72 Irwin Street

72 Irwin Street (map)


Interwar, Bungalow Porch House

No 72 Irwin Street is a single storey house constructed in painted brick and rendered brick house with a hipped and gable tiled roof. It is an expression of the California Bungalow style. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a thrust gable bay and a gabled verandah porch. The porch is supported on masonry piers. A masonry balustrade spans between the piers. The gable bay features a set of casement windows under a tiled awning. There is a central door flanked by sets of casement windows. There is a sleep out on the side of the house.


1930 Birth on June 3, at Hillcrest, Harvest-road, North Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. Payne, of 72 Irwin-street East Fremantle—a daughter. Both well. (reference)

1935 Lost. White Cockatoo, Tuesday night, from 72 Irwin-st, East Fremantle. Ring FM2015; reward. (reference)

1936 Truck Registration. 3883: Richards Bros., Irwin-street, Fremantle, Dodge. (reference)

1938 Truck Registration. 21003: Richards Bros., 72 Irwin-street. East Fremantle. Dodge Truck. (reference)

1941 “We cannot afford to change from Dodge” -say Fremantle cartage contractors. Richards Bros. (reference)

1941 Situations Vacant. Truck Driver wanted, used to brick and sand carting. Richards Bros., 72 Irwin-st., East Fremantle. Phone L1615. (reference)

1942 Bankruptcy. Mr. G. J. Boylson yesterday conducted an inquiry into the transactions of an undischarged bankrupt named Nelson Stevens...Strang, examined by Mr. Reilly. Said that last November he engaged Stevens, by a written contract, to carry out additions to a building in View-terrace, East Fremantle. Stevens made no disclosure of the fact that he was an undischarged  bankrupt. While working on the East Fremantle job he ordered considerable quantities of building materials from Harris Scarfe and Sandovers. Ltd...On December 24 witness informed Strang that he would be unable to finish the job, as he expected to be called up for military service. Strang said that he would complete the job himself and would pay for all materials...To Mr. Reilly: Richards Bros., when supplying bricks, sand and blue-metal for the job were informed by witness that he was an undischarged bankrupt... (reference)

1945 Work of Sergeant W. H. Bee who acted as Australian representative for P.O.W. in Stalag 344 was such that some of the men consider his work should have been officially recognised. Ex-P.O.W., Mr. G. E. Richards, of 72 Irwin Street, East Fremantle, has asked the Daily News to place on record his appreciation of the splendid work done by Sergeant Bee. "Sergeant Bee worked 12 hours a day on his job. He had the confidence and sincere respect of every Australian there,'' said Mr Richards "For doing far less, others have since received promotion or distinction in other ways...While we all know that Sergeant Bee worked with no thought or wish for promotion, many of us who know his sterling work, wonder at times just how these affairs are arranged...For meritorious service to his fellow P.O.W., he comes easily first of anyone I know. It is to be regretted that his splendid and unselfish services have not been officially recognised." (reference)

1946 Social Notes. In honour of Mrs. E. Parkinson, wife of the retiring Superintendent of Postal Services, Mrs. J. G. Kilpatrick entertained a number of friends to tea at the June Elizabeth last Wednesday. During the afternoon a presentation was made to Mrs. Parkinson. Among the guests were Mesdames G. E. Richards... (reference)

1947 Toodyay Tattles. By Poppy. Holidaying at the Victoria Hotel are Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Richards. Mr. Richards is the Accountant for West Australia for the Postmaster General's Department. (reference)

1951 Engaged. W. C. Richards, of 72 Irwin street, East Fremantle. have much pleasure in announcing the engagement of their only daughter, Joan, to William Jackson, twin son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Sumpton, Pt. Walter-road, Bicton. (reference)

1954 Motor Vehicles. Morris 8/40 1937 roadster, L1615. 72 Irwin-st., East Ftle. After 5 p.m. (reference)


1929 - 1930: Fitzpatrick, Michael J.

1931 - 1949: Richards, William

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