CHAMPION, William Augustus, Private, 44th Battalion

Rank: Private

Regimental Number: 2519

Place of Birth: Newcastle New South Wales

Address: 92 King Street(WW1: 172), East Fremantle, Western Australia

Next of Kin: Wife, Mrs Catherine Mary Champion

Enlistment Date: 21 February 1916

Unit Name: 44th Battalion, 5th Reinforcement

Age embarkation: 35

Marital Status: Married

Occupation: Labourer

Date of Death: -

Place of Burial: Fremantle Cemetery, Western Australia



William Champion married Catherine Mary Duggan in 1910.

Enlisted 21 February 1916. Returned to Australia 1917.

Died on the 22 January 1921 from “Phthisis Pulmonalis” and “Virium Defectio”. He was 39 years old.

Had 172 King street, 54 Hubble Street and 3 James Street as listed address in the soldier records. Confirmed Resident of 3 James Street, Fremantle: 1913 - 1916