WRIGHTSON, Roy James, Private, 11th Battalion

Rank: Private

Regimental Number: 2853

Place of Birth: Fremantle, Western Australia

Address: 34 East Street (20 East Street today), East Fremantle, Western Australia

Next of Kin: Mother, Mrs H Wrightson

Enlistment Date: 28 June 1915

Unit Name: 11th Battalion, 9th Reinforcement

Age embarkation: 24

Marital Status: Single

Occupation: Labourer

Date of Death: 30 May 1916

Place of Burial: Rue-Petillon Military Cemetery, Fleurbaix, Bethune, Nord Pas de Calais, France.



Son of Mrs Harriet Wrightson of 34 East St, East Fremantle, WA.

Mother widowed so entitled as next of kin. She received his pension. No record of any illnesses, misdemeanours, or disciplinary actions. Training done in Egypt was killed within 1 month of arriving in France.

Family/military connections

WRIGHTSON, Sydney Douglas, Private, 5th Pioneer Battalion — Streets of East Freo

Arthur Harry WRIGHTSON (2860) Private, 48th Battalion, killed in action, 12 October 1917.

A massive column in the Family Notices dedicated to Roy Wrightson or “Nugget” by Family and Friends who loved him. The Western Australian 30 May 1917.

WRIGHTSON.—In sad but loving- memory of my dear son, Private Roy James ("Nugget"), B. Company. 11th Battalion, killed in action in France, May 30. 1916.

In the bloom of life, death claimed him,
In the pride of his manhood days;
None knew him. but to love him,
None mentioned his name, but with praise.
So one who knew him need ever be told
A warmer -heart death never made cold,
His loving ways, and smiling face,
There's none can fill my dear son's place

—Inserted by his loving mother, H. Wrightson.

WRIGHTSON.—A loving tribute to the memory of our dear brother. Private Roy James ("Nugget"). B. Company, 11th Battalion killed in action in France on May 30, 1916. Greater love hath no man than this.

—Inserted by his brothers Harry, Syd, and Tom (on active service).

WRIGHTSON.— In loving memory of Roy James ("Nugget"). of 11th Battalion, killed in action in France on May 30, 1916. Ever Remembered.

—Inserted by his loving brother and sister-in-law Alf. and Annie Wrightson, and nephews Keith and Gordon.

WRIGHTSON.—In "loving memory of our dear brother, Private Roy James' ("Nugget"), of

11th Battalion, killed in action in France, May 30, 1916.

One year, it is sad to recall.
It is a day of remembrance to all;
So sudden, on us our sorrow fell,
To part with our dear one we loved so well.

—Inserted by his loving sister and brother-in law, Hetty and Frank Hills.

WRIGHTSON.—In loving memory of our dearest brother, Private R. J. ("Nugget") Wrightson

B. Company. 11th Battalion, killed in action, France, May 30, 1916.

A hero who will ever be
His country's boast and pride;
He shouldered. his gun in honour's cause.
And in the battle died.

—Inserted by his loving sister and brother-in-law Hilda and Jim Lambe.

WRIGHTSON,—In loving memory of Roy James (Nugget), who fell in France May 30, 1916,
while fighting for freedom and Honour. Far away from those who loved him,

Comrades laid him down to rest.
A noble hero, true and brave,
Peacefully sleeping in a soldier's grave.

—Inserted by his sorrowing siter and brother-in-law, A and G Harnett

WRIGHTSON—In loving memory of our dearest grandson and nephew, Private R. J. Wrightson ("Nugget"). B Company. 11th Battalion, Killed in action in France, May 30, 1916

We think of you in silence, dearest Nugget,
Your name we often recall,
But there is nothing left for us to love,
But your photo on the wall

—Inserted by his loving grandmother and uncle Jack Graves.

WRIGHTSON.—In loving memory of Private Roy James ("Nugget"). B Company, 11th
battalion. A.I.F., killed in action in France May 30, 1916. Until the day breaks, and the shadows flee away.

—Inserted by his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Knox, and cousins Elsie. Bib, and Veen.

WRIGHTSON.—A tribute to the memory of our late valued comrade, Nugget, who fell in the execution of his duty as a unit of the 11th Battalion, in France, May 30 1916.

—Inserted by the East Fremantle Football Club.

WRIGHTSON.—A tribute to the memory of our dear friend, Roy James ("Nugget") Wrightson of the 11th Battalion, killed in action in France on May 30. 1916.

A hero who will ever be
His country's boast and pride;
He shouldered his gun in honour's cause
And in the battle died.

—Inserted by his friends Mrs. Curran and family, and mate Lol on active service, France).

Fought with the brave, his life he gave,
And now he rests in a soldier's grave.

—Inserted by his friends Mr and Mrs. Douglas, and Mona.

WRIGHTSON.—In loving memory of our dear nephew and cousin, Roy James ("Nugget")

Wrightson, killed in action in France, May 30, 1916.

—Inserted by R. Graves and family.

WRIGHTSON.—In loving memory of Private R. J. ("Nugget") Wrightson, killed in action in France, May 30, 1916. His duty done.

—Inserted by his friend, Dolly McAuley.

WRIGHTSON.—In loving memory of our dear comrade, R. J. ("Nugget'") Wrightson, who
was killed in action in France on May 30- 1916.

One of the whitest, one of the best.
Dear old comrade, peacefully rest.

—Inserted by his mates at the front. Tom Frank, Lol Curran. Joe Baker, Bill Clarke, Dick Wallis, Scotty Weedon, Ern Newson, and Ern Riley.

WRIGHTSON.—In fond remembrance of our dear old mate, R. J. ("Nugget") Wrightson.

who was killed in action in France on May 30, 1916.

He sleeps not in his native land,
But under foreign skies;
Far from those who loved him,
In a hero's grave he lies.

—Inserted by "The Birds."

WRIGHTSON.—In fond remembrance of our dear friend, R. J. ("Nugget") Wrightson who was killed in action in France on May 30, 1916.

He rose, responsive to his country's call,
And gave for her his best, his life, his all.

—Inserted by Mr. and Mr. Frank Flindell and family.

WRIGHTION.-- tribute to the memory of Private Roy Wrightson ('Nugget"), who was killed in action somewhere in France on May 30, 1916, He was a good sport And fought the great fight.

—Inserted by his friends, Graham and Hilda Vivian, Palmyra.