Plympton Hotel (Tradewinds) (map)
Federation Free Classical
Plympton Hotel (Tradewinds) is located at 59 Canning Highway. The former Plympton Hotel, now known as the Tradewinds Hotel, is a fine expression of the Federation Free Classical style. The street elevation is arranged to accommodate verandahs over the bars and balconies of north facing rooms. A dominant feature is the central pediment and a short tower and cupola on the western end of the building. A large number of additional rooms have been added at the rear and to the east of the original building. The building has a long frontage along Canning Highway and has a low limestone retaining wall.
The Plympton Hotel was part of the suburban residential development associated with the expansion of East Fremantle during the Goldrush period of the 1880s and 1890s.
1896 ‘‘APPLICATION FOR PUBLICAN'S GENERAL LICENSE - To the Worshipful the Justices of the Peace Acting in and for the District of Fremantle, in Western Australia. I GEORGE NEWMAN, of North Fremantle, Forwarding Agent (married), do hereby give notice that it is my intention to apply for a Publican's General License for the sale of liquor in the house proposed to be erected at the corner of Hubble-street and Canning-road, Plympton, in the Licensing District of Fremantle. The house proposed to be licensed will be erected on Lots 214 and 215 of Swan Location 71, and will contain four sitting-rooms and ten bedrooms exclusive of those required by my family. The premises belong to George Alfred Davies, George Pearse, and William Frederick Samson, all of Fremantle, Merchants. I intend to keep the said premises as an inn or public house, under the sign of the Plympton Hotel’’. (reference)
The first meeting of the East Fremantle Council was held August 14, 1897 in the Plympton Hotel (now the Trade Winds Hotel) where the first Mayor Matthew Moss was sworn in.
A comprehensive description of the Plympton Hotel in 1898 can be found in this article (reference)
“There is a fine drawing room upstairs for ladies, and also a smoking room for gentlemen, while there are comfortable lounge chairs on the verandah. A good table is provided, and the internal management of the house being under the supervision of Mrs Newman, it is an exceedingly well regulated, and well conducted home... Communication with Fremantle is easy, special omnibuses running from the suburb to the port at frequent intervals throughout the day and evening. There is every facility for bathing, and the house is furnished with electric bells and a telephone.On the ground floor, which is devoted chiefly to the public business of the hotel, are large and commodious bars, smoking and reading rooms, as also a special room for commercial travellers to transact their business in...and there is a large and well lighted billiard room. At a little distance from the house, and built on the hotel grounds, is a well constructed recreation hall, which will accommodate three hundred people comfortably. This forms an admirable local centre for concerts and amusements of all kinds, and also provides a suitable hall for public meetings.’’
1904 ‘‘The Plympton Hotel is still increasing in popularity under the guidance of Mr Joseph Augier, for many years known in connection with the Park Hotel. Mr Augier has made such vast improvement to his property that already the Plympton is becoming known as one of the most comfortable and select hostelries on the coast. Improvements have been made under a professional eye, and a reputable firm has re-furnished the establishment throughout. The Plympton commands an excellent view of the river, harbor, and all the beauty spots of Fremantle, being an ideal resort during the hot summer months. (reference) There is also mention of stables and the Plympton was the last hotel in Fremantle to have a horse trough’’.
1906 I, William Alfred Fearn, hotelkeeper, widower, now residing at the Plympton hotel, corner of canning-road and hubble-street, east fremantle in the district of Fremantle do hereby give notice that it is my intention to apply at the next Licensing Meeting to be holden for this district for a publicans general licence, for the sale of liquor in the house and appurtenances there unto belonging, at the corner of canning road and hubble street, east fremantle, containing three sitting rooms and twenty bedrooms, exclusive of those required by my family, and rented from Katherine Samson, George Davies, and George Pearse, Letty Davies and Arthur Elvin Davies and now licensed under the sign of the Plympton hotel, and which I intend to keep as an inn or public house. I have held a license, publicans general license, for the said, hotel since 21st day of July, 1906. W. A. FEARN (reference)
1926 ‘‘Death - Mr. William Molloy, proprietor of the Oceanic Hotel, Fremantle. The deceased, who was 47 years of age, was born in Tipperary, Ireland. Mr. Molloy, who had resided in this State for the past 16 years, was also proprietor of the Plympton Hotel, East Fremantle, from 1913 to 1918’’. (reference)
The Plympton Hotel Dart Club were Zone Premiers and Championship Runners up in 1951 (FADDA). See photograph from Fremantle history Collection: Back row: from left: R Scarfe; W Waters; K Edwards; M Carson; M English. Middle row: D Jones; F Vastin; L Casserly; R Waters; K Hickey; E Wakefield; H F Holmes; D Waters. Front row: G Day; E Macauly (Secretary); C Bird (Vice Captain); A Connell (Patron); P Scorer (Captain); L Woods (President); G Wakefield. Absent: F Gibbs; J Byles; P Goodhall.
The Plympton was once owned by former VFL and WAFL player and coach, the legendary Jack Sheedy and known as the Jack Sheedy Hotel. (reference)
In 1971 Swan Brewery owned the Plympton.
Rooms were added for the America’s Cup Defence in 1983. The eastern side of the Tradewinds Hotel faces Sewell Street. When the hotel was significantly remodelled and extended houses on Sewell Street were bought and demolished to make way for the new accommodation extensions.
1909 - 1913: Plympton Hotel (William A. Fearn) owned by Katherine Samson, George Pearse, and Letty Davies and sons George Davies and Arthur Elvin Davies. (reference)
1913 to 1918: Mr. William Molloy
1914 - 1917: Plympton Hotel (Mrs. B. J. Maher)
1918 - 1920: Plympton Hotel (John J. Breheny)
1921 - 1926: Plympton Hotel (James Durkin)
1927 - 1939: Plympton Hotel (E. Betts, licensee)
1939 - 1944: Plympton Hotel (Keith Douglas)
1945 - 1947: Plympton Hotel (Reginald J. Miller)
1949: Plympton Hotel (A. J. Connell)
1960 owned by former VFL and WAFL player and coach, the legendary Jack Sheedy and known as the Jack Sheedy Hotel.
1971 The Swan Brewery owned the Hotel
1980s - Tradewinds Hotel
Courtesy of the Town of East Fremantle Heritage Trail, Artist: Miles Noel
“Built in 1909, with a recent refurbishment offering visitors 360' views of Fremantle, East Fremantle & the Swan River from the Tradewinds Hotel Rooftop Terrace.”