1907 Jaune Mange

Won first prize in the Sunday Times New Recipe Contest (reference)


  • 1 lemon

  • ½ oz (14 g) gelatin

  • 1 gill (140 ml) sherry

  • 2 ½ oz (70 g) lump sugar

  • ½ pint (600 ml) water

  • 3 egg yolks


  1. Soak gelatin in a small amount of water

  2. Thinly peel lemon then boil peel together with sugar and water to extract flavor

  3. Remove lemon peel and add gelatin then boil again until the gelatin is dissolved

  4. Beat the egg yolks and add to the saucepan with the juice of the lemon and the sherry

  5. Stir over heat until the mixture thickens but it must not boil.

  6. Pour into a wetted mold

  7. Delicious if served with cream whipped to a stiff froth.

Submitted by Mrs. W. Brewin, Beisley’s Nursery, 14 Holland-street, East Fremantle