84 Sewell Street

84 Sewell Street (map)


Federation / Domestic Carpenter

No. 84 (previously was no. 172) Sewell street is a single story cottage constructed in timber framing and weatherboard cladding with a hipped corrugated iron roof. It is a simple expression of the Federation Bungalow style. The front elevation is a symmetrically planned with a central door and hopper light flanked by sidelights and double hung sash windows. The facade features a full width skillion roofed verandah supported timber posts. 


1910 Some Neighborly Amenities. At the Fremantle Police Court this morning, before Messrs, P. J. McLaren and S. Thomson, J.P.'s, Peter Mahon was presented on a charge of having assaulted Bridget Brady on July 22 at East Fremantle. Mr. Frank G. Unmack appeared for the prosecution. Bridget Brady, a married woman, said that she lived next door to Mahon in East Fremantle. Last Friday she saw him throwing sand over her children. She tried to protect them, and then he threw stones at her...

Peter Mahon’'s character was also disparaged by neighbors Leslie and father Henry Turner. He was called a nuisance to the neighborhood. (reference) A neighborly feud between the Bradys and Peter Mahon (reference).

1927 Dear Auntie Kitty.—This is the first time I have written to you, and I want to know if you will let me be one of your nephews. I am ten years old, and attend the Christian Brothers' College. I have a fox-terrier dog called Nip, who is a very good watchdog. We get "The Sunday Times" every week, and I enjoy reading the riddles and the little verses. I have a few verses of poetry to send up to you. Well I must close now. —I remain your loving nephew, Tom Fuller, 172 Sewell-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1933 The engagement is announced of Honoria, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Hewison, 53 Stirling-street, Fremantle, to William John, second son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Fuller, of 172 Sewell-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1935 The engagement is announced of Mildred, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Harvey, of 316 Hampton-road, Beacons-field, to George Arthur, third son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Fuller, of 172 Sewell-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1950 Death on February 28, at East Fremantle, Jessie, dearly beloved wife of Walter Fuller, of 84 Sewell-street, East Fremantle, loving mother of Mary (Mrs. D. O'Brien), Jessie, Walter, Lucy, Bill, George and Tom, fond mother-in-law of Dave, Dot, Nora, Millie and Olive, and loved grandma of 21 grandchildren; aged 77 years. (reference)


1912 - 1914: Brady, Laurence

1915 - 1919: McCall, Mrs S.

1920 - 1949: Fuller, Walter

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84 Oakover Street

84 Oakover Street (map)


Inter / Post-War Bungalow Porch House

No 84 Oakover Street is a single-storey house constructed in limestone and brick with a hipped and gable tiled roof. It is an expression of the Inter-War Porch style. It is asymmetrically composed with a thrust gable bay and a gable roofed porch. The porch is supported on brick columns over a brick balustrade. The elements are all detailed in brick and barges. The guttering contributes to the detail. The porch is flanked by casements and fixed lights under tiled awnings.

The place is set on limestone foundations.


"My Grandfather James (Jim) Bourke and Grandmother built this house from scratch just after the WWII. (I still have documents pertaining to the loan). My Grandfather was a foreman on the wharf and held office in the Fremantle Lumbers Union and is buried with my Grandmother in the Fremantle Cemetery. My father married my mother and raised 6 children in the house. I had a very happy childhood at this place with my two brothers and three sisters climbing the trees, looking after the chooks and getting up to general mischief under the watchful eye of conservative neighbours. The mortar between the bricks lacked lime to bind it together and my father was continually mixing cement to replace the mortar was it wore away in the 1960s and 70s probably due to post wartime shortages with rapid development. Additions to the house were undertaken about 1966 with a rumpus room added at the same time that the suburb received infill sewage. As a boy my father told me that Mr Tom Fox MLA was great friend with my Grandfather and Grandmother and lived adjacent at the end of the house block. Beyond that it was just bush!"

Patrick Bourke 2019

1944 Holiday Resorts. Wanted, one or two unfurn Rooms, use of kitchen, suitable mother and 2 children. Write 84 Oakover-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1946 After 45 years' residence on the goldfields, Mrs. L. E. Goddard, is leaving to make her home with old friends, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bourke, of 84 Oakover street, East Fremantle. During her long years here, Mrs. Goddard has made many friends and has taken an active part in community work. (reference)

1946 Lost and Found. Lost from 84 Oakover-st., East Fremantle, 1 white Cockatoo. Tuesday evening. Reward. (reference)

1950 General. Lost at East Fremantle, gent's gold Wristlet Watch. Finder please communicate 84 Oakover-st., East Fremantle. Reward. (reference)

1952 Engagement. The engagement is announced between Eileen May, only daughter of Mrs. Eileen Major and the late Mr. Major, of Gwalia, to Joseph, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Bourke, of 84 Oakover-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1953 Funeral. The Funeral Service of the late Mr. James Edmund Bourke, of 84 Oakover-street, East Fremantle, will take place in the Roman Catholic Cemetery, Fremantle. (reference)


1941 - 1949: Bourke, J.


84 King Street

84 King Street (map)


Federation / Domestic Carpenter w Simple Regency Influences

No. 84 (previously was no. 160) King street is a single storey cottage constructed in timber framing and weatherboard cladding with a hipped and gabled corrugated iron roof. It is a well-designed expression of the Federation Bungalow style. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a thrust gabled bay and part width skillion roofed verandah. The gable bay features a bay window with three double hung sash windows. Over the windows is a new awning. The verandah is supported on turned timber posts. A decorative fretwork frieze and vertical timber balustrade span between the timber posts. There is a central door flanked by sidelights and a double hung sash window.


