116 Marmion Street

116 Marmion Street (map)


Inter / Post War, WHB Porch House Bungalow w Arts & Crafts Influences

No. 116 (previously was no. 185) Marmion street is a single storey rendered brick house with a hipped and gabled tiled roof. It is an expression of the Inter-War Porch style. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a gable bay and a part width skillion roofed verandah. The verandah roof extends over the gable bay and is supported on stout piers. The gable bay features a bay window. There is a central door flanked by sets of casement windows. 


1935 One of the pioneers of Western Australia, in the person of Mrs. Margaret Rooke, was laid to rest in the Anglican portion of the Fremantle Cemetery on February 22. Born in Perth 75 years ago, the late Mrs. Rooke had been a resident of this State ever since...Mrs. Rooke was a member of the Fremantle Labour Women's League, but owing to indifferent health had to refrain from taking an active part in the functions of the league during the past few years. Her late husband, Claude M. Rooke, late blacksmith of East Fremantle and Tenterden, predeceased her 25 years ago. The chief mourners were: George and Ernest Gibson and Christopher Rooke (sons) Gertrude (Mrs. C. Curness) and Hilda (Mrs. O James), daughters; Mrs. M. Jackman, Mrs. T. Johns, Mrs. E. Smith and Mrs. A. Eagen (sisters) and numerous nephews, nieces and grandchildren. The pall-bearers were Messrs. W. Carmody (president of Fremantle Tramways Union). F. Jones (Tramway Car Barn). R. Hunter (North East Fremantle R.S.L.)...Among those present at the graveside were Mrs. Beasley (Fremantle Labour Women's Organisation). (reference)

1937 Pedestrian’s Death. Cyclist Fined for Negligence. Arising out of an accident on Canning road, Palmyra...Other witnesses were Herbert Gladstone Wilson, watchman, of Marion (sic)-street, East Fremantle... (reference)

1946 Notice of Application for the Registration of Club. To the Licensing Court of the Fremantle Licensing District I Herbert Gladstone Wilson of 116 Marmion-st East Fremantle being the Secretary of the Club known as The Fremantle R.S.L. Club “WYOLA”, situated at 81-83 High-st, Fremantle... (reference)

1946 A flag day collection will be made in Fremantle streets today in support of the Fremantle RSL Club. The secretary of the club (Mr. H. G. Wilson) said yesterday that women intending to assist should report to the office of the Fremantle City sub-branch of the R.S.L Town Hall Buildings. (reference)


1921 - 1923: Brown, Andrew

1924: Rooke, Mrs. Margaret

1925: Vacant

1926 - 1940: Wilson, Herbert Gladstone

1940 - 1949: Wilson, Herbert G.

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117 Petra Street

117 Petra Street (map)


Interwar Bungalow w Federation Influences


1944 Electric Iron and set enamel saucepans, reasonably good order. Write Mrs. Kemp, 117 Petra-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1945 Death on February 28, at his residence, Keith Arthur, dearly loved eldest son of Mrs. Kelly and the late Arthur Anderson, and loved step-son of William Kelly (117 Petra-street). (reference)

1946  Slazenger all white Racquet, condition new. 88/ new price, take £2/15/. 117 Petra-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1947 Lost black and white Collie cross Pup, six months, spotted feet, female. Reward. 117 Petra-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1950 Triumph 1959 Speed Twin, spring heel, £85. 117 Petra-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1950 Twin Cane rolled edge Pram, large wheels, £5. Ladies' tan riding boots, size 4, as new. 30/. Colleran, 117 Petra-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1953 Sharpie, Atlanta. 117 Petra-st., East Fremantle. (reference)


1926 - 1928: Wimshurst, Mrs. Sarah

1929 - 1940: Myers, Alfred

1940 - 1942: Conole, John

1942 - 1943: Kelly, William

1946 - 1949: Kemp, G.

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117 George Street


Federation Cottage Orné

No. 117 George Street is one of a seven attached residences. They are constructed in brick and rendered masonry designed in a rich rendering of the Federation Cottage Orné style. The houses are constructed in limestone and tuck pointed brick. They are divided by parapet walls and have gable roofs. The gables have elaborately decorative barges with applied oriel style niches and sculptures. The roofscape features tall chimneys with chimney caps. 


AIF 1915, Jarvis Daniel (Regimental number 4830) Occupation Labourer, 117 George Street, East Fremantle, Married, Age at embarkation 35. Next of kin Wife, Mrs J Jarvis.

1920 Accident. While working on a new building being erected in Essex-street, Fremantle, yesterday, Daniel Jarvis (41), of 117 George-street, East Fremantle; fell from a scaffolding on to the roadway some 30ft. below, sustaining injuries to his ribs and cuts on his head and arms. He was admitted to the Fremantle Hospital and detained for treatment. (reference)

1943 A small boy named Leonard Pumfrey (51/2), of Forrest street, East Fremantle, was playing on the top of a disused dry well in a paddock near his home this afternoon when he slipped and fell 75 ft. to the bottom. His plight was noticed and he was soon brought to the surface in the arms of a soldier who, to effect a rescue, was lowered down the well on a rope. (reference)


1913: Woodham, Albert W.

