3 Salvado Avenue

3 Salvado Avenue (map)


Late Victorian/ Early Federation/ Domestic Carpenter Bungalow

No. 3 Salvado Avenue is a single-storey house constructed in timber framing and weatherboard cladding with a hipped, corrugated-iron roof. It is a fine expression of the Federation Bungalow style. The front elevation is symmetrically planned with a full-width, return, hipped-roof verandah. The verandah is supported on timber posts. There is a central door and a hopper light, flanked by sidelights and windows. The windows are double-hung sashes with sidelights. The roofscape features a brick chimney.


1951 Engagement. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Henderson, of 3 Salvado-avenue, East Fremantle, have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their daughter, Norma, to Matthew (Matt), youngest son of Mrs. W. McCall, of 120 Mandurah road, South Fremantle. (reference)

1951 Death on June 30, at Fremantle, Robert Stanley, dearly loved son of Stan and Marla Henderson, of 3 Salvado-avenue, East Fremantle, loving brother of Norma and fond grandson of Mrs. R. Edwards and Mrs. A. Henderson; aged 18 years. (reference)


1934 - 1935: Penman, Mrs. Emily

1935 - 1936: Gallop, Henry W.

1936 - 1937: Vacant

1937 - 1949: Henderson, Stan


3 Bolton Street-Hygeia

3 Bolton Street-Hygeia (map)




1931 Storm Apparently originating near the river at North Fremantle, the storm partially unroofed the home of Mr. A. Bulgin, in Hillside-road. East Fremantle, and thence its course was clearly indicated in a swathe of destruction about 150 yards wide in the direction of Palmyra…Mrs. Bulgin (see Easton Sisters in Notable People) said she thought the house had been struck by lightning as she awoke to the sound of heavy thunder and saw the play of vivid lightning. Strangely enough, the damaged portion of the roof of their home is on the sheltered side of the house away from the direction in which the storm evidently began. (reference)

1939 Funeral. The Friends of Mr. Albert Bulgin, Secretary Fremantle Benefit Building and Investment Society and of "Hygeia" 3 Bolton-st East Fremantle, are respectfully informed that the remains of his late dearly beloved Wife, May Agnes Dora, will be interred in the Church of England portion of the Fremantle Cemetery. (reference)

1945 Will of Albert Bulgin late of 3 Bolton Street, East Fremantle... (reference)

1954 The engagement is announced of Barbara, daughter of Mrs. F. Nlcolson, 3 Bolton-street, East Fremantle to Alan, third son of Mrs. E. Dudding of Whangarel, New Zealand. (reference)

1954 Death on Jan. 14, at her residence,’’Hygeia’’, 3 Bolton-street, East Fremantle, Selina Susannah Wearne, widow of the late Charles Frederick Foster Wearne, loving mother of Walter, Foster (Singapore) and Connie (Q. S. W. Agnus), mother-in-law of Connie, Wynne and Quinton, grandmother of Joan, Shirley, John, Geoffrey, Valerie, Gordon and Jean; aged 81 years. (reference)


1909 - 1925: Bulgin, Albert- Was Hill St up until 1926

1926 - 1947: Bulgin, Albert and May (nee Easton)

1949: Nicholson, Mrs. D. F.

1954: Wearne, Selina Susannah


3 Clayton Street

3 Clayton Street (map)


Inter-War Bungalow

No. 3 Clayton Street is a single-storey house constructed in brick and rendered brick with a hipped and gabled, corrugated-iron roof. It is a fine expression of the Inter-War Bungalow style. It is asymmetrically composed with thrust gable bay and a part-width, return, hip-roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on short timber posts set on battered masonry piers. A vertical timber balustrade spans between the piers. The gable bay features a set of casement lights under a sunhood. The upper section of the gable bay is rendered and the lower section is face brick. There is a central door and hopper-light, flanked by sidelights and sets of small-pane casement windows. The roofscape features a rendered chimney.