1925 Death on May 18, at her late residence, 160 King-street, East Fremantle, Esther Agnes Danielson, dearly beloved wife of Olaf Danielson and mother of Charles, William (Scotchey), Lillian, and Alf, aged 53 years. (reference)

1925 Obituary. The funeral of the late Mrs. Esther Agnes Danielson, wife of Mr. Olaf Danielson 160 King-street, East Fremantle, took place on Monday, the 18th instant, and was well attended. The deceased who was born at St. Kilda, Victoria, had resided in East Fremantle for the last 27 years. She made many friends in the district, was highly respected and was a devoted parent. She leaves a husband and a grown-up family of three sons and one daughter, The funeral cortege moved  from the above residence and proceeded to the Fremantle Cemetery (reference)

1928 The Friends of the late Mr. Olaf Danielson, formerly of the Fremantle Harbor Trust, are respectfully invited to follow his remains to the place of interment, the Presbyterian Cemetery, Fremantle. The Funeral will leave his late residence, 160 King-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1928 Obituary. Mr. Olaf Danielson, relict of the late Esther Agnes Danielson, passed away at his late residence, 160 King-street, East Fremantle, on July 4. The deceased, who was 76 years of age, had been in ill-health for the past four years. He started a seafaring career at the age of ten years, and for a period of 30 years continued that occupation mostly on sailing vessels. He had visited practically all the principal ports of the world and was shipwrecked on a number of occasions. He came to Fremantle 36 years ago, and for a period of 30 years followed the occupation of a waterside worker. Mr. Danielson remembered clearly, attending the first meeting of the Fremantle Lumpers' Union about 36 years ago, when there were only 18 present. He possessed a very quiet disposition and was well liked. The pall-bearers were Messrs. F. Rowe, M.L.A., J. Hathaway and W. McGiffen (Fremantle Lumpers' Union), C. McKenzie (Harmony Lodge, No. 8, W.A.C.) , P. J. Barry (President South Fremantle Football Club), Owen Fitzgerald and F. Preston. (reference)

Son W.O ‘Scotty’ Danielson lived at 15 Windosr Rd, East Fremantle and had a successful business making furniture in Fremantle.

1936 Lumper’s Leg Crushed. While working in the hold of the freighter Arkaba at Victoria Quay last night, Joseph Casserly (36), lumper, of 160 King-street, East Fremantle, had his leg jammed against the side of the boat and received injuries which necessitated his removal by the St. John ambulance to the Fremantle Hospital where he was detained for treatment. (reference)

1938 Death on October 12 as result of mining accident, Paul Casserly,  youngest son of Alice and the late Peter Casserly, of 160 King street. East Fremantle, and late of Fremantle Lumpers Union: dearly loved brother of Tom, Jim, Peter, Joseph, Eileen Mary, Alice, Olive and Betty, and loved brother-in-law of Olive, Eileen, Min, Mabel.Tom. Ernie, William and John; aged 35 years. R.I.P. (reference)


1912 - 1928: Danielson, Olaf

1923: Pickering, W. M. Joseph

1929 - 1930: Brown, Leslie

1931 - 1932: Powell, Miss Blanch E.

1933 - 1934: Taylor, E. A.

1940 - 1944: Casserly, Joseph

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84 East Street

84 East Street (map)


Early Federation, Georgian Influences

No. 84 (previously was no. 122) East street is a single storey house constructed in rendered masonry with a hipped corrugated iron roof. It is a simple expression of the Federation Bungalow style overlaid with a Post-World War II Immigrant Nostalgia refurbishment. The front elevation is symmetrically planned with a central door flanked by windows and sidelights. The facade features a skillion roofed verandah supported on brick columns.


AIF 1914, George William Joseph Wise (Regimental number 1435) Occupation Tinsmith, 84 East Street, East Fremantle, Single, Age at embarkation 21. Next of kin Mother, Mrs Caroline Elizabeth Wise.

AIF 1916, William Norman Wise (Regimental number 5114) Occupation Labourer, 84 East Street, East Fremantle, Single, Age at embarkation 18. Next of kin Mother, Mrs Caroline Elizabeth Wise.

1906 Advertisement. House 5-roomed, good view, three doors from tram, easy terms. 122 East-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1907 Advertisement. House, 5 Rooms, front and back verandah, scullery, stable, and vehicle entrance, sea view, easy terms. 122 East-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1907 Funeral. The Friends of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Towers Simpson are respectfully invited to follow her remains to the place of interment, the Wesleyan portion of the Fremantle Cemetery. The Funeral is appointed to leave the residence of her son, Mr. H. R. Simpson, 122 East-street, East Fremantle... (reference)

1912 Funeral. The funeral of the late Mr. George Wise sen., a resident of this State for the last 50 years, and father of Mr. George Wise, of Messrs. Currie and Murray, North Fremantle, and Mesdames W. Douglas and M. Brown, of Perth, took place on Monday afternoon and was attended by many friends. The deceased gentleman, who was in his 71st year, was well known in Perth and Fremantle. The cortege moved from the residence of his son, Mr. George Wise, No. 122 East-street, East Fremantle...The chief mourners were Mr. G. Wise (son), Mesdames W. Douglas and M. Brown (daughters), Mrs. G. Wise (daughter-in-law), Mr. W. Douglas (son-in-law), George Stanley, Percy and William Wise, William Douglas jun... (reference)

1916 Arrival. Mrs. G. Wise, of 122 East-street, Fremantle, has received a cable intimating that her son, Private William Wise, has arrived in England. (reference)

1918 War Casualties. Mr. and Mrs. George Wise, of 122 East-street, East Fremantle, have received official information that their son, William Norman, of the 28th Battalion was killed in action on December 29 1917, after 1 year and 10 months on active service. (reference)

1918 Bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. George Wise and Family, of 122 East-street, Fremantle, wish to thank all kind friends for letters telegrams, cards, and personal expressions of sympathy during their recent sad bereavement in the loss of their dear son and brother Willie, who was killed in action on December 29, 1917. (reference)

1919 Engagement. The engagement is announced of Bertha, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Bateman, of Lion Mill, to George Joseph Wise, late 11th Battalion, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Wise, of 122 East-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1946 Pen Friends. Grace Mell (84 East-street, East Fremantle). Girl or boy pen friends, 13-15 years, living in India, U.S.A., Europe, New Zealand, England, interested in sport, music, films and art. (reference)

1962 Certificate Of Naturalization …Malobiczki, Giovanni, 84 East-street, East Fremantle, 18 5 62, Malobiczki, Teresa, 84 East-street, East Fremantle. (reference)


1900 - 1901: Simpson, Harry R.

