41 Bedford Street

41 Bedford Street (map)


No 41 Bedford Street is a single storey house constructed in brick and rendered brick with a hipped corrugated iron roof. It is a very fine expression of the Federation Bungalow style. The front elevation is symmetrically planned with a central door and hopper light flanked by sidelights and double hung sash windows. The facade features a full width bull nose roofed verandah set on turned timber posts with post brackets. It has a centrally located front door with hopper and sidelights, flanked by pairs of single pane double hung windows. The roofscape features a pair of render capped chimneys. Render bands run across the front facade.


1926 Result of Our Puzzle Competition. 8th Prize, Ronnie Woolcock, 41 Bedford Street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1928 Baked FilIets of Fish. One pound of filleted fish. 2oz. butter, 1 tablespoonful of sherry or white wine, 6 drops of anchovy essence, a sprinkling of pepper. Well butter a fireproof dish. Wash the fillets and put them quite wet into the dish; put the remainder of the butter on the top in small pieces. Cover and bake in a moderate oven for 5 to 15 minutes, according to the thickness of the fillets. Burn off the liquor, keeping the fish hot. put it in a small stewpan with the wine, anchovy essence and pepper. Bring to boiling point. Pour over the fish and serve. Mrs. A. R. Woolcock, 41 Bedford-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1934 Honorable Mention. Toad in the Hole (A Savory Dish). Take 1½lb. rump steak, 1 sheep's kidney, pepper and salt to taste. For the batter use, 3 eggs, 1 pint of milk, 4 tablespoons flour, ½ teaspoon salt. Cut up the steak and kidney into convenient sized pieces and place them in a pie(d)ish, with a good seasoning of salt and pepper, mix the flour with a small quantity of milk at first to prevent it being lumpy, and then add the remainder; then the three eggs, which should be well beaten, put in the salt, stir the batter for about 5 minutes and then pour over the steak. Place it immediately in brisk oven and bake for 1½ hours. Sufficient for 6 to 8 persons.—Miss N. Woolcock, 41 Bedford-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1938 Death on March 10, at Subiaco, Thelma Poyer, beloved younger daughter of Roy and Milda Woolcock, of 41 Bedford street, East Fremantle, and loving sister of Jack, Edward, Agnes (Mrs. A. Booth), and Ronald; aged 16 years 3 months. Thy Will be done. (reference)

1938 Mr. and Mrs. R. Woolcock and Family, of 41 Bedford-street. East Fremantle, desire to express their sincere and heartfelt thanks to all friends for kindly acts, letters, cards, telegrams, floral tributes and personal expressions of sympathy during their recent sad bereavement. Will all kindly accept this as a personal expression of sincere thanks and gratitude. (reference)


1915 - 1949: Woolcock, Augustus R.

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41 Moss Street

41 Moss Street (map)


Inter-War, Bungalow with Arts & Crafts / Filigree Influences

No 41 Moss Street is a single-storey house constructed in tuck-pointed brick and rendered brick house with a hipped and gable corrugated iron roof. It is a fine expression of the Federation Filigree style. It is asymmetrically composed with a thrust gable bay and a part-width return skillion roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on turned timber posts with filigree work between the posts. The verandah terminates at the gabled thrust bay. The gable bay jetties over a bay window and is half-timbered with fretwork. The bay window features a pair double hung sash windows under a sunhood. There is a central door flanked by pairs of double hung sash windows. The roofscape features several tall brick chimneys with rendered caps. Windows have decorative sills.


This house was built in 1914 by local builder Charles Moore, for John Broadfoot. In 1917 It passed to Joseph Richmond Broadfoot (1880-1955). it stayed in the Broadfoot family for approximately 70 years.

Joseph Richmond Broadfoot married Harriet Louisa McIlwaine (1878-1947) in Fremantle in 1903.

1925 J. R. Broadfoot, engineer in the Fremantle Harbor Trust, has been appointed by the Commonwealth Government to act as engineer and ships surveyor. (reference)

1931 Nearing The End. The Griffin Inquiry. Mr. Broadfoot's Evidence. Mr. John Broadfoot, chief mechanical engineer of the Railway Department, who was probably the last witness to be heard by Dr. Herman, the Royal Commissioner, in connection with the Griffin Co. issue of his commission to inquire into the coal industry in this State… (reference)

1940 Cargo or Obstruction? Court Sequel to Wharf Mishap. On March 29 last, when a 16-ton piece of machinery was being unloaded from a ship at Victoria Quay, Fremantle, the gear carried away, the mast of the ship collapsed, and the machinery fell on to the wharf. On the following day a wharf crane was specially rigged to lift it, and the operation was carried out by men of the Fremantle Harbour Trust under the supervision of the mechanical engineer (Mr. J. R. Broadfoot). Yesterday, in the Fremantle Industrial Court, before Mr. H. J. Craig, S.M., the question whether the machinery, when it was lying on the wharf, was cargo or an obstruction was argued. (reference)

1946 Harbour Man Retires. After 38 years' service, Fremantle Harbour Trust mechanical engineer J. R. Broadfoot did his last day's work today. He will now start long-service leave prior to retirement. Mr. Broadfoot was farewelled by the staff of the Harbour Trust this afternoon. He will be succeeded by Mr. A. G. Perman, formerly of South Australia, who has just been discharged in this State from the R.A.N.(reference)

1947 Prominent Woman Bowler Dies- Well-known in bowling circles and a life member of the East Fremantle Women's Bowling Club, Mrs. Harriett Louisa Broadfoot died last night at her home, 41 Moss Street, East Fremantle. Aged 69, Mrs. Broadfoot had not been in good health for some time. She is survived by her husband and a son. Her husband, Mr. Joseph R. Broadfoot, recently retired from the post of chief mechanical engineer of the Fremantle Harbour Trust. (reference)


1915 - 1917: John Broadfoot

1918 - 1949: Joseph Richmond Broadfoot, wife Harriet Louisa, son Drew

1955 David Broadfoot, Grandson of Joseph Broadfoot lived at 41 Moss Street for a number of years after his grandfather passed away in 1955

1972- House bought by David and Helen Broadfoot (many photos and documents supplied by him in 2024). They lived in it until the 1980s.


41 Irwin Street

41 Irwin Street (map)


Inter-War, Bungalow with Federation Influences

No 41 Irwin Street is a single-storey house constructed in rendered brick and hipped tiled roof. It is an expression of the Inter-War Bungalow style. The front elevation is symmetrically planned with a central door flanked by sidelights and sets of casements windows. The front facade features a full-width skillion roofed verandah. The roofscape features brick chimneys.


1946 Engagement Mr. and Mrs. D. Owen, 41 Irwin-street, East Fremantle, take pleasure in announcing the engagement of their daughter Margaret to John Austin, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Browne, 66 The Eyrie, Heidelberg, Victoria. (reference)

1954 Today Brings Retirement And 65th Birthday. Today is the 65th birthday of Mr. David Thomas Owen and also the first day of his retirement after 52 years of work in the Fremantle district. Mr. Owen doffs his old working hat for the last time and reaches for the one he uses to "walk out" as he leaves his job. Mr. Owen started work at the age of 13 with a Fremantle chemist. Later he joined the Fremantle Harbour Works Department, then on the site of the present south slip. He moved in with the State Agricultural Implement Works when it opened in 1913 and remained with them when they became the State Engineering Works. For some years he has been warehouseman in charge of dispatch. Although the engineering works no longer manufacture agricultural implements, there are still parts and patterns in stock. "No-one but Dave knows anything about them," the manager, Mr. W. R. Hall, said yesterday. (reference)


1927 - 1949: Owen, David


41 May Street

41 May Street (map)


Late Federation, Federation Villa

No 41 May Street is a single-storey house constructed in rendered brick with a hipped and gable corrugated iron roof. The place is asymmetrically planned with a thrust gable bay and part-width skillion roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on timber posts with a decorative frieze. The gable bay features a window with a sunhood.


1924 Vehicle Registration: 2083, A.J.S. motorcycle, Eric Potts, Naval Office, Fremantle. (reference)

1929 Birth on September 2, at Nurse Bathgate's Private Hospital, Staton-road, East Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. E. Potts, of 41 May-street, East Fremantle, a daughter. Both well. (reference)


1920 - 1922: Bremner, William Henry

1923: Gibson, Thomas

1924 - 1929: Richard, Rome

1930 - 1936: Potts, Eric A.

1936 - 1938: Windstone, James J.

1938 - 1947: Wilson, John L.

1949: Wilson, Ken G.

1959-1973 Brian and Colleen Hevron ( children Mark, Phil and Darryl)


41 Fortescue Street

41 Fortescue Street (map)


Inter-War, Bungalow w Federation Influences

No 41 Fortescue Street is a single storey house constructed in brick and rendered brick with a tiled roof. It is an expression of the Inter-War Bungalow style. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a thrust gabled bay and a part width skillion roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on Tuscan columns set on piers. A balustrade spans between the piers. There is a central door flanked by sidelights and a set of casement windows. The half-timbered gable bay features a set of casement windows under a sun hood. The roofscape features a rendered chimney and finials.


1920 James Edward Fay, a lumper, who was represented by Mr. F. G. Unmuck, pleaded not guilty at the Fremantle Police Court this morning when charged with having assaulted Det. Sgt. Porter at the Fremantle wharf on Wednesday-last whilst in the execution of his duty...Det-Sgt. Porter said that on 'Wednesday, he was on duty at the Fremantle wharf when the men were coming off shift. He walked towards the Customs office in D shed. Accused bumped up against him with his clenched fist and said, 'What are you doing here? We'll put you 'D.'s' off this wharf.' Witness told Fay to go away and not to do anything he would be Sorry for. Accused followed witness into the office in a fighting attitude, using abusive language, and hit at him...Mr. Unmack submitted that it was practically one man's word against another...He was lined- £5 and 6s costs, in default ten days imprisonment. (reference)

1927 Fremantle. Obscene language.—Edward Fay was fined 2 pounds with 4s costs, for having used obscene language in Mandurah-road. He said he had been heckled by a crowd of youths and had been stung to a heated retort. (reference)


1929: New house

1934 - 1949: Quinn, Edward A. & Fay, Edward

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41 Allen Street

41 Allen Street (map)


No 41 Allen Street is a single storey house constructed in rendered brickwork with a hipped and gabled corrugated iron roof. It is a much-altered expression of the Federation Bungalow style. Much of the elevation has been modified. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a full width, return verandah. The verandah is set on timber posts. There is a central door flanked by sidelights and replacement windows.  Modified in the 1950s.


Research on the history of this property is currently under way by the Museum of Perth in partnership with the Town of East Fremantle. If you have any stories or information about this property, please contribute it in the comments below.


After 1949-2008 Frank and Margaret Percival

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41 Oakover Street

41 Oakover Street (map)


Inter-War Diagonal Plan Porch House Bungalow

No 41 Oakover Street is a single storey house constructed in tuck-pointed brick and rendered brick with a hipped and gable corrugated iron roof. It is a fine expression of the Inter-War Bungalow style. It is asymmetrically composed with a thrust gable bay and a part width return hip roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on timber posts with post brackets. A vertical timber balustrade spans between the posts. A gable roof is located over the south section of the verandah. The half-timbered gabled bay features a set of casement windows under a sunhood. There is a central door and hopper light flanked by side lights and a set of casement windows. There are render string courses and decorative sills. The roofscape features a render capped chimney.


1933 Birth on December 1, at Nurse Bathgate's Staton-road, East Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Armstrong, of 41 Oakover-street, East Fremantle—a son (Noel Charles). (reference)

1934 Motos, Bicycles, etc. Harley and Sidecar, 1927, small milage, reconditioned and painted, new tyre, battery; £50 cash. 41 Oakover-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1934 Lotteries Win. Australian Charities Consultation The following tickets were drawn yesterday for the ten special prizes of £5...872, 'We Four,' care A. Armstrong, 41 Oakover-street. East Fremantle. (reference)

1935 Passenger’s Arm Broken. About 7.20 p.m. on Sunday two motor cars collided at the intersection of George and King streets. East Fremantle. One was being driven westward along George-street by Alfred James Armstrong, of 41 Oakover-street, East Fremantle, and the other was being driven northward along King-street by Arthur Fish, of 168 Ellen-street, Fremantle. The only person hurt was Norman Chandler (about 26), married, of Oakover-street, who was in the back seat, of the car driven by Armstrong. He had his left forearm fractured. After being attended by a doctor he was allowed to go home. (reference)

1937 Situations Vacant. Respectable Housekeeper for working man's home, 4 children, school age. Apply 41 Oakover-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1948 Lost and Found. Lost vicinity Riverside-drive, East Fremantle, Wed., child's hand Cart, disk, rubber tyred wheels. Reward. 41 Oakover-st. (reference)

1953 For Sale. Wedding Gown, tulle and lace, s.s.w. 41 Oakover-st., East Fremantle. (reference)


1929: Armstrong, Alf. James


41 Duke Street

41 Duke Street (map)


Federation / Domestic Carpenter Gable

No. 41 (previously was no. 105) Duke Street is a single-storey house constructed in timber framing and weatherboard cladding with a gabled corrugated iron roof. It is an unusual Federation Bungalow style. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with an offset entry door flanked by a window. The window has been modified. The facade features a full-width bull-nosed roof verandah supported on turned timber posts.

The place is consistent with the pattern of development in Plympton and plays an important role in the pattern of development of a working class suburb.


1911 Italian Cutlets. Have ready some breadcrumbs, the grated rind of a lemon, dessertspoonful chopped onion, a little chopped parsley, salt and pepper, 1 beaten egg. Take the remains of some cold mutton, cut into thin slices, dip them in the beaten egg, then cover with the mixture of breadcrumbs, onions, parsley, and lemon, pepper, and salt; fry for a few minutes in boiling fat till brown.— Mrs. Davis, c/o 105 Duke-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1925 Funeral Notice. The Friends of the late Mrs. Ruby Bydder, dearly beloved wife of Charles A. Bydder of John street, North Fremantle, and loving daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Simpson, and fond sister of Jean, Mamie, Barbara, Margaret, Sadie and John, are respectfully invited to follow her remains to the place of interment, the Baptist portion of the Fremantle Cemetery. The Funeral is appointed to leave the residence of her brother-in-law, Mr. Charles Page, 105 Duke-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1942 Georgina Johnston, younger daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. G. Johnson of East Fremantle, married Jack Edward Bradley (RAAP), at St. Luke' Church, Mosmans. (reference)

1946 Death of Bernard Johnson (17), deck hand, of Duke-street, East Fremantle drowned in Fremantle harbour. He was on board the launch Henley, which was travelling abreast of the barge Swan, when the vessels were off F Shed, Victoria Quay, and about 150 yards from the wharf, he was seen to try to step from the launch to the barge. He fell into the water and, despite prompt action by Joseph Hill, of 84 Queen Victoria-street, Fremantle, who dived into the water in an attempt to rescue him, he sank and did not reappear. Dragging was carried out throughout the day by Constables Badcock, Beresford and Gannaway. (reference)


1913 - 1914: Smith, Harry

1915: Hopkins, George

1916 - 1917: Howe, Alexander

1918 - 1919: Gordon, Mrs Mary

1920 - 1925: Gordon, William B.

1926: Vacant

1927: Suckling, William E.

1928: Smith, George E.

1929 - 1932: Longson, Thomas

1933 - 1934: Screen, William

1934 - 1949: Johnson, George

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41 Petra Street

41 Petra Street (map)


Interwar / Bungalow Porch House w Art Deco Influences


1943 Left, Gent's Umbrella, Saturday, telephone Booth corner Canning-rd, Petra-st, Fremantle. Reward. Stewart, 41 Petra-st. (reference)

1948 Lost, city block, Saturday morning, 1 black kid Glove, return 41 Petra-st., East Fremantle, reward. (reference)

1950 Secondhand Coats, s.s.w. 41 Petra-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1952 Singer Sewing Machine, radio, DW5 valve console, deck chair, camp stretcher, separate. 41 Petra-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1953 Metters No. 1 wood stove, £6. 41 Petra-st., East Fremantle. (reference)


1940 - 1942: Rielly, Alan C.

1942 - 1949: Stewart, Robert J.

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41 King Street

41 King Street (map)


Post War - Industrial Functionalist

No. 1 - 3/41 (previously known as no. 87 - 89) King Street is a single storey saw toothed roof factory. It is one of a small number of immediate Post-World War II buildings erected in George Street. Was previously Whiteford Electrical Factory.

It was built in stages, constructed in face brickwork with south lights and a corrugated steel roof. Windows and doors have been introduced into previously blank walls.
It plays an important role in the pattern of development of a working class suburb.


1924 Vehicle Registration. 7020: a Overland L4, to M. Wilson, 89 King-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1930 Struck By Motor Car. James Stevenson, of Napier-street, Cottesloe, was admitted to the Fremantle Hospital yesterday morning suffering from head injuries and shock. He was detained for treatment. The Fremantle police were informed that Stevenson was riding a bicycle along Perth-Fremantle-road towards Fremantle, and, when crossing the entrance to the State Implement Works, he was thrown to the ground when his bicycle was struck by a motor car, driven by Melville Victor Wilson, of 89 King-street, East Fremantle. Wilson took the injured man to the hospital. His condition is not serious. (reference)

1936 Car Strikes Building. After skidding across the intersection of Murray and Milligan streets yesterday afternoon, a motor car mounted a footpath and crashed into the brick wall of a building. The car was driven by Melville Victor Wilson, garage proprietor, of George-street, East Fremantle. His father, James Beith Wilson (71), of King street, East Fremantle, was a passenger in the front seat. (reference)

1938 Death at her residence, 89 King-street, East Fremantle, Susanna, dearly beloved wife of James Beith Wilson, loving mother of Melville and the late Keith and Malcolm Wilson: aged 77. (reference)

1940 Marriage; at Presbyterian Church, East Fremantle, Janet Elliott Buntine, only daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Allen, to Melville Victor, only son of Mr. J. B. and the late Mrs. Wilson, of 41 King-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1945 The Friends of the late Mr. James Beith Wilson of 41 King Street East Fremantle and late of the State Engineering Works, husband of the late Susanna Wilson are respectfully informed that his remains will be interred in the Presbyterian portion of the Fremantle Cemetery. (reference)

Three cottages onsite in 1949.


1912 - 1945: Wilson, James B.

1947 - 1949: Johnson, Keith A,

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42 King Street

42 King Street (map)


Federation / Regency Influences Domestic Carpenter

No. 42 (previously known as No. 84) King Street is a single storey cottage constructed in timber framing and weatherboard cladding with a 'M' format corrugated iron roof. It is a simple expression of the Federation Bungalow style with later modifications. The front elevation is symmetrically planned with a central door flanked by sidelights and double hung sash windows. The facade features a full width hipped roof verandah supported on timber posts.


1907 Second prize goes to Mrs. P. Gordon, 84 King-street, East Fremantle, for recipe of Rich Plum Cake. (reference)

1913 The Friends of the late Mr. Peter Gordon, of the Loco Shops, W.A. Government Railways, Midland Junction, and of No. 84 King-street, East Fremantle, are respectfully invited to follow his remains to the place of interment, the Presbyterian portion of the Fremantle Cemetery. The Funeral is appointed to leave his late residence, No. 84 King-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1918 In sad and loving memory of our dearly-loved husband and father, Peter Gordon, who departed this life suddenly on June 16, 1913, aged 58 years. In the lonely hours of thinking thoughts of you are ever dear. Inserted by his loving wife and sons, 84 King-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1927 Death at her late residence, 84 King-street, East Fremantle, Charlotte, relict of the late Peter Gordon, and mother of Thomas, William and Kenneth Gordon; aged 66 years. (reference)

1950 Death of Baby Gordon /O'Bree: at Subiaco, Keith Gordon, dearly beloved infant grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, 42 King-street, East Fremantle. Sweet little bud in heaven. (reference)

1987 Bankruptcy. Mark De San Miguel, of Thornlie, glazier. Formerly carrying on business on own account as 'Migs Glazing' at 42 King Street, East Fremantle. (reference)


1907 - 1917: Gordon, Mrs. Peter

1918 - 1926: Gordon, Mrs. Charlotte

1927: Vacant

1928 - 1929: Schofield, John

1935 - 1939: Gordon, R. K.

1939 - 1950: Gordon, Thomas

1987: Mark De San Miguel

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42 Glyde Street

42 Glyde Street (map)


Federation, Domestic Carpenter Skillion Cottage

No. 42 (previously was no. 78) Glyde street is a single-storey cottage built in stages. The place is constructed in timber framing and fibrous cement cladding with a gabled corrugated iron roof. Its style is eclectic. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a part-width skillion roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on timber posts. There is a centrally located front door flanked by windows.


1894 The story of the Peterson family who built this house can be seen on the current Glyde Inn website- https://www.glydein.org.au/about-us/story

The story of their son Frank R. Peterson who became a well-known Fremantle photographer can also be seen in Notable People

1924 The engagement is announced of Violet, fourth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Peterson, 78 Glyde-street, East Fremantle, to James, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cole, 420 Beaufort street, Perth. (reference)

1924 The engagement is announced of Jessie, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Foote, Monument street, Cottesloe Beach, to Walter, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Peterson, 78 Glyde-street, East Fremantle. (reference

1925 Engagement Lillian Edith, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Peterson, of 78 Glyde street, East Fremantle, to William Edward, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. MacGregor, of North Fremantle. (reference

1925 Recipe Contest. …Fifth prize is awarded to Miss. Violet Paterson, 78 Glyde street, East Fremantle for Dainty Dishes From Potatoes. Potato Puffs... (reference

1929 Winning submissions of Ginger Fruit Cake, Ginger Fruit Loaf and Macduff Cake listed in The Mirror Free Recipe contest awarded to Mrs. F. J. Peterson. (reference)

1929 Meritorious Recipes. Paradise Pie…This is delicious. (Mrs. F. J. Peterson, 78 Glyde-street, East Fremantle.) (reference)

