79 George Street

79 George Street (map)


Federation Free Classical style

No 77-85 George Street is a fine two storey building comprised of four shops and residences. The place is constructed in rendered masonry with low pitched roofs behind a classically derived parapet wall. The shops are designed as a corner and mid-block suite building. There is a separate entrance for the sole residence on Sewell Street. The corner shop has a corner entrance. A cantilevered awning follows the line of the building and spans across most of the facades. Most of the shop fronts have been modified. Above the awning are pairs of single pane double hung sash windows surrounded with rendered architraves. Each pair of windows identifies a dwelling. A pilaster divides each shop and residence. The top of the parapet is terminated with an entablature. There are a further two single storey shops attached to the eastern side of the building.


1905 A. Baker, Hairdresser, Tobacconist, Stationer and Newsagent, 79 George St., E. Fremantle. A choice collection of Fancy Goods, Glassware, Crockery and all School Requisites Always in Stock (reference) (See photo)

1905 Hairdressers.—First-class Man required for Today (Saturday), wages 15s. And meals. Apply Baker, 79 George-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1914 For Sale, cheap, Bay Gelding, 16 hands, perfect in saddle and harness. Apply 79 George-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

AIF 1915 Charles Edmund Fordham (Son of Charles and Jane Fordham) embarked from Fremantle, Western Australia, on board HMAT A28 Miltiades on 7 August 1916. Died on the Western Front 7 February 1917 AIF Record NAA Record Parents lived in View Terrace (number not known), East Fremantle in 1916, then moved to 79 George Street in 1918. 

1928 Accident. On February 6, Mr. F. R. Peterson, the well-known Fremantle photographer, was unfortunate enough to collide with a child, Norman Gore, eight years of age. As a result of the collision the child died, and the inquest was held on Tuesday last by Mr. H. J. Craig, R.M., who delivered the-following verdict: "That Norman Gore came to his death at Fremantle on February from injuries caused in a collision with a motor car driven by Frank Reinhold Peterson; in Canning Road, East Fremantle, on the same date. That the injuries were caused accidentally." Evidence disclosed at the inquest indicated that the accident was not the fault of Mr. Peterson, who did everything possible to avert the collision. Jean Theresa Gore, ten years of age, residing at 79 George-street, East Fremantle, said she was walking along Canning-road with her brother Norman. "We were walking on the road, nearly in the gutter," she said. "On the left-hand side of the road going west we met our brother Albert, who took a hand cart from Norman and went ahead of us. I heard a car coming from behind. Norman was next to the footpath and when I heard the car coming. I caught hold of his shift and held him and told him not to move as the car was coming. Just as the car got close to us I let go my hold of Norman and he immediately started to run across the road, and the next thing I saw was a motor car knocking him down. After knocking Norman down the motor car travelled the distance between two telegraph posts. I screamed and ran to the corner of the street away from where my brother was lying. I saw a man pick up my brother and put him in a motor car. I heard no sound of motor horn, but I saw the car coming when I looked round a good way off.” (reference) Petersen lived at 28 Silas St.

1950 For sale. Delivery Bicycle, with basket, new tyres. Robins, 79 George-st., East Fremantle. L2913. (reference)


1910: Alford Phil, newsagent & tbcust

1911: Harper Bros. Thos. fruitr

1912 - 1917: Harper, Thos, fruitr

1918 - 1922: Fordham, Chas E, btmkr

1923 - 1925: Hughes, Wm. btmkr

1926: Vacant

1927: Mullaney, Jas J

1928: Gore, C L, Fish & Chips

1929: Rumble, Jos, fish & chips

1930 - 1932: Kwong, C grngrcr

1933 : Main, Albert & Olson, James

1934 - 1940: Davy F W, btchr1941 : Davy F.W. (Butcher)

1942 - 1944: Davy F.B. (Butcher)

1945 - 1946: Baker WM. C (Butcher)

1947: Burton & Sons (Butcher)

1949 : Burton H.D. (Butcher)

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79 Petra Street

79 Petra Street (map)


Inter-War Inter-War Californian Bungalow

No 79 Petra Street is a single storey house constructed in brick and rendered brick with a hipped and gable tiled roof. It is a fine expression of the Inter-War California Bungalow style. It is asymmetrically composed with a thrust bay and a gabled roofed porch. The porch is supported on square columns set on piers. The porch roof extends across the thrust bay. The thrust bay features a chimney breast and chimney flanked by casement windows. There is a central door flanked by sets of lead lighted casement windows.


1940 Birth on June 23, at St. Helen's Hospital. East Fremantle, to Irene and Jim Bell, of 79 Petra street, a son (Dennis William). Both well. (reference)


1940 - 1949: Bell, James

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79 Hubble Street

79 Hubble Street (map)


Federation / Domestic Carpenter w Georgian Influences

No 79 (previously known as No 149) Hubble Street is a single story house constructed in timber framing and weatherboard cladding with a hipped corrugated iron roof. It is a simple restored residence in the Federation Bungalow style. The place is symmetrically planned with a central door and hopper light flanked by sidelights and single pane double hung casement windows. The facade features a full width bullnose roofed verandah supported on turned timber posts. A replacement vertical timber balustrade is fitted between the posts.


1914 In loving memory of Herbert Charles Caple, who departed this life on August 22, 1913, 149 Hubble street, East Fremantle. A son we loved is gone, His fond, true heart is still; His hands that often helped us so, Lie now in death's cold chill.—Inserted by his loving parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Caple, and family. (reference)

1930 The Friends of the late Mr. William Caple (Bill), of the W.A. Government Railways, Goods Department, North Fremantle, are respectfully invited to follow his remains to the place of interment, the Church of England Cemetery, Fremantle. (reference)

1933 The engagement is announced of Phyllis, third daughter of Air. and Mrs. W. E. R, Hill, of 33 Thompson-road, North Fremantle, to Arthur, youngest son of Airs, and the late Air. W. Caple, of 149 Hubble street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1935 Birth on October 27, at 149 Hubble-street, Fremantle, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Caple—gave birth to a daughter (Valerie Ethel). (reference)

1939 Cases at Fremantle. The following penalties were imposed by Mr. H. J. Craig, S.M., in the Fremantle Police Court yesterday on persons charged with having used premises as common betting houses at the addresses named: Bert Caple (32), motor driver, George-street, East Fremantle... (reference)


1909 - 1930: Caple, William

1931 - 1932: Vacant

1933 - 1940: Caple, Mrs. Ellen & Brandon, Arthur

1940 - 1942: Caple, Walter J. & Brandon, Arthur

1942 - 1949: Caple, Walter J. & Brandon, Mrs. E. M.


79 Duke Street

79 Duke Street (map)


Post-War Austerity Bungalow

No. 79 Duke Street is a single-storey cottage constructed of timber framing and weatherboard cladding with a hipped and gabled corrugated iron roof. There are later additions to the rear. It is a simple expression of the Inter-War Bungalow style. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a full-width return skillion roofed verandah supported on timber posts.


Research on the history of this property is currently under way by the Museum of Perth in partnership with the Town of East Fremantle. If you have any stories or information about this property, please contribute it in the comments below.




79 Alexandra Road

79 Alexandra Road (Map)


No 79 Alexandra Road is a single storey house constructed in brick and rendered brick with a hipped tiled roof. It is a fine expression of the Inter-War Bungalow style. The place is located on a corner lot that addresses both Alexandra Road and Coolgardie Avenue. It is asymmetrically composed with a gable bay and a prominent gable roofed porch. The half timbered porch is supported on rendered columns. A rendered balustrade spans between the columns. The half timbered, gable bay features a set of windows under a tiled awning. There is a central pair of front doors flanked by sets of casement windows. The roofscape features rendered chimneys.


1931 Vehicle Transfer: 26416, A. E. Fordham to Captain L. Johnson, Alexander-road, East Fremantle, Pontiac. (reference)

1935 Beautiful Modern Brick Tiled Roof Residence. 79 Alexandra-rd., East Fremantle. Learmonth. Duffy and Co. have received instructions from Captain L. Johnson, who has received an important position at Singapore to offer for sale by public auction as above… (reference)

1935 For sale, Hopkinson Piano, in good order, £40 cash. Johnson, 79 Alexandra-rd., East Fremantle. (reference)

1940 Birth on September 11, at St. Helen's Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Caesar—a daughter. Both well. No visitors for six days. (reference)

1942 Young Girl, assist housework, no laundry. 79 Alexandra-rd.. East Fremantle. (reference)

1945 Muscovy Ducklings for sale. 79 Alexandra-rd., East Fremantle. (reference)

1951 Lost Wristlet Watch in or near Richmond Theatre. Reward. 79 Alexandra-rd.,...East Fremantle. (reference)


1929: Johnston, Capt. J.