1914: Andrews, Alfred G.

1915: Archard, Henry

1916 - 1921: Jarvis, Daniel

1923 - 1925: Watson, Hartley John

1926: Bartley, Mrs Lucy

1927: Millen, John

1928: McCaughley

1929: Butler, T.

1930 - 1932: Foster, Norman

1933 - 1936: Pumfrey, John K.

1936 - 1937: Stiles

1937 - 1942: Barwise, Henry

1945 - 1947: Bird, William

1949: Bird, William



118 Marmion Street

118 Marmion Street (map)


Late Interwar, Bungalow Porch House w Arts & Crafts Influences

No. 118 (previously was no. 187) Marmion street is a single storey house constructed in brick and rendered brick with a hipped tiled roof. It is an expression of the Inter-War Porch style. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a thrust bay and a part width skillion roofed porch. The porch is supported stout piers. A masonry balustrade spans between the piers. The thrust bay features a bay window with casement windows. There is a central door flanked by a set of casement windows. The windows are double hung sashes with multi panes in the top sashes. The roofscape features a rendered chimney and finials. The lower walls are face brick and upper walls are rendered.


1928 To Let. Fremantle, 6 rooms, Carnac-st., 25/. Worley, Marmion-st., near Allen-st. Key with Rocke, agent. (reference)

1948 City of Fremantle Tennis tournament. F. Worley v Jenkins… (reference)

1948 The marriage of Thelma Joyce, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Williams, of 4 Rankin-road Shenton Park, to George Owen, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Worley, of 118 Marmion-street, East Fremantle will take place at Christchurch, Claremont today, at 5.30 p.m. (reference)


1921: Vacant

1922 - 1923: Carroll, James

1924 - 1949: Worley, Frederick Arthur

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119 Petra Street

119 Petra Street (map)


Inter-War w Arts & Crafts Influences

No 119 Petra Street is a single storey house constructed in brick and rendered brick with a hipped and gable tiled roof. It is an expression of the Inter-War Porch style. The front elevation is asymmetrically composed with a thrust gable bay and a part width skillion roofed porch. The porch is supported on timber posts set over masonry piers. The half-timbered gable bay features a set of casement windows under a tiled awning. There is a central door and hopper light flanked by a set of casement windows. An addition to the south replicates the style of the original residence. On the front facade the lower walls are face brick and the upper walls rendered. The roofscape features a rendered chimney.


1930 Swift Car single seater, good order and condition, take 3½  h.p. inclined engine, B.S.A., part payment. 119 Petra-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1931 Birth on January 26, at Nurse Bathgate's Private Hospital, Staton-road, East Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. E. Baker, of Petra street, East Fremantle—a son (Brian David). Both well. (reference)


1931 - 1932: Baker, Elwin

1933 - 1935: Scott, Mrs. L.

1935 - 1938: Neil, William

1938 - 1949: Luff, Thomas G.



119 George Street


Federation Cottage Orné

No. 119 George Street is one of a seven attached residences. They are constructed in brick and rendered masonry designed in a rich rendering of the Federation Cottage Orné style. The houses are constructed in limestone and tuck pointed brick. They are divided by parapet walls and have gable roofs. The gables have elaborately decorative barges with applied oriel style niches and sculptures. The roofscape features tall chimneys with chimney caps. 


1911 Dear Auntie Nell, I write to thank you for my prize, which duly reached its destination...I suppose you have seen the French warship Montcalm? I go to the Fremantle Boy's Central School now, having enrolled at that school after the holidays. The boy, James Patterson, who saved another boy's life received a medal on Tuesday for that heroic deed... Jack O’Brien, 119 George-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1911 Prize Essay On West Australian Wildflowers. Dear Auntie Nell, I see by Saturday's "Daily News" that you are offering prizes for the best essays submitted on the "Wild Flowers of Western Australia." I am going to try for one of those prizes: The wild flowers of Western Australia are many and famous. The West Australian everlasting is known all over Australia, New Zealand, and also part of England. Now is the time to take a walk through the bush. Innumerable wild flowers meet the gaze at every step... Jack O'Brien, aged 14, 119 George-street; East Fremantle... (reference)

1915 Honorary Mention for Recipe Madeira Cake: One heaped tablespoonful butter, ½ cup of sugar, 3 eggs, 1 cup flour, ½ cup ground rice, a few drops essence of lemon...Mrs. Best, 119 George-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1921 Death on July 1, at Hopetown Private Hospital, North Fremantle, Billy, the dearly beloved son of William and May Fletcher, of 119 George-street, East Fremantle, aged 15 days. (reference)

1928 Birth on October 16, at 119 George-street, Fremantle East, to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie H. Ritchie—a daughter (Merlyne Jean). (reference)


1910: Pope, Frederick

1911: Robinson, Mrs. M. A.

1912 - 1914: O'Brien, William J.

1915 - 1916: Best, Arthur R.

