93 Hubble Street

93 Hubble Street (map)


Federation / Interwar, Domestic Carpenter Villa

No 93 (previously known as No 171) Hubble Street is a single storey house constructed in timber framing and fibrous cement cladding with a hipped corrugated iron roof. It is a Federation Bungalow that is undergoing restoration works. The place is asymmetrically planned with full width return broken back roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on square timber posts. The verandah has been partially enclosed with timber framing and glazing. A vertical timber balustrade is fitted between posts on the north facade. The entry door is located along the side of the house. There is a central set of casement windows on the front facade. Rendered steps go from the garden to the verandah.


1929 Motorcycle registration. 4690: Ronald Fisher to James Howie 175 Hubble-street, East Fremantle-Indian. (reference)

1935 At the annual meeting of the East Fremantle Bowling Club on September 9 the following office bearers were elected for the ensuing year: Patron, Mr. E. Blythe; president. Mr. J. Dickenson; vice-presidents, Messrs. J. Inverarity, W. Davison and Simpson; Delegate to W.A.B.A. Mr. W. Davison; auditor, Mr. W. Knox; treasurer, Mr. O. Kernick; recorder, Mr. W. Chambers; Press correspondent, Mr. J. Howie; secretary, Mr. W. Lane. Pier-street. East Fremantle. (reference)

1938 Following are the East Fremantle Bowling Club's teams: Div. I: Howie. (reference)

1939 Women’s Finals. Finals of the singles, pairs and fours of the West Australian Ladies' Bowling Association were played yesterday on the Cottesloe green before a large crowd of women bowlers. The singles and pairs titles went to the East Fremantle club and the Maimed and Limbless Soldiers' Auxiliary won the fours title for the second year. The singles final was won by Mrs. Kernick (East Fremantle) from her clubmate, Mrs. Howie. (reference)

1945 Children’s Club. Hullo New Members. Beryl Howie (93 Hubble-street, East Fremantle), Welcome to "The Mail" Junior, Beryl, I have entered your name in the Birthday Book. Many thanks for your donation to the Silver Chain. I have forwarded you a badge. Thank you for the poem, which I shall try and use when space permits. (reference)

1950 John Henry Billings (52), of Murray-st., Perth, received concussion and lacerations to the face when he was.knocked down by a car driven by James Howie, of Hubble-street, East Fremantle, in Canning-highway, Como, yesterday evening. Mr. Howie told the police that he was driving south along Canning-highway behind a bus... (reference)

1951 Women’s Bowls. Championship singles. Wednesday. 10th January, commencing 11.30 a.m. East Fremantle green (umpire Mrs. Howie)... (reference)


1929 - 1951: Howie, James (previously at 97 Hubble St 1925-1932)

Hubble 93.jpg


93 Canning Highway

93 Canning Highway (map)


No. 93 Canning Highway is a single storey house constructed in brick with a hipped ‘M’ format, corrugated iron roof. It is a simple expression of the Federation Bungalow style. The front elevation is symmetrically planned with a centrally located front door flanked by bay windows. The facade features a full width, bull-nosed roofed verandah on turned timber posts, with curved frieze boards over a timber floor. Steps lead down to the garden. 


1901 Birth on June 15, at Canning-road, East Fremantle, the wife of A. P. Hamilton of a son. (reference)

1911 Fourth prize goes to Mrs. Hamilton, 93 Canning Road, East Fremantle, for recipe of Cape Gooseberry Pudding. (reference)

1912 Funeral. The Friends of Mr. Alexander P. Hamilton, J. P., of High-street, Fremantle, are respectfully invited to follow the remains of his late dearly beloved son, George Maxwell, to the place of interment, the Church of England portion of the Fremantle Cemetery. The funeral is appointed to leave his residence, No. 93 Canning-road, East Fremantle. (reference) 

1933 Engagement. Mr. and Mrs. W. Dethridge, of Clotilde street, Mt Lawley, announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Nance, to Frederick Austin, second son of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Johnston, of Canning-road, East Fremantle. (reference)

