4 East Street

4 East Street (map)


Late Victorian / Early Federation / Domestic Carpenter

No. 4 ((previously was no. 16) East street is a duplex constructed in timber framing and jarrah weatherboard cladding with a hipped corrugated iron roof. It is a good expression of the Federation Bungalow style applied to a duplex. The facade features a skillion roofed verandah on timber posts. The verandah extends the full width of the house with a frieze at the tops of the posts. The adjoining 8-10 East Street residences are identical.


1906 In Memoriam. In loving remembrance of my dear daughter, Maggie, who departed this life at 16 East-street, Fremantle, on October 9, 1905. Loved by all who knew her. A precious one from as is gone, A voice we loved is stilled, A place is vacant in our home, Which never can be filled.—Inserted by her sorrowing mother and sisters, Mrs. McInnes. (reference)

1908 Rorty Old Rees ...The charge against them was that of having conspired to procure a woman for the purpose of prostitution. And the most horrible feature of the case is that the woman was the wife of the muchly monnickered Devenish. He is a young man of about 25, with a wealth of reddish hair. For some considerable time he was a porter at the Fremantle railway station...Letter written by J. E. Devenish. On January 18 the muchly named Devenish was arrested on the charge upon which he was committed for trial. The next day his wife wrote the following letter to him in gaol: 16 East-street, E. Fremantle, My Dear Husband,.. (reference)

1909 News And Notes. …The Oratorical Efforts of a Married Couple.—Yesterday morning Emma Farrant and Walter Farrant, a married couple, pleaded not guilty at the Police Court, Fremantle, when a charge of having disturbed the peace of their immediate neighbourhood by the use of obscene language was read against them…Both parties gave evidence in denial, of the charge, pleading that they were not swearing as stated when the constables arrived, but were merely "sitting together on the back doorstep at 1 a.m., having a sing-song." In cross examination neither of the pair could off-hand recall the words nor yet the melody, and an unsympathetic Bench imposed a collective penalty… (reference)

1910 Was She Kissed? The Married Woman And The Married Man Engage In Conversation. A natty little woman named Emma Farrant stepped into the box at the Fremantle Police Court this morning, and before Mr. E. P. Dowley, pleaded not guilty to having, on Saturday last, solicited for the purposes of prostitution. She bore the remains of youthful winsomeness, and was dressed in black, save a light scarlet scarf, thrown round her neck. Constable Richardson stated that he saw accused accosting men in South Terrace, on Saturday afternoon last, and she proceeded up Henderson street with one of them. Voice from the body of the court: 'Here's a particular friend of mine. He was the one who was talking to her… read the rest of the story here; (reference)

1913 Loitering. Two frayed females named , Lilly Crocker and Emma Farrant were charged with having loitered in High street for immoral purposes. Crocker pleaded not guilty, and Farrant guilty. Both were old offenders. Crocker was sent to gaol for 14 days and Farrant was awarded a similar penalty. (reference)

1939 Lockjaw Victim. Boy’s Life in Danger. Although little hope is felt for his recovery every effort is being made to save the life of Norman Grove (4), of East street, Fremantle. His name has been on the danger list at the Fremantle Hospital since his admission on Friday afternoon suffering from lockjaw, the result of a tetanus infection in his right foot. The boy sustained a cut on his foot several days ago and later complained of a stiffness in his jaw. The stiffness rapidly became worse. Yesterday. although quite conscious, he was unable to speak as his jaws were completely locked and the child could merely gaze in silence about him in the ward. Late last night his condition was reported to be unchanged. When the boys mother died two years ago he became a favourite with all his neighbours and many inquiries have been received about him at the hospital. "He is a lovely little fellow," declared one of the doctors at the hospital, "and he has become the idol of everyone." (reference)

1954 Transfer Of Land Act, Notice is hereby given that… it is intended on the 10th August next to issue in the name of Bridget Wrlghtson of 16 East-street, East Fremantle. Widow a new Certificate of Title to the land described below, the duplicate Certificate of Title having. As is alleged, been lost or destroyed. (reference)


1907: Ryan, S.

1909: Farrant, Walter.

1912: Myers,Harry.

1913: Ebbs, William.

1914: Holtz, Rudolph.

1915: Schroder, William.

1916 - 1937: Groves, Henry.

1937 - 1938: Groves, Mrs Jessica.

1938 - 1949: Bird, Charles.