1935 Capable Girl (20), all duties, sleep out, start today. 3 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1936 Capable Girl, immediately, all duties, sleep out, after nine. 3 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1941 Engagement. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Beavis, of Bridge town, have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their eldest daughter, Dorothy, to Milton (R.A.A.F., Pearce), only son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Bamman, 3 Clayton-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1949 Black and tan Airedale Pup, East Ftle. Finder return 3 Clayton-st., East Ftle. (reference)

1949 Modern dining-room Suite, practically new. Apply 3 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1954 Lost, Friday night, wallet con. money in Albany, possibly Spencer-st. Finder please contact 3 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. Reward. (reference)

1954 Engagement. Mr. and Mrs. J. McCarthy, of 122 Samson-street, Beaconsfield, have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their eldest daughter, Patricia, to Robert, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Malacari, of 3 Clayton-street, East Fremantle (reference)


1929 - 1947: Bamman, Ernest P.

1949: Walker, Eric R.

1954: Malacari, J.


3 Riverside Road

3 Riverside Road (map)



No. 3 Riverside Road is a single-storey house constructed in limestone and brick with a gabled, corrugated-iron roof. It is a restored dwelling in the Federation Bungalow style. The verandah is a broken, back-roofed verandah supported on stop chamfered timber posts. All opening have brick quoins which are later additions. The building sits highly elevated above street level with a terraced garden. There is a later garage addition at the front of the lot. The north-east section of the residence has been reconstructed. There have been several modifications to the interior.


It is thought this house was built for John Hugh Gracie, one of the owners of the Castlemaine Brewery, who resided at 3 Riverside Road, close to Castlemaine Brewery, until 1915. It is the only surviving building associated with the Brewery.
On 4th January 1892 Lots 10, 11 and 12 of Swan Location 62, were transferred to Gracie and Walter Frederick Walkley. In December 1894 the same pair obtained Lot 9. Lot 9 was procured to facilitate an expansion of their brewing business they obtained in 1906. The brewery was located on Lots 1 and 2. This was formerly the Fremantle Brewing & Ice Co.

In 1906 Gracie obtained (as sole proprietor) the title to Lots 5 and 6. It has sometimes been assumed that this date coincides with the construction of the property currently on this land. However the Post Office Directories indicate that Gracie resided on Riverside Road closer to East Street and that Henry King and Matthew Moss occupied properties between Gracie and the Castlemaine Brewery.

Harry Digby Beard acquired the place in 1915, according to the Post Office Directories. Beard was the son of a renowned local draper, Fisher Beard, who operated a draper business in Fremantle.

The place was restored in the 1980s (refer to physical description). A number of early post-World War II interventions were reversed to achieve a good outcome. (reference)

1919 Birth on January 9, at Peradeniya, Riverside road, East Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. Digby Beard—a daughter. (reference)

1931 Impressive Funeral Of The Late Mr. Digby Beard. The high esteem in which Mr. H. Digby Beard was held was shown in the large gathering of friends at the funeral this morning. A number of people were unable to secure entrance to St. John's Church, and had to wait outside. The augmented choir numbered 40 and included several men who were regular members of the choir when Mr. Beard was choirmaster. The Dean drew the moral that religion made Mr. Beard the man he was a man who won the respect of every one. (reference)


1900 - 1912: Graccie, John Hugh

1915: Beard, Harry Digby


3 Preston Point Road

3 Preston Point Road (map)


Federation/ Federation Bungalow with Georgian Influences

No. 3 (previously was no. 21) Preston Point road is a single-storey house constructed in rendered limestone and painted brick, with a hipped and gabled, corrugated-iron roof. The place is located on a corner lot that addresses both Preston Point Road and Hillside Road. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a full-width, return, hip-roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on Doric columns set over brick piers. A masonry balustrade spans between the piers. The columns, piers and balustrade are a later alteration to the original arrangement. The walls are rendered limestone with painted brick quoins and the roofscape features a pair of brick chimneys.


