Federation Cottage Orné
107 - 121 George Street is a fine single storey shop and seven attached residences. They are constructed in brick and rendered masonry designed in a rich rendering of the Federation Cottage Orné style. The shop is designed as a corner shop with a pediment over the door. While the front part of the shop is in tuck pointed brick the remainder is constructed in limestone with brick quoins. The houses are constructed in limestone and tuck pointed brick. They are divided by parapet walls and have gable roofs. The gables have elaborately decorative barges with applied oriel style niches and sculptures. The roofscape features tall chimneys with chimney caps.
1939 Builders. Tenders are invited For Additions, Alterations, Renovations to 107, 109, 111, 113, 115, 117, 119, 121 George-street. East Fremantle, for Allen and Nicholas. F.R.LA., W.A. Architects, 11 Henry-street, Fremantle. (reference)
Courtesy of the Town of East Fremantle Heritage Trail, Artist: Miles Noel
“Comprises a corner shop & 7 terrace residences with distinctive tall capped chimneys. The street’s namesake, George Pearse, arrived in WA in 1829.”