1934 Midland Junction Butchers Fined... McDonough said that he purchased the sausages from W. O. Johnston and Sons, of Canning-road, East Fremantle, and they were manufactured by Behns, Ltd., Perth. (reference

1934 Wagon Registration: 19366, Mr. W. Johnston, 93 Canning-road, East Fremantle, Ford. (reference)

1944 Death of Patrick Laidler (Flt-Sgt, RAAF), killed on April 14; loved nephew of Jessie Young, and much-loved cousin of Tully (AIF), Betty and Pat (93 Canning-road, East Fremantle). Loved by all. (reference)

“When we lived at 97 Canning Highway from 1951 to 1959, the Corbetts lived in Number 93 Canning Highway for most of that time. I recall them moving to Bicton in the latter part of that decade. I remember Laurie and Ken Corbett - sons. A rear laneway off King Street provided access to 97, 95 and 93. At some stage the Corbetts had some bricks delivered. The driver had to unload the bricks by hand - no palletts in those days - and he wore 'gloves' made from truck tyre tube.”

Bruce Thorpe bandgthorpe72@gmail.com

2022: The combined lands (91, 93 and 95 Canning Highway) are surrounded by Canning, Stirling, St.Peters & Sewell (Sts, Rd, Hwy) and in 2022 are subject to a DA application to redevelop the entire site with an apartment & commercial building: 95 apartments, 1,200m2 of commercial space and 1,700m2 of Public Open Space. This will be a major transformation of the site and be highly prominent on the East Fremantle landscape as it is also a gateway/landmark site for traffic entering the Fremantle precinct from the North. Rob Turner


1910: Hamilton, Alex (Hamilton & Co)

1911 - 1923: Hamilton, Alex P., J.P. (H & Co)

1924: Ferguson, Archibald

1925 - 1930: Maru, Alexander

1931 - 1935: Johnston, William O.

1937 - 1938: Harris, Albert R.

1939 - 1942: Boult, John

1944 - 1949: Young, Mrs. Jessie

1951 to 1959- Corbetts (sons Laurie and Ken)

2000s- Roofing 2000

2011 owner Simon Turner

9-8-07 View S 93 Canning Highway.jpg


93 Sewell Street

93 Sewell Street (map)


Late Federation / Post War/ Federation / Art Moderne

No. 93 (previously was no. 185) Sewell street is a pair of single story houses constructed in rendered brick with a hipped tiled roof. Its foundation is a duplex in the Federation Bungalow style that was extensive adapted in the in the Inter-War period. A garage has been introduces at the lot boundary of No 93. Masonry retaining walls and concrete steps have been introduced to both properties. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with different concrete verandahs to each side of the party wall. The verandahs are supported on masonry piers and walls. The verandah to No 93 has stepped parapets which gives the place its Inter-War Functionalist style characteristics. The entry doors are offset equally from the party wall and are flanked by casement windows.


1908 Messrs Harry Wilson and Co. will offer for sale by public auction at 185 Sewell-street, East Fremantle, a choice assortment of household furniture… (reference)

1909 The Friends of Mr. James Hollis, of Sewell-street, East Fremantle, are respectfully invited to follow the remains of his late beloved daughter, Jessie Lorine, to the place of interment the Anglican portion of the Fremantle Cemetery. (reference)

1934 Birth on June 2, at 185 Sewell-street, East Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson—a daughter. (Cynthia June). (reference)

1949 War Service Homes. ...S. B. Fossilo, 93 Sewell-street, East Fremantle… (reference)


1909 - 1910: Hollis, John

1911: Walters, Albert

1912 - 1914: Forrester, James

1915 - 1916: Bryant, Mrs. A.

1917 - 1918: Lyon, Robert I.

1919 - 1920: Dittmer, George

1921 - 1923: Devlin, George

1924: Barrow, Charles

1925: Fox, Thomas

1926 - 1932: Neughar, Mrs. Mabel

1933 - 1934: Vacant

1934 - 1936: Nicholson -

1936 - 1938: Mills, Walter

1939 - 1940: White, James E.

1938 - 1942: Mears, Charles H.

1942 - 1949: Fossilo, G.