BAKER, John, Private, 10th Light Horse Regiment

Rank: Private

Service Number: 1155

Place of Birth: Western Australia (2 March 1896)

Address: Sewell St, East Fremantle

Next of Kin: Grandmother, Mrs Mary Ann Jarvis

Enlistment Date: 21 June 1915

Unit Name: 10th Light Horse Regiment

Age at Embarkation: 19

Marital Status: Single

Occupation: Farm hand

Returned: 2 January 1919

ALLBEURY, James George, Private, 46th Battalion

Rank: Private

Service Number: 3113

Place of Birth: Perth, Western Australia

Address: 84 Duke St (180 Duke St WWI), East Fremantle, Western Australia.

Next of Kin: Father, Spencer Charles Allbeury (38 Sewell Street(WW1: 88), East Fremantle)

Enlistment Date: 22 November 1916

Unit Name: 46th Battalion, 8th Reinforcement

Age at Embarkation: 18

Marital Status: Single

Occupation: Printers Devil


His Father was a resident of 38 Sewell Street.
1911 - 1916: Allbeury, Charles or Albury
1918 - 1921: Allbeury, Spencer C.

38 Sewell St

84 Duke St