31 Hamilton Street

31 Hamilton Street (map)


Federation / Bungalow w Queen Anne Influences

No 31 Hamilton Street is a single storey house constructed in rendered brick with a 'M' format and gable tiled roof. It is an expression of the Federation Bungalow style. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a gabled thrust bay and a part width skillion roofed verandah. The verandah has a corrugated iron roof and is supported on steel posts. The gable features a set of casement windows. There is a central door flanked by a set of casement windows. Render has obscured the finer details.


1907 The quarterly meeting of the Protestant Alliance Friendly Society was held on Wednesday evening, the 3rd inst., at the Rechabite Hall, Fremantle, when there were a large number of members present. The balance-sheet, quarterly reports, and auditors' reports were read and adopted… A female branch has been formed, this being the first Lodge of the Order to organise a female branch in Western Australia, and the departure, it was stated, gives every indication of being a great success. Grand Lodge officers, Bros. W Sparks, G.T., and Jno. Sayer, D.D., were present, and installed the following brothers in their respective offices: H. Edel... (reference)

1931 A successful masquerade dance organised by the Beret Boys was held last Friday evening at East Fremantle Town Hall. The committee consisted of Messrs M. Easton, J. Mulcahy, S. Chester, G. Hitchin, T. Gallop, F. Barnett, J. Smith, H. Edel, and J. Hewitt. Supper arrangements were carried out by Mesdames Gallop, Chester, Edel, and Berry. (reference)

1940 Fremantle Contributions. The following amounts contributed to the air raid relief fund are acknowledged at Fremantle: Mrs. C. H. Edel, £1/1…  (reference)

1941 Eight year old Ronald Boyle, of 31 Hamilton street, East Fremantle, was saved from drowning by a woman near Fremantle traffic bridge today. The woman slipped quietly away afterwards before anyone could find out her name. She had gone to the boy's assistance in a boat. Mrs. Winifred Hamilton, of Attfield street, South Fremantle, told the police that about 2.30 p.m., while travelling across Fremantle traffic bridge in a motor car with her husband, she saw a woman trying to drag Boyle into the boat. The woman told her that the boy had fallen from a pile into the water and she had taken a boat out to rescue him. Mrs. Hamilton said that the woman appeared to be exhausted and left without giving her name. Boyle was taken by Mrs. Hamilton to the Fremantle Hospital, where he was detained for treatment, suffering from shock and effects of immersion. After recovering in hospital Boyle told the police that he was walking across the bridge with a boy who accidentally pushed him, with the result that he fell into the water. (reference)

1942 May, the elder daughter of Mr. and the late Mrs. W. Boyle, 31 Hamilton-street, East Fremantle, to Sgt J. W. (Jack) Taylor AIF, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Taylor, 31 Petra-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1946 Three dwelling houses were entered and ransacked at East Fremantle on Friday night between 7 and 11 o'clock. They were those of John Brown of 93 Marmion-street, where a fountain pen, cigarettes and a pocket knife were stolen: John Coxon, of 101 Marmion-street, where £11 was stolen; and John William Taylor, of 31 Hamilton-street where £8 and 10oz. of tobacco were stolen. The homes of Coxon and Taylor were both entered through unlocked windows, but entrance to Brown's premises was gained by breaking the glass above the latch on a window and unlocking the latch... (reference)


1911: Rees, James

1913: Pallot, John F. P.

1914 - 1928: Edel, Harry C.

1929 - 1932: Hettrick, George

1933 - 1936: Mckenzie, Mrs. D.

1936 - 1940: Mckenzie, Mrs. Dot A.

1940 - 1947: Boyle, William

1949: Taylor, John W.

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