1917 - 1923: Fletcher, William

1924: Brooks

1926 - 1927: Olsen, Simon

1928 - 1929: Ritchie, Leslie

1930: Wallington, Eric

1931 - 1941: Harman, James

1945 - 1946: Clark, James

1947 - 1949: Fletcher, L.



120 Marmion Street

120 Marmion Street (map)


Late interwar, Bungalow Porch House 

No. 120 (previously was no. 180) Marmion street is a single storey house constructed in timber framing, weatherboards, brick and rendered brick with a hipped and gable tiled roof. It is an expression of the Inter-War Porch style. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a thrust gable bay. The west elevation features a series of timbered gables. The front facade features casement windows.


1925 Assault. Percy Russell was fined £1 with £3 2s 6d costs at the Fremantle Police Court yesterday for having on August 8 assaulted Cecil Ivan Jarvis, a tram conductor. Mr. L. Coleman prosecuted on behalf of the Fremantle Tramway Board. (reference)

1938 Assaults Tram Conductor. For having assaulted a tram conductor Edward George Taylor, a young man, was fined £3 with £3 7s costs in Fremantle Police Court today. Taylor admitted a charge of having assaulted Cecil Ivan Jarvis. Mr. F. G. Unmack, who prosecuted on behalf of the Tramway Board, said that about 7.45 p.m. on February 19 Taylor boarded an East Fremantle tram while it was in motion. He was carrying two bottles of beer, one of which dropped and smashed.Apparently incensed at his loss, counsel said, Taylor then went into the saloon of the tram, where Jarvis was collecting fares, and struggled with him. (reference)

1941 Reported Missing. Missing Private Herbert Ernest Stratton is a nephew of W. A. Trotting Association President J, Stratton. Private Stratton has a younger brother and three cousins in the A.I.F. in Australia waiting to go overseas. For six months before enlisting in the A.I.F. Private Stratton was a member of the militia forces, became known as a crack rifle shot. His father, Mr. H. E. Stratton of Palmyra, served with the 28th Battalion in the last War. (reference) 1942 Missing since the Battle for Crete, assumed by the military authorities to be dead, Private Herbert Ernest Stratton' has turned up in a prison camp in Crete. He was captured during the fighting for the island. (reference)


1921: Stratton, Herbert E. "Mirboo"

1922: Walters, Frederick B.

1923: Errington, Reginald Ralph

1924 - 1949: Jarvis, Cecil Ivan



121 Petra Street

121 Petra Street (map)


Inter / Post War Austerity Porch House Bungalow

No 121 Petra Street is a single storey house constructed in timber framing and fibrous cement cladding with a hipped tiled roof. The place was built by the Workers Home Board. It is an expression of the Inter-War Porch style. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a thrust bay and a flat roofed porch. The porch is supported on steel poles. The porch roof extends both north and south to act as sunhoods. The thrust bay features a set of casement and fixed light windows. There is a central door flanked by casement and fixed light windows.


1954 B.S.A. Bantam, good cond., £65 or offer. 121 Petra-st., East Fremantle. (reference)


1931 - 1942: Jarvis, Aubrey

1942 - 1949: Jarvis, Mrs. L.

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121 George Street


Federation Cottage Orné

No. 121 George Street is one of a seven attached residences. They are constructed in brick and rendered masonry designed in a rich rendering of the Federation Cottage Orné style. The houses are constructed in limestone and tuck pointed brick. They are divided by parapet walls and have gable roofs. The gables have elaborately decorative barges with applied oriel style niches and sculptures. The roofscape features tall chimneys with chimney caps. 


1915 Second prize is awarded to Mrs. B. H. Bennetts, 121 George-Street.East Fremantle, for hint How To Whiten Enamelware: Enamelled saucepans and dishes that have become discolored may be rendered beautifully white by boiling in water to which has been added a little common washing soda and a small packet of chlorate of lime. After boiling for half an hour, wash well in clean water, and the utensils will be like new, Mrs. R. H. Bennetts (reference) And Mrs. R. H. Bennetts for recipe Milk Jelly. (reference)

1918 Cronin, James reported wounded… (reference)

1936 Funeral. RS. and S.I.L.A.North-East Fremantle Sub-Branch. The Members of the above Sub Branch are respectfully requested to attend the Funeral of our late Member, Thomas Patrick Ryan, late 12th Battalion, A.IF. The Funeral is appointed to leave his late residence, 121 George-street, Fremantle… (reference)

1937 For rent: East Fremantle, 121 George-street: S.D. Brick, 3 rooms, kitchen and bathroom, 12/6 per week. (reference)


1910: Cronin, James

1912: Heard, Edgar S.

1913: Jarvis, Daniel

1914: Butler, Thomas

1915: Kirton, Gervase R.

1916 - 1920: Bennetts, Richard H.

1921: Jones, Evan W.

1922 - 1923: Morton, Maurice H.