1931 Funeral. The Friends of the late Mr. Frank G. Peterson, of 78 Glyde-street, East Fremantle, are respectfully invited to follow his remains to the place of interment, the Methodist Cemetery, Fremantle. The Funeral will leave his late residence, 78 Glyde-street, East Fremantle… (reference) Obituary. The deceased was born in Sweden and came to West Australia in the barque Matilda 40 years ago. The Matilda was owned, and skippered by Captain O. R. Ohlsson, a brother-in-law of the deceased. The late Mr. Peterson erected the first house in Glyde-street, East Fremantle, and had lived there continuously until the time of his death. Until the advent of trams Mr. Peterson ran a ‘bus service’ to East Fremantle, and for the last 25 years had been in business as a master carrier.  He was a foundation member of the Lumpers' Union and also of Court Robin Hood A.O.F. He was one of the oldest residents of East Fremantle and a highly respected citizen. His kind and charitable disposition won for him the esteem of a wide circle of friends. The chief mourners were Messrs. F. R. and W. E. Peterson (sons), R. J. Louden-Smith and W. E. MacGregor sons-in-law), and Mrs. W. E. Peterson (daughter-in-law). The pall-bearers were Messrs. P. F. C. Anderson (manager. W.A. Brushware Co.), E. M. Davies (secretary, Court Robin Hood A.O.F.)... (reference

1932 Recipes: Hot Tea Cakes, Five O'Clock Tea Cakes, Muffinettes… Miss. Ivy Peterson, 78 Glyde-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1932 Six Cakes from One Recipe. There are occasions when it is desired to make a variety of cakes in the simplest way. Here is a Foundation Recipe that can be used in many ways …roll, sandwich American tea cakes, sponge slices, sponge ring with jelly... Mrs. M. Peterson, 78 -Glyde-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1936 Funeral. The funeral of the late Mrs. Marie Sophia Peterson, widow of the late Frank Gustaf Peterson, of 78 Glyde-street, East Fremantle, took place in the Fremantle Cemetery yesterday...Mrs. Peterson was born at Helsingborg, Sweden, and came to Western Australia on the s.s. Port Victor in 1894 to join her husband, who had arrived two years before. For many generations her ancestors had seafaring careers, and her late father and four brothers were owner sea captains. During her 42 years' residence in East Fremantle, Mrs. Peterson endeared herself in all with whom she came in contact, on account of her attractive and kindly personality. She was particularly devoted to her home and family. Mrs. Peterson leaves two sons, five daughters and twelve grandchildren to mourn their loss. The chief mourners were  Messrs. F. R. and W. E. Peterson, sons; Mesdames R. J. Louden, W. Brown, W. E. McGregor, J. R. Cole, and Miss Ivy Peterson, daughters... (reference)

1940 Silver Weddings. On October 23, 1915, at the Glyde-street Methodist Church, by the late Rev. F. S. Pinch, Reginald, youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Smith, Ellen-street, Fremantle, to Sigrid, eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Peterson, 78 Glyde-street, East Fremantle. Present address, Marmion-street, Palmyra. (reference)

In 1980 Maureen Wright, the Town of East Fremantle's Recreation Officer, sought advice about starting a community centre from Catherine Doherty, her Nedlands counterpart. Doherty suggested that new East Fremantle resident Pam Jones, a former member of Tresillian, be approached to see if she would be interested in the idea of establishing a similar centre in East Fremantle. Maureen Wright and Pam Jones arranged two community meetings. Twelve people came to the second meeting—These women would form the core group of the fledgling community centre. They were Pam Jones, Joan Storer, Ann-Marie (Catton) Medcalf, Robyn Granath, Danielle Hughes, J. Karmelita, Marlene Michelides, Colleen Wallace, Nola Bindon, Sue Strange, Sandy Stock and Maureen Wright.

The Town of East Fremantle agreed with Maureen Wright's suggestion that 42 Glyde Street, originally purchased by the Council in 1978 to extend Glasson Park, would be ideal for a community centre. Once the property was secured the enthusiastic group of women set to work with gusto to transform the house. You can read more about the beginnings of the centre on their website https://www.glydein.org.au/about-us/story

In 2014 a five year lease with an option of a further five was negotiated and signed by the Town of East Fremantle CEO and the then-Chair of Glyde-In Jono Farmer.


1909 - 1931: Frank G. Peterson, car

1932 - 1934: Vacant

1934 - 1936: Mrs. Mary Peterson

1936: Vacant

1937 - 1941: William A. Hopkinson

1941 - 1942: Vacant

1942 - 1945: John Thompson

1946 - 1949: Leonard Gibson


42 Irwin Street

42 Irwin Street (map)


Inter-War, Diagonal Plan Porch House Bungalow

No 42 Irwin Street "Tosari" is a single-storey house constructed in brick with a hipped and gable corrugated iron roof. It is an expression of the Inter-War Bungalow style. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a thrust bay and part-width return skillion roofed verandah. The verandah features a gable at its southern end. The verandah is supported on timber posts. The half-timbered gable bay features a set of casement windows under a sunhood. There is a central door and hopper light flanked by side lights and a corner window suite.


1930 Wedding. Silverlock-Wilson. St. Paul's Church, Beaconsfield, was the scene of a picturesque wedding on the evening of March 26, when Olga, only daughter of Mrs. Wilson, of South Fremantle, and the late Mr. J. E. Wilson, of Norseman, was married to Mr. William Silverlock, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Silverlock, of Waitara, New South Wales. Miss Mercia Brooks (cousin of the bride) presided at the organ. The bride was given away by her uncle, Mr. F. Brooks, and wore an ankle-length frock of ivory georgette, the skirt composed of tiny frills on a flared foundation. Her veil of silk tulle and silver lace, held in place with a coronet of pearls and French orange blossom, formed a fan-shaped train. Miss Lavin Woods and Miss Del. Thackrah were the bridesmaids and wore tight-fitting frocks of powder blue georgette, falling in points to the ankle and trimmed with godets of silver lace. Little Jean Wellington, the flower girl, carrying a basket of blue delphiniums, was a miniature of the bride in frilled ivory georgette, worn with a silver Juliet cap and shoes. Mr. W. Briggs was best man and H. Wilson (brother of the bride) groomsman. After the ceremony, Mrs. Wilson received a large number of guests at the Fremantle Town Hall. During the evening Mr. and Mrs. Silverlock left on their honeymoon. On their return they will reside at 42 Irwin-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1930 For sale Airedale Pup, 14 weeks, £2. Apply evenings. Silverlock, 42 Irwin-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1931 Birth on August 14, at St. Helen's Hospital, Moss-street, East Fremantle, to Olga, wife of William Silverlock, "Tosari" Irwin-street, East Fremantle—a son (Alan William). (reference)

