Aubrey Edgar Jarvis, both of Quairading. Ground: Adultery. (reference)

1949 Divorces Granted. The following divorces were granted today by Mr. Justice Wolff—...Lilian Jessie Jarvis, of East Fremantle, and Aubrey Edgar Lyle Jarvis of Quairading. Ground: Adultery with Dulcie Le Feaver Durnin, of Quairading. (reference)

1950 Autocycle, 1949, new condition, Malvern Star. 16 Clayton-st., East Fremantle, Sunday morning. (reference)


1928 - 1946: Jarvis, Aubrey E. L.

1947 - 1949: Jarvis, Mrs Lillian.


16 Sewell Street

16 Sewell Street (map)


Federation / Domestic Carpenter

No. 16 (previously was no. 42) Sewell street ‘Broadford’, is a single story cottage constructed in timber framing and weatherboard cladding with a hipped and gabled corrugated iron roof. It is a simple expression of the Federation Bungalow style. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a gabled thrust bay and part width skillion roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on timber posts. A St Andrew’s cross balustrade spans between the posts. There is a central door flanked by a double hung sash window. The gable bay features a pair of windows with a sunhood over it. 


1921 Funeral. The Friends of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Carroll of 42 Sewell street East Fremantle, are respectfully invited to follow the remains of their late dearly beloved infant son, Gordon James, to the place of interment the Church of England Cemetery, Fremantle. The Funeral will leave their residence 42 Sewell-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1941 Death on August 22, at Fremantle, John McMillan, dearly beloved husband of Elizabeth McMillan, of ‘Broadford’, 16 Sewell street, East Fremantle, and fond guardian of William H. Mayer, of 8 King street, East Fremantle; aged 85 years. (reference)

1941 Funeral. The friends of the late Mr. John McMillan, of Broadford, 16 Sewell-street, East Fremantle, are respectfully informed that his remains will be interred in the Presbyterian portion of the Fremantle Cemetery. (reference)

1949 Mr. and Mrs. C. Zappara, of 16 Sewell-street, East Fremantle, have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their only daughter, Mary Josephine, to John. second son of Mrs. M. A. Rowe, 14 Sewell-street, East Fremantle. (reference)


1909 - 1911: Vernon, Andrew

1912: Murrie, William

1913 - 1918: McMillan, John

1919 - 1922: Carroll, Edward J.

1923 - 1943: McMillan, John

1944 - 1945: Gulley, Mrs. Eliza

1946 - 1949: Cutts, Mrs. Isabel

1949-52- Zappara, Constantino


16 Oakover Street

16 Oakover Street (map)


Interwar Bungalow w Federation Influences

No 16 Oakover Street is a single storey house constructed in painted brick and rendered brick with a hipped and gable corrugated iron roof. It is a fine expression of the Inter-War Bungalow style. It is asymmetrically composed with a thrust gable bay and a part width return hip roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on timber posts. A vertical timber balustrade spans between the posts. The gable bay features a set of casement windows and a sunhood. There is a central door flanked by a further set of casement windows. The lower walls are painted brick and the upper walls are rendered. 
The place retains its form and most of its details. The original tiled roof has been replaced with corrugated iron sheeting.


1946 Wharf Accident. James Keogh (62), of Oakover street, East Fremantle, suffered injuries to his left shoulder and his head yesterday when he fell about 12ft. to the floor while working on a stack of wool at Victoria Quay. A St.John ambulance took him to Fremantle Hospital where he was admitted for treatment. His condition is not serious. (reference)

1949 Mr. and Mrs. J. Keogh, of Oakover-street, East Fremantle, have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their elder daughter, Mary Ursula, to Roger Andrew, only son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Molloy, of  Queen-Street, Fremantle. (reference)

1950 Mr. and Mrs. J. Keogh, of 16 Oakover-street, East Fremantle, wish to announce the marriage of their second daughter, Winifred Joan, of General Hospital, Gladstone, Queensland, to Hilton Birkitt, of Gladstone, on January 5, at R.C. Church, Gladstone. (reference

1953 Deceased Estates. Notice to Creditors and Claimants. James Keogh, late of 16 Oakover-street East Fremantle-Waterside Worker. (reference)


1928 - 1953: Keogh, James


16 Fortescue Street

16 Fortescue Street (map)


Late Federation / Interwar Bungalow w Queen Anne Influences

No 16 Fortescue Street is a single storey house constructed in limestone and rendered brick with a hipped and gable corrugated iron roof. It is a fine expression of the Federation Bungalow style. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a half-timbered, gabled thrust bay and a part width skillion roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on timber posts with brackets and a frieze. The gabled bay features a pair of single pane double hung sash windows under a sunhood. There is a central door and hopper light flanked by sidelights and a pair of double hung sash windows. Sills are rendered and there is a rendered string course.


1920 Death on July 19, at Fremantle, William Jenkins, the dearly beloved husband of Catherine, and father of William, Percy, and Oliver Jenkins, and Mrs. C. J. Bernock, of 21 Suffolk-street, Fremantle. Aged 57 years. (reference)

1924 Death on January 14, at her late residence, Moss-street, East Fremantle. Henrietta, dearly loved wife of Frank Charles Oxbrow and loving mother of Nance, Bettie, and Mollie; fond sister of Mr. Fred Thompson, and sister-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Oxbrow; aged 42 years. (reference)

1940 Birth on January 30, at Hillcrest. To Mrs. and P. E.J. Lewis, of H.M.A.S. Manoora and 16 Fortescue-street, East Fremantle a son. (reference)


1917: Oxbrow, Frank.

1918 - 1920: Hayman, Frank.

1921 - 1922: Jenkins, Oliver.

1923 - 1925: Sharp, Noel H.

1926 - 1936: Fletcher, Roy.

1937 - 1941: Lewis, Edward J.

1942: Hartley, Miss. Dorothy H.

1944 - 1949: Sweney, Noel.

Fortescue 16.jpg


16 Philip Street

16 Philip Street (map)


Post War Late California Bungalow


Research on the history of this property is currently under way by the Museum of Perth in partnership with the Town of East Fremantle. If you have any stories or information about this property, please contribute in the comments below.


1940 - 1949: Dawson, Walter

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