1907 Brown Bread

2nd Prize winner in the 14 Aug 1910 Sunday Times (reference)

brown bread.jpg


  • 7 lb (14 cup) wholemeal flour

  • 2 ½ oz (70 g) yeast

  • 1 quart (1.14 l) warm water

  • 1 dessertspoonful salt

  • a little more warm water


  1. Place flour in pan and make a hole in the centre

  2. Mix yeast and warm water and pour into pan then with a spoon, work enough flour into it to form a light batter

  3. Dust some flour over it and set it to rise for 1 hour near the fire. After this time, the dough will have risen and the meal will be cracked

  4. Work in some more water and the salt until you have a light dough and all the paste has work off your hands then set it to rise for an hour covering with a cloth.

  5. Make into loaves and bake 1 hour. Substitute 1 lb (2 cups) ofwhite flour for lighter bread.

Submitted by Miss E.Fernihough, ℅ Lacey’s Cash Store, Plympton, East Fremantle