26 Irwin Street

26 Irwin Street (map)


Inter-War / Bungalow Porch House w Californian / Bungalow Influences

No 26 Irwin Street is a single storey house constructed in rendered brick with a hipped and gable corrugated iron roof. It is an expression of the Inter-War California Bungalow style. The place has been extensively modified. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a thrust gable bay and a part width skillion roofed verandah. Its original gabled porch has been removed and a garage added to the north. The verandah spans between the garage and thrust bay. The thrust bay features a set of casement windows under a sunhood. There is a central door and hopper light flanked by sidelights and a set of casement windows. 


1917 Wife Desertion. Husband Elopes With Niece. A case of more than ordinary interest, particularly to the older residents of Fremantle, was brought before the Fremantle Police Court yesterday. The complainant was Mrs. Hannah Thomas, who proceeded against her husband, Theodore Thomas, for desertion and asked that an order for separation, maintenance, and costs should be made against him. Mr. F. G. Unmack, who appeared for the complainant, told the Court how Thomas had associated himself with a young girl named Miguel and with her had left his home and proceeded by train to Port Augusta, where he was arrested. Mr. C. A. Mayhall appeared for the defendant and opposed the application.

The complainant stated that she was married at Fremantle in 1899 to the defendant with whom she lived happily at Rockingham until her niece, Bertha Miguel attracted her husband and caused a break between them… The first trouble over the girl Miguel occurred in Easter, 1916, when witness reproached her husband for his conduct. He then denied that there was anything between him and the girl. On three occasions when she reproached him Thomas caught her by the throat and on another occasion he slapped her face… On Sunday October 14, she drove to Hamilton Hill with her husband and on the way he told her that he had settled up things and that she could get along on her own as best she could. She asked where he was going, and he replied that he did not know but that he would never return to her. He promised to write to her, but had not done so, and she did not see him again until he returned in custody. She claimed maintenance of £3 a week… Having heard that her husband and the girl Miguel had lived together as man and wife she had determined never to be reconciled to him.

Constable Gregson said that on the previous evening he served a witness summons on Bertha Miguel at No. 26 Irwin street at about 10 o'clock. She was in the front bedroom with the defendant Thomas and both were attired in their night clothes. Joseph De San Miguel told the Court of an interview which he had with Thomas and his sister Bertha, in which the defendant said that he was going to get a divorce and marry the girl. His sister was 18 years old when she left with Thomas. Bertha Miguel, sworn, said that she went away with the defendant Thomas on October 15, arrangements having been made three weeks previously. They intended to go to Sydney for a trip and travelled as "Mr. and Mrs. Wilson" by the trans-Australian railway. They stayed at the Metro Hotel, Coolgardie under that name. Thomas told her that he intended to be divorced from his wife and would marry her. The statement of Constable Gregson regarding the previous evening was correct. She had been given £200 by Thomas and a fair amount of jewelery… Mr. Unmack asked the Bench to make an order for the maximum amount and this course was adopted, the order of the Court being judicial separation with maintenance of £2 10s. per week, and costs amounting to £6 13s. (reference)

1926 Motor Registration. 12138: Valentine Ward, Irwin-street, East Fremantle, Whippet. (reference)

1934 Death on January 30 at her residency, 26 Irwin-street, East Fremantle, Agnes Grady, widow of the late John Grady, of Alexandra-road, Fremantle, loving mother of Thelma (Mrs. J. P. Warner), Lily (Mrs. W. T. Dixon), Arthur, Lionel, Alice and Cecil Grady, and mother-in-law of Helen; in her 70th year... (reference)

1939 Birth on May 15, at Sister Bathsate's, East Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Grady—a son (John Samuel). (reference)


1917- Theodore Thomas, Bertha Miguel

1920 - 1928: Ward, Valentine C.

1929 - 1930: Vacant

1931 - 1934: Grady, Mrs. Agnes

1934 - 1949: Grady, Cecil

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