1907 - 1908: Simpson, H. R.

1909 - 1910: Mell, John B.

1911 - 1920: Wise, George J.

1921: Ramsay, George R.

1922 - 1942: Mell, John T.

1942 - 1943: McWilliams, Ern

1944: Mell, James

1945 - 1949: Mell, John T

1962 -Giovanni Malobiczki, Teresa Malobiczki

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84 Glyde Street

84 Glyde Street (map)


Federation, Domestic Carpenter Gable Cottage

No. 84 (previously was no. 158) Glyde street is a single storey cottage constructed in timber framing and fibrous cement cladding with a gabled corrugated iron roof. It is a simple expression of the Federation Bungalow style that has been adapted. Part of the verandah has been enclosed with fibrous cement cladding. The front elevation was symmetrically planned but is now asymmetrical. The facade features a full width skillion roofed verandah supported on timber posts. There is a central door and hopper light flanked by side lights.


1916 Anti-conscription letter:

"White Livers" Endorsed By Billee Hughes. The wicked walk in slippery places in war time, but barking with the biggest dog seems to pay the best divs., judging by the paunch and prosperous appearance of the average fatriotic fugleman for Fat. But a due discrimination must be used even when howling for the modern brand of freedom. Were it not for the fact that freedom of speech is only a vague memory in the Commonwealth, and that the hand of the censor lies heavy on the land, the preemptive rights held on the political principles of various Australian politicians would have been shouted from the house-tops long ere this. The fatal facility of the average unthinking citizen to imbibe his political beliefs from his daily paper, and the not unnatural impulse of a gregarious animal to run with the biggest, or noisiest mob, is undoubtedly responsible for the wave of lip-loyalty now sweeping over the Commonwealth. The training and experience of politicians, and other public men have taught them to make use of this receptive trait to influence the votes cast by the electors. It will be interesting to watch the effect of the present Pluto engineered campaign for conscription in this State when taking into account the strong revulsion of feeling that has taken place on the question in the Eastern States. (J. O'Neill, 158 Glyde-street, East Fremantle). (reference)

1916 Anti-Conscription At The Port, Lunch-Hour Lecture To Lumpers. Mrs. G. Foxcroft, an attractive little lady, held a crowd of some 400 lumpers for about an hour last Monday, when she voiced a scathing condemnation of conscription. This was reported by Jack O'Neill, 158 Glyde-street, East Fremantle in “Port Pickings, The Truth, Sat 14 October 1916. (reference)

1916 “...Irishmen in Australia, and Irish-Australians, view with disfavour the attempt to force upon the Commonwealth the brand of liberty that is drilled into the people by bayonet, bullet, and halter.” History article- Early and Late History- Ireland from Caesar to Asquith, What we Know  and What is Hidden (Jack O'Neill, 158 Glyde-street, East Fremantle.) (reference)

1917 You will find Jack O'Neill at 158 Glyde-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1949: Funeral. The Friends of the late Mr. Herbert Edgar John (Bert) Newman, of 84 Glyde-street, East Fremantle, are respectfully informed that his remains will be interred in the Anglican portion of the Fremantle Cemetery. The Funeral is appointed to leave his late residence, 84 Glyde-street, East Fremantle... (reference)


1909 - 1916: Gregson, William H.

1917 - 1920: O'Neill, John J.

1921 - 1922: Thomas, John J.

1923: Rowney, Samuel Henry

1924 - 1925: Lockwood, Walter Edward

1926: Truscott, James Henry

1927: Potts, Eric A.

1928 - 1949: Newman, Herbert

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84 Duke Street

84 Duke Street (map)


Late Victorian / Early Federation Gabled Skillion Domestic Carpenter

No. 84 (previously was no. 180) Duke Street is single-storey cottage constructed of timber framing and jarrah weatherboard cladding with a gabled corrugated iron roof. There are skillion and gabled roof additions to the rear. The original section of the house is a simple expression of the Federation Bungalow style. The front elevation is symmetrically planned with a central door flanked by windows. The facade features a full-width skillion roofed verandah supported on timber posts.

The place is consistent with the pattern of development in Plympton and plays an important role in the pattern of development of a working class suburb.


1929 Funeral. The Friends of the late Mrs. Ann Duncan, dearly beloved wife of Mr. Benjamin Duncan, are respectfully invited to follow her remains to the place of interment, the Wesleyan portion of the Fremantle Cemetery. The Funeral is appointed to leave her late residence, No. 180 Duke-street, East Fremantle… (reference)

1929 Bereavement Notice. Mr. B. Duncan, of 180 Duke-street, East Fremantle, wishes to thank friends for their testimonies of regard for his late beloved wife, Ann Duncan, in the shape of telegrams, flowers and letters of sympathy, and especially to thank Mrs. Irvine, Mrs. Holme and Miss Heal and asks that they accept this as the only intimation. (reference)

1931 "The Daily News". Club New Members: No. 133. L. Creighton, 180 Duke-street, East Fremantle, medium collector, correspondence desired with other members. (reference)

1944 Death on October 17, Michael James Coughlin (aged 53), of 84 Duke-street, East Fremantle, died as the result of an accidental drowning at Fremantle.  He was husband of Ivy and father of Mick, Jean, Ivy and Bill. (reference)

1949 Flats. The following 20 families were granted occupancy of flats (converted army huts) by the State Housing Commission last month: Hilton Park East: D. E. G. Dewhurst, 84 Duke-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1975 6/75—Re Arthur William Kay, of 84 Duke Street, East Fremantle, wool storeman (10.1.75). (reference)

1980 6/75—Re Arthur William Kay, of 84 Duke Street, East Fremantle (11.1.80). (reference)


1909 - 1941: Duncun, Benjamin

1942 - 1943: Bird, W. W.

