52 Sewell Street

52 Sewell Street (map)


Federation / Domestic Carpenter Cottage

Was 112 Sewell St pre 1939


1922 Carnarvon Divorce Case. In the Divorce Court yesterday before Mr. Justice Burnside Hans Jepson Villiani Pluschke, aerated water manufacturer of Carnarvon, petitioned for a dissolution of his marriage with Jane PIuschke on the ground of her adultery with George Jones. labourer, of Carnarvon, who was cited as co-respondent… The petition set out that the petitioner was married to the respondent in Wesley Church, Fremantle on October 1, 1902 and nine years later they went to Carnarvon where they lived together until November 10, 1919. There were no children of the marriage. On November 10, 1919 respondent left the petitioner and went to live with the co-respondent at the latter's camp on Babbage Island near Carnarvon. She continued to live with the co-respondent on the island until March 28, 1921, when she left Carnarvon with him on board the ss.Charon.

The respondent in her reply accused the petitioner of having habitually treated her with great cruelty and unkindness. He frequently punched and kicked her, blackened her eyes and bruised her body. On one occasion in 1912 at Carnarvon he stood over her with a razor in his hand and threatened to cut her throat. Throughout the marriage the petitioner habitually used coarse, obscene, violent and insulting language. To the respondent and on numerous occasions he threatened 'to blow her brains out’. The petitioner bad for four years and upwards been an habitual drunkard and during the period from 1912 to 1919 he frequently neglected to provide the respondent with adequate and reasonable maintenance. On or about November 7, 1919 petitioner seized respondent by the throat and attempted to choke her and when he was restrained by the co-respondent he ordered the respondent out of his house. By reason of petitioner's misconduct respondent was compelled to leave him on November 10, 1919, and since then she had lived apart from him... The respondent asked that she should be given a dissolution of her marriage. (reference)

Petitioner deposed that he and his wife had adopted two children; a boy, now aged 17 years, and a girl aged 7. He and his wife lived happily while at Fremantle. They had a quarrel during that time about a letter written to respondent by a man. They 'patched it up' and subsequently went to Carnarvon. Another quarrel occurred, this time concerning a Chinaman with whom petitioner considered respondent was becoming too intimate. She became acquainted with the Chinese by being friendly with some half -caste girls. As a result of the 'row,' his wife left Carnarvon in company with the Chinaman. Later she wrote saying that the Chinaman was ill-treating her, and petitioner arranged for her to return... (reference)


1910: Wright, Herbert

1911 - 1912: Pluschke, Hans

1913 - 1949: Stoddart, James L.