79 Canning Highway


1908 Colonial Wine Licences. The following applicants were granted colonial wine licences… Michael McCabe, Canning-road, East Fremantle… (reference)

1909 Transfers of licences to sell South Australian wine were agreed to as follows: Michael McCabe to P. Hartle, Canning-road, East Fremantle... (reference)

1910 ...Dissolution of Partnership between Frank McCaughey and Alan T. Jelly, trading as White Feather Castle Brewery… (reference)

1911 ...I, Alan Thomas Jelly, being the Licensee of the premises situated 79 Canning-road, at East Fremantle, do hereby make application for a Transfer of the Rights and Privileges of the Colonial Wine License held by me in respect of the said premises to May Brunwin, of Fremantle… (reference)

1922 ...I, Edward John Miller, being the licensee of the Overseas Wine Saloon, at East Fremantle, do hereby make application for a Transfer of the rights and privileges of the Wine Licence, B. Licence held by me in respect of the said premises, to Nellie Marie Stowe of 19 Richardson-street, Perth W.,... (reference) 

1923 ...I, Manuel George Orrock, being the licensee of the Colston Wine Saloon, at 1238 Hay-street, Perth, do hereby make application for a Transfer of the Rights and Privileges of the Australian Wine Licence held by me in respect of the said premises to Louise Elizabeth Reid, of Canning-road, East Fremantle… (reference)

1923 ...I, Louisa Elizabeth Reid, being the licensee of the Australian Wine and Bottle Licence, 79 Canning-road, East Fremantle, do hereby make Application for a Transfer of the rights and privileges of the Australian Wine and Bottle Licence held by me in respect of the said premises to Charles William Laming, of 164 James-street, Perth… (reference)

1936 ...I, Nicola Saltoggio, being the Licensee of the overseas wine saloon, of 79 Canning-road, East Fremantle, do hereby make application for a transfer of the Rights and Privileges of the Australian  Wine Bottle Licence, held by me in respect of the said premises, to Bianca Cecchini, of 79 Canning-road, East Fremantle… (reference)

1940 Death of Mr. Nicola Soltoggio, wood merchant, of North Lake-road, Melville, and of 79 Canning road, East Fremantle, passed away on Tuesday last after a short illness… (reference)

1940 ...I, Bianca Cecchini being the licensee of the Overseas Wine Saloon at 79 Canning-road, East Fremantle, do hereby make application for a Transfer of the rights and privileges of the Australian Wine Licence held by me in respect of the said premises, to Edward Lloyd, of 81 Canning-road, East Fremantle… (reference)

1949 The engagement is announced of Lucy Mary, eldest daughter of Mrs. and the late Joe Cecchini (formerly of Gwalla), Canning-highway, East Fremantle, to Clive, youngest son of Mrs. and the late W. D. Atwell, of Canning-highway. Melville. (reference)


1910: McCabe, Michael (refreshment rooms)

1912: Jelly, Alan Thomas. (refresh rooms)

1913: Joyce, Mrs. B. (wine saloon)

1914: Swartz, Maurice (wine saloon)

1915 - 1922: Miller, Edward J. (wine saloon & frtr)

1923: Reid, Mrs. L. (wine saloon)

1924 - 1926: Laming, C. W. (wine saloon)

1927 - 1937: Saltoggio, N. (wine saloon)

1938 - 1949: Cecchini, B. (wine saloon)