1924: Hicks

1925: French, Victor

1926 - 1936: Ryan, Thomas

1936 - 1937: Ryan, Mrs. Bessie

1937 - 1938: Vacant

1938 - 1940: Fardig, Heinrick

1940 - 1944: Vacant

1945 - 1949: Chambers, Mrs



122 Marmion Street

122 Marmion Street (map)


Late Inter / Post War, Bungalow Porch House

No. 122 (previously was no. 191) Marmion street is a single storey house constructed in a rendered brick with a hipped tiled roof. It is an expression of the Inter-War Porch style. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a small arched porch and a polygonal thrust bay. The bay has replacement windows. The entry door is located under the porch and is flanked by sidelights. The roofscape features a tall brick chimney.


1919 Wedding on July 19, at the Methodist Church, Fremantle, by the Rev. Wesley Wellington, Percival Osborne Rosewarne (late 11th Battalion, and Boulder), eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Rosewarne, Kadina, South Australia, to Clara, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gunson, of Hazeldene, Holland-street, Fremantle. (reference)

1925 Mr. George Dymock, formerly chief warder of the Fremantle Gaol, passed away on the 20th instant, in the Fremantle Hospital, at the age of 71 years. The deceased, who was born in London, Eng., had resided in this State for the last 38 years. Since his retirement from the Prison Department, Mr, Dymock, in spite of his age, had been able to follow his former trade as a plasterer. He was well known in the Fremantle district, and was highly respected. Richmond Lodge No. 33, W.A.C., claimed him as an active member. The chief mourners were: Mrs. Mary Ann Dymock (wife), Messrs. Charles, Ernest, George and Albert Dymock (sons). Mesdames S. Miller, W. Schroeder, and H. Deatta (daughters), The superintendent of the gaol was represented bv Chief Warder Proud. (reference)

1927 An extremely pretty wedding was solemnised at the Bunbury Methodist Church on Wednesday evening, March 16th, when Lynette Dorathea, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Alex Clark was married to Ronald, only son of Mr and Mrs. W. Brothers, of Narrogin. (reference)

1928 Funeral. The Friends or the late Mr. Percival Osborne Rosewarne, of Kalamunda, and late of the A.I.F., are respectfully invited to .follow his remains to the place of interment, the Methodist portion of the Karrakatta Cemetery. T. B. Soldiers And Sailors' Association. The Members of the above Association are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of the late Percival Osborne Rosewarne. (reference)


1921 - 1923: Dymock, George

1924: Rosewarne, Percival O.

1925 - 1931: Clark, Alex J.

1932 - 1941: Clark, Alex J. & Clark, Mrs. Jane

1941 - 1943: Clark, Mrs. Jane

1944 - 1947: Clark, Mrs. Jane & Keenan, Mrs. Edith

1949: Clark, Mrs. Jane

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123 Petra Street



Interwar Bungalow w Federation / Arts & Crafts Influences

No 123 Petra Street is a single storey house constructed in brick and rendered brick with a hipped and gable corrugated iron roof. It is a fine expression of the Inter-War Porch style. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a thrust gable bay and a part width skillion roofed porch. The porch is supported on timber posts with post brackets. The half-timbered gable bay features a set of casement windows and hopper lights under a sunhood. A further verandah to the south flanks the gable bay. There is a central door flanked by sidelights.


1938 Tenders are Invited for the Purchase and 3 Napier-road. North Fremantle. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. A. E. Bulliard. 123 Petra-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1942 Death on April 22, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. A. E. Bulliard, 123 Petra-street, East Fremantle, Emma, dearly beloved wile of John Phillips, of 7 Dorothy-street, Fremantle, loving mother of Mable (Mrs T. Quigley), Irene (Mrs A. E. Bulliard) and Victoria (Mrs J. Downie); fond grandmother of Phyllis, Sam, Doreen, Daphne and Gwen Quigley, and Joyce, Bryan and Gilbert Bulliard; aged 74 years. (reference)

1948 Lost vicinity Petra-st., East Fremantle, December 31, girl's silver wrist Watch, dark strap. Finder please return 123 Petra-st. Reward. (reference)

1950 Man Hits His Daughter. When Joyce Lorraine Bulliard, of Petra-st, East Fremantle, intervened in a quarrel between her mother and father last night she was struck above the right eye. This was said in Fremantle Police Court today when lumper Albert Edward Bulliard (51) denied having assaulted his daughter. Miss Bulliard said that her mother had gone out to visit some friends. About 8 p.m. she and her father went out to meet her mother. He had been drinking but was not drunk. They met Mrs. Bulliard and on the way home an argument started between her and her husband. Miss Bulliard intervened and was abused by her father. When they arrived at the yard of their home, Bulliard struck his daughter. The Magistrate placed Bulliard on a £10 bond to be of good behaviour for three months, and ordered him to pay 7/ costs. (reference)


1929 - 1949: Bulliard, Mrs. Irene

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124 Marmion Street

124 Marmion Street (map)


Inter / Post War
Bungalow Porch House w 
Arts & Crafts Influences

No. 124 (previously was no. 193) Marmion street is a single storey house constructed in rendered brick with a hipped and gable corrugated iron roof. It is an expression of the Inter-War Porch style. The front facade is symmetrically planned with a central door flanked by a polygonal bay window and a double hung sash window. A particular feature of the house is its boarded gable and lattice vent at the top of the gable. The east elevation features sets of double hung sash windows.