1929 Death on March 3, at her late residence, No. 21 Preston Point-road, East Fremantle, and late of Farmer-street, North Perth, Margaret O’Brien, relict of the late William O'Brien, and loving mother of Mary (Mrs. Quinlivan), William and James O'Brien, aged 61 years. (reference)

1933 Crossword. $2 Prizes. Mrs. R. B. Sharp, 21 Preston Point-rd., East Fremantle. (reference)

1937 Fox Terriers, smooth, live months, ready for show, one male, one female, excellent pedigree. Carter, 21 Preston Point-rd., East Fremantle. (reference)

1937 The engagement is announced of Doreen, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Watson, 60 Duke-street, East Fremantle, to Robert, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Sharp, 21 Preston Point-road, East Fremantle. (reference)

1943 For Sale, 1936 Oldsmobile Sedan, £200. Apply 21 Preston Point-rd, East Fremantle. (reference)

1945 Wanted: Outboard Motor, in good order. Apply 21 Preston Point-rd., East Fremantle. Ring L1222. (reference)

1946 A Knitting Machine, state price, etc., to 21 Preston Point-rd., East Fremantle. Tel. L1222. (reference)

1948 Exchange for House, metropolitan area, good locality, 1935 Ford V8 sedan (14441), f.p. £160, s.p. £160, cash adjustment. Arnold, 21 Preston Point-rd., East Fremantle. (reference)


1925 - 1926: Frayne, Alfred John

1927 - 1929: O'Brien, Mrs. M.

1930: O’Brien, James M.

1931 - 1932: McMurray, S.

1933 - 1941: Sharp, Robert B.

1941 - 1942: Houghton, Robert

1942 - 1943: Brookes, Mrs.

1944 - 1949: Buss, John S.


3 Walter Street

3 Walter Street (map)


Inter-War Bungalow with Federation Influences

No. 3 Walter Street is a single-storey house constructed in limestone, brick and rendered-brick, with a hipped and gabled, tiled roof. It is a fine expression of the Inter-War Bungalow style. It is asymmetrically composed with a thrust gable bay and a part-width, hip-roofed, return verandah. The verandah is supported on timber posts. A vertical timber balustrade spans between the posts. The gable bay features roughcast-render detailing and a set of casement windows under a sunhood. The entry door is located on the south elevation under the return verandah. The roof is enriched by ram’s horn finials. The place sits on limestone foundations.


1919 The funeral of the late Mr. Frederick William Barrett, late of the Reliance Wood and Coal Yard, South-terrace, Fremantle, took place on Friday afternoon and was well attended. The deceased, who was in his 60th year was highly respected at Fremantle. The chief mourners were Miss D. Barrett (daughter), Messrs. J. R., H., C. C., F. H., and S. Barrett (sons)… (reference)

1924 Birth on August 10, at Hillcrest, North Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Barrett, of Walter-street, East Fremantle—a daughter. Both well. (reference)

1948 One of the loveliest weddings of the season took place...The bridegroom Evan Stephen, only son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Devenish, of Helena-st., and the lovely bride, Margaret Joan (Peg) only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barrett, of Walter-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1953 Gas Stove Metters Early Kooka, 4 Jets, with regulator, cream and blue. 3 Walter-st., East Fremantle. (reference)


1924 - 1949: Barrett, John Robert

Front View


3 Philip Street

3 Philip Street (map)


Mid 20th Century Early Modern Bungalow with Art-Moderne Influences


Research on the history of this property is currently under way by the Museum of Perth in partnership with the Town of East Fremantle. If you have any stories or information about this property, please contribute in the comments below.


There is no resident information as per Fremantle Post Office Directory (1909-1949).

3 philip.jpg


3 Windsor Road

3 Windsor Road (map)


Federation, Bungalow w Georgian Influences

No 3 Windsor Road is a single storey house constructed in limestone, brick and rendered brick with a hipped corrugated iron roof. It is a fine expression of the Federation Bungalow style. It is symmetrically composed with a full width hipped roof verandah. The verandah is supported on timber posts with valance boards. A vertical timber balustrade spans between the posts. A broad set of stairs lead down to the garden from the verandah. There is a central door and hopper light flanked by sidelights and lead light casement windows. The roofscape features rendered chimneys. The place sits on limestone foundations.