1930: Vacant

1931 - 1935: Johnson, L.

1935 - 1936: Vacant

1936 - 1949: Caesar, Henry W.

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79 View Terrace

79 View Terrace (map)


Inter-War Bungalow Porch House with Arts & Crafts Influences

No 79 View Terrace is a single-storey house constructed in limestone, painted brick and rendered brick with a gabled corrugated iron roof. It is a simple expression of the Inter-War Bungalow style. There are some of the style characteristics of Arts and Crafts such as the gable treatments. The roof form comprises a major and minor gable and then a verandah roof. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a full-width return hip roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on timber posts. A vertical timber balustrade spans between the posts. The entrance door is located on the east elevation under the return verandah. The minor gable features a bay window with small pane casement windows. The bay window is flanked by a set of French doors. There is also a skillion roofed garage to the west of the house. The garage appears to be a later addition. The place sits on limestone foundations. The roofscape features a masonry chimney.


1936 Lost, Baby's Cashmere Shawl, on Friday afternoon, in East Fremantle or Beaconsfield tram. Finder please return to 79 View-terrace, East Fremantle. Reward. (reference)

1936 Houses And Land For Sale. East Fremantle, 79 View-terrace: Brick, Tiled House, overlooking river; small deposit, £750. Stead, 18 Mary-st., Fremantle. (reference)

1937 Birth on November 12, at King Edward Memorial (private ward), to Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Barrett, of 79 View-terrace, East Fremantle—a son(Ross Graeme). Both well. (reference)

1939 East Fremantle, 79 View-terrace. Brick, 4 rooms, kitchen, 22/6. Stead, 18 Mary-st. Tel. L1188. (reference)

1948 Boy’s Face Burnt. Mishap While Killing Ants.For treatment of severe burns to the face. Norman Ashton (8), of 79 View-terrace, East Fremantle, was admitted to the children's ward of the Fremantle Hospital yesterday morning. His name is on the provisional danger list. Keith Raymond Stead told Sgt. A T. Hulin, of East Fremantle, that he had been killing ants in the backyard of the house at 79 View-terrace by applying a small quantity of methylated spirits and setting it alight. He was accompanied by Ashton and they were standing about a yard away from a hole when it suddenly blazed up and the flames were carried by the wind direct into the boy's face. (reference

1949 Motors, Bicycles, Etc. Vauxhall sports Tourer, 1988, 14h.p., exc. cond., appearance, well shod. 79 View-.terrace. E. Ftle. (reference)


1931 - 1936: Robert Semple

1936 - 1937: Edward A. Weeks

1937 - 1938: John Monkhouse

1938 - 1939: Stan R. Barrett

1939 - 1941: Ken Lister

1941 - 1947: William Ashton

1949: Keith Stead


79 Glyde Street

79 Glyde Street (map)


Late Victorian / Early Federation
Georgian / Gothic Influences

No. 79 (previously was no. 143) Glyde street is a single storey houses constructed of limestone and brick with hipped corrugated iron roofs. The front elevation is symmetrically planned with a full width bullnosed roof verandah supported between parapet walls. The verandah is supported on timber posts over a timber floor. The timber decks have been extended partially over the front garden. Front doors have hopper lights and are located adjacent to the party wall. The doors are flanked by double hung sash windows with side lights. All openings have brick quoins. A series of stairs lead from street level to the garden and to the verandah.


1925 Funeral. The Friends of the late Mrs. Jessie Rodda, relict of the late Herbert H. Rodda, of 143 Glyde-street, East Fremantle, are respectfully invited to follow her remains to the place of interment, the Church of England Cemetery, Fremantle. The Funeral will leave 143 Glyde-street, East Fremantle... (reference)

1943 Obituary. The death of Mr. Alfred James Lewis at Leederville on Saturday removes another of the surveyors responsible for some of the pioneering work in this state. Just 67 years ago-he started on the survey of part of the main road to Champion Bay and the topographical work Incidental thereto. For some years he was then employed in marking.out allotments that had been selected in various parts of the State. He was then absent from the State for a considerable period, but returned in 1895 when he was appointed to the staff of the Lands Department. In 1902 he was promoted to the grade of inspecting surveyor. In 1910, following on the establishment of district offices, he was appointed district surveyor for the Perth district, which embraced not only an area surrounding the metropolitan district, but also all of the State lying outside the South-West land division. Mr Lewis retired from this position following on an accident had occurred to him in the course of his duties. He was 92 years of age. (reference)

1954 Funeral. The Funeral of the late Mr. Walter Joseph (Kate) Ramsay, of 79 Glyde-street. East Fremantle, will take place in the Anglican Cemetery, Fremantle... (reference)


1915: Jenson, Reginald

1932 - 1938: Joyce, Robert J.