1910 On board the Penguin are two of the late Pericles crew, they are R.W. Richards, who was a cook on the ill-fated boat, and Arthur Jeapes, a steward. They are both acting in these capacities on the Penguin and take their lot philosophically, although they have lost their all... (reference)

1931 Funeral. The Friends of the late Mr. Charles Joseph Merrin, late wharf manager of Bunge and Co., Ltd., Fremantle, and loving husband of Charlotte, and fond father of Maisie and Elma, are respectfully notified that his remains will be interred in the Church of England portion of the Fremantle Cemetery. (reference)

1934 Tonight Mr. Harry Walsh, who has been wharfinger and supervisor of Public Works here for some time, left on an overland trip for Perth, accompanied by his wife. Both Mr. and Mrs. Walsh are old identities of the North-West and Kimberleya Mr. Arthur Jeapes is acting, as wharfinger. (reference)


1921: Jennings, James D.

1922: Maher, William James

1923: Merrin, Charles Joseph

1924: Bossers, John

1925: Cant, Ernest George

1926 - 1928: Jeapes, Arthur

1929 - 1930: Baker, J.

1931 - 1932: Uttley, Mrs. Lillian

1933 - 1934: Tracey, George J.

1934 - 1941: Pickett, E. R.

1941 - 1949: Whitehead, Mrs. C. W.



125 Petra Street



Inter-War Bungalow w Arts & Crafts Influences

No 125 Petra Street is a single storey house constructed in brick and rendered brick with a hipped and gable corrugated iron roof. It is an expression of the Inter-War Bungalow style. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a full width return hip roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on timber posts with post brackets. The southern section of the return verandah has been enclosed. The front facade features a central gable over a set of casement windows. The entrance is located on the north elevation under the return verandah. The lower walls are face brick and the upper walls are rendered. The rear section of the building is rendered. The roofscape features a rendered chimney.


1932 Melville Hockey Club. Winning Number: 1107, W. Lane. Apply 125 Petra-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1937 Lost, Black Jantzen Bathers, between Leighton and Petra-st. Please return 125 Petra-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1951 Morris Minor Tourer, 16,000 miles, excellent appearance and cond. Apply Sat. afternoon. 125 Petra-st., East Fremantle. (reference)


1929 - 1949: Inster, Mrs. Mary E.

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125 George Street

125 George Street (map)


Early Federation / Georgian Domestic Carpenter


1924 Registration. 6189: Overland four, E. Chambers, 125 George-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1944 Missing Person. Neville (Robert Leslie), known as Bobby, aged now 17½ years, was by occupation a milk deliverer, about 5ft. 3in. in height, stout erect build, dark brown wavy hair, brown eyebrows, high forehead, blue eyes, ordinary nose, shows teeth, round smiling face, and round chin, fair complexion, did have pimples on face, was dressed in grey trousers, and navy blue coat with white stripes or small leather coat and brown elastic side boots when last seen. This lad is rather talkative. Telephone L1285 or 125 George Street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1948 Engagement. Jenny Rae, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Neville to Kenneth George William, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Comley, of 153 Hampton-road, South Fremantle. (reference)

1950 The following 28 families were granted occupancy of flats (converted army huts) by the State Housing Commission last month: A.J. Neville. (reference)

1950 Speeding Fine Robert Leslie Neville fined £5 in the Fremantle Traffic Court for a speeding offence. (reference)

1953 Engagement. The second-youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Neville, Laura, engaged to Jack Taylor. (reference)

February 2016, 125 George Street is an Asian Fusion restaurant called Barque. (reference)

April 2017, New restaurant Cook & Mason opens after Barque is closed. (reference)


1911 - 1912: Campbell, Miss Ada

1913: McCallum, Angus D.

1917: Ferridge, Mrs L. E.

1918: Ablett, Mrs Mary

1919: Grime, F. J.

1920: Holmes, George

1921 - 1922: Sowden, Roy

1923 - 1929: Chambers, Charles

1930: Dunning, William

1931 - 1934: Chambers, Charles

1934 - 1942: Chambers, Charles (butcher)

1942 - Neville, T. H.


127 Petra Street



Interwar Bungalow Porch House w Arts & Crafts Influences

No 127 Petra Street is a single storey house constructed in brick and rendered brick with a hipped and gable corrugated iron roof. The place was originally an expression of the Inter-War Porch style. The porch has been remodelled and extended north to become a carport for two vehicles. The porch roof has been modified to a hipped and gable roof. The porch is flanked by a thrust bay and is set on brick piers with a rendered balustrade. The thrust bay features a set of casement windows under a sunhood. There is a central door flanked by sets of casement windows. The lower walls are brick and the upper walls are rendered.