1932 There was a large attendance at the Fremantle Oval on Thursday night on the occasion of a farewell social to Inspector Teahan, who reached the retiring age (after 39 years in the Force) and relinquished his position in charge of the police of the Fremantle District… The Mayor (Mr. F. W. Gibson) said that he was glad of the opportunity of speaking to the toast because Fremantle, for its size, was freer from crime than any port in the Empire. "You, Mr. Teahan, have earned the esteem of the citizens in those parts where you have had charge, and you have earned the respect of those under your command, and no man can leave a job with those attributes without knowing that he has done his duty…” (reference)

1935 Long Service for State. Late Inspector Teahan. Mr. John Patrick Teahan, who died yesterday at St. John of God Hospital, Subiaco, rendered conspicuous service to the State over a long period. Born 68 years ago, he entered the police force of this State in 1893. ...In July, 1927, he was appointed inspector in charge of the Fremantle district, and served in that capacity until his retirement in August 1932. (reference)

1935 The funeral of Mr. J. P. Teahan, formerly Inspector of Police, took place at Karrakatta today. There was a representative attendance that indicated the high esteem in which he had been held by the community. Aged 68, Mr. Teahan died on Sunday at St. John of God Hospital, Subiaco, after only a short illness. He is survived by the widow and one daughter, Catherine. (reference)

1937 Crash Ends Chase. A few minutes after 9.30 o'clock on Monday night members of the police wireless patrol, which was in charge of Detective-Sergeant McLernon, received a wireless message that a motor car belonging to Walter Barnett Robinson, of Windsor-road, East Fremantle, had been stolen from outside the main entrance to Scotch College, Swanbourne... (reference)

1939 Spearwood Fatality. ...Walter B. Robinson, of Windsor-road, East Fremantle, who was driving a car which reached the scene immediately after the accident, was recalled.  He said that he had a good view of the road. He saw no other car than Smith's and Mews's… (reference)

1945 Death on May 18, suddenly, at his residence 3 Windsor-road, East Fremantle, Colonel Walter Barnett Robinson, DCM. ED. Commander of the VDC, beloved husband of Dot, devoted father of Reg and Lynn and father-in-law of Olwyn: aged 52 years. (reference)

1945 V.D.C. Commander. Colonel Robinson Dies. Long Career of Service. Col W. B. Robinson, DCM, ED, Commander of the VDC in Western Australia, died suddenly at his home in Windsor-road, East Fremantle, yesterday evening at the age of 52 years. (reference)


1920 - 1924: Turner, George S. O.

1925 - 1927: Haberley, Frederick William

1928 - 1932: Teahan, Jon  (Inspector Police)

1933 - 1945: Robinson, Walter Barnett

1946 - 1949: Robinson, Mrs. Doris M.


3 Surbiton Road

3 Surbiton Road (map)


Federation Filigree

No 3 Surbiton Road is a single storey house constructed in limestone, painted brick and rendered brick with a hipped and gable corrugated iron roof. There are two storey additions to the rear. It is set on an elevated site and is a prominent house. The place is designed in the Federation Filigree style. The addition is designed in a similar style to the original house. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a thrust gable bay and part width return broken back roofed verandah. The verandah terminates at the thrust bays at both ends. The verandah is supported on timber posts with timber filigree work. A vertical timber balustrade spans between the posts. The roofscape features vents and render capped chimneys. The half-timbered gable bay features a pair of double hung sash windows under a sunhood. The entry door is located on the west elevation under the return verandah. The door features a hopper and sidelights and is flanked by double hung sash windows. 


1911 East Fremantle Municipal Council. A Road Wanted.A petition was received from a number of residents of Richmond Hill asking that a road be made along Bellevue-street to Surbiton-road, and along Surbiton-road to Mr. F. Unmack's residence.The matter was referred to the works committee. (reference)

Read more about the famous lawyer Frank Unmack under the Notable People section.

1931 Death on July 19, at his late residence, ‘Glenisla’, Surbiton-road, East Fremantle, John Wellstead Kent, dearly beloved husband of Ruth Harris, and loving father of Ruth and Roger; aged 47 years. (reference)

1942 Wedding on April 23, Rodger John Harris, son of the late Capt. J. W. K. Harris and Mrs. R. Harris, of Surbiton-road, East Fremantle, to Jean Adelaide Welsh, daughter of the late Mr T. Welsh and Mrs C. Welsh, of Elizabeth-street, North Fremantle. (reference)

1942 Wedding on September 26, at Wesley Church, Fremantle, by the Rev. Freeman, Corporal Bernhardt Lindsay Wulff (AIF returned), only son of the late A. H. Wulff and Mrs T. Cox, 176 Carr Street, Leederville, to Ruth Ann Kathleen, only daughter of the late Captain J. W. K. Harris and Mrs. R. Harris, 3 Surbiton road, East Fremantle. (reference)

1953 Death on Oct 6, 3 Surbiton road, East Fremantle, Mrs. Ruth Ann Wulff dearly loved wife of Bernhardt Lindsay, loved mother of Ondina Ann: aged 42 years… Ruth, only daughter of Mrs. and the late Capt. Harris and sister of Rodger and Jean, loving Aunty Pat of Rodger, Robyn and Maxine. They grow not old, as we that are left grow old. Cheerio Sis. (reference)


1913 - 1916: Unmack, Frank G., solr (Unmack & Thomas) Lawyers

1917 - 1921: Unmack, Fk. G., solr (Dwyer U & Thomas)

1922: Vacant

1923 - 1924: Welch, James E.

1925 - 1928: Haynes, Robert B. M.

1929 - 1931: Harris, Capt. J. O. H. Master

1933 - 1949: Harris, Mrs. Ruth

1953- Bernhardt and Ruth Ann Wulff

3 Surbiton Road


Angwin House

Angwin House (map)


Federation / Federation Gable Domestic Carpenter

Angwin House is located at 3 (previously was 15) Glyde Street and is a single-storey cottage constructed in timber framing and clad in rusticated and feather-edged weatherboards. It has a hipped and gabled, corrugated-iron roof. It is a fine expression of the Federation Bungalow style. The front elevation is symmetrically planned with a central front door and side and hopper lights flanked by bay windows. 


This house was the home of William Charles Angwin (8 May 1863 – 9 June 1944) and his family from 1909 until 1936. See an article about him under Notable People.

William Angwin was born in Cornwall, England, and worked as a carpenter and builder before moving to Australia with his wife Sarah Ann Sumpton, (first to Victoria in 1886 and then to Western Australia in 1892). He first worked as a carpenter for Sandover & Co. He had two sons and two daughters. Angwin was a founding member of the East Fremantle Municipal Council on which he served as a counselor for 30 years and Mayor from 1902 until 1904. He was also a member of the Western Australian Legislative Assembly for the Labor Party from 1904 until 1927, representing the seats of East Fremantle and North-East Fremantle.

1919 The many friends of Private P. J. Keane, of the 28th Battalion, will be pleased to hear that he returned after three years' active service, on the s.s. City of Exeter, on Saturday, 16th August. He looks none the worse for his experiences, and was accorded an enthusiastic welcome by his relatives and friends at his aunt's residence, 15 Glyde-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1921 The Silent Election. Saturday's Appeal To The People. William C. Angwin unopposed as the ALP candidate for North-East Fremantle for the 1921 WA elections. (reference)

Angwin was Deputy Premier of Western Australia from 1924 until 1927, and Agent-General for Western Australia in London from 1927 until 1933.

1921 North-East Fremantle. C. Angwin, 15 Glyde-street East Fremantle (A.L.P.), unopposed. (reference)

Mary Jane Sumpton, mother-in-law of Willliam C. Angwin died at 15 Glyde Street on April 21, 1927.

