65 Dalgety Street

65 Dalgety Street (map)


Inter-War / Bungalow Porch House w Georgian Influences

No 65 Dalgety Street is a single storey house constructed in rendered brick with a hipped and gable tiled roof. It is a fine expression of the Inter-War Bungalow style. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a full width return hip roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on timber posts with a fretwork frieze. The front facade features casement windows. The entry door is on the north elevation under the return verandah. It has a centrally located front door that is flanked by windows. The roofscape features rendered chimneys.


1917 See Illustration Farrier W. H. Nelmes, 10th Light Horse (Ill in Egypt, Wife resides at Williams) (reference)

1924 If you are thinking of buying a car do not fail to get particulars concerning the Overland. W. Nelmes, Agent, Shacks Garage Service Station, 59 Adelaide-street, Fremantle. (reference)

1925 The Adams Motor Co. recently offered a gold watch to the agent who sold most cars, Overland or Willys Knight. We have pleasure in announcing that Mr. W. H. Nelmes, of Fremantle, has obtained the prize, having sold 40 Overland cars, apart from his other transactions, in twelve months. (reference)

1931 Birth on February 17, at their residence, 65 Dalgety-street, East Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Joyce—a daughter (Winifred Mae). Both well. (reference)

1933 Petrol Prices. Case of the Service Station Owners (To The Editor) Sir.—I would be pleased if you would find space in 'The Daily News' to put before the public the case for the service station proprietor in the trouble over the reduction in the price of petrol. It seems to me that the oil companies have given very little consideration to the retailer in the matter—in fact they don't seem to care much how he survives...Many Free Services I have to keep an attendant, pay rent for the pumps, rent for the property, electric light to advertise the oil companies' products and pump up the tyres of the motorists with free air so that they can drive off with the petrol I have sold at no benefit to myself...I am in the garage business because of a war disability. If I were still able to follow my pre-war occupation I would not for one moment remain where I am. The average service man cannot afford to be a philanthropist, yours, etc. W. H. Nelmes, Barker-road, Subiaco Service Station. (reference)

1937 The funeral of the late Mr. W. H Nelmes of 11 Woodville-street, North Perth, loving husband of Mrs. Dolly Nelmes, and fond father of Rhona, took place on Thursday last... Born in Victoria 54 years ago, the late Mr. Nelmes came to this State in his early boyhood and by his genial disposition won a large circle of friends in sporting and business interests...Among those present were Messrs. A. Doust (Willys-Overland Club) (reference)

1949 Man’s Collapse. After collapsing at a trotting meeting at Richmond Park, East Fremantle, about 8.30 o'clock last night, Gordon Virgo (61), of Dalgety-street, East Fremantle, was taken in a St. John ambulance to the Fremantle Public Hospital and detained for observation. (reference)

1951 Death Gordon Mark Virgo, dearly beloved husband of Cis Virgo, of 65 Dalgety-street, East Fremantle, loving pop of Jack, Allen and George, aged 59 years. (reference)...The Friends of the late Mr. Gordon Mark Virgo, late of the Commercial Hotel, High-street. Fremantle, formerly of the 11th Battalion, 1st A.I.F. are respectfully informed that his remains will be interred in the Church of England portion of the Fremantle Cemetery… In fond remembrance of my loving husband. Goodnight pal… dearly beloved brother of Ida…Will always remember you, dear brother…A tribute to the memory of our esteemed Trustee and Life Member…inserted by the Executive of West Australian Barmaids and Barmen's Union of Workers, Perth… (reference)


1920 - 1926: Nelmes, William Henry

1927 - 1928: Mellor, H. J.

1929 - 1930: Nelmes, William Henry

1931 - 1938: Joyce, Horace L.

1938 - 1940: Hoar, John

1940 - 1947: Madden, George

1949: Madden, Mrs Edith

1949 - 1951: Virgo, Gordon Mark

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