1929 Cyclists Seriously injured. About 9 o'clock last night a motor cycle ridden by Steven Anderson (22), of Point Walter-road Bicton, and a bicycle ridden by Robert Caird (14), of Petra-street, East Fremantle, collided in Fraser-street, East Fremantle: The riders we're thrown to the road, and the cycles badly damaged. Man and boy were taken to the Fremantle Hospital by the St-John ambulance. Anderson suffered from concussion and head injuries and Caird from a fractured right thigh and injuries to the left wrist and ear. Anderson's name was placed on the danger list, and early this morning Caird's condition was serious. (reference)

1938 Vehicle Registration: 2632, R. Caird, 127 Petra-st, East Fremantle, Norton. (reference)

1942 Chev Tourer, 1931 model, well shod. Apply 127 Petra-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1944  Found, a small brown Purse, containing money, outside seat at Queen-st., Fremantle, 5.30 pm. Friday. Apply Bulliard, 127 Petra-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1945 Lost, Leather Coat, near Esplanade 3 Hotel, Perth. Finder please communicate with R. Caird. 127 Petra-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1948 The marriage of Dorothea Jeanette, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Caird, of 127 Petra-street, East Fremantle, to Daniel Rees, of cor. Lefroy and Shephard streets, Hilton Park, will be solemnised at St. John's Church, Fremantle… (reference)

1949 Sand beige synthetic air dry Enamel, 4½ gals. 127 Petra-st., East Fremantle. (reference)

1954  Block, level, Castle Hill Estate, Milne-st., Ocean, river view. 92ft. frontage, £600 cash. 127 Petra-st., East Fremantle. (reference)


1929 - 1949: Caird, Alex

Petra 127.jpg


128 Marmion Street

128 Marmion Street (map)


Interwar, Bungalow Porch House w/ Arts & Crafts Influences

No. 128 (previously was no. 197) Marmion street is a single storey house constructed in brick and rendered brick with a hipped and gabled corrugated iron roof. It is an expression of the Inter-War Porch style. The place has been extensively modified. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a thrust gable bay and a series of verandahs. The verandahs are both hipped and skillion roofed. There is a central door flanked by sidelights and double hung sash windows. A series of gables run across the front facade.


1925 Disorderly. Charged in Fremantle Court with having been disorderly by creating a disturbance, Robert Edward Jones was fined £3 and costs. On a second charge, of having pointed a revolver, he was fined £2. (reference)

1930 Robert Edward Jones pleaded guilty to a charge of driving a motor car in a negligent manner in Quarry Street Fremantle, on January 30, when he was brought before magistrate Geary and Mr. Frank Rowe, J.P., on Tuesday last, at the Fremantle police court. (reference)

1924 T. A. Hitchcock One of the WA Football League a new central umpires. (reference)

1936 Horticultural Society Formation At Brunswick. Consideration was given to the conduct of an annual show and monthly exhibitions, at the Brunswick C.W.A. Rest Room on Wednesday evening, when a decision was arrived at to form the Brunswick and District Horticultural Society. For some months a move has been on foot among flower lovers in the district to form some association which would further their hobby. The election of officers resulted: President, Mr. T. A. Hitchcock; secretary… (reference)

1936 In the course of a recent lecture on the cultivation of carnations, the President of the Brunswick Horticultural Society (Mr. T. A. Hitchcock) said: "What are the best fertilisers or manures for carnations and how they should be applied. (reference)

1947 Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Hitchcock, 128 Marmion-street, East Fremantle have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their eldest daughter Norma Theresa to Wiliam Joseph, eldest son of Mrs. and the late Mr. M. J. Kennedy, 57 Rook wood-street, Mt. Lawley. (reference)

This marriage didnt occur and later in the year it was announced-

1947 The engagement is announced of Norma Theresa, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Hitchcock, 128 Marmion street, East Fremantle, to Edward George Morrison only son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Morrison, Muritai-street, Tahucanul Nelson, New Zealand. (reference)

1949 Mr. and Mrs. T. A.Hitchcock of 128 Marmion street, East Fremantle, wish to announce the engagement of their youngest daughter Alma Elisabeth, to Stan Elvin Goudie, only son of Mrs. Goudie, Wallasey, Cheshire, England. (reference)


1921: Vacant

1922: Vacant

1923: Jones, Robert Edward

1924 - 1946: Butcher, Frank Gunn

1947 - 1948: Hitchcock, T. A.

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128 George Street

128 George Street (map)


1921 For Sale. Houses etc, Geo. Taylor, Estate Agent, 128 George-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1931 Truck Registration. 24752: Alfred Steffanoni to Bullivant and Westwood, 128 George-street, East Fremantle, Reo truck. (reference)

1935 In the Fremantle Police Court yesterday the Magistrate (Mr. H. J. Craig, S.M.) inflicted fines totalling £45 on three men who admitted having kept common betting houses or places for betting last Saturday afternoon. Charles William Harry Cox (37), commission agent, was fined £20, with 10/ costs, in connection with premises at 85 George-street, East Fremantle; Frederick James McKenzie (27) clerk, was fined £15, with 10/ costs, for keeping premises at 62 Market-street, Fremantle; and John Harold Beattie (24), clerk, was fined £10, with 16/ costs, in connection with premises at 128 George-street, East Fremantle. (reference) 