1944: Coughlan, Michael

1945 - 1946: Coughlan, Mrs Ivy

1947 - 1949: Dawhurst, D. L.

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85 George Street

85 George Street (map)


Federation Free Classical style

No 77-85 George Street is a fine two storey building comprised of four shops and residences. The place is constructed in rendered masonry with low pitched roofs behind a classically derived parapet wall. The shops are designed as a corner and mid-block suite building. There is a separate entrance for the sole residence on Sewell Street. The corner shop has a corner entrance. A cantilevered awning follows the line of the building and spans across most of the facades. Most of the shop fronts have been modified. Above the awning are pairs of single pane double hung sash windows surrounded with rendered architraves. Each pair of windows identifies a dwelling. A pilaster divides each shop and residence. The top of the parapet is terminated with an entablature. There are a further two single storey shops attached to the eastern side of the building.


1917 The Friends of Mr. John Senior, bootmaker, of 85 George-Street, East Fremantle, are respectfully invited to follow the remains of his late dearly beloved wife, Ann, mother of Mr. Albert Senior, (Sydney), Mrs. FW Lovell (Perth), Mrs AD Mitchell (Northam), Mr. Alfred Senior (Sydney) and Mrs. A Humfrey (South Fremantle), to the place of interment. the Wesleyan portion of the Fremantle Cemetery. (reference)

1928 Woman Wounded. No. 85 George-street, East Fremantle, was the scene yesterday afternoon shortly after five o'clock, of a sensational shooting as the result of which Mrs. Lucy Cleo Jean Hitchcock (27) is now in the Fremantle Hospital under treatment for a bullet wound in the face. (reference)(See details of this case in Notable People—Dupereuzel)

1934 Port Betting Charges. Two Men Arrested. George Patrick Foley (46) commission agent and Charles Cox (36) commission agent, were arrested in Fremantle this morning by P.C.C.'s Kelman and Kelliker on charges of having kept and used premises at 74 High-street, Fremantle, and 85 George-street, East Fremantle, respectively, as common betting houses. (reference)

1935 In the Fremantle Police Court yesterday the Magistrate (Mr. H. J. Craig, R.M.) Inflicted fines totalling £45 on three men who admitted having kept common betting houses or places for betting last Saturday afternoon. Charles William Harry Cox (37), commission agent, was fined £20, with 10/ costs, in connection with premises at 85 George-street, East Fremantle; Frederick James McKenzie (27) clerk, was fined £15, with 10/ costs, for keeping premises at 62 Market-street, Fremantle; and John Harold Beattie (24), clerk, was fined £10, with 16/ costs, in connection with premises at 128 George-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1945 Wanted to buy. Urgently: Child's car, 5 to 6 years, to strengthen leg. After long illness. 85 George-street, East Fremantle. (reference)


1909 - 1918: Senior, John (bootmaker)

1919: Gower, Mrs. Annie E.

1920: Day, William F. (fishmonger)

1921 - 1922: Cole, Archibald (fishmonger)

1923: Vacant

1924: Griffiths, Mrs. Charlotte (confr)

1925 - 1926: Martin, Misses S. & M. (small and mix goods)

1927: Wright, Joseph (mixed goods)

1928: Hitchcock, Harold W.

1929 - 1930: Marnham, Mrs. Ellen C. D. R.

1931 - 1932: Halkett, Mrs. M. E. (mix business)

1933 - 1937: Cox, C. (tobacconist & hairdresser)

1937 - 1938: Adams, K. (tobacconist)

1938 - 1944: Beisley, Frederick (tobacconist)

1945 - 1946: Vacant

1947 - 1949: Wray, G. T. (fishmonger)

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85 Duke Street

85 Duke Street (map)


Inter-War Bungalow Porch House

No. 85 (previously was no. 185) Duke Street is a single-storey house constructed of rendered masonry with a hipped and gabled corrugated iron roof. Later additions are located to the rear. It is a simple expression of the Inter-War Bungalow style.

The place is consistent with the pattern of development in Plympton and plays an important role in the pattern of development of a working class suburb.


1945 Deaths - In loving memory of our dear Father and Mother. Emma Casey, who died December 21, 1925; also our dear Father, John Jeremiah. Always remembered by their loving daughter - Emma (Morawa). (reference)


1939 - 1941: Casey, Mrs Thelma

1942 - 1949: Casey, Mrs Emma

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86 Sewell Street

86 Sewell Street (map)

(174 Sewell Street Pre 1938)


Federation / Domestic Carpenter


In October 1945 -Mrs. Joyce Bertha Cody (23) died after an abortion, allegedly given by Mrs. Alice May Pengel (40), of Duke Street, East Fremantle, and Mrs. Irene Gladys Ferrier (36), of 79 King Street. Pengel and Ferrier were charged with having murdered Joyce Bertha Cody. They were finally charged with manslaughter.

Mrs Cody’s mother  Mrs Bertha Olga Barrett, of Sewell Street, East Fremantle, said that her daughter had been residing with her. She had one child. On September 13 Mrs. Cody said: "I am in trouble". Next day Mrs. Cody told her that she had made arrangements to see a certain woman at a certain address. She said that she was going there to have a miscarriage. "I did not approve and told her so," Mrs. Barrett said. "My daughter went away and came back about ten minutes later, when she said, 'Well, I am to be there at 3 o'clock.' I told her I would call for her about 3.15. "She left home about 3 p.m. on September 14. About 20 minutes later Mrs. Pengel came to my house and said: 'My God, your girl's fainted, come quick.' On arrival at 79 King Street they went into a house together and Mrs. Barrett said she saw her daughter lying on the floor. Dr Walters arrived and after an examination of Mrs. Cody said to Mrs. Barrett: "I have some grave news; your daughter has gone.” (reference)

1908 The Members of the above Lodge and Order generally are respectfully invited to follow the remains of the late wife of our member (Bro. A. Williamson) to the place of interment the Wesleyan portion of the Fremantle Cemetery. The Funeral is appointed to leave the residence of Mrs. H. Turner, 174 Sewell-street, East Fremantle… (reference)

1911 G. C. Waghorn.—Furniture, at 174 Sewel-st, (close Marmion-st.), E. Fremantle… (reference)

1914 Chickens for Sale, White Leghorns and Black Orpingtons, Craig's strain also Muscovy Drake, cheap. Mrs. Turner, 174 Sewell-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

AIF 1916, Lieutenant Jack Williams (Regimental number 880) Occupation Hairdresser, Narrogin, Western Australia, Single, Age at embarkation 26. Next of kin W Williams, Narrogin, Western Australia. Mother: Mrs. W. Williams, of 175 Sewell-street. Killed in Action 7 August at Lone Pine 1915. AIF and NAA Service Record.

