BROWN, Henry Groundsell, Private, 32nd Battalion

Rank: Private

Regimental Number: 1401

Place of Birth: East Fremantle

Address: 10 East Street(WW1: 22), East Fremantle, Western Australia

Next of Kin: Wife, Mrs Amelia Brown

Enlistment Date: 26 July 1915

Unit Name: 32nd Battalion, D Company

Age embarkation: 24

Marital Status: Married

Occupation: Horse driver

Date of Death: 3 November 1966

Place of Burial: -

Links: -


Born into a large family of 12 children. His siblings included: Ernest (1888), Frances (1892), Ivy (1895), Eva (1886), Mabel (b & d 1897), Thomas (1898-1947), George(1901-1968), Vera (1903), Stanley (1905), James ‘Jim’, Albert, and Edna. His mother was Mary Ann Thompson and father Thomas Groundsell Brown. Brother George Edward Groundsell Brown, worked as a Lumper and played a role in the famous Fremantle wharf riot of 1919, he was the first man injured in the troubles (reference). Thomas’s enlistment record, National Archives 1918 (reference).