1935 Betting Charges. Before Mr. H. J. Craig, BM.. and Mr. F. E. Gibson, JJ., in the Fremantle Police Court yesterday, William Alfred Sly (43), tobacconist, was fined £5. With 12/ costs, for having kept a common betting house at 112 High-street, Fremantle. Allen Gerald Madden (21), labourer, was fined £5, with 14/ costs, for having kept a betting house at 128 George-street, East Fremantle, and John Harold Beattie (24), clerk, was fined £5, with 3/ costs, for having assisted him. None of the defendants had been convicted before. (reference)

1938 Cyclist Injured. When the bicycle he was riding collided with a car at the corner of Henderson-street and South-terrace, Fremantle, about 6.30 p.m. yesterday, David Charles Carr (25), married, of 128 George-street, East Fremantle, received injuries to the right leg and was taken by a St. John ambulance to the Fremantle Hospital, where he was detained for observation. (reference)

1943 For having kept and used premises as common betting houses five men were each fined £5 in the Fremantle Police Court yesterday. The offenders were: Frank Willliam Barlow (39), clerk, premises at 39 Market-street, Fremantle (costs £1/016); Tom Bennett (40), clerk, premises at 128 George-street, East Fremantle... (reference)

1946 Walter Egbert Cowie (42), painter, of Palm-street, Palmyra, was fined £50 with £1/3/ costs in the Fremantle Police Court yesterday for having kept or used a common betting house at 128 George-street, East Fremantle. Constable E. Savage gave evidence of two visits to the premises last Saturday afternoon. On each occasion he made a bet with the accused. Sgt. W. Harvey prosecuted. (reference)


1918: Knox, Frederick, (contractor)

1919: Vacant

1920: Knox, Frederick

1921: Taylor, George (house and land agent)

1922: Jarvis, Daniel

1923: Hart, M. J. (fuel)

1924 - 1925: Briggs, H. E. (fuel)

1926: Saunders, Arthur C. W. (fuel)

1927 - 1928: Viles, Frank (fuel) & Timper, Leonard

1929: Anderson, John H. (fuel), Vacant

1930: Dixon (fuel)

1931: Dixon (fuel) & Postins, Mrs. Mary A.

1932: Dixon, (fuel)

1933 - 1934: Morton, Mrs.

1934 - 1935: Robinson, J.

1935 - 1936: Madden, Allan (tobacconist)

1936 - 1938: Armanasco, William (tobacconist)

1938 - 1944: Schofield, Haw (tobacconist)

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130 Marmion Street

130 Marmion Street (map)


Inter / Post War, Bungalow Porch House w Arts & Crafts Influences

No. 130 (previously was no. 199) Marmion street is a single storey house constructed in rendered brick with a hipped and gable tiled roof. It is an expression of the Inter-War Porch style. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a gable thrust bay and a part width skillion roofed verandah. The gable bay features a bay window and an arched opening. The entry door is located through the archway. The front facade features replacement windows. 


1907 Seven Youths. Roy Bentick, Ralph Hunter, George Williams, Harold Jackson, Samuel Hunter, George Osborne, and Arthur Calhaun, seven well-dressed lads, whose ages averaged 16 years, were charged with having made use of obscene language at Riverside-road; East Fremantle… (reference)

1911 Poem The Shooting Star. For the Worker. (By Ralph Hunter) (reference)

1915 Whispered that there is an epidemic of coldfeetites amongst the Fremantle tramway boys, which accounts for the fact that so far they hold the record for not volunteering for service at the front. To date only two of their number—Ralph Hunter and George Errington—both drivers, have joined the colors (reference)

1915 The following letter and postcard were received last week from Harry Simmonds and Morgan Edwards—Abbisiah Camp, Egypt...You can tell Lionel McKenzie that I have one one the Fremantle tramway boys in the same tent as I am in- Ralph Hunter. (reference) (see AIF entry under his parents address 5 Preston Point Road)

1919 Mr. Ralph Hunter, tram chauffeur, is "twenty-one to-day." Last night a host of his friends who believe in grabbing Time by the beer lock forgathered at the Burlington Private Hostel in Packenham street, where Ralph hangs out, and gave him an excessive-speed time. Mr. Jim Johnson, of Harbor Trust engineering fame, was same age a few days ago, and his friends coalesced with those of Ralph, and made last night's celebrations a double event. Toasts, speeches, songs, recitations, and Instrumental items followed each other like nags chasing the Melbourne mug. During the evening Mr Hunter, who before he took on tram-steering was skating instructor at the Olympia Skating Rink, gave an exhibition with chalked rollers on the balcony, performing the difficult feat writing the names, ages, and birthday dates of himself and Mr. Johnson on the boards. "Won' g'home morning," "Oul Lang Shine," "Jolly goo'f'lers," add "Shave the King" concluded a very happy evening. (reference)

