1929 Stuffed Mushrooms

Honorable mention in 7 Apr 1929 Truth’s W.A Recipes (reference)

"stuffed mushrooms" by crd! is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0


Several large, firm mushrooms

2 tablespoon butter

salt and pepper to taste

Some chopped parsley

1 cup of fine breadcrumbs

Some sliced tomato


1 ) Brush mushrooms well if they are fresh and very clean, otherwise skin them

2 ) Remove the stems and chop these very fine and brown in butter with salt, pepper and parsley

3 ) Stir in breadcrumbs and brown delicately then fill the mushroom caps with this mixture

4 ) Dot with butter and place in a baking tin with slices of tomatoes placed around the edge

5 ) Bake in the oven to a nice brown colour and serve with steak

Submitted by Mrs. Webb, Bolton-street, East Fremantle