19 Irwin Street

19 Irwin Street (map)


Inter-War, Californian Bungalow

No 19 Irwin Street is a single storey house constructed in brick and rendered brick with a hipped and gable tiled roof. It is a good expression of the Inter-War California Bungalow style. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a thrust bay and a part width half gabled porch. The porch is supported on stout masonry piers. A masonry balustrade runs between the piers. The thrust bay features a set of casement windows under a tiled awning. There is a central door flanked by casement windows. The roofscape features a rendered chimney.


1933 Not Quite A Don Bradman - A man who is very proficient in his own art—S.P. bookmaking—is Fred McKenzie, side-kick of Joe Vick. And Fred thought it was just as easy to excel in one art as in another, and so it came about that he begged, and was given, a place in the Bookies' cricket team, which played, and beat by seven runs, George Booth's Drivers' team… Yes, Fred looked the part - and one could quite believe his confreres who said it cost a "pony" to fit him out. Then Fred endeavoured to show his prowess as a cricketer. He certainly did know which way to hold the bat — but to hit it was another matter. And as a bowler - well, he was a corker. He kept running into and knocking down the wicket—at the wrong end! As a fieldsman he was even worse. "Ye gods," said the books, "this time we did back the wrong horse. He's the best worst who ever appeared a cricket field." (reference)

1936 North Cottesloe Surf Club Sweeper. No. 1761, Fred McKenzie, 19 Irwin-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1946 Street Betting - Another Gaol Sentence -'I am not going to go back on my word from this bench- If I say a thing I mean it,' said Mr. F. M. Read, S.M., in the Fremantle Police Court, when sentencing Frederic James McKenzie (37), clerk, of Irwin street, East Fremantle, to 14 days' imprisonment for having obstructed the free passage of traffic in Bannister street, Fremantle, on July 13. Mr. Read recalled that he warned McKenzie on a previous occasion that he would be liable to imprisonment should he appear again on a charge of obstruction… McKenzie, who pleaded not guilty. Plainclothes Constable Griffiths said that he saw the accused standing, with two other men, on a footpath in Bannister street. One man handed a slip of paper to McKenzie, who put it into his pocket and walked away towards Market street. About 10 persons were in the street at the time. The accused was causing obstruction to pedestrian traffic. Betting tickets, racing programmes and £83 6/9 in cash were found on him when he was arrested. Mr. Slattery said that his client had made only one transaction in the street and was not making a business site of the place. At the conclusion of the transaction he walked away and traffic had not been sensibly impeded… (reference)

1946- SP Appeal Fails - Gabled for 14 days on a traffic obstruction charge on July 22 last, Frederic James McKenzie (37) of Irwin Street, East Fremantle, in the Criminal Court today unsuccessfully appealed against his conviction and sentence… Evidence was given that he was seen standing in Bannister Street for about half a minute, was seen to accept a bet, and had betting slips in his possession when arrested… (reference)

1954 For sale. Plymouth 1951, 27,000 miles, wireless extras, best offer. 19 Irwin-st., East Fremantle. (reference)


1936 - 1949: McKenzie, Frederick

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