1932 Wanted. Airedale or other good watch day. Price and particulars to 42 Irwin-st, East Fremantle. (reference)

1935 Price Wanted, Calcomining and Painting. Apply between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., today, 42 Irwin-st, East Fremantle. (reference)

1935 For sale, 42 Irwin-st: House, all cons., ideal home. Phone Fremantle 2031, or write Silverlock, above address. (reference)

1935 For Sale. Bedroom, Dining Lounge Suites, Carpets and Furnishings. Silverloch, 52 Irwin-st., East Fremantle. Phone FM2031. (reference)

1936 For Sale. Household Furniture, Wireless Set, Carpets. 42 Irwin-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1936 - Auction- Very Attractive Brick Villa Residence No. 42 Irwin-Street, East Fremantle. Learmonth, Duffy & Co. have received instructions from Mr. Silverlock, who is leaving the State to Offer For Sale by Public Auction as above:His modern, conveniently planned Residence, containing entrance hall 18 x 6, lounge 17 x 13, dining room 14 x 13, bedrooms 16 x 13 and 14 x 13, kitchen 10½ x 9, vestibule 10½ x 9 and well fitted bathroom and complete laundry. A feature of the house is the built-in cupboards and lockers. The property is sewered, gas and electric light and both wood and gas stoves are installed, and there is a bath heater. This property is in very excellent order and condition and is situated about midway between the Canning-road and new Marmion-street tram lines, and is close to the south bus terminus Terms: £280 cash, balance by monthly instalments of £5/8/2, including interest at 5 per centum per annum. Inspection by arrangement with the Auctioneers. (reference)

1936 Summary Of Auctions. Furniture and effects, on premises, 42 Irwin-street, East Fremantle; 2.30 p.m. (reference)

1938 Birth on December 6, at Woodside Hospital, East Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Smith, of 42 Irwin-street, East Fremantle—a son (Alan Peter). (reference)

1948 Lost, Sunday, between Carrington-st., Queen's Hall, Palmyra, baby's Coat. Finder please return Smith. 42 Irwin-st. (reference)

1954 For sale Cot and Tricycle, 42 Irwin-st., East Fremantle (reference)


1931 - 1934: Silverlock, Mrs. Olga

1934 - 1935: Jones, Francis A.

1935 - 1937: Silverlock, William

1937 - 1938: Finlay, James

1938 - 1949: Smith, Frederick W.


42 May Street

42 May Street (map)


Gabled Federation Bungalow

No 42 May Street is a single-storey house constructed in rendered brick with a corrugated iron roof. It is an expression of the Inter-War Bungalow style. It is asymmetrically composed with a full-width return hip roofed verandah supported on timber posts and timber balustrade. There is a central door and casement windows with hoppers. 


1927 Baby competition. Peter John Hill, 42 May-street, East Fremantle, 7 months. (reference)


1920: Hibburt, William R. "Aroha"

1921 - 1941: William, John Hill

1941 - 1949: I. M. Barras

2004-2011: John and Perri Pires


42 Fortescue Street

42 Fortescue Street (map)


Inter/ Post War Bungalow Porch House

No. 42 Fortescue Street is a single-storey house constructed in limestone and rendered-brick, with a hipped and tiled roof. It is an expression of the Inter-War Porch style. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a hipped-roof porch. The porch is set on Tuscan columns, which rest on rendered piers, with a rendered masonry balustrade spanning between them. There is a central door flanked by sets of casement windows. The rendered walls sit on a limestone foundation and the roofscape features a brick chimney.
The place retains its basic form and details, but has additions to the rear. The lot has been subdivided and a house built at the rear of the property. The place is consistent with the building pattern in the Precinct and plays an important role in the pattern of development of a middle-class suburb.


Research on the history of this property is currently under way by the Museum of Perth in partnership with the Town of East Fremantle.


no residents list

Fortescue 42.jpg

42 Clayton Street

42 Clayton Street (map)


Porch House w Californian Bungalow Influences

No 42 Clayton Street is a single storey house constructed in rendered brick with a hipped and gable corrugated iron roof. It is an expression of the Inter-War Porch style. It is asymmetrically composed with a thrust bay and a gable roofed porch. The porch features timber detailing, an arched lintel and square pier supports. A rendered balustrade with a crenulated decorative top spans between the piers. The thrust bay features a set of casement and fixed like windows under a flat roofed sunhood. There is a central door flanked by casement and fixed light windows. The roofscape features a rendered chimney.


1941 Lost, in Clayton-st., Monday morning, Lady's Gold Wristlet Watch, Inscribed, sentimental value. Finder Please return to 42 Clayton-st. ...Reward. (reference)

1942 Lost city, Thursday, Navy Kid Gauntlet Glove. Please communicate Anderson 42 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. Reward. (reference)

1946 Lost, Spectacles, in black case. Please return 42 Clayton-st., East Fremantle. Reward. (reference)

1950 Reward for information of black and white Collie dog strayed from 42 Clayton-st., East Fremantle, Sunday, answers to Sailor. (reference)


1941 - 1949: Anderson, Clement.