1917 A tribute to the memory of Lieutenant Jack Williams, 12th Battalion, killed in action at Lone Pine, August 7, 1915, second son of Mr. W. Williams (munition worker, England), and Mrs. W. Williams, of 174 Sewell-street, East Fremantle (reference)

1922 Birth on September 23 at Nurse Sheedy's Private Hospital, Solomon-street, Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Clancy, of 174 Sewell-street, East Fremantle—a son. (reference)

1932 Vehicle Registration: 12195, George W. Deary to David Alexander Deary, 174 Sewell-street, East Fremantle, Chrysler. (reference)

1934 Lumper injured. A wharf worker named Joseph Jaques (about 34) of 174 Sewell-street, East Fremantle, was injured at about 10 o'clock last night, whilst working on the Dimboola. His left leg was crushed when portion of the cargo fell upon it, and he was conveyed to the Fremantle Hospital by the St. John's Ambulance, which afterwards took him to his home. (reference)

1946 The engagement is announced of June, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Barrett, 86 Sewell-street, East Fremantle, to Stan, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. G. MacMeekin, Mandurah, late of Banksiadale. (reference)

1954 Death of Graham Douglas Dunkley, loved grandson of Mr. and Mrs. S. Barrett, of 86 Sewell-street, East Fremantle, loved nephew of Meryl and Ross. God must have a wonderful garden, For He only chooses the best, That is why He picked our darling, And took him home to rest. (reference)


1909: Turner, Henry

1910: Davis, Frank H.

1911: Turner, Henry

1912: Budd, Frederick

1913 - 1915: Turner, Henry

1916: Paterson, William I.

1917: Lillywhite, William G.

1918: Moore, James R. F.

1919 - 1920: Lane, George C.

1921 - 1934: Deary, Ewen A.

1934 - 1949: Barrett, S.


86 Duke Street

86 Duke Street (map)


Federation Villa with Queen Anne Influences

No. 86 (previously was no. 182) Duke Street is a single-storey house constructed in brick and rendered brick with a hipped and gabled corrugated iron roof. It is a rich expression of the Federation Cottage Ornée style. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a gabled bay complete with polygonal bay windows and elaborate bargeboards.

The place is consistent with the pattern of development in Plympton and plays an important role in the pattern of development of a working class suburb.


1939 Death on December 16, at Fremantle, Joseph Eather Pryke of 86 Duke street, East Fremantle, husband of the late Margaret Matilda Pryke, and loving father of Berry (Mrs. O. L. Davies) and Olive (Mrs. W. Farmer); aged 69 years. (reference)

1951 Death on June 7 at Fremantle, Charles Chambers, of 86 Duke-street, East Fremantle, husband of the late Catherine Chambers; aged 75 years. The Rev. H. W. Farman conducted a private service in the Methodist portion of the Fremantle Cemetery. (reference)


1909 - 1910: Harris, Robert (W.A. Brushware Coy Ltd, Manager)

1911 - 1912: Skeggs, Charles

1913: Boylen, Robert

1914 - 1918: Davey, Percy J.

1919 - 1920: Bancroft, William

1921 - 1922: Thompson, George

1923 - 1925: Lewis, Mrs H.

1926: Masters, Richard

1927: Brooke, Bertram

1928: Edmiston, Robert

1929 - 1931: Smith, Jack

1935: Anderson,Herman

1936 - 1937: Franke, Ernest F.

1938: O’Halloran, Mrs Nellie

1939 - 1941: Farmer, William

1942 - 1949: Bennett, Thomas M.



86 King Street

86 King Street (map)


Federation / Gable Domestic Carpenter

No. 86 (previously was no. 164) King street is a single storey cottage constructed in timber framing and weatherboard cladding with a gabled corrugated iron roof. It is a simple expression of the Federation Bungalow style. The front elevation is symmetrically planned with a pair of double hung sash windows. The facade features a full width return skillion roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on timber posts. The openings are either side of the gable and set back in the verandah.


1912 Ad. Taufik Raad Begs To Inform The Public That His Famous Standard Remedies, Viz: Standard Blood Specific, 3s. 6d. and 6s, Standard White Oil of Lebanon, 2s. and 3s. 6d, Standard Cough Elixir, is. 6d. and 2s. 9d, Standard Liver Pills, Is, Standard Corn Cure, Is, Standard Toothache Cure, is, Standard Ointment No. 15, 2s., 3s. 6d., and 6s. Are Now Procurable At The Following Establishments—Miss A. Stewart, 164 King-street, Fremantle. (reference)

1936 Ad. Steve’s Drinks Are The Drinks-Why? Because He Has Chosen the Best Fruit Syrup Offered to Milk Bars in Australia—Kasely's Fruit Syrups—Obtainable at 328 Hay Street East—Also at Backs, 164 King-Street, Fremantle (reference)


1912 - 1914: Stewart, Mrs. A. (grocer)

1915: Cargill, James (grocer)

1916: Stewart, Miss A. (grocer)

1917 - 1922: Cook, Mrs. F. (grocer)

1923 - 1924: Power, John (grocer)

1925: Brook, B. S. (grocer)

