LUNT, John Nigel, Private, 44th Battalion Machine Gun Section

Rank: Private; Lance Corporal, 07/10/1917; Corporal, 20/12/1917

Regimental Number: 906

Place of Birth: Melbourne Victoria

Address: 332 Mandurah Road(WW1), South Fremantle, Western Australia

Next of Kin: Mother, Mrs Lily Greet

Enlistment Date: 07/02/1916

Unit Name: 44th Battalion Machine Gun Section

Age embarkation: 21

Marital Status: Single

Occupation: Clerk

Date of Death: 2 August 1983

Place of Burial: Cheltenham Cemetery, 933 Port Road, Adelaide, South Australia


RUTHERFORD, Richard Henry, Lance Corporal, 44th Battalion Machine Gun Section

Rank: Lance Corporal

Regimental Number: 912

Place of Birth: Nhill, Victoria

Address: 93 Market Street(WW1), Fremantle, Western Australia

Next of Kin: Wife, Mrs Florence May Rutherford

Enlistment Date: 6 January 1916

Unit Name: 44th Battalion Machine Gun Section

Age embarkation: 24

Marital Status: Married

Occupation: Engine fitter

Date of Death: -

Place of Burial: -

Links: -

FRASER, Alfred, Private, 44th Battalion Machine Gun Section

Rank: Private

Regimental Number: 922

Place of Birth: Aberdeen Scotland

Address: 32 Hubble Street(WW1: 60), East Fremantle, Western Australia

Next of Kin: Mother, Mrs Elizabeth Fraser

Enlistment Date: 10 January 1916

Unit Name: 44th Battalion Machine Gun Section

Age embarkation: 28

Marital Status: Single

Occupation: Fireman

Date of Death:

Place of Burial:
