1911 Browned Turnips

5th Prize winner in the 29 Oct 1911 Sunday Times (reference)


  • 6 - 8 small turnips

  • 1 ½ tablespoons of butter

  • ½ a teaspoon of granulated sugar

  • salt and pepper


1. Peel the turnips and cut them in slices about ¼ inch thick

2. Boil them in salted water for about 20 minutes until tender but not broken

3. Drain them well

4. Melt the butter and when it is hot, put in the turnips and sugar and fry them carefully until they are nicely brown all over.

5. Sprinkle them with pepper and salt and serve them at once in a hot vegetable dish

Submitted by Mrs, M’Inerney, Silas-street, East Fremantle