1938 - 1940: Bridgman, James

1940 - 1942: Lewis, Alfred J.

1942 - 1947: Vacant

1949: Hunt, Mrs.

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79 Canning Highway


1908 Colonial Wine Licences. The following applicants were granted colonial wine licences… Michael McCabe, Canning-road, East Fremantle… (reference)

1909 Transfers of licences to sell South Australian wine were agreed to as follows: Michael McCabe to P. Hartle, Canning-road, East Fremantle... (reference)

1910 ...Dissolution of Partnership between Frank McCaughey and Alan T. Jelly, trading as White Feather Castle Brewery… (reference)

1911 ...I, Alan Thomas Jelly, being the Licensee of the premises situated 79 Canning-road, at East Fremantle, do hereby make application for a Transfer of the Rights and Privileges of the Colonial Wine License held by me in respect of the said premises to May Brunwin, of Fremantle… (reference)

1922 ...I, Edward John Miller, being the licensee of the Overseas Wine Saloon, at East Fremantle, do hereby make application for a Transfer of the rights and privileges of the Wine Licence, B. Licence held by me in respect of the said premises, to Nellie Marie Stowe of 19 Richardson-street, Perth W.,... (reference) 

1923 ...I, Manuel George Orrock, being the licensee of the Colston Wine Saloon, at 1238 Hay-street, Perth, do hereby make application for a Transfer of the Rights and Privileges of the Australian Wine Licence held by me in respect of the said premises to Louise Elizabeth Reid, of Canning-road, East Fremantle… (reference)

1923 ...I, Louisa Elizabeth Reid, being the licensee of the Australian Wine and Bottle Licence, 79 Canning-road, East Fremantle, do hereby make Application for a Transfer of the rights and privileges of the Australian Wine and Bottle Licence held by me in respect of the said premises to Charles William Laming, of 164 James-street, Perth… (reference)

1936 ...I, Nicola Saltoggio, being the Licensee of the overseas wine saloon, of 79 Canning-road, East Fremantle, do hereby make application for a transfer of the Rights and Privileges of the Australian  Wine Bottle Licence, held by me in respect of the said premises, to Bianca Cecchini, of 79 Canning-road, East Fremantle… (reference)

1940 Death of Mr. Nicola Soltoggio, wood merchant, of North Lake-road, Melville, and of 79 Canning road, East Fremantle, passed away on Tuesday last after a short illness… (reference)

1940 ...I, Bianca Cecchini being the licensee of the Overseas Wine Saloon at 79 Canning-road, East Fremantle, do hereby make application for a Transfer of the rights and privileges of the Australian Wine Licence held by me in respect of the said premises, to Edward Lloyd, of 81 Canning-road, East Fremantle… (reference)

1949 The engagement is announced of Lucy Mary, eldest daughter of Mrs. and the late Joe Cecchini (formerly of Gwalla), Canning-highway, East Fremantle, to Clive, youngest son of Mrs. and the late W. D. Atwell, of Canning-highway. Melville. (reference)


1910: McCabe, Michael (refreshment rooms)

1912: Jelly, Alan Thomas. (refresh rooms)

1913: Joyce, Mrs. B. (wine saloon)

1914: Swartz, Maurice (wine saloon)

1915 - 1922: Miller, Edward J. (wine saloon & frtr)

1923: Reid, Mrs. L. (wine saloon)

1924 - 1926: Laming, C. W. (wine saloon)

1927 - 1937: Saltoggio, N. (wine saloon)

1938 - 1949: Cecchini, B. (wine saloon)


79 Sewell Street

79 Sewell Street (map)


Late Victorian / Federation, Domestic Carpenter

No. 79 (previously was no. 161) Sewell street is a single story cottage constructed in timber framing and weatherboard cladding walls with a hipped corrugated iron roof. The front elevation is symmetrically planned with a central door and hopper light flanked by sidelights and double hung sash windows. The facade features a full width skillion roofed verandah supported on timber posts. The roof features a large capped chimney stack.