1926 - 1932: Kirman, Mrs. E. (grocer)

1933 - 1938: Back, E. (grocer)

1938 - 1939: Vacant

1939 - 1944: Templeton, Mrs. Eunice

20-9-06 View E 86 King Street.jpg


87 Fraser Street

87 Fraser Street (map)


Inter-War, Gable Porch House w Californian Bungalow Influences


1937 Lost. Pair Brown Gauntlets, in or near Irwin St. Finder please return 87 Fraser-st., East Fremantle. Reward. (reference)



87 Petra Street

87 Petra Street (map)


Interwar / Bungalow w Federation Influences


1938 Vehicle Registration: 35797, V. H. Dowd, 87 Petra-street, East Fremantle, Ford sedan. (reference)

1939 East Fremantle: Just completed, 3 minutes from tram, in best residential district. Modern Weatherboard and Asbestos Residence, including brick piers and granolithic verandahs to front, lounge, dining-room, 2 bed rooms, kitchen, internal bathroom, with semi-sunken bath, basin, bath heater, textured walls to lounge and hall, swing doors, leadlight, and model ceilings are a few details of this delightful home. Sewered. Small deposit, easy terms. Dowd. Builder. 87 Petra-st., East Fremantle… (reference)

1943 Loving thoughts for ever of Garnham Green, missing since September 4, 1942, now presumed killed. Loved cousin of Lucy and Vic Dowd and Ron (87 Petra-street, East Fremantle). (reference

1947 Also charged with having failed to comply with regulations contained in a permit issued by the Workers' Homes Board was Victor Dowd, building contractor, of Fremantle. He pleaded guilty and was fined £5, with £3/9/ costs. Mr. J. Dunphy for Dowd, said that the permit had been issued to an exnaval rating named Murphy, who found that the price of the house was too high. Dowd then offered to build the house on his own block of land and to rent it to Murphy. Before the house was completed. Murphy died and because Dowd had built on a block not specified in the permit, he was prosecuted. Dowd already had one house and was willing to rent this to anyone the Court specified. There had been no attempt to conceal the building operations. (reference)

1948 Attadale, Moreng-rd., high side, river view, £200. 87 Petra-st., East Fremantle… (reference)

1948 Divorces Granted Decrees nisi in the following divorce cases have been granted by Mr. Justice Walker in the Supreme Court: Lucy Ellen May Dowd v. Vivian Harwood Dowd., known as Victor Harwood Dowd. Ground: Respondents' adultery with Mary Jones. (reference)

1949 Engagement. Mrs. A. C. Ashworth, of 87 Petra-street, East Fremantle, has much pleasure in announcing the engagement of her eldest daughter, Elizabeth Jean, to Stanley Phillip, fourth son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Mountford, of Ewington, via Collie. (reference)

1951 BUILDING OFFENCES: Victor Dowd, of Petra-street, East Fremantle, was fined £2 with £4/6/ costs for having employed workmen on building construction without providing sufficient sanitary conveniences. (reference)


1926 - 1927: Mofflin, A.

1928 - 1935: Steere, Kenneth S. O.

1935 - 1936: Vacant

1936 - 1951: Dowd, Vivian ‘Victor’ Harwood

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87 Oakover Street

87 Oakover Street (map)


Inter / Post-War Bungalow Porch House with Arts & Crafts Influences

No 87 Oakover Street is a single-storey house, constructed in weatherboard and fibrous cement, with a hipped and gable corrugated iron roof. The place, on a corner lot addresses Marmion and Oakover Streets. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a thrust gable bay and a part-width return hip roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on tapered square columns.


Christine Jill Hibben purchased this property in 2000 and did major renovations on it:

“I replaced the concrete roof tiles, removed the rear of the house replacing with a kitchen dining room and laundry. At the same time enclosed along the right side a veranda to make an ensuite and walk in robe off the main bedroom. The little area on the left side of the central room was originally another small veranda, converted to a sleep out, then I installed a window and floor to make a bedroom/office.  The ceiling centre rose and cortices of the lounge room were replaced with deco repro as the original was damaged when the roof was replaced and later collapsed. A decking was also put onto the rear. The garage was installed prior to me buying the property. Although I tried at the time I was not able to find out much of the history of the house. The block had been subdivided prior to me purchasing the property.

I was sad to leave East Fremantle as my dad was born in East St and Grandmother lived there till the early 1960s. My grandfather was a “wharfie”. I still have memories of relatives stories of their early childhood and some are still living in the area.”

C Jill Hibben (nee Pike), correspondence August 2022


None as per the SLWA Post Office Directory 1893 - 1949.

2000-2014 Christine Jill Hibben nee Pike.


87 Duke Street

87 Duke Street (map)


Post-War, Gable Domestic Carpenter with Austerity Influences

No. 87 (previously was no. 187) Duke Street is a single house constructed of timber framing and fibro cement cladding with a gabled corrugated iron roof. There are later additions to the rear.

The place is consistent with the pattern of development in Plympton and plays an important role in the pattern of development of a working class suburb.


1941 Death on June 6, at Claremont, Patrick Lynch, formerly of 87 Duke-street, East Fremantle, husband of the late Mary Jane Lynch, dearly beloved father of Joseph and Evelyn (Mrs. H. Leverett); fond brother of Joseph, Annie (Mrs Keating) and the late Michael (Collie): and brother in-law of Isobel; grandfather of Jack Leverett Molly and Charlie Lynch; aged 68 years. RIP (reference)


1912: Grenfell, Mrs A.

1913: Grenfell, Thomas P.

1914 - 1919: Carlson, Carl

1920 - 1921: Godfrey, Edward O.

1922: Jacobsen, Olaf C.

