1903 Welsh Rarebit

¼ lb (115 g) rich, mild cheese

Parmesan cheese to taste

2 oz (60 g) of butter

3 tablespoons of beer

½ teaspoon of made mustard

salt to taste

1 egg

Several slices of thick toast

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1912 Cornish Pasties

Any pastry

1 good sized mutton chop

(about ¾ lb (340 g) meat)

¾ lb (340 g) potato

salt and pepper

¼ teaspoon powdered thyme

1 egg (optional)

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1937 Savory Boats

Shortcrust Pastry

½ cup seeded raisins or sultanas

2 oz (60 g) ground ham

2 dessert spoons any mustard pickle

salt and pepper to taste

mayonnaise (optional)

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