42 Gill Street

42 Gill Street (map)


Inter-War / Domestic Carpenter with Federation Influences

No 42 Gill Street is a single-storey house constructed in timber framing and weatherboard cladding with a hipped and gable corrugated iron roof. It is a fine example of the Inter-War Bungalow style. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a thrust gable bay and a part-width return hip roofed verandah. The verandah terminates at the gable bays at each end. The verandah is supported on timber posts. The half-timbered gable bay features a set of casement windows under a sun hood. There is a central door flanked by sets of casement windows. 


1934 Mrs. Giaquinta To Stand Trial On Capital Charge. Finding Of Murder At Inquest. ...A finding that Carmelo Mentisano, a Sicilian stonemason, met his death in a house in Essex-st., Fremantle, on September 11, from injuries caused by multiple knife wounds wilfully inflicted by Concetta Giaquinta (30) was returned by the District Coroner (Mr. H. J. Craig) today when the inquiry into Mentisano's death was concluded. ...William Mais, of 42 Gill-street, East Fremantle, said he was in company with McLean when he was at the bond store on September 11. He saw only Mrs. Giaquinta and her two children on the front. verandah. He did not notice any men about. He went into the bond store for some goods, and when he returned he saw the two children walking away from the house. (reference)

1937 Lost, Friday, off truck, Canning-rd., East Fremantle Bike painted red fitted generator, etc. Please communicate 42 Gill-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1941 Wanted: Good home for dog. Kelpie-Collie, two years old. (Male.) 42 Gill-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1948 Motors, Bicycles, Etc. B.S.A.1948 21¼ o.h.y., perfect condition 42 Gill-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1949 Engagement Announcement. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ward, of 26 Price-street, Fremantle, wish to announce the engagement of their only daughter, Shirley Ellen, to William Robin, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Mais, of 42 Gill-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1949 Triumph Speed Twin. 1947, 3 ½, excellent condition. 42 Gill-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1951 Musical Instrument. German Iron Frame Piano, excellent appearance, cond. 42 Gill-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1954 Lost and Found. Found track wheel, Mosman Park, Friday night. 42 Gill-st., East Fremantle. (reference)


1931 - 1947: Mrs. Mais

1949: Mais, Mrs. Jean


42 Oakover Street

42 Oakover Street (map)


Interwar Bungalow w Arts & Crafts & Federation Influences

No 42 Oakover Street is a single storey house constructed in brick and rendered brick with a hipped and gable tiled roof. It is asymmetrically composed with a thrust gable bay and a part width skillion verandah. The verandah terminates at the gable bay and is supported on masonry piers. A rendered balustrade spans between the piers. The half-timbered gable bay features a sunhood and a double hung sash window flanked by sidelights. There is a central door and hopper light flanked by sidelights and a window. The window is a double hung sash window flanked by sidelights. The lower walls are face brick and the upper walls rendered. The roofscape features a masonry chimney and finials.


1931 Lost. Fremantle, Friday, Child's Blue Cardigan. Return, 42 Oakover-st., East Fremantle. Ring FM1216; reward. (reference)

1934 Certificates of Naturalization. It is hereby notified for general information that the Minister of State for Immigration has granted Certificates of Naturalization to the undermentioned persons resident in Western Australia. (reference) Fedele, Giovanni, 42 Oakover-street, East Fremantle, 26.2.62. (reference)

1944 Death on August 2, at Waddell-road, Bicton (suddenly), Thomas Robert Collins, loving father of Thelma (Mrs Lew Davies, 42 Oakover-street, E Fremantle), father-in-law of Lew (RAAF), grandpa of Ray and Dellar. (reference)


1931 - 1932: Wheatley, Keith

1934 - 1935: Jennings, L.

1935 - 1937: Huxley, George A.

1937 - 1949: Davies, Llewellyn D.


42 Sewell Street

42 Sewell Street (map)


Late Victorian / Early Federation, Gable Cottage w Georgian Influences

No. 42 (previously was no. 98) Sewell street is a single story cottage constructed in timber framing and weatherboard cladding with a gable corrugated iron roof. It is a simple expression of the Federation Bungalow style. The front elevation is symmetrically planned with a central door flanked by double hung sash windows. The facade features a full width bull-nosed roofed verandah supported on timber posts. Lacework has recently been applied between the posts. 


1914 Funeral. The Friends of Mr. B. Comben, of No. 98 Sewell-street, East Fremantle, are respectfully invited to follow the remains of his late dearly-beloved infant son, Ernest Leslie, to the place of interment, the Church of England portion of the Fremantle Cemetery. The Funeral is appointed to leave his residence, No 98 Sewell-street, East Fremantle… (reference)

1922 Lost and Found. Strayed, from Fremantle Bay, Gelding, branded AE3 near shoulder; reward. Witheridge, 98 Sewell-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1928 Mrs. Mary Catherine Witheridge, wife of Mr. William Henry Witheridge, of the Melbourne Steamship Co., Ltd., Fremantle, passed away on July 27, at a private hospital in Fremantle, at the age of 36 years. Mrs. Witheridge, who leaves a husband and a family of three sons and one daughter, had resided at Fremantle for the last 33 years. During that period, owing to her kindly disposition, she made a large circle of friends. The funeral cortege moved from her late residence, 98 Sewell-street, East Fremantle... (reference)

1946 Funeral. The friends of the late Mrs. Evelyn Lillian Lewis of 42 Sewell Street, East Fremantle, widow of the late John Francis Lewis, are respectfully informed that her remains will be interred in the Church of England portion of the Fremantle Cemetery... The funeral will leave her late residence, 42 Sewell Street, East Fremantle… (reference)

See photos of the house in 1966 before it was renovated:

“I lived there with my parents from 1966 to 1971, and attended East
Fremantle and John Curtin schools while living there.
The house was in an unfit state and the council were threatening to
demolish it. No front or back doors, holes in the floors.
My father bought it for 1500 pounds/$3,000 (from memory); and renovated
it. Back then it wasn't ”a craze"; it was a necessity, as we were broke.
Dad drove a small grocery delivery truck for D&J Fowlers.
We left the area in 1971 and moved away to Forrestdale.”