1923: Jones, James

1924: Dew, Charles

1925: Vacant

1926: Stratton, Harry

1927 - 1940: Watson, Miss Edith Bell

1941 - 1944: Lynch, Mrs Isabella

1945 - 1947: Robinson, Mrs Margaret



87 King Street

87 King Street (map)


Federation, Georgian Influences

No 87 King Street (was 171 pre 1939) is a single-storey cottage constructed in timber framing and weatherboard cladding with a 'M' format corrugated iron roof. It is a simple expression of the Federation Bungalow style. The front elevation is symmetrically planned with a central door and hopper light flanked by sidelights and double hung sash windows. The facade features a full width bullnosed verandah supported on turned timber posts with a spindle frieze.


1913 Affairs Of Robson And Cox-Palmyra Estate Accounts. Accused Committed For Trial. Before Messrs. H. E. Mofflin and A. Stang, J’s.P., at the Fremantle Police Court yesterday—Joseph Herbert Cox and Charles Robson, who are under committal for trial on a charge of stealing... During the course of their actions they had collected moneys from purchasers of blocks and had not paid the moneys into the Bank of Australasia or accounted for them ... Sidney Preston, labourer, residing at 171 King street, East Fremantle said he bought blocks 137 and 139 in the Palmyra Estate. He paid, some time in October last £17 2s. and £2 10s. He received a receipt for the sale price of block 137, and a deposit of £2 10s. on block 139 He paid the money to Cox. (reference)

1916 Loss Of A Finger. Harbour Trust Sued. Defective Machinery Alleged. Damages for personal injuries were claimed in the Supreme Court yesterday before the Chief Justice (Sir Robert McMillan) and a jury of six, by William Preston, wharf lumper, found the Fremantle Harbour Trust Commissioners with respect to an accident which occurred on the North Wharf, Fremantle, on February 9. The action was brought under the Employers Liability Act. Preston, who resides at 171 King-street, East Fremantle. was employed in February 9 on a Wheat elevator alongside the steamship King Idwal… (reference)

1927 York Handicap Sweep results (Racing) Drawn in Public at Millenden, on Friday, December 2, closed with 28,000 subscribers- Sir Waddy, 10683, J. Brown, 171 King-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1944 Death on May 13  at Fremantle, William Frederick Preston, of 87 King-street, East Fremantle, husband of the late Mary Ann Preston: dearly beloved father of Nellie (Mrs. M. Connolly), John, Bob, Dolly and the late Syd: fond father-in-law of Sarah, Rose and Kath. and grandfather of 7 grandchildren. (reference)


1910 - 1928: Preston, William F.

1929: Green, W. M.

1930 - 1932: Preston, Robert A.

1933 - 1938: Pitcher, William

1938 - 1944: Preston, W. M.

1945 - 1949: Hardlman, William J.

87 King  streetview  2018.PNG


88 Hubble Street

88 Hubble Street (map)


Late Victorian / Early Federation, Regency Influences

No 88 (previously known as No 156) Hubble Street is a single story house constructed in limestone and brick with an ‘M’ format corrugated iron roof. It is a fine expression of the Federation Bungalow style. It is asymmetrically planned with an offset bay window. The bay features three single pane double hung sash windows. The facade features a full width hipped roofed verandah supported on chamfered timber posts with a cast metal frieze. There is a central door and hopper light that is flanked by side lights and a pair of double hung sash windows. 


1907  William Alfred Restieaux, of Kalgoorlie, is set to marry Harriet Mary O'Connor, of Kalgoorlie. (reference)

1927  "Will you please receive me as one of your Sunshiners? I am entering for the picture puzzle, which I think is very easy. We have a tiny black cat belonging to my elder sister. At present it has a nasty sore tail, but mother said it looks a lot better this morning. I also have a twin sister, but no brothers. As news is scarce, I will close, wishing you heaps of love. I am 11 years old, and in the sixth standard at school." Jean Restieaux, 156 Hubble-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1927  "I write hoping you will enrol me as one of your merry Sunshiners. I am eleven years of age and am in the sixth standard at school. Jean, my twin sister, wrote to you a few weeks back, and so I decided to write and join your happy band of Sunshiners, too. I will draw to a close, with heaps of love to you and your Sunshiners. I enclose 1½d for Cot Fund." Ina Restieaux, 156 Hubble-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1928 The Friends of Mr. W. A. Restieaux (Harry), guard of W.A Government Railways and of 156 Hubble street. East Fremantle, are respectfully invited to follow the remains of his late beloved mother Emily... (reference)

1929 "I suppose by now you have forgotten all about me, as it is such a long time since I wrote. During the Christmas vacation four of us went to Esperance by train, and we had a lovely time down there. We were eager to come home all the same. I was 13 years old on the 19th of this month, and am in the seventh standard at Princess May School. I enclose 1½d stamp for the cot fund." Ina Restieaux, 156 Hubble-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1929 "I am sending in the competition for June 15, as I couldn't get all of the crossword puzzles out. On Monday Fremantle is being proclaimed a city. Yesterday, Ina and I went to the pictures to see 'Laugh, Clown, Laugh' We enjoyed it very much." Jean Restieaux, 156 Hubble-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1935 Car registration. 14,073: H.Tull to William Restieaux, 156 Hubble-street, East Fremantle, Morris-Cowley. (reference)

1943 Birth on January 5 at St Helen's Private Hospital, to Jean and Bill Restieaux, of 88 Hubble-street., East Fremantle—a son. (Premature, still born). (reference)

1946 Birth at St. Anne's, Mt. Lawley, on September 24, to Jean and Bill Restieaux, of 88 Hubble-street, East Fremantle—a daughter (Rhonda Jean). Both well. (reference)


1908 - 1909: Bishop, Thomas

1910: Sowden, James

1911: Nathan, Fave

1912: Nathan, Dave

1913 - 1949: Restieaux, William A.

Hubble 88.jpg


88 Sewell Street

88 Sewell Street (map)


Federation / Domestic Carpenter

No. 88 (previously was no. 178) Sewell street is a single story cottage constructed in timber framing and weatherboard cladding with a gabled format corrugated iron roof. It is a simple expression of the Federation Bungalow style. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a full width return hipped roofed verandah supported on timber posts. The original central entry door has been replaced with a window. This window is flanked by double hung sash windows. There is a skillion roofed addition to the north. The entry door has been relocated to this addition. 


