172 Canning Highway

172 Canning Highway (map)


No 162-172 Canning Highway is a set of single storey shops constructed in rendered masonry with skillion metal deck roofs. The roofs are skillion roofs behind a rendered parapet wall. It is a good example of the Federation Free Classical style. The place is a set of six shops with a full width, return skillion roofed awning. The awning is suspended off the front facade. A parapet wall extends above the awning. Parts of the parapets are treated with classical entablatures. All shops retain stall boards and some retain ingoes indented entries. The majority of the shopfronts have authentic metal-framed windows and highlights.


1911 I, Adelaide Charlotte Deviesseux, of Fremantle, being the licensee of the Australian Wine Licence, at the corner of Victoria and Canning roads, East Fremantle, do hereby make application for a transfer of the rights and privileges of the Australian Wine Licence of wine made in the State of Western Australia, held by me in respect of the said premises to Nellie Fisher… (reference)

1914 I, Maria Tyson, being the Licensee of the house and premises at Victoria and Canning roads, do hereby make application for a transfer of the rights and Privileges of the Australian Wine Licence held by me in respect of the said premises, to Emanuel Economos… (reference)

1918 Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore subsisting between Emanuel John Economos and John Malanos, carrying on business as Fruiterers, at 116 High-street, Fremantle, under the style or firm of Economos and Malanos, has been dissolved by mutual consent as from the 20th day of August… (reference)

1926 Strayed from Yard. Bay Pony, rat tail, brand PJ6, near side, dark brown patch on rump, white spot behind near ear. W C. Parsons, Grocer, East Fremantle... (reference)

1931 Butter Substitute. Sold As Dairy Butter. While a customer was making a purchase of what she believed to be butter, at the shop of Adelaide Hobson... an inspector walked in and wished to buy a packet of the mixture. "Oh, no; that's not for you," said the vendor, but the inspector had wide powers under the Act and he seized upon the so-called butter which had been handed to the customer. It was a result of this incident that Adelaide Hobson was the defendant in the Fremantle Police Court, on Saturday morning when she was summoned for selling a food which was not of the quality and substance demanded... (reference)

1932 Marion Thurston… "You will see by my address that we have moved from Nornalup to East  Fremantle. Daddy has a shop down here and I have to help him, so it does not give me much time to write to you. I have a new—member her name is Shirley Hickey and she lives at Walpole Inlet, via Nornalup." (I am very glad to have Shirley for a little niece, Marion, I have sent her calendar, etc.—Aunt Mary). (reference)


1911 - 1912: Deviesseux, Mrs. A. C. (store)

1913 - 1915: Tyson, Mrs. Maria (store)

1916 - 1918: Economos, Emmanuel J. (store)

1919 - 1920: Easton, Mrs. Minnie (confr)

1921: Vacant

1922 - 1924: Stanbury, William Henry (stre)

1925: Smiths Stores; Miss. L. E. Smith

1926 - 1928: Cressie, David, (grocer)

1929 - 1930: Hobson, Mrs. Martha (grocer)

1931 - 1932: Hobson, M. L. (grocer)

1933 - 1934: Thurston, M. F. (grocer)

1934 - 1936: Ryan, Thomas A. (grocer)

1936 - 1942: Parsons, W. C. (grocer)

1943 - 1946: Vacant

1947 - 1949: Cressie, D. A. (grocer)

25-5-06 View WNW 172 Canning Highway.jpg