6 Fraser Street

6 Fraser Street (map)


House has turret with stone walls and a iron roof. Federation Queen Anne style.

No 6 Fraser Street ‘'Eastcroft‘ is a single storey house constructed in limestone and brick with a hipped and gable corrugated iron roof. The place is located on a corner lot and addresses both Fraser Street and Staton Road. It is a fine expression of the Federation Queen Anne style. It is asymmetrically composed with a conical roof over a polygonal shaped corner room on the east side of the house. The corner room is flanked by a part width return hip roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on timber posts with a simple timber frieze. There is a central door and hopper light flanked by sidelights and pairs of French double hung sash windows. The walls are limestone with brick quoins. The roofscape features render capped chimneys. There is a lower storey that addresses Staton Road. The lot has been subdivided and a new lot created to front Staton Road.


1930 To the Licensing Court for the Fremantle District.  I, George Frederick Payne, being the Licensee of the store and premises at Elder-place, (formerly Beach-street), Fremantle. and known as Elder, Smith and Co. Ltd., do hereby make application for a Transfer of the Rights and Privileges of the Gallon Licence held by me in respect of the said premises to Edgar Leslie Livermore, of Elder-place, Fremantle… (reference)

1940 Golden Wedding. On February 5, 1890, at St. John's Church, Fremantle, by the Rev. C. G. Nicolay, George Frederick Payne, to Maude Evangeline Morgan Easton. Present address, Eastcroft, 6 Fraser-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1950 Mr. George F. Payne, who was manager of Elder, Smith and Co Ltd. at Fremantle, for 27 years until his retirement in 1930, died at his home in East Fremantle yesterday. He was aged 88. Until 1903 he was Fremantle representative for Sir George Shenton. He was consul for Belgium at Fremantle for 15 years and for his services he was honoured by the King of the Belgians. He was a warden of St. John's Church, Fremantle. From the inception of the "Flying Angel" Missions to Seamen in 1931, he was honorary secretary until he retired in 1945. He left a widow and two daughters. (reference)

1950 Retired manager George Frederick Payne, of East Fremantle, who died last February, aged 88, left an estate worth £12,016/7/4 to his widow and family. (reference)

“Ian McCall was brought up in the old house on the corner of Staton Road and Fraser Street. He was the first Judge of the family law court. He was younger than my father Bill Jacobs and may still be alive. To us he was Uncle Ian and we loved him to come over and according to my mother "stir us up" just before bedtime!!

His mother we knew just as Mrs McCall and she had a pretty vicious sulphur crested cockatoo in a cage on the side verandah - we were well warned to keep our fingers clear.

Ian's sister was known as Bubbles McCall. I think Mrs McCall's maiden name was Wearne. Wearne House was named for the family and I understand they gave much if not all of the money to set up Wearne House. Ian McCall was a trustee for quite some time.”
Gillian Nicholas
<gsnnicholas@gmail.com> 2022


1909 - 1949: Payne, George F.

2011 -2019 Green Kelly and Michael