1909 Lemon Dumplings

Third prize in the 8th of August, 1909 Sunday Times Recipe contest (reference)

Image submitted by Kim Hawkes, who recreated this recipe at home.

Image submitted by Kim Hawkes, who recreated this recipe at home.


  • ½ lb (225g) grated bread

  • ¼ lb (113g) suet

  • ¼ lb moist sugar

  • 2 eggs

  • 1 large lemon


  1. Mix the bread, suet and sugar together well, while adding finely minced lemon peel

  2. Moisten with eggs and lemon juice and mix well

  3. Put the mixture into small buttered cups, tie them down and boil for ¾ of an hour

  4. Turn out on a dish, strain soft sugar over them and serve with wine sauce

Submitted by Miss Mary M’Inerney, Silas-street, East Fremantle