162 Marmion Street

162 Marmion Street (Map)


Inter / Post-War, California Bungalow

No. 162 (previously was no. 235) Marmion street is a single-storey house constructed in rendered brick with a hipped and gable corrugated iron roof. It is an expression of the Inter-War California Bungalow style. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a thrust bay and a part-width gabled porch. The porch is supported on masonry piers. A balustrade spans between the piers. The thrust bay features a set of casement windows. There is a central door flanked by sets of casement windows.


1942 Death on May 23, at Fremantle Hospital, Patricia Hazel, dearly beloved only child of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Warren, of 162 Marmion-street, East Fremantle: aged 2 years 9 months. A little bud in heaven. (reference)


1939 - 1949: Warren, William J.


162 Canning Highway

162 Canning Highway (map)


No 162-172 Canning Highway is a set of single storey shops constructed in rendered masonry with skillion metal deck roofs. The roofs are skillion roofs behind a rendered parapet wall. It is a good example of the Federation Free Classical style. The place is a set of six shops with a full width, return skillion roofed awning. The awning is suspended off the front facade. A parapet wall extends above the awning. Parts of the parapets are treated with classical entablatures. All shops retain stall boards and some retain ingoes indented entries. The majority of the shopfronts have authentic metal-framed windows and highlights.


1918 Brown Leghorns and R.I. Reds, Settings, 5s.; Chicks, 1s.; Cockerels, 7s. 6d.; Muscovy Settings, 3s.; Ducklings, 1s. Inquire Baldry, greengrocer, corner Canning-rd. and Victoria-rd. East Fremantle. (reference)

1921 For Sale, Cutting Cart. Emery Bros., Butchers, Canning-rd., East Fremantle. (reference)

1923 For Sale, new set Sulky Harness, also Sea-grass Go-cart, good as new. Mrs. Emery, c.o. Emery Bros., Canning-rd., East Fremantle. (reference)

1935 Fancy-work of all descriptions is obtainable from Misses G. and R. Gay, dressmakers, of 162 Canning-road, East Fremantle. A number of lines are advertised in this issue. Wearing apparel for ladies and children is also made at reasonable prices. (reference)


1910: Hatch, Miss. F.

1913: Machin, Ernest

1914: Bateman, John

1915: Donovan, Edward

1916 - 1917: Donovan, Mrs. C.

1918 - 1920: Baldry, Leslie

1921 - 1923: Emery Bros. (butchers)

1924 - 1926: Stafford, Mrs. Ann

1927 - 1928: Vacant

1929 - 1932: Thomson, Mrs. D. (dressmaker)

1933: Jones, J. (bootmaker)

1934 - 1935: Gay, Mrs. A. M. (dressmaker)

1936 - 1937: Vacant

1938 - 1942: Chester, Harry (bt representative)

1944 - 1949: Byers, Reginald (bt representative)

31-10-06 162&164 Canning Highway.jpg