1903 Birth on February 20, at ‘'Thelma’, Sewell-street, East Fremantle, the wife of G. McClure of a son. (reference)

1906 Birth on the 11th July, at "Thelma" Sewell-street, East Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. G. McClure—a daughter. (reference)

1907 Good home offered elderly person, small remuneration in return for light services. Apply Mrs. G. McClure, 161 Sewell-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1910 Birth on the 19th March, at "Thelma," Sewell-street, East Fremantle, the wife of G. McClure—a daughter. (reference)

1910 For rent. A Model Home, 4 rooms, all papered, bathroom, pantry, washhouse, workshop, large garden and yard. Apply 161 Sewell-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1911 Cocoanut (sic) Pudding. Ingredients: Two slices of stale bread, 1 pint of milk, 1oz. butter, 2 eggs, 2oz. desiccated cocoanut. Method: Butter the bread, cut into small square pieces and fill up a piedish with alternate layers of bread and butter and cocoanut. Keep back about a teaspoonful of cocoanut and color it pale pink with one or two drops of carmin or cochineal. Beat the yolks of the eggs, add the milk, pour over the ingredients in the piedish, and bake in a moderate oven for 30 minutes. Whisk the whites of the eggs to a very stiff froth, pile it on the pudding, replace it in the oven for a few minutes to set, then sprinkle it with the pink cocoanut.— Mrs. Bentick 161 Sewell-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1913 Death on February 26, at Fremantle Hospital (as the result of an accident), George Thomas, the beloved eldest son of George and Sarah Bentick, of 161 Sewell-street, East Fremantle, aged 29 years. (reference)

1915 Western Australian Casualties. Mrs. J. B. Scott, of 161 Sewell-street, East Fremantle, has received cable information that her husband, Major J. B. Scott, of the 10th Light Horse Regiment was killed in action at the Dardanelles on October 8. Major Scott was for many years a member of the Launceston (Tasmania) Artillery, where he first served as a gunner, and worked his way up to the rank of captain. ...Major Scott was well known at Katanning, where he and his brother, Lieutenant E. C. G. Scott (also killed) were in business together. (reference)

1927 Death on July 18, at her late residence, 161 Sewell-street, East Fremantle, Sarah Jane Bentick, relict of the late George Thomas Bentick, and loving mother of Rachal (Mrs. Andrew's, Melbourne), Caroline (Mrs. Collins, West Leederville), Alice (Mrs. Cull., Mount Lawley), Annie (Mrs. Todd, Three Springs), and Roy and Charles (of America); aged 74 years. (reference)

1931 Death on October 10, at his late residence, 161 Sewell-street, East Fremantle, Frederick Henry Ward, beloved husband of Ada Maude Ward; aged 81 years. (reference)

1931 The Late Mr. Frederick Henry Ward died at his residence… The deceased was born at Gordon, Tasmania, and was a son of the late Mr. William Ward, an old pioneer of the Gordon district. The late Mr. F. H. Ward was for several years in the civil service in that State and held many responsible positions. He came to Western Australia in 1911, and, until his retirement three ago, was a well-known identity in assurance circles. He was a man of high ideals, esteemed for his business integrity, and, during his long and varied career, made many friends. (reference)

1934 The engagement is announced of Kathleen, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. Murray, of Vivian street, Boulder, to Frank, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Bourke, of Sewell-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1950 Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor, of 79 Sewell-street, East Fremantle, have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their eldest daughter, Joan, to Howard, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Price, of Hilton Park. (reference)


1903 - 1911: McClure, George

1912: Vacant

1913 - 1914: Chester, Samuel W.

1915: Bentick, Roy

1916: Bentick, Mrs. S. J.

1917: Spencer, Thomas F.

1918: Curtis, Rd

1919 - 1920: Williams, Mrs. Janet

1921 - 1923: Bentick, Mrs. Sarah

1924 - 1931: Ward, Frederick H.

1932: Vacant

1933 - 1934: Ward, Mrs. Ada

1934 - 1942: Bourke, James E.

1942 - 1949: Taylor, Mrs. M.

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