23 Hamilton Street

23 Hamilton Street (map)


Federation / Inter-War, Bungalow w Queen Anne / Federation Influences

No 23 Hamilton Street ‘Faversham’ is a single storey house constructed in brick and rendered brick with a hipped and gable corrugated iron roof. It is a fine expression of the Federation Bungalow style. The place has been simplified with later alterations. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a gabled thrust bay and a part width bullnose verandah. The verandah is supported on turned timber posts with a frieze. The half-timbered gable thrust bay features a bay window with double hung sashes. There is a central door and hopper light flanked by sidelights and double hung sash windows. There are rendered string courses at sill height and near head level. The roofscape features brick chimneys


1945 Death Stanley, Morris (Flt/Sgt-Navigator, RAAF) missing since August 30, 1944, now reported buried at Arc Fenans, France; beloved elder son of Edgar and Nessie Stanley; loved brother of Donald and Hilary; beloved eldest grandson of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Heal (23 Hamilton street, East Fremantle). (reference)

1946 Anniversary. Ms. V. Judge and Mrs. E. H. Stanley take pleasure in announcing the 53rd Anniversary of their parents’ Wedding, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Heal, 23 Hamilton-street, East FremantIe. The ceremony taking place at St. John's Church, West Perth, April 12, 1893. (reference)

1946 Death on July 12, suddenly, at his residence, ‘Faversham’, 23 Hamilton-street, East Fremantle, Edward William Heal, dearly beloved husband of Eleanor Georgina Heal, loving father of Vera (Mrs. Judge, East Fremantle) and Nessie (Mrs. E. H.Stanley, Claremont), father-in-law of Edgar, Stanley and the late Thomas C. H. Judge, loved grandfather of Betty Judge, Donald and Hilary and the late F/Sgt. Morris Stanley (killed in action. R.A.A.F.); aged 79 years, 11 months. (reference)

1947 Engagement. Mr. Kim Beazley, M.H.R., the 29-year-old "baby" of the Federal Parliament, has announced his engagement to a West Australian girl. His fiancee is Miss Betty Judge, a teacher at Perth Modern School, who is also one of his constituents, being the only daughter of Mrs. V. Judge, of 23 Hamilton-street, East Fremantle, and the late Mr. T. C. H. Judge. The couple share a keen interest in educational developments. Before winning the Fremantle seat in the House of Representatives in 1945, Mr. Beazley was tutor-organiser for the Adult Education Board. Both are graduates of the University of Western Australia. Miss Judge, who also holds the Diploma of Physical Education from the Melbourne University, has taken a prominent part in the work of National Fitness in this State. She is leader of the Perth Junior Legacy girls' club. Miss Judge is the Australian title holder for the 880-yards women's championship. The marriage is planned for February. (reference)

Please see more about Betty Judge under the Notable People section

1951 Engagement. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stanley, of Springdale, Kalannie, and 23 Hamilton-street, East Fremantle, have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their only daughter Hilary, to Noel, only son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Monks, of Wilgie, Pithara. (reference)


1909: Turner, Henry

1910: Glover, Charles

1913 - 1949: Heal, Edward W.

1951 Stanley, Edgar

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