Ken Hockey ( correspondence 25.7.2021)

1971: We rented 42 Sewell Street from the Hockey's when they moved out. I went to school with the daughter, I think her name was Noelene. We moved in in 1971 when we had to move out of 16 Duke Street because it was to be demolished for the highway/Bridge. We left in November 1972 when we built a house in Gosnells. We were 10 pound poms from the UK. My parents are John and Brenda Ball. I remember we paid $25/week rent.

Ginnetta Boliver ( correspondence 31.10.2021)


1912: Bennett, Richard

1913: Bridger, William M.

1914: Barrett, Arthur L.

1915 - 1917: Hedington, Alfred F.

1918: Rodda, Mrs. Jessie

1919 - 1920: Day, William T.

1921 - 1923: Witheridge, William T.

1924 - 1932: Witheridge, William Henry

1933 - 1937: Lewis, Mrs.

1937 - 1945: Lewis, Mrs. Elizabeth

1946: Lewis, Mrs. Lillian E.

1949: Fallon, Frank

1966-1971: Ken Hockey and family

1971- 1972 Ginetta Boliver


42 Bedford Street

42 Bedford Street (map)


No 42 Bedford Street is a single storey house constructed in brick and rendered brick with a hipped and gable tiled roof. It is a fine expression of the Inter-War Bungalow style. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a thrust gable bay and a part width return broken back roofed verandah. There is a central door and hopper light flanked by double hung sash windows. The roofscape features a pair of rendered chimneys.


“42 Bedford Street, East Fremantle was my childhood home.  In fact I was born at St Helen’s Hospital just four doors up from number 42. My grandparents William Arthur and Florence lived next door at number 40 Bedford Street, (sold 1968).
My father Alfred Thomas Gillham worked for Joyce Bros, apart from his WWII Service. My mother Gwen Gillham (née Barrett) was a Dressmaker and for several years ran the East Fremantle Play Centre, Corner Hubble and George Streets, East Fremantle.”
Gwen (now 99), myself and sister Sherryn, all attended Richmond Primary School”
Wendy Lewis 2019

1927 Fremantle Sale on The Premises. 42 Bedford-St., Off Canning-rd, East Fremantle. Superior Genuine Oak Furniture and Household Furnishings. A. W. Ducat (5-10 Hay-street) has received instructions from Mr. R. Stobbart to sell... (reference)

1927 Two ¼-acre Blocks, Fortescue-st., East Fremantle, cheap for cash. 
42 Bedford-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1929 Yacht 14 ft. Cruiser, perfect condition, new sails and gear. 42 Bedford-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1931 Lost. Pink and Grey Galah Parrot Finder. Will be rewarded returning to Davison, 42 Bedford-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1932 Electric Stove, British, three hot plates, grill, large oven, good order, cheap. Davison, 42 Bedford-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1932 Lost, dark Australian Terrier. Reward returning 42 Bedford-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1933 East Fremantle: D. F., brick, tiled, five rooms, kitchen, gas and electric stoves, modern conveniences, garage, approved tenant. Davison, 42 Bedford-st. (reference)

1934 For sale Yacht Elsie. 22ft., very fast, in first-class order, with all gear complete. Apply Davison, 42 Bedford-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1935 Iron Grand Piano, Schredmeyer, practically new; any reasonable offer. 42 Bedford-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1936 Bedroom Suite, Cabin Trunks, Head Phones, 2-v. Radio. Gramophone and Records. 42 Bedford-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1941 Well furnished, self-contained Flat of bed and dining rooms lounge and kitchen. 42 Bedford-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1941 Funeral Notice. The Friends of the late Mr. Kenneth Whaite Mckenzie, of the Adelaide Steamship Company Ltd., Fremantle, formerly of the 12th Australian Field Ambulance, A.I.F., French and Belgium Croix de Guerre, and of 42 Bedford-street, East Fremantle, are respectfully informed that a Church of England Service will be held in the Crematorium Chapel, Karrakatta… (reference)

1942 Lost, Grey Handbag, containing £3 in notes, 10/ note, silver. identification card and disk, between Blinco-st, Bedford-st., E. Fremantle. Reward return 42 Bedford-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1946 Public Notices. Betty Cole, late of 42 Bedford-Street, East Fremantle, take notice that a Citation has been issued out of the Supreme Court of western Australia citing you to appear in answer to the Petition of Philip Henry Cole, of 10 Fifth-avenue, Beaconsfield in the said State, Machine Fitter, praying for a dissolution of his marriage. (reference)

1946 Birth on August 7, at St. Helen's Hospital, East Fremantle, to Gwen and Alf Gillham, of 40 Bedford-street—a daughter (Wendy Lynette). (reference) 


1925 - 1926: Stobbart, Ralph

1927 - 1937: Davison, William

1937 - 1938: Christie, Colin

1938 - 1941: Rankin, Harold T.

1941 - 1942: McKenzie, Mrs Dorothy

1942 - 1943: Beck, Henry & Priest, Mrs Anne

1944 - 1945: Cole, Phil & Priest, Mrs Anne

1946: Cole, Mrs Betty

1947 - 1967: Gwen and Alf Gillham, daughter Wendy Lewis

25-1-07 View E 42 Bedford Street.jpg