1927 The funeral of the late Mrs. Mary Jane Sumpton, an octogenarian, relict of the late Jacob Sumpton, and a respected resident of East Fremantle for the last 34 years, was largely attended. The flag at the Fremantle Town Hall was flown at half-mast during the day. Mrs. Sumpton was born at Whitehaven, England, and was a daughter of the late Captain James Young of Whitehaven. The funeral cortege moved from the residence of the Hon. W. C. Angwin (Agent-General for Western Australia), 15 Glyde-street, East Fremantle, and proceeded to the local cemetery. (reference)

1930 Funeral. The Late Mrs. Sarah Thomas. The funeral of the late Mrs. Sarah Thomas, relief of the late Mr. George Thomas, took place, on Tuesday after noon, February 19. The cortege left her late residence, 15 Glyde- street, East Fremantle, and proceeded to the Methodist portion of the Fremantle cemetery. Deceased leaves one son and six daughters. The pall-bearers were: Messrs. William Adams. A. G. Peggott, A. Marr, M. Pearce, G. Press and C. Pearce. The chief mourners were: Mr. Harry Thomas (son), Mary (Mrs. Bennett). Susan (Mrs. Barker), Ethel (Mrs. Pearce), Gladys (Mrs. Reynold's) and Miss Elizabeth Thomas (daughters). (reference)

1931 Birth on September 24, at St. Helen's Hospital, Moss-street, East Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. Justus Angwin, of 15 Glyde-street, East Fremantle—a son (William Charles). Both well. (reference)

1944 Angwin died on 9 June in East Fremantle, and was buried in the Methodist section of Fremantle Cemetery. A street near the East Fremantle council chambers is named after him.

1953 Ross Capes of 3 Glyde Street, East Fremantle, wins £20, a camera and an air trip over Perth (reference)

Property Sold. May 2001 for $400 000, January 1996 for $198 000, 2016 3 Glyde Street, East Fremantle; beautifully restored and renovated, sold for $940 000. (reference)


1909 - 1911: Angwin, William C., M.L.A.

1912 - 1927: Angwin, William C., J.P. M.L.A.

1928: Angwin, William C., J.P.

1929 - 1932: Thomas, Mrs. Lizzie

1933 - 1936: Angwin, W. C.

1936 - 1949: Capes, William J.

Glyde 3.jpg

Courtesy of the Town of East Fremantle Heritage Trail, Artist: Miles Noel

“A Federation Bungalow style built by Mr William Angwin JP MLA in 1909, a beautifully symmetrical home featuring a full width bullnosed verandah.”


3 Oakover Street

3 Oakover Street (map)


Inter-War  Californian Bungalow
No 3 Oakover Street is a single storey house constructed in brick and rendered brick house with a hipped and gable tiled roof. It is a fine expression of the Inter-War California Bungalow style. It is asymmetrically composed with an offset gabled roofed porch. The porch is supported on Tuscan columns set on piers. Curved top balustrades extend from the piers. The facade features a set of casement windows. There is a central front door flanked by casement lights. The lower walls are brick and the upper walls are rendered.


1935 Registration of new car. 15,431: James Capper, 3 Oakover-street, East Fremantle, Chevrolet. (reference

1944 For Sale. Bedspread, DB blue Irish linen, £4; Pillow Shams, Supper Cloth, cream linen blind., 6ft 9in 5ft 4in drop, sh, all as new. 3 Oakover-st., East Fremantle, near Petra-st. (reference)

1950 Wanted to Rent. Anywhere, Home, woman, I schoolchildren, furn., unfurn, required, rent month in advance if desired, children separated mother owing to above. 3 Oakover-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1951 For Sale. Vac. Cleaner, £19; Pink carpet, £10; rust cot. weave curtains, 5ft. drop, 7ft. val., 25/; high and low chairs, 25/ two. 3 Oakover-st., East Ftle. (reference)

1952 Vacuum Cleaner (Healing), as new, 3 Oakover-st., East Fremantle. (reference)


1934 - 1935: Franklin, R. T.

1936 - 1937: Howe, Wilfred A.

1938 - 1939: Capper, James

1940 - 1941: Bremner, James Herman (d 1970 Perth)

1942 - 1946: Willis, James

1947 - 1949: Fitzsimons, J.

Oakover 3.jpg