87 Petra Street

87 Petra Street (map)


Interwar / Bungalow w Federation Influences


1938 Vehicle Registration: 35797, V. H. Dowd, 87 Petra-street, East Fremantle, Ford sedan. (reference)

1939 East Fremantle: Just completed, 3 minutes from tram, in best residential district. Modern Weatherboard and Asbestos Residence, including brick piers and granolithic verandahs to front, lounge, dining-room, 2 bed rooms, kitchen, internal bathroom, with semi-sunken bath, basin, bath heater, textured walls to lounge and hall, swing doors, leadlight, and model ceilings are a few details of this delightful home. Sewered. Small deposit, easy terms. Dowd. Builder. 87 Petra-st., East Fremantle… (reference)

1943 Loving thoughts for ever of Garnham Green, missing since September 4, 1942, now presumed killed. Loved cousin of Lucy and Vic Dowd and Ron (87 Petra-street, East Fremantle). (reference

1947 Also charged with having failed to comply with regulations contained in a permit issued by the Workers' Homes Board was Victor Dowd, building contractor, of Fremantle. He pleaded guilty and was fined £5, with £3/9/ costs. Mr. J. Dunphy for Dowd, said that the permit had been issued to an exnaval rating named Murphy, who found that the price of the house was too high. Dowd then offered to build the house on his own block of land and to rent it to Murphy. Before the house was completed. Murphy died and because Dowd had built on a block not specified in the permit, he was prosecuted. Dowd already had one house and was willing to rent this to anyone the Court specified. There had been no attempt to conceal the building operations. (reference)

1948 Attadale, Moreng-rd., high side, river view, £200. 87 Petra-st., East Fremantle… (reference)

1948 Divorces Granted Decrees nisi in the following divorce cases have been granted by Mr. Justice Walker in the Supreme Court: Lucy Ellen May Dowd v. Vivian Harwood Dowd., known as Victor Harwood Dowd. Ground: Respondents' adultery with Mary Jones. (reference)

1949 Engagement. Mrs. A. C. Ashworth, of 87 Petra-street, East Fremantle, has much pleasure in announcing the engagement of her eldest daughter, Elizabeth Jean, to Stanley Phillip, fourth son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Mountford, of Ewington, via Collie. (reference)

1951 BUILDING OFFENCES: Victor Dowd, of Petra-street, East Fremantle, was fined £2 with £4/6/ costs for having employed workmen on building construction without providing sufficient sanitary conveniences. (reference)


1926 - 1927: Mofflin, A.

1928 - 1935: Steere, Kenneth S. O.

1935 - 1936: Vacant

1936 - 1951: Dowd, Vivian ‘Victor’ Harwood

21-12-06 View W 87 Petra Street.jpg