Inter-War, Bungalow Porch House w Federation Influences
No 59 Fraser Street is a single storey house constructed in limestone brick and rendered brick with a hipped and gable corrugated iron roof. It is symmetrically composed with a central gable roofed porch. The porch is supported on Tuscan columns set on masonry piers. The porch features a brick balustrade and sits proud of the house. There are central doors flanked by sets of windows. A wide set of masonry stairs lead from the verandah to the garden.
1900 Conditions.—W.A.T.C. Rules strictly adhered to, Winner of Patch Handicap to carry 71bs penalty in the Peak Hill Handicap, Handicaps to be declared on 24th November, 1900, Night of General Entry, 22nd December, 1000, when final payments must be made. Qualification fee for nomination, £1 Is. Description, ago and pedigree must accompany nomination, also fee and racing colors. Harold Appleton Secretary. (reference)
1908 I, Harold Arthur Appleton, Hotelkeeper, Married, now residing at Freemasons' Hotel, corner of South terrace and Henderson-street, Fremantle, in the Town of Fremantle, do hereby give notice that it is my intention to apply at the next Licensing Meeting... (reference)
1913 The Townsite. …The proprietor is Mr. Harold Appleton, who for so many years was one of the most popular of the men on the road in the State; in fact, ‘Appy,' as he was called by familiars, is known from Wyndham to Eucla, and as far inland as settlement goes. Tiring of the road, Mr, Appleton engaged in hotel life In Fremantle, but left the seaport to open the new, hotel at Tambellup some two years ago…(reference)
1919 Mr. Harold Appleton, of Fremantle, is dangerously ill in the Grosvenor Hospital, Fremantle, his condition being very grave. Mr. Appleton's sickness Is not due to pneumonic influenza. (reference)
1933 A Determined Finish. East Fremantle Beats East Perth. Backs: Snell, N. Doig, Mann. Half-backs: Migro, Fordham, Munro. Centres: Taylor, C. Doig, W. Doig. Half-forward Dolan, Klngsbury; Butcher. Forwards: E. Doig, G. Doig, C. James, Ruck: W.James, Jensen... (reference)
1934 East fremantle Football Team: Jarvis, C. Enright, E. James, W. Munro, J. Donegan, V. Doig, N. McGlinn, R. Doig, G, Taylor, W. Jensen, C. James, C. Martiensen, E. Migro, J. Doig, W. Doig, G. Mann. G. Reynolds, C. Mann, F. Fordham. (reference)
1942 WX 9354 Walter Jensen; W.A. Prisoners In Italy. Men from all parts of the Commonwealth are listed in a list of Australian prisoners of war in Italy which the Apostolic Delegation stated today had been announced in a broadcast from the Vatican radio station. (reference)
1920: Appleton Harold A "Avoca"
1922 - 1925: Stamm Gus
1931 - 1932: Brown, William Joseph
1933 - 1934: Jensen, Walter
1935 - 1936: Millington, Robert H.
1936 - 1942: Dann, George
1942 - 1949: Reed, A. H.