BARBER, Arthur Charles, Private, 5th Pioneer Battalion

Rank: Private

Regimental Number: 3079

Place of Birth: Canning Mills, Western Australia

Address: 26 Collie Street(WW1), Fremantle, Western Australia

Next of Kin: Wife, Mrs C Phoebe Barber

Enlistment Date: 19 June 1916

Unit Name: 5th Pioneer Battalion, Reinforcement 7

Age embarkation: 24

Marital Status: Married

Occupation: Horse driver

Date of Death: 21 October 1975

Place of Burial: Centennial Park Cemetery, Adelaide, South Australia


FREDERICKS, Arthur Charles, Private, 29th Battalion

Rank: Private

Regimental Number: 2529

Place of Birth: Melbourne, Victoria


Next of Kin: Wife, Mrs Maud Fredericks

Enlistment Date: 2 July 1915

Unit Name: 29th Battalion, 4th Reinforcement

Age embarkation: 31

Marital Status: Married

Occupation: Owner shop

Date of Death:

Place of Burial: -

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