AIF 1915, Ernest Albert Williams (Regimental number 1797) Occupation Iron moulder, 88 Sewell, Single, Age at embarkation 20. Next of kin Arthur Williams.

AIF 1915, George Arthur Williams (duplicate) (Regimental number 4880) Occupation Plumber, 88 Sewell, Single, Age at embarkation 25. Next of kin Arthur Williams.

AIF 1916, James George Albury (Real spelling ALLBEURY) (Regimental number 3113) Occupation Printer's Devil, 88 Sewell Street, East Fremantle, Single, Age at embarkation 18. Next of kin Father: Spencer Charles Allbeury

1913 Birth on April 21, at Grosvenor Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Duff, of 178 Sewell-street, East Fremantle—a son. Both well. (reference)

1923 Birth on December 10, at Nurse Sheedy's Ocean View Maternity Hospital, Solomon-street, Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. Sid Wells, 178 Sewell-street, Fremantle—a son. (reference)

1937 The engagement is announced of Dorothy, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Wells, 178 Sewell-street, East Fremantle, to Geoffrey, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Taylor, 1 Hampton-road, Fremantle. (reference)

1940 Birth on April 2, at St. Helen's, East Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Taylor, of School House, Korrelocking, and 88 Sewell-street, East Fremantle—a son (Robert). Both well. (reference)

1945 Engagement. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Crossland, of 35 Samson-street, Beaconsfield, have much pleasure in announcing the engagement of their only daughter Joy, to Sydney, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Wells, of 88 Sewell-street, East Fremantle. (reference

1954 Fremantle Traffic. For having driven negligently, Sydney Allan Wells, of Sewell-street, East Fremantle, was fined £6… (reference)

“'My parents were Geoffrey and Dorothy Taylor, and I am Donald Taylor born in 1947 and 32 King Street was my first home. I now live in Canberra ACT. My maternal grandparents were Sidney and Ethel Wells who lived here at 88 Sewell St. I fondly recall riding my tricycle up the hill to their place, and maybe stopping for a lolly at the store on the corner of Sewell and George Sts.”' Donald Taylor 2019


1909 - 1914: Neurenheim, Mrs. Ernestine

1915: Crockett, Peter

1916: Williams, Albert

1917: Jewson, Robert W.

1918: Hitchcock, Joseph A.

1919: Smyth, Edward B.

1920 - 1942: Wells, Sidney A.

1942 - 1954: Taylor, Mrs. Dorothy

Sewell 88.jpg


88 Oakover Street

88 Oakover Street (map)


Inter / Post-War Bungalow Porch House with Art-Deco Influences

No 88 Oakover Street is a single-storey house constructed in rendered brick with a hipped tiled roof. It is an expression of the Inter-War Art-Deco style though the styling is limited to the treatment of the front porch. The place is situated on a corner lot that addresses both Marmion Street and Oakover Street. The front facade is asymmetrically planned with a thrust bay and a flat roofed porch. The porch is supported on columns. The thrust bay features a set of casement windows. There is a pair of glazed doors under the porch and sets of casement windows in the flanking walls.


Research on the history of this property is currently under way by the Museum of Perth in partnership with the Town of East Fremantle. If you have any stories or information about this property, please contribute in the comments below.


None as per the SLWA Post Office Directory 1893 - 1949.


88 George Street

88 George Street (map)


Late Victorian / Early Federation / Free Classical

No 88 George Street is a pair of restored shop fronts with new shops and a residence to the rear. It is constructed in brickwork, rendered masonry and limestone with corrugated iron roofing. The shops are designed as a mid block building. The front facade is symmetrically planned with entrances and display windows mirrored around a dividing wall. A bullnosed roof verandah on timber posts spans the shop fronts. The verandah is supported on timber posts.
The original building’s rear portions were removed and the current shops and residences were constructed in their place.


1904 The selection ballot, of the East Fremantle branch of the P.L.P. (Political Labor Party) for a candidate at the forthcoming municipal election will take place to-morrow, as between Messrs C. E. Fordham and F. W. Lovell. The poll will open in 2 o'clock, at Mr. Brown's shop at Canning-road, and close at 9 p.m. (reference)

1906 Revision Court. East Fremantle Electorate. Any persons who have received notice of their names being objected to on the Roll may Leave at either of the undermentioned addresses the Notices received and authority. Arrangements will be made for a gentleman to appear on their behalf at the Revision Court and save them both time and expense: C. E. Fordham, George-street; E. Brownes. Canning-road. C. G. Rutherford. Hon. Secretary, East Fremantle P.L.P. (reference)

1907 The fortnightly meeting of the East Fremantle Council was held last night. The Mayor (Mr. S. Thomson) presided, and there were also present—Crs. Bennett, Farrington, Mills, Allen, Angwin, and Fordham. (reference)

1907 East Fremantle. Apart from the tramway referendum the only vote was that in the Central ward where Cr. J. Donaldson was opposed by Mr. A. Ellery. The latter had the support of the Labor Party which counts pretty heavily in Plympton, while the retiring councillor was handicapped by the indifference of his friends... (reference)

1929 Car registration. Transfer, 15924: From Charlotte Wenham to William Ebbs, 88 George-street, East Fremantle, Chevrolet. (reference)

See Wenham family under Notable People.

1933 New member Children’s club; Bob Tucker, 88 George-street, East Fremantle; (reference)


1904 - 1911: Fordham, Charles E. (boot & shoe dealer)

1915 - 1916: Every, Charles (fishmonger)

1917: Vacant

1920: Fordham, Mrs Jane (fruiterer)

1921 - 1927: Wenham, Arthur & Wenham, Mrs Charles (fruiterer)

1928 - 1932: Wenham, Mrs Charlotte

1933 - 1936: Turner, Mrs Kathleen

1936 - 1937: Vacant

1937 - 1941: Middleton, R. D. (greengrocer)

1941 - 1942: Vacant

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