HUDSON, Norman George, Private, 5th Pioneer Battalion

Rank: Private

Regimental Number: 3061

Place of Birth: Camperdown, Victoria

Address: East Fremantle, Western Australia

Next of Kin: Mother, Mrs A Judson

Enlistment Date: 22 March 1916

Unit Name: 5th Pioneer Battalion, Reinforcement 7

Age embarkation: 36

Marital Status: Single

Occupation: Wheelwright

Date of Death:

Place of Burial: -

Links: -

BARBER, Arthur Charles, Private, 5th Pioneer Battalion

Rank: Private

Regimental Number: 3079

Place of Birth: Canning Mills, Western Australia

Address: 26 Collie Street(WW1), Fremantle, Western Australia

Next of Kin: Wife, Mrs C Phoebe Barber

Enlistment Date: 19 June 1916

Unit Name: 5th Pioneer Battalion, Reinforcement 7

Age embarkation: 24

Marital Status: Married

Occupation: Horse driver

Date of Death: 21 October 1975

Place of Burial: Centennial Park Cemetery, Adelaide, South Australia


WRIGHTSON, Sydney Douglas, Private, 5th Pioneer Battalion

Rank: Private

Regimental Number: 2966

Place of Birth: Fremantle, Western Australia

Address: 34 East Street (20 East Street today), East Fremantle, Western Australia

Next of Kin: Mother, Mrs Harriet Wrightson

Enlistment Date: 5 June 1916

Unit Name: 5th Pioneer Battalion, Reinforcement 6

Age embarkation: 24

Marital Status: Single

Occupation: Clerk

Date of Death:

Place of Burial:



Embarked from Fremantle, 30 October 1916.

Returned to Australia, 21 June 1919.

1923 - Married Irene A McNichol

7 July 1925 Fishing Party's Experience. — The Fremantle police received a report early yesterday morning that four men, named Sydney Douglas Wrightson, James Brown, Arthur Robinson and H. Bosworth, had left for the islands, some time previously, in a small boat, on a fishing excursion, and had not returned. The boat was last seen by John Groves, of 34 East-street, East Fremantle, moving towards a point between Rottnest and Carnae Islands. Owing to the heavy storm which blew up at Fremantle on Sunday night, fears for the safety of the men were entertained. Sergeant Delfs left with Inspector Brown in the launch of the Fisheries' Department and made for Carnae Island. The men were found safe on the island and were brought back to the mainland in the launch. It appeared that they reached the island without mishap, but the heavy weather which then sprang up prevented them from making the return journey. (reference)

1928 - Moved into 56 Sewell Street, East Fremantle. (118 Sewell Stree pre 1939)

1937 Fatal Collapse. Collapsing in the office at C shed, Victoria Quay, shortly before 9 o'clock yesterday morning, Sydney Douglas Wrightson (about 44), tally clerk, of 118 Sewell-street, East Fremantle, was taken by a St. John ambulance to the Fremantle Hospital and on arrival there was found to be dead. A post-mortem examination was held later in the day and indicated that death was due to natural causes. (reference)

1937 Mrs. I. A. Wrightson and Jean, 118 Sewell-street, desire to express their sincere thanks to all kind friends and relatives for letters, telegrams, cards, floral tributes and personal expressions of sympathy in their recent sad bereavement. (reference)

Family/military connections

WRIGHTSON, Roy James, Private, 11th Battalion — Streets of East Freo

Arthur Harry WRIGHTSON (2860) Private, 48th Battalion, killed in action, 12 October 1917.

56 Sewell Street (118 Sewell Stree pre 1939)


BROWN, Hugh Phillip, Private, 5th Pioneer Battalion

Rank: Private

Regimental Number: 3304

Place of Birth: Toronto New South Wales

Address: 62 East Street(WW1: 92), East Fremantle, Western Australia

Next of Kin: Wife, Mrs E A Brown

Enlistment Date: 11 June 1916

Unit Name: 5th Pioneer Battalion

Age embarkation: 27

Marital Status: Married

Occupation: Engine driver

Date of Death: -

Place of Death: -