April 1919 Fremantle Effort. In connection with the Fremantle portion of the (Returned Services Alliance) R.S.A. appeal the public are taking very great interest in the "most popular tramway conductor competition." A large voting board has been placed outside the Town Hall. Mr. J. Willis has asked of those competing to send in their progressive reports to Miss Glasson, East Fremantle, to enable the votes to be placed on record. To-morrow (Thursday) evening, in the East Fremantle Town Hall, a social and dance will be held in the interests of Mr. Ralph Hunter. (reference)

1923 Hunter (nee Nell Caddy). At their residence, ‘Langman’, Marmion-street, East Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hunter—a daughter (Norma Joy). Mother and child well. (reference)

1927 Birth on January 6, at Hillcrest, North Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hunter, of Langman, Marmion-street, East Fremantle—a son (Ross Allan). Mother and child well. (reference)

1929 Death on August 13, James, dearly beloved husband of Louisa Hunter, of 23 Preston Point-road, East Fremantle (now 5) , and loving father of Mary (Mrs. A. E. Frape), Sarah (Mrs. F. G. Richardson), Myrtle (Mrs. L. C. Calf), Lydle (Mrs. J. Walker) and James, John, Ralph and Sam Hunter; aged 73 years... On August 13, at Preston Point-road, East Fremantle, James, dearly beloved father of Ralph, father-in-law of Nellie, grandfather of Norma, Ross and Ralph, of Marmion-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1936  Some Recollections By Alec S. Souter...Ralph Hunter is the next man under review and he is one of the most popular men on the job, both with the public and his mates. He is another returned soldier who saw some queer sights and had some pleasant and unpleasant experiences over in France. Him, I know pretty well and when any information is desired on my part he is the man I go to. Ralph can give you the history of Fremantle as well as anybody it has been my lot to meet. He is one of those steady-going chaps it is hard to ruffle, and one with whom you can enjoy a talk at any time. (reference)

1945 The engagement is announced between Norma Joy, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hunter, of 130 Marmion Street, East Fremantle, and Ronald Leslie (R.A.A.F. Morotai), third son of Mrs. J. Carter the late Mr. J. T. Carter, of 7 Charles Street, Bunbury. (reference)

1948 Engagement. Ronda Marie, youngest daughter of Mrs. J. Davey and the late Mr. A. Davey of 109 Victoria-street, Mosman Park, to Ross Allan, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hunter, of 130 Marmion street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1950 The engagement is announced of Bethel Mary, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy, Violet-street, Mosman Park, to Ralph Maxwell, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hunter, East Fremantle. (reference)

1951 Pearl Wedding. Hunter: The Daughter and Sons of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hunter, of East Fremantle, wish to announce the 30th Anniversary of their parents' Wedding. solemnised at Wesley Church, South Fremantle. Oct. 1, 1921. (reference)


1921: Vacant

1922 - 1951: Hunter, Ralph

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131 Petra Street



Interwar Bungalow Porch House w Federation Influences

No 131 Petra Street is a single storey house constructed in brick and rendered brick with a gable tiled roof. It is an expression of the Inter-War Porch style. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a thrust gable bay and a part width hip roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on Tuscan columns sitting on square piers. The gable bay features a set of casement windows under a sunhood. There is a centrally located front door which is flanked by casement windows.


1934 East Fremantle.—Brick residence, Petra street, £732 (for R. Ashton); additions to premises, Canning-road (Hart's Garage); additions to residence, Fraser-street, £110 (S. Payne). (reference)

1951 Death on Aug. 12, suddenly, Joan, beloved wife of Arthur Ritchie, of 135 Petra-street, East Fremantle, loving mother of Dennis, and loved daughter of Roger and Annie Aston (East Fremantle); aged 24 years.  ...The Funeral will leave the residence of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Aston, 131 Petra-street, East Fremantle... (reference)


1935 - 1949: Ashton, Rod

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132 George Street

132 George Street (map)


Federation Simple Free Classical

No 132 George Street is a fine single storey shop constructed in rendered masonry with a hipped roof behind a classically derived parapet wall. The shop is designed as an end block building. The facade is symmetrically planned with a central door flanked by authentic display windows. The central door is the shop entrance and is recessed in an Ingo. The openings are under a bullnosed roofed verandah supported on timber posts. At the rear of the shop is what remains of the attached residence.


1920 Albert Wilkie Innes, who died aged 35 on 8th February 1920, left his estate (amount not specified) to his wife Ellen Louisa Innes. (reference)

1921 Breaches of Factories and Shop Act.: For having failed to observe the rules of the Factories and Shop Act Ellen L. Innes...was fined 10s. each with 3s. costs. The breech of regulations was that of having failed to close premises at the specified hour. (reference)

1926 Fancy Dress Carnival. An ‘Ellen Innes’ attended the Fancy Dress Carnival at The Midland Junction Trades Hall on 29 July 1926 in a ‘lettuce leaf dress, carrot trimming and radish head band.’ (reference)


1916 - 1920: Taylor, George (grocer)

1921 - 1924: Innes, Mrs. Ellen L. (fruiterer)

1925 - 1926: Nissen, Morris (store)

1927 - 1943: Robinson, Thomas (store)

1944: Robinson, Thomas (grocer)

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