JOHNSTON, William James, Sapper, 11th Battalion

Rank: Sapper

Regimental Number: 5114

Place of Birth: -

Address: Perth, Western Australia

Next of Kin: Brother, G Johnston

Enlistment Date: 4 November 1915

Unit Name: 11th Battalion, July 1916 Reinforcements

Age embarkation: 40

Marital Status: Single

Occupation: Carpenter/Pearler

Date of Death: -

Place of Burial: -

Links: -

WRAY, William James, Gunner, Heavy Artillery Group 36

Rank: Gunner

Regimental Number: 1223

Place of Birth: Strabane, Co Tyrone, Ireland

Address: Arthur's Head, Fremantle, Western Australia

Next of Kin: Wife, Rosie Wray

Enlistment Date: 18 October 1917

Unit Name: Heavy Artillery Group 36, Reinforcement 17

Age embarkation: 23

Marital Status: Married

Occupation: Soldier

Date of Death:

Place of Burial:
